From the Cloud interface, you can manage your space's notification settings and from these you can add specific configuration to get notifications delivered on a webhook using a predefined schema.
To add discord notification configurations you need
A webhook integration allows your application to receive real-time alerts from Netdata by sending HTTP requests to a specified URL. In this document, we'll go over the steps to set up a generic webhook integration, including adding headers, and implementing different types of authorization mechanisms.
A webhook integration is a way for one service to notify another service about events that occur within it. This is done by sending an HTTP POST request to a specified URL (known as the "webhook URL") when an event occurs.
Netdata webhook integration service will send alert notifications to the destination service as soon as they are detected.
The notification content sent to the destination service will be a JSON object having these properties:
field | type | description |
message | string | A summary message of the alert. |
alarm | string | The alarm the notification is about. |
info | string | Additional info related with the alert. |
chart | string | The chart associated with the alert. |
context | string | The chart context. |
space | string | The space where the node that raised the alert is assigned. |
family | string | Context family. |
class | string | Classification of the alert, e.g. "Error". |
severity | string | Alert severity, can be one of "warning", "critical" or "clear". |
date | string | Date of the alert in ISO8601 format. |
duration | string | Duration the alert has been raised. |
critical_count | integer | umber of critical alerts currently existing on the same node. |
warning_count | integer | Number of warning alerts currently existing on the same node. |
alarm_url | string | Netdata Cloud URL for this alarm. |
When setting up a webhook integration, the user can specify a set of headers to be included in the HTTP requests sent to the webhook URL.
By default, the following headers will be sent in the HTTP request
Header | Value |
Content-Type | application/json |
Netdata webhook integration supports 3 different authorization mechanisms:
In mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) authorization, the client and the server authenticate each other using X.509 certificates. This ensures that the client is connecting to the intended server, and that the server is only accepting connections from authorized clients.
To take advantage of mutual TLS, you can configure your server to verify Netdata's client certificate. To do that you need to download our CA certificate file and configure your server to use it as the
This is the default authentication mechanism used if no other method is selected.
In basic authorization, the client sends a request with an Authorization header that includes a base64-encoded string in the format username:password. The server then uses this information to authenticate the client. If this authentication method is selected, the user can set the user and password that will be used when connecting to the destination service.
In bearer token authorization, the client sends a request with an Authorization header that includes a bearer token. The server then uses this token to authenticate the client. Bearer tokens are typically generated by an authentication service, and are passed to the client after a successful authentication. If this method is selected, the user can set the token to be used for connecting to the destination service.