[Forward systemd] ## Example: Log collector that will collect streamed Systemd logs ## only for parsing, according to global "forward in" configuration ## found in logsmanagement.d.conf . ## Required settings enabled = no log type = flb_systemd ## Optional settings, common to all log source. ## Uncomment to override global equivalents in netdata.conf. # update every = 1 # update timeout = 10 # use log timestamp = auto # circular buffer max size MiB = 64 # circular buffer drop logs if full = no # compression acceleration = 1 # db mode = none # circular buffer flush to db = 6 # disk space limit MiB = 500 ## Streaming input settings. log source = forward stream guid = 6ce266f5-2704-444d-a301-2423b9d30735 ## Charts to enable # collected logs total chart enable = no # collected logs rate chart enable = yes priority value chart = yes severity chart = yes facility chart = yes [Forward Docker Events] ## Example: Log collector that will collect streamed Docker Events logs ## only for parsing, according to global "forward in" configuration ## found in logsmanagement.d.conf . ## Required settings enabled = no log type = flb_docker_events ## Optional settings, common to all log source. ## Uncomment to override global equivalents in netdata.conf. # update every = 1 # update timeout = 10 # use log timestamp = auto # circular buffer max size MiB = 64 # circular buffer drop logs if full = no # compression acceleration = 1 # db mode = none # circular buffer flush to db = 6 # disk space limit MiB = 500 ## Submit structured log entries to the system journal # submit logs to system journal = no ## Streaming input settings. log source = forward stream guid = 6ce266f5-2704-444d-a301-2423b9d30736 ## Charts to enable # collected logs total chart enable = no # collected logs rate chart enable = yes event type chart = yes [Forward collection] ## Example: Log collector that will collect streamed logs of any type ## according to global "forward in" configuration found in ## logsmanagement.d.conf and will also save them in the logs database. ## Required settings enabled = no log type = flb_tail ## Optional settings, common to all log source. ## Uncomment to override global equivalents in netdata.conf. # update every = 1 # update timeout = 10 # use log timestamp = auto # circular buffer max size MiB = 64 # circular buffer drop logs if full = no # compression acceleration = 1 db mode = full # circular buffer flush to db = 6 # disk space limit MiB = 500 ## Submit structured log entries to the system journal # submit logs to system journal = no ## Streaming input settings. log source = forward stream guid = 6ce266f5-2704-444d-a301-2423b9d30737 ## Charts to enable # collected logs total chart enable = no # collected logs rate chart enable = yes