anomalies.conf 637 B

  1. # raise a warning alarm if an anomaly probability is consistently above 50%
  2. template: anomalies_anomaly_probabilities
  3. on: anomalies.probability
  4. class: Errors
  5. type: Netdata
  6. component: ML
  7. lookup: average -2m foreach *
  8. every: 1m
  9. warn: $this > 50
  10. info: average anomaly probability over the last 2 minutes
  11. # raise a warning alarm if an anomaly flag is consistently firing
  12. template: anomalies_anomaly_flags
  13. on: anomalies.anomaly
  14. class: Errors
  15. type: Netdata
  16. component: ML
  17. lookup: sum -2m foreach *
  18. every: 1m
  19. warn: $this > 10
  20. info: number of anomalies in the last 2 minutes