123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258 |
- // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
- #include "rrd.h"
- // calculated variables (defined in health configuration)
- // These aggregate time-series data at fixed intervals
- // (defined in their update_every member below)
- // They increase the overhead of netdata.
- //
- // These calculations are stored under RRDHOST.
- // Then are also linked to RRDSET (of course only when a
- // matching chart is found).
- typedef enum {
- RRDCALC_FLAG_DB_NAN = (1 << 1),
- // RRDCALC_FLAG_DB_STALE = (1 << 2),
- RRDCALC_FLAG_FROM_TEMPLATE = (1 << 10), // the rrdcalc has been created from a template
- typedef enum {
- // This list uses several other options from RRDR_OPTIONS for db lookups.
- // To add an item here, you need to reserve a bit in RRDR_OPTIONS.
- struct rrdcalc {
- STRING *key; // the unique key in the host's rrdcalc_root_index
- uint32_t id; // the unique id of this alarm
- uint32_t next_event_id; // the next event id that will be used for this alarm
- uuid_t config_hash_id; // a predictable hash_id based on specific alert configuration
- STRING *name; // the name of this alarm
- STRING *chart; // the chart id this should be linked to
- STRING *exec; // the command to execute when this alarm switches state
- STRING *recipient; // the recipient of the alarm (the first parameter to exec)
- STRING *classification; // the class that this alarm belongs
- STRING *component; // the component that this alarm refers to
- STRING *type; // type of the alarm
- STRING *plugin_match; // the plugin name that should be linked to
- SIMPLE_PATTERN *plugin_pattern;
- STRING *module_match; // the module name that should be linked to
- SIMPLE_PATTERN *module_pattern;
- STRING *source; // the source of this alarm
- STRING *units; // the units of the alarm
- STRING *original_info; // the original info field before any variable replacement
- STRING *info; // a short description of the alarm
- int update_every; // update frequency for the alarm
- // the red and green threshold of this alarm (to be set to the chart)
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // database lookup settings
- STRING *dimensions; // the chart dimensions
- STRING *foreach_dimension; // the group of dimensions that the `foreach` will be applied.
- SIMPLE_PATTERN *foreach_dimension_pattern; // used if and only if there is a simple pattern for the chart.
- RRDR_TIME_GROUPING group; // grouping method: average, max, etc.
- int before; // ending point in time-series
- int after; // starting point in time-series
- RRDCALC_OPTIONS options; // configuration options
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // expressions related to the alarm
- EVAL_EXPRESSION *calculation; // expression to calculate the value of the alarm
- EVAL_EXPRESSION *warning; // expression to check the warning condition
- EVAL_EXPRESSION *critical; // expression to check the critical condition
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // notification delay settings
- int delay_up_duration; // duration to delay notifications when alarm raises
- int delay_down_duration; // duration to delay notifications when alarm lowers
- int delay_max_duration; // the absolute max delay to apply to this alarm
- float delay_multiplier; // multiplier for all delays when alarms switch status
- // while now < delay_up_to
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // notification repeat settings
- uint32_t warn_repeat_every; // interval between repeating warning notifications
- uint32_t crit_repeat_every; // interval between repeating critical notifications
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Labels settings
- STRING *host_labels; // the label read from an alarm file
- SIMPLE_PATTERN *host_labels_pattern; // the simple pattern of labels
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // runtime information
- RRDCALC_STATUS old_status; // the old status of the alarm
- RRDCALC_STATUS status; // the current status of the alarm
- NETDATA_DOUBLE value; // the current value of the alarm
- NETDATA_DOUBLE old_value; // the previous value of the alarm
- RRDCALC_FLAGS run_flags; // check RRDCALC_FLAG_*
- time_t last_updated; // the last update timestamp of the alarm
- time_t next_update; // the next update timestamp of the alarm
- time_t last_status_change; // the timestamp of the last time this alarm changed status
- time_t last_repeat; // the last time the alarm got repeated
- uint32_t times_repeat; // number of times the alarm got repeated
- time_t db_after; // the first timestamp evaluated by the db lookup
- time_t db_before; // the last timestamp evaluated by the db lookup
- time_t delay_up_to_timestamp; // the timestamp up to which we should delay notifications
- int delay_up_current; // the current up notification delay duration
- int delay_down_current; // the current down notification delay duration
- int delay_last; // the last delay we used
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // variables this alarm exposes to the rest of the alarms
- const RRDVAR_ACQUIRED *rrdvar_local;
- const RRDVAR_ACQUIRED *rrdvar_family;
- const RRDVAR_ACQUIRED *rrdvar_host_chart_id;
- const RRDVAR_ACQUIRED *rrdvar_host_chart_name;
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // the chart this alarm it is linked to
- size_t labels_version;
- struct rrdset *rrdset;
- struct rrdcalc *next;
- struct rrdcalc *prev;
- };
- #define rrdcalc_name(rc) string2str((rc)->name)
- #define rrdcalc_chart_name(rc) string2str((rc)->chart)
- #define rrdcalc_exec(rc) string2str((rc)->exec)
- #define rrdcalc_recipient(rc) string2str((rc)->recipient)
- #define rrdcalc_classification(rc) string2str((rc)->classification)
- #define rrdcalc_component(rc) string2str((rc)->component)
- #define rrdcalc_type(rc) string2str((rc)->type)
- #define rrdcalc_plugin_match(rc) string2str((rc)->plugin_match)
- #define rrdcalc_module_match(rc) string2str((rc)->module_match)
- #define rrdcalc_source(rc) string2str((rc)->source)
- #define rrdcalc_units(rc) string2str((rc)->units)
- #define rrdcalc_original_info(rc) string2str((rc)->original_info)
- #define rrdcalc_info(rc) string2str((rc)->info)
- #define rrdcalc_dimensions(rc) string2str((rc)->dimensions)
- #define rrdcalc_foreachdim(rc) string2str((rc)->foreach_dimension)
- #define rrdcalc_host_labels(rc) string2str((rc)->host_labels)
- #define foreach_rrdcalc_in_rrdhost_read(host, rc) \
- dfe_start_read((host)->rrdcalc_root_index, rc) \
- #define foreach_rrdcalc_in_rrdhost_reentrant(host, rc) \
- dfe_start_reentrant((host)->rrdcalc_root_index, rc)
- #define foreach_rrdcalc_in_rrdhost_done(rc) \
- dfe_done(rc)
- struct alert_config {
- STRING *alarm;
- STRING *template_key;
- STRING *os;
- STRING *host;
- STRING *on;
- STRING *families;
- STRING *plugin;
- STRING *module;
- STRING *charts;
- STRING *lookup;
- STRING *calc;
- STRING *warn;
- STRING *crit;
- STRING *every;
- STRING *green;
- STRING *red;
- STRING *exec;
- STRING *to;
- STRING *units;
- STRING *info;
- STRING *classification;
- STRING *component;
- STRING *type;
- STRING *delay;
- STRING *options;
- STRING *repeat;
- STRING *host_labels;
- STRING *p_db_lookup_dimensions;
- STRING *p_db_lookup_method;
- uint32_t p_db_lookup_options;
- int32_t p_db_lookup_after;
- int32_t p_db_lookup_before;
- int32_t p_update_every;
- };
- #define RRDCALC_HAS_DB_LOOKUP(rc) ((rc)->after)
- void rrdcalc_update_info_using_rrdset_labels(RRDCALC *rc);
- void rrdcalc_link_matching_alerts_to_rrdset(RRDSET *st);
- const RRDCALC_ACQUIRED *rrdcalc_from_rrdset_get(RRDSET *st, const char *alert_name);
- void rrdcalc_from_rrdset_release(RRDSET *st, const RRDCALC_ACQUIRED *rca);
- RRDCALC *rrdcalc_acquired_to_rrdcalc(const RRDCALC_ACQUIRED *rca);
- const char *rrdcalc_status2string(RRDCALC_STATUS status);
- void rrdcalc_free_unused_rrdcalc_loaded_from_config(RRDCALC *rc);
- uint32_t rrdcalc_get_unique_id(RRDHOST *host, STRING *chart, STRING *name, uint32_t *next_event_id);
- void rrdcalc_add_from_rrdcalctemplate(RRDHOST *host, RRDCALCTEMPLATE *rt, RRDSET *st, const char *overwrite_alert_name, const char *overwrite_dimensions);
- int rrdcalc_add_from_config(RRDHOST *host, RRDCALC *rc);
- void rrdcalc_delete_alerts_not_matching_host_labels_from_all_hosts();
- void rrdcalc_delete_alerts_not_matching_host_labels_from_this_host(RRDHOST *host);
- static inline int rrdcalc_isrepeating(RRDCALC *rc) {
- if (unlikely(rc->warn_repeat_every > 0 || rc->crit_repeat_every > 0)) {
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void rrdcalc_unlink_all_rrdset_alerts(RRDSET *st);
- void rrdcalc_delete_all(RRDHOST *host);
- void rrdcalc_rrdhost_index_init(RRDHOST *host);
- void rrdcalc_rrdhost_index_destroy(RRDHOST *host);
- #define RRDCALC_VAR_MAX 100
- #define RRDCALC_VAR_FAMILY "${family}"
- #define RRDCALC_VAR_LABEL "${label:"