// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include #include #include #include #include #include "ebpf.h" #include "../libnetdata.h" char *ebpf_user_config_dir = CONFIG_DIR; char *ebpf_stock_config_dir = LIBCONFIG_DIR; /* static int clean_kprobe_event(FILE *out, char *filename, char *father_pid, netdata_ebpf_events_t *ptr) { int fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0); if (fd < 0) { if (out) { fprintf(out, "Cannot open %s : %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); } return 1; } char cmd[1024]; int length = snprintf(cmd, 1023, "-:kprobes/%c_netdata_%s_%s", ptr->type, ptr->name, father_pid); int ret = 0; if (length > 0) { ssize_t written = write(fd, cmd, strlen(cmd)); if (written < 0) { if (out) { fprintf( out, "Cannot remove the event (%d, %d) '%s' from %s : %s\n", getppid(), getpid(), cmd, filename, strerror((int)errno)); } ret = 1; } } close(fd); return ret; } int clean_kprobe_events(FILE *out, int pid, netdata_ebpf_events_t *ptr) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; snprintf(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s%s", NETDATA_DEBUGFS, "kprobe_events"); char removeme[16]; snprintf(removeme, 15, "%d", pid); int i; for (i = 0; ptr[i].name; i++) { if (clean_kprobe_event(out, filename, removeme, &ptr[i])) { break; } } return 0; } */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Get Kernel version * * Get the current kernel from /proc and returns an integer value representing it * * @return it returns a value representing the kernel version. */ int ebpf_get_kernel_version() { char major[16], minor[16], patch[16]; char ver[VERSION_STRING_LEN]; char *version = ver; int fd = open("/proc/sys/kernel/osrelease", O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) return -1; ssize_t len = read(fd, ver, sizeof(ver)); if (len < 0) { close(fd); return -1; } close(fd); char *move = major; while (*version && *version != '.') *move++ = *version++; *move = '\0'; version++; move = minor; while (*version && *version != '.') *move++ = *version++; *move = '\0'; if (*version) version++; else return -1; move = patch; while (*version && *version != '\n' && *version != '-') *move++ = *version++; *move = '\0'; // This new rule is fixing kernel version according the formula: // KERNEL_VERSION(a,b,c) (((a) << 16) + ((b) << 8) + ((c) > 255 ? 255 : (c))) // that was extracted from /usr/include/linux/version.h int ipatch = (int)str2l(patch); if (ipatch > 255) ipatch = 255; return ((int)(str2l(major) * 65536) + (int)(str2l(minor) * 256) + ipatch); } /** * Get RH release * * Read Red Hat release from /etc/redhat-release * * @return It returns RH release on success and -1 otherwise */ int get_redhat_release() { char buffer[VERSION_STRING_LEN + 1]; int major, minor; FILE *fp = fopen("/etc/redhat-release", "r"); if (fp) { major = 0; minor = -1; size_t length = fread(buffer, sizeof(char), VERSION_STRING_LEN, fp); if (length > 4) { buffer[length] = '\0'; char *end = strchr(buffer, '.'); char *start; if (end) { *end = 0x0; if (end > buffer) { start = end - 1; major = strtol(start, NULL, 10); start = ++end; end++; if (end) { end = 0x00; minor = strtol(start, NULL, 10); } else { minor = -1; } } } } fclose(fp); return ((major * 256) + minor); } else { return -1; } } /** * Check if the kernel is in a list of rejected ones * * @return Returns 1 if the kernel is rejected, 0 otherwise. */ static int kernel_is_rejected() { // Get kernel version from system char version_string[VERSION_STRING_LEN + 1]; int version_string_len = 0; if (read_file("/proc/version_signature", version_string, VERSION_STRING_LEN)) { if (read_file("/proc/version", version_string, VERSION_STRING_LEN)) { struct utsname uname_buf; if (!uname(&uname_buf)) { netdata_log_info("Cannot check kernel version"); return 0; } version_string_len = snprintfz(version_string, VERSION_STRING_LEN, "%s %s", uname_buf.release, uname_buf.version); } } if (!version_string_len) version_string_len = strlen(version_string); // Open a file with a list of rejected kernels char *config_dir = getenv("NETDATA_USER_CONFIG_DIR"); if (config_dir == NULL) { config_dir = CONFIG_DIR; } char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/ebpf.d/%s", config_dir, EBPF_KERNEL_REJECT_LIST_FILE); FILE *kernel_reject_list = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!kernel_reject_list) { // Keep this to have compatibility with old versions snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/%s", config_dir, EBPF_KERNEL_REJECT_LIST_FILE); kernel_reject_list = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!kernel_reject_list) { config_dir = getenv("NETDATA_STOCK_CONFIG_DIR"); if (config_dir == NULL) { config_dir = LIBCONFIG_DIR; } snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/ebpf.d/%s", config_dir, EBPF_KERNEL_REJECT_LIST_FILE); kernel_reject_list = fopen(filename, "r"); if (!kernel_reject_list) return 0; } } // Find if the kernel is in the reject list char *reject_string = NULL; size_t buf_len = 0; ssize_t reject_string_len; while ((reject_string_len = getline(&reject_string, &buf_len, kernel_reject_list) - 1) > 0) { if (version_string_len >= reject_string_len) { if (!strncmp(version_string, reject_string, reject_string_len)) { netdata_log_info("A buggy kernel is detected"); fclose(kernel_reject_list); freez(reject_string); return 1; } } } fclose(kernel_reject_list); free(reject_string); return 0; } static int has_ebpf_kernel_version(int version) { if (kernel_is_rejected()) return 0; // Kernel 4.11.0 or RH > 7.5 return (version >= NETDATA_MINIMUM_EBPF_KERNEL || get_redhat_release() >= NETDATA_MINIMUM_RH_VERSION); } int has_condition_to_run(int version) { if (!has_ebpf_kernel_version(version)) return 0; return 1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Kernel Name * * Select kernel name used by eBPF programs * * Netdata delivers for users eBPF programs with specific suffixes that represent the kernels they were * compiled, when we load the eBPF program, the suffix must be the nereast possible of the kernel running. * * @param selector select the kernel version. * * @return It returns the string to load kernel. */ static char *ebpf_select_kernel_name(uint32_t selector) { static char *kernel_names[] = { NETDATA_IDX_STR_V3_10, NETDATA_IDX_STR_V4_14, NETDATA_IDX_STR_V4_16, NETDATA_IDX_STR_V4_18, NETDATA_IDX_STR_V5_4, NETDATA_IDX_STR_V5_10, NETDATA_IDX_STR_V5_11, NETDATA_IDX_STR_V5_14, NETDATA_IDX_STR_V5_15, NETDATA_IDX_STR_V5_16 }; return kernel_names[selector]; } /** * Select Max Index * * Select last index that will be tested on host. * * @param is_rhf is Red Hat fammily? * @param kver the kernel version * * @return it returns the index to access kernel string. */ static int ebpf_select_max_index(int is_rhf, uint32_t kver) { if (is_rhf > 0) { // Is Red Hat family if (kver >= NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_5_14) return NETDATA_IDX_V5_14; else if (kver >= NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_5_4 && kver < NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_5_5) // For Oracle Linux return NETDATA_IDX_V5_4; else if (kver >= NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_4_11) return NETDATA_IDX_V4_18; } else { // Kernels from kernel.org if (kver >= NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_5_16) return NETDATA_IDX_V5_16; else if (kver >= NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_5_15) return NETDATA_IDX_V5_15; else if (kver >= NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_5_11) return NETDATA_IDX_V5_11; else if (kver >= NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_5_10) return NETDATA_IDX_V5_10; else if (kver >= NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_4_17) return NETDATA_IDX_V5_4; else if (kver >= NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_4_15) return NETDATA_IDX_V4_16; else if (kver >= NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_4_11) return NETDATA_IDX_V4_14; } return NETDATA_IDX_V3_10; } /** * Select Index * * Select index to load data. * * @param kernels is the variable with kernel versions. * @param is_rhf is Red Hat fammily? * param kver the kernel version */ static uint32_t ebpf_select_index(uint32_t kernels, int is_rhf, uint32_t kver) { uint32_t start = ebpf_select_max_index(is_rhf, kver); uint32_t idx; if (is_rhf == -1) kernels &= ~NETDATA_V5_14; for (idx = start; idx; idx--) { if (kernels & 1 << idx) break; } return idx; } /** * Mount Name * * Mount name of eBPF program to be loaded. * * Netdata eBPF programs has the following format: * * Tnetdata_ebpf_N.V.o * * where: * T - Is the eBPF type. When starts with 'p', this means we are only adding probes, * and when they start with 'r' we are using retprobes. * N - The eBPF program name. * V - The kernel version in string format. * * @param out the vector where the name will be stored * @param len the size of the out vector. * @param path where the binaries are stored * @param kver the kernel version * @param name the eBPF program name. * @param is_return is return or entry ? */ static void ebpf_mount_name(char *out, size_t len, char *path, uint32_t kver, const char *name, int is_return, int is_rhf) { char *version = ebpf_select_kernel_name(kver); snprintfz(out, len, "%s/ebpf.d/%cnetdata_ebpf_%s.%s%s.o", path, (is_return) ? 'r' : 'p', name, version, (is_rhf != -1) ? ".rhf" : ""); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Statistics from targets * * Count the information from targets. * * @param report the output structure * @param targets vector with information about the eBPF plugin. * @param value factor used to update calculation */ static void ebpf_stats_targets(ebpf_plugin_stats_t *report, netdata_ebpf_targets_t *targets, int value) { if (!targets) { report->probes = report->tracepoints = report->trampolines = 0; return; } int i = 0; while (targets[i].name) { switch (targets[i].mode) { case EBPF_LOAD_PROBE: { report->probes += value; break; } case EBPF_LOAD_RETPROBE: { report->retprobes += value; break; } case EBPF_LOAD_TRACEPOINT: { report->tracepoints += value; break; } case EBPF_LOAD_TRAMPOLINE: { report->trampolines += value; break; } } i++; } } /** * Update General stats * * Update eBPF plugin statistics that has relationship with the thread. * * This function must be called with mutex associated to charts is locked. * * @param report the output structure * @param em the structure with information about how the module/thread is working. */ void ebpf_update_stats(ebpf_plugin_stats_t *report, ebpf_module_t *em) { int value; // It is not necessary to report more information. if (em->enabled > NETDATA_THREAD_EBPF_FUNCTION_RUNNING) value = -1; else value = 1; report->threads += value; report->running += value; // In theory the `else if` is useless, because when this function is called, the module should not stay in // EBPF_LOAD_PLAY_DICE. We have this additional condition to detect errors from developers. if (em->load & EBPF_LOAD_LEGACY) report->legacy += value; else if (em->load & EBPF_LOAD_CORE) report->core += value; if (em->maps_per_core) report->hash_percpu += value; else report->hash_unique += value; ebpf_stats_targets(report, em->targets, value); } /** * Update Kernel memory with memory * * This algorithm is an adaptation of https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v6.1.14/source/tools/bpf/bpftool/common.c#L402 * to get 'memlock' data and update report. * * @param report the output structure * @param map pointer to a map. * @param action What action will be done with this map. */ void ebpf_update_kernel_memory(ebpf_plugin_stats_t *report, ebpf_local_maps_t *map, ebpf_stats_action_t action) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "/proc/self/fdinfo/%d", map->map_fd); procfile *ff = procfile_open(filename, " \t", PROCFILE_FLAG_DEFAULT); if(unlikely(!ff)) { netdata_log_error("Cannot open %s", filename); return; } ff = procfile_readall(ff); if(unlikely(!ff)) return; unsigned long j, lines = procfile_lines(ff); char *memlock = { "memlock" }; for (j = 0; j < lines ; j++) { char *cmp = procfile_lineword(ff, j,0); if (!strncmp(memlock, cmp, 7)) { uint64_t memsize = (uint64_t) str2l(procfile_lineword(ff, j,1)); switch (action) { case EBPF_ACTION_STAT_ADD: { report->memlock_kern += memsize; report->hash_tables += 1; #ifdef NETDATA_DEV_MODE netdata_log_info("Hash table %u: %s (FD = %d) is consuming %lu bytes totalizing %lu bytes", report->hash_tables, map->name, map->map_fd, memsize, report->memlock_kern); #endif break; } case EBPF_ACTION_STAT_REMOVE: { report->memlock_kern -= memsize; report->hash_tables -= 1; #ifdef NETDATA_DEV_MODE netdata_log_info("Hash table %s (FD = %d) was removed releasing %lu bytes, now we have %u tables loaded totalizing %lu bytes.", map->name, map->map_fd, memsize, report->hash_tables, report->memlock_kern); #endif break; } default: { break; } } break; } } procfile_close(ff); } /** * Update Kernel memory with memory * * This algorithm is an adaptation of https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v6.1.14/source/tools/bpf/bpftool/common.c#L402 * to get 'memlock' data and update report. * * @param report the output structure * @param map pointer to a map. Last map must fish with name = NULL * @param action should plugin add or remove values from amount. */ void ebpf_update_kernel_memory_with_vector(ebpf_plugin_stats_t *report, ebpf_local_maps_t *maps, ebpf_stats_action_t action) { if (!maps) return; ebpf_local_maps_t *map; int i = 0; for (map = &maps[i]; maps[i].name; i++, map = &maps[i]) { int fd = map->map_fd; if (fd == ND_EBPF_MAP_FD_NOT_INITIALIZED) continue; ebpf_update_kernel_memory(report, map, action); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ebpf_update_pid_table(ebpf_local_maps_t *pid, ebpf_module_t *em) { pid->user_input = em->pid_map_size; } /** * Update map size * * Update map size with information read from configuration files. * * @param map the structure with file descriptor to update. * @param lmap the structure with information from configuration files. * @param em the structure with information about how the module/thread is working. * @param map_name the name of the file used to log. */ void ebpf_update_map_size(struct bpf_map *map, ebpf_local_maps_t *lmap, ebpf_module_t *em, const char *map_name __maybe_unused) { uint32_t define_size = 0; uint32_t apps_type = NETDATA_EBPF_MAP_PID | NETDATA_EBPF_MAP_RESIZABLE; if (lmap->user_input && lmap->user_input != lmap->internal_input) { define_size = lmap->internal_input; #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS netdata_log_info("Changing map %s from size %u to %u ", map_name, lmap->internal_input, lmap->user_input); #endif } else if (((lmap->type & apps_type) == apps_type) && (!em->apps_charts) && (!em->cgroup_charts)) { lmap->user_input = ND_EBPF_DEFAULT_MIN_PID; } else if (((em->apps_charts) || (em->cgroup_charts)) && (em->apps_level != NETDATA_APPS_NOT_SET)) { switch (em->apps_level) { case NETDATA_APPS_LEVEL_ALL: { define_size = lmap->user_input; break; } case NETDATA_APPS_LEVEL_PARENT: { define_size = ND_EBPF_DEFAULT_PID_SIZE / 2; break; } case NETDATA_APPS_LEVEL_REAL_PARENT: default: { define_size = ND_EBPF_DEFAULT_PID_SIZE / 3; } } } if (!define_size) return; #ifdef LIBBPF_MAJOR_VERSION bpf_map__set_max_entries(map, define_size); #else bpf_map__resize(map, define_size); #endif } #ifdef LIBBPF_MAJOR_VERSION /** * Update map type * * Update map type with information given. * * @param map the map we want to modify * @param w a structure with user input */ void ebpf_update_map_type(struct bpf_map *map, ebpf_local_maps_t *w) { if (bpf_map__set_type(map, w->map_type)) { netdata_log_error("Cannot modify map type for %s", w->name); } } /** * Define map type * * This PR defines the type used by hash tables according user input. * * @param maps the list of maps used with a hash table. * @param maps_per_core define if map type according user specification. * @param kver kernel version host is running. */ void ebpf_define_map_type(ebpf_local_maps_t *maps, int maps_per_core, int kver) { if (!maps) return; // Before kernel 4.06 there was not percpu hash tables if (kver < NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_4_06) maps_per_core = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; int i = 0; while (maps[i].name) { ebpf_local_maps_t *map = &maps[i]; // maps_per_core is a boolean value in configuration files. if (maps_per_core) { if (map->map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH) map->map_type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_HASH; else if (map->map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY) map->map_type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY; } else { if (map->map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_HASH) map->map_type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH; else if (map->map_type == BPF_MAP_TYPE_PERCPU_ARRAY) map->map_type = BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY; } i++; } } #endif /** * Update Legacy map * * Update map for eBPF legacy code. * * @param program the structure with values read from binary. * @param em the structure with information about how the module/thread is working. */ static void ebpf_update_legacy_map(struct bpf_object *program, ebpf_module_t *em) { struct bpf_map *map; ebpf_local_maps_t *maps = em->maps; if (!maps) return; bpf_map__for_each(map, program) { const char *map_name = bpf_map__name(map); int i = 0; while (maps[i].name) { ebpf_local_maps_t *w = &maps[i]; if (!strcmp(w->name, map_name)) { // Modify size if (w->type & NETDATA_EBPF_MAP_RESIZABLE) { ebpf_update_map_size(map, w, em, map_name); } #ifdef LIBBPF_MAJOR_VERSION ebpf_update_map_type(map, w); #endif } i++; } } } size_t ebpf_count_programs(struct bpf_object *obj) { size_t tot = 0; struct bpf_program *prog; bpf_object__for_each_program(prog, obj) { tot++; } return tot; } static ebpf_specify_name_t *ebpf_find_names(ebpf_specify_name_t *names, const char *prog_name) { size_t i = 0; while (names[i].program_name) { if (!strcmp(prog_name, names[i].program_name)) return &names[i]; i++; } return NULL; } static struct bpf_link **ebpf_attach_programs(struct bpf_object *obj, size_t length, ebpf_specify_name_t *names) { struct bpf_link **links = callocz(length , sizeof(struct bpf_link *)); size_t i = 0; struct bpf_program *prog; ebpf_specify_name_t *w; bpf_object__for_each_program(prog, obj) { if (names) { const char *name = bpf_program__name(prog); w = ebpf_find_names(names, name); } else w = NULL; if (w) { enum bpf_prog_type type = bpf_program__get_type(prog); if (type == BPF_PROG_TYPE_KPROBE) links[i] = bpf_program__attach_kprobe(prog, w->retprobe, w->optional); } else links[i] = bpf_program__attach(prog); if (libbpf_get_error(links[i])) { links[i] = NULL; } i++; } return links; } static void ebpf_update_maps(ebpf_module_t *em, struct bpf_object *obj) { if (!em->maps) return; ebpf_local_maps_t *maps = em->maps; struct bpf_map *map; bpf_map__for_each(map, obj) { int fd = bpf_map__fd(map); if (maps) { const char *map_name = bpf_map__name(map); int j = 0; while (maps[j].name) { ebpf_local_maps_t *w = &maps[j]; if (w->map_fd == ND_EBPF_MAP_FD_NOT_INITIALIZED && !strcmp(map_name, w->name)) w->map_fd = fd; j++; } } } } /** * Update Controller * * Update controller value with user input. * * @param fd the table file descriptor * @param em structure with information about eBPF program we will load. */ void ebpf_update_controller(int fd, ebpf_module_t *em) { uint32_t values[NETDATA_CONTROLLER_END] = { (em->apps_charts & NETDATA_EBPF_APPS_FLAG_YES) | em->cgroup_charts, em->apps_level, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; uint32_t key; uint32_t end = NETDATA_CONTROLLER_PID_TABLE_ADD; for (key = NETDATA_CONTROLLER_APPS_ENABLED; key < end; key++) { int ret = bpf_map_update_elem(fd, &key, &values[key], BPF_ANY); if (ret) netdata_log_error("Add key(%u) for controller table failed.", key); } } /** * Update Legacy controller * * Update legacy controller table when eBPF program has it. * * @param em structure with information about eBPF program we will load. * @param obj bpf object with tables. */ static void ebpf_update_legacy_controller(ebpf_module_t *em, struct bpf_object *obj) { ebpf_local_maps_t *maps = em->maps; if (!maps) return; struct bpf_map *map; bpf_map__for_each(map, obj) { size_t i = 0; while (maps[i].name) { ebpf_local_maps_t *w = &maps[i]; if (w->map_fd != ND_EBPF_MAP_FD_NOT_INITIALIZED && (w->type & NETDATA_EBPF_MAP_CONTROLLER)) { w->type &= ~NETDATA_EBPF_MAP_CONTROLLER; w->type |= NETDATA_EBPF_MAP_CONTROLLER_UPDATED; ebpf_update_controller(w->map_fd, em); } i++; } } } /** * Load Program * * Load eBPF program into kernel * * @param plugins_dir directory where binary are stored * @param em structure with information about eBPF program we will load. * @param kver the kernel version according /usr/include/linux/version.h * @param is_rhf is a kernel from Red Hat Family? * @param obj structure where we will store object loaded. * * @return it returns a link for each target we associated an eBPF program. */ struct bpf_link **ebpf_load_program(char *plugins_dir, ebpf_module_t *em, int kver, int is_rhf, struct bpf_object **obj) { char lpath[4096]; uint32_t idx = ebpf_select_index(em->kernels, is_rhf, kver); ebpf_mount_name(lpath, 4095, plugins_dir, idx, em->info.thread_name, em->mode, is_rhf); // When this function is called ebpf.plugin is using legacy code, so we should reset the variable em->load &= ~ NETDATA_EBPF_LOAD_METHODS; em->load |= EBPF_LOAD_LEGACY; *obj = bpf_object__open_file(lpath, NULL); if (!*obj) return NULL; if (libbpf_get_error(obj)) { bpf_object__close(*obj); return NULL; } ebpf_update_legacy_map(*obj, em); if (bpf_object__load(*obj)) { netdata_log_error("ERROR: loading BPF object file failed %s\n", lpath); bpf_object__close(*obj); return NULL; } ebpf_update_maps(em, *obj); ebpf_update_legacy_controller(em, *obj); size_t count_programs = ebpf_count_programs(*obj); #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS netdata_log_info("eBPF program %s loaded with success!", lpath); #endif return ebpf_attach_programs(*obj, count_programs, em->names); } char *ebpf_find_symbol(char *search) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; char *ret = NULL; snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s%s", netdata_configured_host_prefix, NETDATA_KALLSYMS); procfile *ff = procfile_open(filename, " \t", PROCFILE_FLAG_DEFAULT); if(unlikely(!ff)) { netdata_log_error("Cannot open %s%s", netdata_configured_host_prefix, NETDATA_KALLSYMS); return ret; } ff = procfile_readall(ff); if(unlikely(!ff)) return ret; unsigned long i, lines = procfile_lines(ff); size_t length = strlen(search); for(i = 0; i < lines ; i++) { char *cmp = procfile_lineword(ff, i,2); if (!strncmp(search, cmp, length)) { ret = strdupz(cmp); break; } } procfile_close(ff); return ret; } void ebpf_update_names(ebpf_specify_name_t *opt, ebpf_module_t *em) { int mode = em->mode; em->names = opt; size_t i = 0; while (opt[i].program_name) { opt[i].retprobe = (mode == MODE_RETURN); opt[i].optional = ebpf_find_symbol(opt[i].function_to_attach); i++; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ebpf_mount_config_name(char *filename, size_t length, char *path, const char *config) { snprintf(filename, length, "%s/ebpf.d/%s", path, config); } int ebpf_load_config(struct config *config, char *filename) { return appconfig_load(config, filename, 0, NULL); } static netdata_run_mode_t ebpf_select_mode(char *mode) { if (!strcasecmp(mode,EBPF_CFG_LOAD_MODE_RETURN )) return MODE_RETURN; else if (!strcasecmp(mode, "dev")) return MODE_DEVMODE; return MODE_ENTRY; } static void ebpf_select_mode_string(char *output, size_t len, netdata_run_mode_t sel) { if (sel == MODE_RETURN) strncpyz(output, EBPF_CFG_LOAD_MODE_RETURN, len); else strncpyz(output, EBPF_CFG_LOAD_MODE_DEFAULT, len); } /** * Convert string to load mode * * Convert the string given as argument to value present in enum. * * @param str value read from configuration file. * * @return It returns the value to be used. */ netdata_ebpf_load_mode_t epbf_convert_string_to_load_mode(char *str) { if (!strcasecmp(str, EBPF_CFG_CORE_PROGRAM)) return EBPF_LOAD_CORE; else if (!strcasecmp(str, EBPF_CFG_LEGACY_PROGRAM)) return EBPF_LOAD_LEGACY; return EBPF_LOAD_PLAY_DICE; } /** * Convert load mode to string * * @param mode value that will select the string * * @return It returns the string associated to mode. */ static char *ebpf_convert_load_mode_to_string(netdata_ebpf_load_mode_t mode) { if (mode & EBPF_LOAD_CORE) return EBPF_CFG_CORE_PROGRAM; else if (mode & EBPF_LOAD_LEGACY) return EBPF_CFG_LEGACY_PROGRAM; return EBPF_CFG_DEFAULT_PROGRAM; } /** * Convert collect pid to string * * @param level value that will select the string * * @return It returns the string associated to level. */ static char *ebpf_convert_collect_pid_to_string(netdata_apps_level_t level) { if (level == NETDATA_APPS_LEVEL_REAL_PARENT) return EBPF_CFG_PID_REAL_PARENT; else if (level == NETDATA_APPS_LEVEL_PARENT) return EBPF_CFG_PID_PARENT; else if (level == NETDATA_APPS_LEVEL_ALL) return EBPF_CFG_PID_ALL; return EBPF_CFG_PID_INTERNAL_USAGE; } /** * Convert string to apps level * * @param str the argument read from config files * * @return it returns the level associated to the string or default when it is a wrong value */ netdata_apps_level_t ebpf_convert_string_to_apps_level(char *str) { if (!strcasecmp(str, EBPF_CFG_PID_REAL_PARENT)) return NETDATA_APPS_LEVEL_REAL_PARENT; else if (!strcasecmp(str, EBPF_CFG_PID_PARENT)) return NETDATA_APPS_LEVEL_PARENT; else if (!strcasecmp(str, EBPF_CFG_PID_ALL)) return NETDATA_APPS_LEVEL_ALL; return NETDATA_APPS_NOT_SET; } /** * CO-RE type * * Select the preferential type of CO-RE * * @param str value read from configuration file. * @param lmode load mode used by collector. */ netdata_ebpf_program_loaded_t ebpf_convert_core_type(char *str, netdata_run_mode_t lmode) { if (!strcasecmp(str, EBPF_CFG_ATTACH_TRACEPOINT)) return EBPF_LOAD_TRACEPOINT; else if (!strcasecmp(str, EBPF_CFG_ATTACH_PROBE)) { return (lmode == MODE_ENTRY) ? EBPF_LOAD_PROBE : EBPF_LOAD_RETPROBE; } return EBPF_LOAD_TRAMPOLINE; } #ifdef LIBBPF_MAJOR_VERSION /** * Adjust Thread Load * * Adjust thread configuration according specified load. * * @param mod the main structure that will be adjusted. * @param file the btf file used with thread. */ void ebpf_adjust_thread_load(ebpf_module_t *mod, struct btf *file) { if (!file) { mod->load &= ~EBPF_LOAD_CORE; mod->load |= EBPF_LOAD_LEGACY; } else if (mod->load == EBPF_LOAD_PLAY_DICE && file) { mod->load &= ~EBPF_LOAD_LEGACY; mod->load |= EBPF_LOAD_CORE; } } /** * Parse BTF file * * Parse a specific BTF file present on filesystem * * @param filename the file that will be parsed. * * @return It returns a pointer for the file on success and NULL otherwise. */ struct btf *ebpf_parse_btf_file(const char *filename) { struct btf *bf = btf__parse(filename, NULL); if (libbpf_get_error(bf)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot parse btf file"); btf__free(bf); return NULL; } return bf; } /** * Load default btf file * * Load the default BTF file on environment. * * @param path is the fullpath * @param filename is the file inside BTF path. */ struct btf *ebpf_load_btf_file(char *path, char *filename) { char fullpath[PATH_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(fullpath, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", path, filename); struct btf *ret = ebpf_parse_btf_file(fullpath); if (!ret) netdata_log_info("Your environment does not have BTF file %s/%s. The plugin will work with 'legacy' code.", path, filename); return ret; } /** * Find BTF attach type * * Search type fr current btf file. * * @param file is the structure for the btf file already parsed. */ static inline const struct btf_type *ebpf_find_btf_attach_type(struct btf *file) { int id = btf__find_by_name_kind(file, "bpf_attach_type", BTF_KIND_ENUM); if (id < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find 'bpf_attach_type'"); return NULL; } return btf__type_by_id(file, id); } /** * Is function inside BTF * * Look for a specific function inside the given BTF file. * * @param file is the structure for the btf file already parsed. * @param function is the function that we want to find. */ int ebpf_is_function_inside_btf(struct btf *file, char *function) { const struct btf_type *type = ebpf_find_btf_attach_type(file); if (!type) return -1; const struct btf_enum *e = btf_enum(type); int i, id; for (id = -1, i = 0; i < btf_vlen(type); i++, e++) { if (!strcmp(btf__name_by_offset(file, e->name_off), "BPF_TRACE_FENTRY")) { id = btf__find_by_name_kind(file, function, BTF_KIND_FUNC); break; } } return (id > 0) ? 1 : 0; } #endif /** * Update target with configuration * * Update target load mode with value. * * @param em the module structure * @param value value used to update. */ static void ebpf_update_target_with_conf(ebpf_module_t *em, netdata_ebpf_program_loaded_t value) { netdata_ebpf_targets_t *targets = em->targets; if (!targets) { return; } int i = 0; while (targets[i].name) { targets[i].mode = value; i++; } } /** * Select Load Mode * * Select the load mode according the given inputs. * * @param btf_file a pointer to the loaded btf file. * @parma load current value. * @param btf_file a pointer to the loaded btf file. * @param is_rhf is Red Hat family? * * @return it returns the new load mode. */ static netdata_ebpf_load_mode_t ebpf_select_load_mode(struct btf *btf_file, netdata_ebpf_load_mode_t load, int kver, int is_rh) { #ifdef LIBBPF_MAJOR_VERSION if ((load & EBPF_LOAD_CORE) || (load & EBPF_LOAD_PLAY_DICE)) { // Quick fix for Oracle linux 8.x load = (!btf_file || (is_rh && (kver >= NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_5_4 && kver < NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_5_5))) ? EBPF_LOAD_LEGACY : EBPF_LOAD_CORE; } #else load = EBPF_LOAD_LEGACY; #endif return load; } /** * Update Module using config * * Update configuration for a specific thread. * * @param modules structure that will be updated * @param origin specify the configuration file loaded * @param btf_file a pointer to the loaded btf file. * @param is_rhf is Red Hat family? */ void ebpf_update_module_using_config(ebpf_module_t *modules, netdata_ebpf_load_mode_t origin, struct btf *btf_file, int kver, int is_rh) { char default_value[EBPF_MAX_MODE_LENGTH + 1]; ebpf_select_mode_string(default_value, EBPF_MAX_MODE_LENGTH, modules->mode); char *load_mode = appconfig_get(modules->cfg, EBPF_GLOBAL_SECTION, EBPF_CFG_LOAD_MODE, default_value); modules->mode = ebpf_select_mode(load_mode); modules->update_every = (int)appconfig_get_number(modules->cfg, EBPF_GLOBAL_SECTION, EBPF_CFG_UPDATE_EVERY, modules->update_every); modules->apps_charts = appconfig_get_boolean(modules->cfg, EBPF_GLOBAL_SECTION, EBPF_CFG_APPLICATION, (int) (modules->apps_charts & NETDATA_EBPF_APPS_FLAG_YES)); modules->cgroup_charts = appconfig_get_boolean(modules->cfg, EBPF_GLOBAL_SECTION, EBPF_CFG_CGROUP, modules->cgroup_charts); modules->pid_map_size = (uint32_t)appconfig_get_number(modules->cfg, EBPF_GLOBAL_SECTION, EBPF_CFG_PID_SIZE, modules->pid_map_size); modules->lifetime = (uint32_t) appconfig_get_number(modules->cfg, EBPF_GLOBAL_SECTION, EBPF_CFG_LIFETIME, EBPF_DEFAULT_LIFETIME); char *value = ebpf_convert_load_mode_to_string(modules->load & NETDATA_EBPF_LOAD_METHODS); char *type_format = appconfig_get(modules->cfg, EBPF_GLOBAL_SECTION, EBPF_CFG_TYPE_FORMAT, value); netdata_ebpf_load_mode_t load = epbf_convert_string_to_load_mode(type_format); load = ebpf_select_load_mode(btf_file, load, kver, is_rh); modules->load = origin | load; char *core_attach = appconfig_get(modules->cfg, EBPF_GLOBAL_SECTION, EBPF_CFG_CORE_ATTACH, EBPF_CFG_ATTACH_TRAMPOLINE); netdata_ebpf_program_loaded_t fill_lm = ebpf_convert_core_type(core_attach, modules->mode); ebpf_update_target_with_conf(modules, fill_lm); value = ebpf_convert_collect_pid_to_string(modules->apps_level); char *collect_pid = appconfig_get(modules->cfg, EBPF_GLOBAL_SECTION, EBPF_CFG_COLLECT_PID, value); modules->apps_level = ebpf_convert_string_to_apps_level(collect_pid); modules->maps_per_core = appconfig_get_boolean(modules->cfg, EBPF_GLOBAL_SECTION, EBPF_CFG_MAPS_PER_CORE, modules->maps_per_core); if (kver < NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_4_06) modules->maps_per_core = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; #ifdef NETDATA_DEV_MODE netdata_log_info("The thread %s was configured with: mode = %s; update every = %d; apps = %s; cgroup = %s; ebpf type format = %s; ebpf co-re tracing = %s; collect pid = %s; maps per core = %s, lifetime=%u", modules->info.thread_name, load_mode, modules->update_every, (modules->apps_charts)?"enabled":"disabled", (modules->cgroup_charts)?"enabled":"disabled", type_format, core_attach, collect_pid, (modules->maps_per_core)?"enabled":"disabled", modules->lifetime ); #endif } /** * Update module * * When this function is called, it will load the configuration file and after this * it updates the global information of ebpf_module. * If the module has specific configuration, this function will load it, but it will not * update the variables. * * @param em the module structure * @param btf_file a pointer to the loaded btf file. * @param is_rhf is Red Hat family? * @param kver the kernel version */ void ebpf_update_module(ebpf_module_t *em, struct btf *btf_file, int kver, int is_rh) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX+1]; netdata_ebpf_load_mode_t origin; ebpf_mount_config_name(filename, FILENAME_MAX, ebpf_user_config_dir, em->config_file); if (!ebpf_load_config(em->cfg, filename)) { ebpf_mount_config_name(filename, FILENAME_MAX, ebpf_stock_config_dir, em->config_file); if (!ebpf_load_config(em->cfg, filename)) { netdata_log_error("Cannot load the ebpf configuration file %s", em->config_file); return; } // If user defined data globally, we will have here EBPF_LOADED_FROM_USER, we need to consider this, to avoid // forcing users to configure thread by thread. origin = (!(em->load & NETDATA_EBPF_LOAD_SOURCE)) ? EBPF_LOADED_FROM_STOCK : em->load & NETDATA_EBPF_LOAD_SOURCE; } else origin = EBPF_LOADED_FROM_USER; ebpf_update_module_using_config(em, origin, btf_file, kver, is_rh); } /** * Adjust Apps Cgroup * * Apps and cgroup has internal cleanup that needs attaching tracers to release_task, to avoid overload the function * we will enable this integration by default, if and only if, we are running with trampolines. * * @param em a pointer to the main thread structure. * @param mode is the mode used with different */ void ebpf_adjust_apps_cgroup(ebpf_module_t *em, netdata_ebpf_program_loaded_t mode) { if ((em->load & EBPF_LOADED_FROM_STOCK) && (em->apps_charts || em->cgroup_charts) && mode != EBPF_LOAD_TRAMPOLINE) { em->apps_charts = NETDATA_EBPF_APPS_FLAG_NO; em->cgroup_charts = 0; } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Load Address * * Helper used to get address from /proc/kallsym * * @param fa address structure * @param fd file descriptor loaded inside kernel. If a negative value is given * the function will load address and it won't update hash table. */ void ebpf_load_addresses(ebpf_addresses_t *fa, int fd) { if (fa->addr) return ; procfile *ff = procfile_open("/proc/kallsyms", " \t:", PROCFILE_FLAG_DEFAULT); if (!ff) return; ff = procfile_readall(ff); if (!ff) return; fa->hash = simple_hash(fa->function); size_t lines = procfile_lines(ff), l; for(l = 0; l < lines ;l++) { char *fcnt = procfile_lineword(ff, l, 2); uint32_t hash = simple_hash(fcnt); if (fa->hash == hash && !strcmp(fcnt, fa->function)) { char *type = procfile_lineword(ff, l, 2); fa->type = type[0]; if (fd > 0) { char addr[128]; snprintf(addr, 127, "0x%s", procfile_lineword(ff, l, 0)); fa->addr = (unsigned long) strtoul(addr, NULL, 16); uint32_t key = 0; bpf_map_update_elem(fd, &key, &fa->addr, BPF_ANY); } else fa->addr = 1; break; } } procfile_close(ff); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Fill Algorithms * * Set one unique dimension for all vector position. * * @param algorithms the output vector * @param length number of elements of algorithms vector * @param algorithm algorithm used on charts. */ void ebpf_fill_algorithms(int *algorithms, size_t length, int algorithm) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { algorithms[i] = algorithm; } } /** * Fill Histogram dimension * * Fill the histogram dimension with the specified ranges */ char **ebpf_fill_histogram_dimension(size_t maximum) { char *dimensions[] = { "us", "ms", "s"}; int previous_dim = 0, current_dim = 0; uint32_t previous_level = 1000, current_level = 1000; uint32_t previous_divisor = 1, current_divisor = 1; uint32_t current = 1, previous = 0; uint32_t selector; char **out = callocz(maximum, sizeof(char *)); char range[128]; size_t end = maximum - 1; for (selector = 0; selector < end; selector++) { snprintf(range, 127, "%u%s->%u%s", previous/previous_divisor, dimensions[previous_dim], current/current_divisor, dimensions[current_dim]); out[selector] = strdupz(range); previous = current; current <<= 1; if (previous_dim != 2 && previous > previous_level) { previous_dim++; previous_divisor *= 1000; previous_level *= 1000; } if (current_dim != 2 && current > current_level) { current_dim++; current_divisor *= 1000; current_level *= 1000; } } snprintf(range, 127, "%u%s->+Inf", previous/previous_divisor, dimensions[previous_dim]); out[selector] = strdupz(range); return out; } /** * Histogram dimension cleanup * * Cleanup dimensions allocated with function ebpf_fill_histogram_dimension * * @param ptr * @param length */ void ebpf_histogram_dimension_cleanup(char **ptr, size_t length) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) { freez(ptr[i]); } freez(ptr); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Open tracepoint path * * @param filename pointer to store the path * @param length file length * @param subsys is the name of your subsystem. * @param eventname is the name of the event to trace. * @param flags flags used with syscall open * * @return it returns a positive value on success and a negative otherwise. */ static inline int ebpf_open_tracepoint_path(char *filename, size_t length, char *subsys, char *eventname, int flags) { snprintfz(filename, length, "%s/events/%s/%s/enable", NETDATA_DEBUGFS, subsys, eventname); return open(filename, flags, 0); } /** * Is tracepoint enabled * * Check whether the tracepoint is enabled. * * @param subsys is the name of your subsystem. * @param eventname is the name of the event to trace. * * @return it returns 1 when it is enabled, 0 when it is disabled and -1 on error. */ int ebpf_is_tracepoint_enabled(char *subsys, char *eventname) { char text[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; int fd = ebpf_open_tracepoint_path(text, FILENAME_MAX, subsys, eventname, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { return -1; } ssize_t length = read(fd, text, 1); if (length != 1) { close(fd); return -1; } close(fd); return (text[0] == '1') ? CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES : CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; } /** * Change Tracing values * * Change value for specific tracepoint enabling or disabling it according value given. * * @param subsys is the name of your subsystem. * @param eventname is the name of the event to trace. * @param value a value to enable (1) or disable (0) a tracepoint. * * @return It returns 0 on success and -1 otherwise */ static int ebpf_change_tracing_values(char *subsys, char *eventname, char *value) { if (strcmp("0", value) && strcmp("1", value)) { netdata_log_error("Invalid value given to either enable or disable a tracepoint."); return -1; } char filename[1024]; int fd = ebpf_open_tracepoint_path(filename, 1023, subsys, eventname, O_WRONLY); if (fd < 0) { return -1; } ssize_t written = write(fd, value, strlen(value)); if (written < 0) { close(fd); return -1; } close(fd); return 0; } /** * Enable tracing values * * Enable a tracepoint on a system * * @param subsys is the name of your subsystem. * @param eventname is the name of the event to trace. * * @return It returns 0 on success and -1 otherwise */ int ebpf_enable_tracing_values(char *subsys, char *eventname) { return ebpf_change_tracing_values(subsys, eventname, "1"); } /** * Disable tracing values * * Disable tracing points enabled by collector * * @param subsys is the name of your subsystem. * @param eventname is the name of the event to trace. * * @return It returns 0 on success and -1 otherwise */ int ebpf_disable_tracing_values(char *subsys, char *eventname) { return ebpf_change_tracing_values(subsys, eventname, "0"); } /** * Select PC prefix * * Identify the prefix to run on PC architecture. * * @return It returns 32 or 64 according to host arch. */ static uint32_t ebpf_select_pc_prefix() { long counter = 1; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) { counter <<= 1; if (counter < 0) break; } return counter; } /** * Select Host Prefix * * Select prefix to syscall when host is running a kernel newer than 4.17.0 * * @param output the vector to store data. * @param length length of output vector. * @param syscall the syscall that prefix will be attached; * @param kver the current kernel version in format MAJOR*65536 + MINOR*256 + PATCH */ void ebpf_select_host_prefix(char *output, size_t length, char *syscall, int kver) { if (kver < NETDATA_EBPF_KERNEL_4_17) snprintfz(output, length, "sys_%s", syscall); else { uint32_t arch = ebpf_select_pc_prefix(); // Prefix selected according https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/process/adding-syscalls.html char *prefix = (arch == 32) ? "__ia32" : "__x64"; snprintfz(output, length, "%s_sys_%s", prefix, syscall); } }