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python.d.plugin is a Netdata external plugin. It is an orchestrator for data collection modules written in python.

  1. It runs as an independent process ps fax shows it
  2. It is started and stopped automatically by Netdata
  3. It communicates with Netdata via a unidirectional pipe (sending data to the netdata daemon)
  4. Supports any number of data collection modules
  5. Allows each module to have one or more data collection jobs
  6. Each job is collecting one or more metrics from a single data source


All third party libraries should be installed system-wide or in python_modules directory. Module configurations are written in YAML and pyYAML is required.

Every configuration file must have one of two formats:

  • Configuration for only one job:

    update_every : 2 # update frequency
    priority     : 20000 # where it is shown on dashboard
    other_var1   : bla  # variables passed to module
    other_var2   : alb
  • Configuration for many jobs (ex. mysql):

    # module defaults:
    update_every : 2
    priority     : 20000
    local:  # job name
    update_every : 5 # job update frequency
    other_var1   : some_val # module specific variable
    priority     : 5 # job position on dashboard
    other_var2   : val # module specific variable

update_every and priority are always optional.

How to debug a python module

# become user netdata
sudo su -s /bin/bash netdata

Depending on where Netdata was installed, execute one of the following commands to trace the execution of a python module:

# execute the plugin in debug mode, for a specific module
/opt/netdata/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/python.d.plugin <module> debug trace
/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/python.d.plugin <module> debug trace

Where [module] is the directory name under

Note: If you would like execute a collector in debug mode while it is still running by Netdata, you can pass the nolock CLI option to the above commands.

How to write a new module

See develop a custom collector in Python.