Kavenegar as service for software developers, based in Iran, provides send and receive SMS, calling voice by using its APIs.
Will look like this on your Android device:
You will need:
Set them in /etc/netdata/health_alarm_notify.conf
(to edit it on your system run /etc/netdata/edit-config health_alarm_notify.conf
), like this:
# Kavenegar (kavenegar.com) SMS options
# multiple recipients can be given like this:
# "09155555555 09177777777"
# enable/disable sending kavenegar SMS
# to get an access key, after selecting and purchasing your desired service
# at http://kavenegar.com/pricing.html
# login to your account, go to your dashboard and my account are
# https://panel.kavenegar.com/Client/setting/account from API Key
# copy your api key. You can generate new API Key too.
# You can find and select kevenegar sender number from this place.
# Without an API key, Netdata cannot send KAVENEGAR text messages.