123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196 |
- #!/usr/bin/env bash
- # netdata
- # real-time performance and health monitoring, done right!
- # (C) 2016 Costa Tsaousis <costa@tsaousis.gr>
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
- #
- # Script to find a better name for cgroups
- #
- export PATH="${PATH}:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin"
- export LC_ALL=C
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PROGRAM_NAME="$(basename "${0}")"
- logdate() {
- date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
- }
- log() {
- local status="${1}"
- shift
- echo >&2 "$(logdate): ${PROGRAM_NAME}: ${status}: ${*}"
- }
- warning() {
- log WARNING "${@}"
- }
- error() {
- log ERROR "${@}"
- }
- info() {
- log INFO "${@}"
- }
- fatal() {
- log FATAL "${@}"
- exit 1
- }
- debug=0
- debug() {
- [ $debug -eq 1 ] && log DEBUG "${@}"
- }
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DOCKER_HOST="${DOCKER_HOST:=/var/run/docker.sock}"
- CGROUP="${1}"
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if [ -z "${CGROUP}" ]
- then
- fatal "called without a cgroup name. Nothing to do."
- fi
- for CONFIG in "${NETDATA_USER_CONFIG_DIR}/cgroups-names.conf" "${NETDATA_STOCK_CONFIG_DIR}/cgroups-names.conf"
- do
- if [ -f "${CONFIG}" ]
- then
- NAME="$(grep "^${CGROUP} " "${CONFIG}" | sed "s/[[:space:]]\+/ /g" | cut -d ' ' -f 2)"
- if [ -z "${NAME}" ]
- then
- info "cannot find cgroup '${CGROUP}' in '${CONFIG}'."
- else
- break
- fi
- #else
- # info "configuration file '${CONFIG}' is not available."
- fi
- done
- function docker_get_name_classic {
- local id="${1}"
- info "Running command: docker ps --filter=id=\"${id}\" --format=\"{{.Names}}\""
- NAME="$( docker ps --filter=id="${id}" --format="{{.Names}}" )"
- return 0
- }
- function docker_get_name_api {
- local id="${1}"
- if [ ! -S "${DOCKER_HOST}" ]
- then
- warning "Can't find ${DOCKER_HOST}"
- return 1
- fi
- info "Running API command: /containers/${id}/json"
- JSON=$(echo -e "GET /containers/${id}/json HTTP/1.0\r\n" | nc -U ${DOCKER_HOST} | grep '^{.*')
- NAME=$(echo $JSON | jq -r .Name,.Config.Hostname | grep -v null | head -n1 | sed 's|^/||')
- return 0
- }
- function docker_get_name {
- local id="${1}"
- if hash docker 2>/dev/null
- then
- docker_get_name_classic "${id}"
- else
- docker_get_name_api "${id}" || docker_get_name_classic "${id}"
- fi
- if [ -z "${NAME}" ]
- then
- warning "cannot find the name of docker container '${id}'"
- NAME="${id:0:12}"
- else
- info "docker container '${id}' is named '${NAME}'"
- fi
- }
- if [ -z "${NAME}" ]
- then
- if [[ "${CGROUP}" =~ ^.*docker[-_/\.][a-fA-F0-9]+[-_\.]?.*$ ]]
- then
- # docker containers
- DOCKERID="$( echo "${CGROUP}" | sed "s|^.*docker[-_/]\([a-fA-F0-9]\+\)[-_\.]\?.*$|\1|" )"
- if [ ! -z "${DOCKERID}" -a \( ${#DOCKERID} -eq 64 -o ${#DOCKERID} -eq 12 \) ]
- then
- docker_get_name "${DOCKERID}"
- else
- error "a docker id cannot be extracted from docker cgroup '${CGROUP}'."
- fi
- elif [[ "${CGROUP}" =~ ^.*kubepods[_/].*[_/]pod[a-fA-F0-9-]+[_/][a-fA-F0-9]+$ ]]
- then
- # kubernetes
- DOCKERID="$( echo "${CGROUP}" | sed "s|^.*kubepods[_/].*[_/]pod[a-fA-F0-9-]\+[_/]\([a-fA-F0-9]\+\)$|\1|" )"
- if [ ! -z "${DOCKERID}" -a \( ${#DOCKERID} -eq 64 -o ${#DOCKERID} -eq 12 \) ]
- then
- docker_get_name "${DOCKERID}"
- else
- error "a docker id cannot be extracted from kubernetes cgroup '${CGROUP}'."
- fi
- elif [[ "${CGROUP}" =~ machine.slice[_/].*\.service ]]
- then
- # systemd-nspawn
- NAME="$(echo ${CGROUP} | sed 's/.*machine.slice[_\/]\(.*\)\.service/\1/g')"
- elif [[ "${CGROUP}" =~ machine.slice_machine.*-qemu ]]
- then
- # libvirtd / qemu virtual machines
- # NAME="$(echo ${CGROUP} | sed 's/machine.slice_machine.*-qemu//; s/\/x2d//; s/\/x2d/\-/g; s/\.scope//g')"
- NAME="qemu_$(echo ${CGROUP} | sed 's/machine.slice_machine.*-qemu//; s/\/x2d[[:digit:]]*//; s/\/x2d//g; s/\.scope//g')"
- elif [[ "${CGROUP}" =~ machine_.*\.libvirt-qemu ]]
- then
- # libvirtd / qemu virtual machines
- NAME="qemu_$(echo ${CGROUP} | sed 's/^machine_//; s/\.libvirt-qemu$//; s/-/_/;')"
- elif [[ "${CGROUP}" =~ qemu.slice_([0-9]+).scope && -d /etc/pve ]]
- then
- # Proxmox VMs
- FILENAME="/etc/pve/qemu-server/${BASH_REMATCH[1]}.conf"
- if [[ -f $FILENAME && -r $FILENAME ]]
- then
- NAME="qemu_$(grep -e '^name: ' "/etc/pve/qemu-server/${BASH_REMATCH[1]}.conf" | head -1 | sed -rn 's|\s*name\s*:\s*(.*)?$|\1|p')"
- else
- error "proxmox config file missing ${FILENAME} or netdata does not have read access. Please ensure netdata is a member of www-data group."
- fi
- elif [[ "${CGROUP}" =~ lxc_([0-9]+) && -d /etc/pve ]]
- then
- # Proxmox Containers (LXC)
- FILENAME="/etc/pve/lxc/${BASH_REMATCH[1]}.conf"
- if [[ -f ${FILENAME} && -r ${FILENAME} ]]
- then
- NAME=$(grep -e '^hostname: ' /etc/pve/lxc/${BASH_REMATCH[1]}.conf | head -1 | sed -rn 's|\s*hostname\s*:\s*(.*)?$|\1|p')
- else
- error "proxmox config file missing ${FILENAME} or netdata does not have read access. Please ensure netdata is a member of www-data group."
- fi
- fi
- [ -z "${NAME}" ] && NAME="${CGROUP}"
- [ ${#NAME} -gt 100 ] && NAME="${NAME:0:100}"
- fi
- info "cgroup '${CGROUP}' is called '${NAME}'"
- echo "${NAME}"