# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later %global contentdir %{_datadir}/netdata %global version @PACKAGE_VERSION@ # XXX: We are using automatic `Requires:` generation for libraries # whenever possible, DO NOT LIST LIBRARY DEPENDENCIES UNLESS THE RESULTANT # PACKAGE IS BROKEN WITHOUT THEM. AutoReqProv: yes # This is temporary and should eventually be resolved. This bypasses # the default rhel __os_install_post which throws a python compile # error. %global __os_install_post %{nil} # This is needed to support proper handling of Go code without requiring # external linking or GCCGO, because even recent versions of rpmbuild do # not properly support the build IDs generated by the upstream Go toolchain. %global _missing_build_ids_terminate_build 0 # Use our custom CMake version from our package builders if we can’t find cmake. %if 0%{?centos_ver} == 7 %global __cmake /cmake/bin/cmake %global __cmake_builddir . %global cmake %{__cmake} %global cmake_build %{__cmake} --build %{__cmake_builddir} --verbose --parallel $(nproc) %global cmake_install DESTDIR="%{buildroot}" %{__cmake} --install %{__cmake_builddir} %endif %if 0%{?amazon_linux} == 2 %global __cmake /cmake/bin/cmake %global __cmake_builddir . %global cmake %{__cmake} %global cmake_build %{__cmake} --build %{__cmake_builddir} --verbose --parallel $(nproc) %global cmake_install DESTDIR="%{buildroot}" %{__cmake} --install %{__cmake_builddir} %endif # openSUSE requires us to explicity ask for ninja for builds. # We also need to specify the build directory since they do not. %if 0%{?suse_version} %global __builder ninja %global __cmake_builddir %{__builddir} %endif # Disable eBPF for architectures other than x86 %ifarch x86_64 i386 %global _have_ebpf 1 %else %global _have_ebpf 0 %endif # Mitigate the cross-distro mayhem by strictly defining the libexec destination %define _prefix /usr %define _sysconfdir /etc %define _localstatedir /var %define _libexecdir /usr/libexec %define _libdir /usr/lib %{!?_systemd_util_dir:%global _systemd_util_dir /usr/lib/systemd} # Fedora doesn’t define this, but other distros do %{!?_presetdir:%global _presetdir %{_libdir}/systemd/system-preset} # Redefine centos_ver to standardize on a single macro %{?rhel:%global centos_ver %rhel} # Disable FreeIPMI on Amazon Linux 2023 and newer %if 0%{?amzn} >= 2023 %global _have_freeipmi 0 %else %global _have_freeipmi 1 %endif # Disable CUPS on old RHEL systems. %if 0%{?centos_ver} != 6 && 0%{?centos_ver} != 7 && 0%{?amazon_linux} != 2 %global _have_cups 1 %else %global _have_cups 0 %endif # Disable NFACCT for RHEL equivalents and Amazon Linux %if 0%{?centos_ver} || 0%{?amzn} %global _have_nfacct 0 %else %global _have_nfacct 1 %endif # Disable xenstat if we’re not on Fedora or openSUSE %if 0%{?suse_version} || 0%{?fedora} %if 0%{!?amzm:1} %global _have_xenstat 0 %else %global _have_xenstat 1 %endif %else %global _have_xenstat 0 %endif # Skip MongoDB exporter on known problem platforms %if 0%{?oraclelinux} || 0%{?suse_version} || 0%{?amzn} %global _have_mongo_exporter 0 %else %global _have_mongo_exporter 1 %endif # log2journal can’t build on some systems %if 0%{?sle_version} %if %{sle_version} < 150600 %global _have_log2journal 0 %else %global _have_log2journal 1 %endif %else %global _have_log2journal 1 %endif # If ML hasn’t been explicitly disabled or enabled yet, enable it now. %if 0%{!?_have_ml:1} %global _have_ml 1 %endif # Filter known bogus deps that would be caught by AutoReqProv. %global __requires_exclude_from ^%{_libdir}/%{name}/system/.*$ Summary: Real-time performance monitoring, done right! Name: netdata Version: %{version} Release: 1%{?dist} License: GPLv3+ Group: Applications/System Source0: https://github.com/%{name}/%{name}/releases/download/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz URL: http://my-%{name}.io # Remove conflicting EPEL packages Obsoletes: %{name}-conf Obsoletes: %{name}-data # ##################################################################### # Core build/install/runtime dependencies # ##################################################################### # Build dependencies # BuildRequires: gcc BuildRequires: gcc-c++ BuildRequires: make BuildRequires: git-core BuildRequires: cmake %if 0%{!?suse_version:1} BuildRequires: ninja-build %else BuildRequires: ninja %endif BuildRequires: pkgconfig BuildRequires: curl BuildRequires: findutils BuildRequires: pkgconfig(zlib) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(uuid) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libuv) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(openssl) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libcurl) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(liblz4) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(yaml-0.1) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(json-c) %if %{_have_log2journal} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libpcre2-8) %endif %if 0%{?suse_version} BuildRequires: protobuf-devel BuildRequires: libprotobuf-c-devel %else %if 0%{?fedora} BuildRequires: protobuf-devel BuildRequires: protobuf-c-devel %else %if 0%{?centos_ver} >= 8 BuildRequires: protobuf-devel BuildRequires: protobuf-c-devel %endif %endif %endif # Core build requirements for service install %if 0%{?suse_version} BuildRequires: systemd-rpm-macros %else BuildRequires: systemd %endif # Core requirements for the install to succeed Requires(pre): /usr/sbin/groupadd Requires(pre): /usr/sbin/useradd # ##################################################################### # External plugin package dependencies # ##################################################################### # CentOS prior to CentOS 8 does not have a new enough version of RPM # to support weak dependencies. Explicitly requiring our default plugins # makes it impossible to properly test the packages prior to upload, # so we just skip depending on them on CentOS 7. %if 0%{?_have_ebpf} Requires: %{name}-plugin-ebpf = %{version} %endif Requires: %{name}-plugin-apps = %{version} Requires: %{name}-plugin-pythond = %{version} Requires: %{name}-plugin-go = %{version} Requires: %{name}-plugin-debugfs = %{version} Requires: %{name}-plugin-chartsd = %{version} Requires: %{name}-plugin-slabinfo = %{version} Requires: %{name}-plugin-perf = %{version} %if %{_have_nfacct} Requires: %{name}-plugin-nfacct = %{version} %endif %if %{_have_xenstat} Suggests: %{name}-plugin-xenstat = %{version} %endif %if %{_have_freeipmi} && 0%{?centos_ver} != 6 && 0%{?centos_ver} != 7 && 0%{?amazon_linux} != 2 Suggests: %{name}-plugin-freeipmi = %{version} %endif %if 0%{?centos_ver} != 7 && 0%{?amazon_linux} != 2 %if %{_have_cups} Suggests: %{name}-plugin-cups = %{version} %endif Recommends: %{name}-plugin-systemd-journal = %{version} Recommends: %{name}-plugin-network-viewer = %{version} Recommends: %{name}-plugin-logs-management = %{version} %else Requires: %{name}-plugin-systemd-journal = %{version} Requires: %{name}-plugin-network-viewer = %{version} %endif # ##################################################################### # Functionality-dependent package dependencies # ##################################################################### # Note: Some or all of the Packages may be found in the EPEL repo, # rather than the standard ones # epbf plugin dependencies %if %{_have_ebpf} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libelf) %endif # end ebpf plugin dependencies # nfacct plugin dependencies %if %{_have_nfacct} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libmnl) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libnetfilter_acct) %endif # end nfacct plugin dependencies # freeipmi plugin dependencies %if %{_have_freeipmi} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libipmimonitoring) %endif # end - freeipmi plugin dependencies # CUPS plugin dependencies %if %{_have_cups} BuildRequires: cups-devel %endif # end - cups plugin dependencies # go.d.plugin dependencies # # The conditional here is checking for a macro we define in our package # builders. If it’s defined, then we’ve injected an upstream copy of # the Go toolchain, so we don’t need the package installed (which # is needed because Go’s development model is at odds with enterprise # distro handling of versioning). %if %{?_upstream_go_toolchain:0}%{!?_upstream_go_toolchain:1} %if 0%{?suse_version} BuildRequires: go >= 1.22 %else BuildRequires: golang >= 1.22 %endif %endif # end - go.d.plugin plugin dependencies # systemd-journal dependencies BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libsystemd) # end - systemd-journal dependencies # Prometheus remote write dependencies %if 0%{?suse_version} BuildRequires: snappy-devel %else %if 0%{?centos_ver} != 7 BuildRequires: pkgconfig(snappy) %else BuildRequires: snappy-devel %endif %endif # end - prometheus remote write dependencies # Xenstat dependencies %if %{_have_xenstat} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xenstat) BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xenlight) %endif # end - xenstat dependencies # MongoDB exporter dependencies %if %{_have_mongo_exporter} BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libmongoc-1.0) %endif # end - mongodb expoerter dependencies # logs-management dependencies BuildRequires: bison BuildRequires: flex # end - logs-management dependencies # ##################################################################### # End of dependency management configuration # ##################################################################### %description netdata is the fastest way to visualize metrics. It is a resource efficient, highly optimized system for collecting and visualizing any type of realtime timeseries data, from CPU usage, disk activity, SQL queries, API calls, web site visitors, etc. netdata tries to visualize the truth of now, in its greatest detail, so that you can get insights of what is happening now and what just happened, on your systems and applications. %prep %setup -q -n "%{name}-%{version}" %build # Conf step %cmake -G Ninja \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/ \ %if 0%{?centos_ver:1} %if %{centos_ver} < 8 -DUSE_CXX_11=On \ %endif %endif %if %{_have_cups} -DENABLE_PLUGIN_CUPS=On \ %else -DENABLE_PLUGIN_CUPS=Off \ %endif %if %{_have_ebpf} -DENABLE_PLUGIN_EBPF=On \ %if 0%{?centos_ver:1} %if 0%{?centos_ver} < 8 -DFORCE_LEGACY_LIBBPF=On \ %endif %endif %else -DENABLE_PLUGIN_EBPF=Off \ %endif %if %{_have_freeipmi} -DENABLE_PLUGIN_FREEIPMI=On \ %else -DENABLE_PLUGIN_FREEIPMI=Off \ %endif %if %{_have_nfacct} -DENABLE_PLUGIN_NFACCT=On \ %else -DENABLE_PLUGIN_NFACCT=Off \ %endif %if %{_have_xenstat} -DENABLE_PLUGIN_XENSTAT=On \ %else -DENABLE_PLUGIN_XENSTAT=Off \ %endif %if 0%{?centos_ver:1} %if %{centos_ver} < 8 -DENABLE_BUNDLED_PROTOBUF=On \ %else -DENABLE_BUNDLED_PROTOBUF=Off \ %endif %else %if 0%{?suse_version:1} -DENABLE_BUNDLED_PROTOBUF=On \ %else -DENABLE_BUNDLED_PROTOBUF=Off \ %endif %endif %if %{_have_ml} -DENABLE_ML=On \ %else -DENABLE_ML=Off \ %endif %if %{_have_mongo_exporter} -DENABLE_EXPORTER_MONGODB=On \ %else -DENABLE_EXPORTER_MONGODB=Off \ %endif -DENABLE_ACLK=On \ -DENABLE_CLOUD=On \ -DENABLE_DBENGINE=On \ -DENABLE_H2O=On \ -DENABLE_PLUGIN_APPS=On \ -DENABLE_PLUGIN_CGROUP_NETWORK=On \ -DENABLE_PLUGIN_DEBUGFS=On \ -DENABLE_PLUGIN_GO=On \ -DENABLE_PLUGIN_LOCAL_LISTENERS=On \ -DENABLE_PLUGIN_PERF=On \ -DENABLE_PLUGIN_SLABINFO=On \ -DENABLE_PLUGIN_SYSTEMD_JOURNAL=On \ -DENABLE_PLUGIN_LOGS_MANAGEMENT=On \ -DENABLE_EXPORTER_PROMETHEUS_REMOTE_WRITE=On \ -DENABLE_BUNDLED_JSONC=Off \ -DENABLE_BUNDLED_YAML=Off # Build step %{cmake_build} %install # ########################################################### # Clear the directory, if already exists and install rm -rf "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" %{cmake_install} install -m 644 -p "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/%{name}.conf" "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}" install -m 644 -p "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/%{name}-updater.conf" "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}" # ########################################################### # Install updater script install -m 755 -p packaging/installer/%{name}-updater.sh "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/%{name}-updater.sh" # ########################################################### # logrotate settings install -m 755 -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d" install -m 644 -p "%{__cmake_builddir}/system/logrotate/%{name}" "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}" # ########################################################### # Install cache and log directories install -m 755 -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_localstatedir}/cache/%{name}" install -m 755 -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}" # ########################################################### # Install registry directory install -m 755 -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}/registry" # ########################################################### # Install uninstaller script install -m 750 -p packaging/installer/%{name}-uninstaller.sh \ "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_libexecdir}/%{name}/%{name}-uninstaller.sh" # ########################################################### # Install netdata service install -m 755 -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_unitdir}" %if 0%{?centos_ver} != 7 && 0%{?amazon_linux} != 2 install -m 644 -p "%{__cmake_builddir}/system/systemd/%{name}.service" "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_unitdir}/%{name}.service" %else install -m 644 -p "%{__cmake_builddir}/system/systemd/%{name}.service.v235" "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_unitdir}/%{name}.service" %endif install -m 644 -p "system/systemd/netdata-updater.timer" "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_unitdir}/%{name}-updater.timer" install -m 644 -p "%{__cmake_builddir}/system/systemd/%{name}-updater.service" "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_unitdir}/%{name}-updater.service" install -m 755 -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_presetdir}" install -m 644 -p "system/systemd/50-%{name}.preset" "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_presetdir}/50-%{name}.preset" install -m 755 -d "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_systemd_util_dir}/journald@%{name}.conf.d" install -m 644 -p "system/systemd/journald@%{name}.conf" "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_systemd_util_dir}/journald@%{name}.conf.d/%{name}.conf" %pre if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi if ! getent passwd %{name} > /dev/null; then useradd --system -g %{name} --home %{contentdir} --no-create-home -s /sbin/nologin -c "Netdata pseudo user" %{name} fi # I am not sure that the corresponding group names are exactly the same as in Debian, but we should start somewhere, shouldn't we? for item in docker nginx varnish haproxy adm nsd proxy squid ceph nobody I2C; do if getent group $item > /dev/null 2>&1; then usermod -a -G ${item} %{name} fi done %post %if 0%{?suse_version} %service_add_post %{name}.service %else %systemd_post %{name}.service %endif %preun %if 0%{?suse_version} %service_del_preun %{name}.service %else %systemd_preun %{name}.service %endif %postun %if 0%{?suse_version} %service_del_postun %{name}.service %else %systemd_postun_with_restart %{name}.service %endif %clean rm -rf "${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}" %files %doc README.md %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/%{name}.conf %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/%{name}-updater.conf %attr(0755,root,netdata) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/edit-config %attr(0644,root,netdata) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/.install-type %dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/health.d %dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/statsd.d %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name} %{_libdir}/%{name} %{_sbindir}/%{name} %{_sbindir}/netdatacli %if %{_have_log2journal} %{_sbindir}/log2journal %endif %{_sbindir}/systemd-cat-native %{_sbindir}/%{name}-claim.sh %{_unitdir}/%{name}.service %{_unitdir}/%{name}-updater.timer %{_unitdir}/%{name}-updater.service %{_presetdir}/50-%{name}.preset %{_systemd_util_dir}/journald@%{name}.conf.d/%{name}.conf %dir %{_libexecdir}/%{name} %dir %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d %defattr(0750,root,netdata,0750) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/install-service.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/%{name}-updater.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/%{name}-uninstaller.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/acl.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/alarm.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/alarm-email.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/alarm-notify.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/alarm-test.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/anonymous-statistics.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/cgroup-name.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/get-kubernetes-labels.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/health-cmdapi-test.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/ioping.plugin %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/loopsleepms.sh.inc %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/request.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/system-info.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/tc-qos-helper.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/template_dim.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/ebpf_thread_function.sh # cgroup-network detects the network interfaces of CGROUPs # it must be able to use setns() and run cgroup-network-helper.sh as root # the helper script reads /proc/PID/fdinfo/* files, runs virsh, etc. %attr(4750,root,netdata) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/cgroup-network %attr(0750,root,netdata) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/cgroup-network-helper.sh # local-listeners detects the local processes that are listening for connections %attr(4750,root,netdata) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/local-listeners # network-viewer.plugin, detects all system sockets and classifies them %attr(4750,root,netdata) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/network-viewer.plugin # ndsudo a helper to run privileged commands %attr(4750,root,netdata) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/ndsudo # Enforce 0644 for files and 0755 for directories # for the netdata web directory %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %{_datadir}/%{name}/web # Enforce 0660 for files and 0770 for directories # for the netdata lib, cache and log dirs %defattr(0660,root,netdata,0770) %attr(0770,netdata,netdata) %dir %{_localstatedir}/cache/%{name} %attr(0755,netdata,root) %dir %{_localstatedir}/log/%{name} %attr(0770,netdata,netdata) %dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name} %attr(0770,netdata,netdata) %dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}/registry %attr(0770,netdata,netdata) %dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}/cloud.d # Free IPMI belongs to a different sub-package %if %{_have_freeipmi} %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/freeipmi.plugin %endif # NFACCT belongs to a different sub-package %if %{_have_nfacct} %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/nfacct.plugin %endif # Charts.d belongs to a different sub-package %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/charts.d.plugin %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/charts.d.dryrun-helper.sh %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/charts.d/ %exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/charts.d.conf %exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/charts.d/ # eBPF belongs to a different sub-package %if %{_have_ebpf} %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/ebpf.plugin %exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/ebpf.d.conf %exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/ebpf.d %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/ebpf.d %endif # Python.d belongs to a different sub-package %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/python.d.plugin %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/python.d %exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/python.d.conf %exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/python.d # Go.d belongs to a different sub-package %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/go.d.plugin %exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/go.d.conf %exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/go.d # apps belongs to a different sub-package %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/apps.plugin %exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/apps_groups.conf # slabinfo belongs to a different sub-package %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/slabinfo.plugin # perf belongs to a different sub-package %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/perf.plugin # systemd-journal belongs to a different sub-package %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/systemd-journal.plugin # xenstat belongs to a different sub-package %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/xenstat.plugin # logs management belongs to a different sub-package %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/logs-management.plugin %exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/logsmanagement.d.conf %exclude %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/logsmanagement.d # Network viewer belongs to a different sub-package %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/network-viewer.plugin # CUPS belongs to a different sub package %if %{_have_cups} %exclude %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/cups.plugin %package plugin-cups Summary: The CUPS metrics collection plugin for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-cups This plugin allows the Netdata Agent to collect metrics from the Common UNIX Printing System. %pre plugin-cups if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-cups %attr(0750,root,netdata) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/cups.plugin %endif %if 0%{?_have_freeipmi} %package plugin-freeipmi Summary: The FreeIPMI metrics collection plugin for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: freeipmi Requires: %{name} = %{version} %description plugin-freeipmi This plugin allows the Netdata Agent to collect metrics from hardware using FreeIPMI. %pre plugin-freeipmi if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-freeipmi %attr(4750,root,netdata) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/freeipmi.plugin %endif %if %{_have_nfacct} %package plugin-nfacct Summary: The NFACCT metrics collection plugin for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %description plugin-nfacct This plugin allows the Netdata Agent to collect metrics from the firewall using NFACCT objects. %pre plugin-nfacct if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-nfacct %attr(4750,root,netdata) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/nfacct.plugin %endif %package plugin-chartsd Summary: The charts.d metrics collection plugin for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: bash Requires: %{name} = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %if 0%{?centos_ver} != 7 Suggests: apcupsd Suggests: iw Suggests: sudo %endif %description plugin-chartsd This plugin adds a selection of additional collectors written in shell script to the Netdata Agent. It includes collectors for APCUPSD, LibreSWAN, OpenSIPS, and Wireless access point statistics. %pre plugin-chartsd if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-chartsd %defattr(0750,root,netdata,0750) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/charts.d.plugin %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/charts.d.dryrun-helper.sh %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/charts.d/ %defattr(0644,root,netdata,0755) %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/charts.d.conf %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/charts.d/ %if 0%{?_have_ebpf} %package plugin-ebpf Summary: The eBPF metrics collection plugin for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %if 0%{?centos_ver} != 7 Recommends: %{name}-plugin-apps = %{version} Recommends: %{name}-ebpf-legacy-code >= %{version} %else Requires: %{name}-plugin-apps = %{version} Requires: %{name}-ebpf-legacy-code >= %{version} %endif %description plugin-ebpf This plugin allows the Netdata Agent to use eBPF code to collect more detailed kernel-level metrics for the system. %pre plugin-ebpf if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-ebpf %defattr(4750,root,netdata,4750) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/ebpf.plugin %defattr(0644,root,netdata,0755) %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/ebpf.d.conf %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/ebpf.d %package ebpf-legacy-code Summary: Compiled eBPF legacy code for the Netdata eBPF plugin Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name}-plugin-ebpf = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %description ebpf-legacy-code This package provides the pre-compiled eBPF legacy code for use by the Netdata eBPF plugin. This code is only needed when using the eBPF plugin with kernel versions before 5.10. %pre ebpf-legacy-code if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files ebpf-legacy-code %defattr(0640,root,netdata,0640) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/ebpf.d/*.o %endif %package plugin-pythond Summary: The python.d metrics collection plugin for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %if 0%{?centos_ver} == 7 || 0%{?centos_ver} == 6 Requires: python %else Requires: python3 %endif %if 0%{?centos_ver} != 7 Suggests: sudo %endif %description plugin-pythond This plugin adds a selection of additional collectors written in Python to the Netdata Agent. Many of the collectors provided by this package are also available in netdata-plugin-go. In msot cases, you probably want to use those versions instead of the Python versions. %pre plugin-pythond if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-pythond %defattr(0750,root,netdata,0750) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/python.d.plugin %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/python.d %defattr(0644,root,netdata,0755) %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/python.d.conf %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/python.d %package plugin-go Summary: The go.d metrics collection plugin for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %if 0%{?centos_ver} != 7 Suggests: nvme-cli Suggests: sudo %endif %description plugin-go This plugin adds a selection of additional collectors written in Go to the Netdata Agent A significant percentage of the application specific collectors provided by Netdata are part of this plugin, so most users will want it installed. %pre plugin-go if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-go %defattr(0750,root,netdata,0750) # CAP_NET_ADMIN needed for WireGuard collector # CAP_NET_RAW needed for ping collector %caps(cap_dac_read_search,cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=eip) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/go.d.plugin %defattr(0644,root,netdata,0755) %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/go.d.conf %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/go.d %package plugin-apps Summary: The per-application metrics collection plugin for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %description plugin-apps This plugin allows the Netdata Agent to collect per-application and per-user metrics without using cgroups. %pre plugin-apps if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-apps %defattr(0750,root,netdata,0750) # CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH and CAP_SYS_PTRACE needed for data collection by the plugin. %caps(cap_dac_read_search,cap_sys_ptrace=ep) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/apps.plugin %defattr(0644,root,netdata,0755) %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/apps_groups.conf %package plugin-slabinfo Summary: The slabinfo metrics collector for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %description plugin-slabinfo This plugin allows the Netdata Agent to collect perfromance and utilization metrics for the Linux kernel’s SLAB allocator. %pre plugin-slabinfo if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-slabinfo %defattr(0750,root,netdata,0750) # CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH needed to access the files the plugin reads to collect data. %caps(cap_dac_read_search=ep) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/slabinfo.plugin %package plugin-perf Summary: The perf metrics collector for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %description plugin-perf This plugin allows the Netdata to collect metrics from the Linux perf subsystem. %pre plugin-perf if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-perf %defattr(0750,root,netdata,0750) # Either CAP_SYS_ADMIN or CAP_PERFMON needed for data collection # PERFMON is newer, so only try to use it on platforms which support it. %if 0%{?centos_ver} >= 9 || 0%{?fedora} >= 36 %caps(cap_perfmon=ep) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/perf.plugin %else %caps(cap_sys_admin=ep) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/perf.plugin %endif %package plugin-debugfs Summary: The debugfs metrics collector for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %description plugin-debugfs This plugin allows the Netdata Agent to collect Linux kernel metrics exposed through debugfs. %pre plugin-debugfs if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-debugfs %defattr(0750,root,netdata,0750) # CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH required for data collection. %caps(cap_dac_read_search=ep) %attr(0750,root,netdata) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/debugfs.plugin %package plugin-systemd-journal Summary: The systemd-journal plugin for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %description plugin-systemd-journal This plugin allows the Netdata Agent to present entries from the systemd journal on Netdata Cloud or the local Agent Dashboard. %pre plugin-systemd-journal if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-systemd-journal %defattr(0750,root,netdata,0750) # CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH required for data collection. %caps(cap_dac_read_search=ep) %attr(0750,root,netdata) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/systemd-journal.plugin %if %{_have_xenstat} %package plugin-xenstat Summary: The xenstat plugin for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %description plugin-xenstat This plugin allows Netdata to collect metrics from the Xen Hypervisor. %pre plugin-xenstat if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-xenstat %defattr(0750,root,netdata,0750) # SUID needed for data collection %attr(4750,root,netdata) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/xenstat.plugin %endif %package plugin-logs-management Summary: The logs-management plugin for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %description plugin-logs-management This plugin allows the Netdata Agent to collect logs from the system and parse them to extract metrics. %pre plugin-logs-management if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-logs-management %defattr(0644,root,netdata,0755) %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/logsmanagement.d.conf %{_libdir}/%{name}/conf.d/logsmanagement.d %defattr(0750,root,netdata,0750) # CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH and CAP_SYSLOG needed for data collection. %caps(cap_dac_read_search,cap_syslog=ep) %attr(0750,root,netdata) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/logs-management.plugin %package plugin-network-viewer Summary: The network viewer plugin for the Netdata Agent Group: Applications/System Requires: %{name} = %{version} Conflicts: %{name} < %{version} %if 0%{?_have_ebpf} %if 0%{?centos_ver} != 7 Recommends: %{name}-plugin-ebpf = %{version} %else Requires: %{name}-plugin-ebpf = %{version} %endif %endif %description plugin-network-viewer This plugin allows the Netdata Agent to provide network connection mapping functionality for use in netdata Cloud. %pre plugin-network-viewer if ! getent group %{name} > /dev/null; then groupadd --system %{name} fi %files plugin-network-viewer %defattr(0750,root,netdata,0750) # CAP_SYS_ADMIN, CAP_SYS_PTRACE and CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH needed for data collection. %caps(cap_sys_admin,cap_sys_ptrace,cap_dac_read_search=ep) %attr(0750,root,netdata) %{_libexecdir}/%{name}/plugins.d/network-viewer.plugin %changelog * Tue Feb 06 2024 Austin Hemmelgarn 0.0.0-25 - Add package for network-viewer plugin * Thu Oct 26 2023 Austin Hemmelgarn 0.0.0-24 - Add package for logs-management plugin * Tue Sep 19 2023 Austin hemmelgarn 0.0.0-24 - Switch to using cmake for builds. * Mon Aug 28 2023 Konstantin Shalygin 0.0.0-23 - Build go.d.plugin natively for CentOS Stream distro * Mon Aug 21 2023 Austin Hemmelgarn 0.0.0-22 - Explicitly depend on version-matched plugins in native packages * Thu Aug 03 2023 Austin Hemmelgarn 0.0.0-21 - Added systemd-journal plugin handling * Wed Jun 14 2023 Konstantin Shalygin 0.0.0-20 - Added eBPF build dependency (again) * Fri Apr 07 2023 Austin Hemmelgarn 0.0.0-19 - Split additional plugins out in their own packages. * Tue Mar 21 2023 Austin Hemmelgarn 0.0.0-18 - Fix systemd handling to follow BCP. - Drop pre-systemd init support. * Thu Feb 16 2023 Konstantin Shalygin 0.0.0-17 - Added eBPF build dependency * Thu Feb 03 2022 Austin Hemmelgarn 0.0.0-16 - Bundle updater script in native packages. * Mon Oct 11 2021 Austin Hemmelgarn 0.0.0-15 - Remove support code for legacy ACLK implementation. * Wed Sep 16 2020 Austin Hemmelgarn 0.0.0-14 - Convert to using 'AutoReq: yes' for library dependencies. * Thu Feb 13 2020 Austin Hemmelgarn 0.0.0-13 - Add handling for custom libmosquitto fork * Wed Jan 01 2020 Austin Hemmelgarn 0.0.0-12 - Add explicit installation of log and cache directories - Clean up build dependencies. * Thu Dec 19 2019 Austin Hemmelgarn 0.0.0-11 - Fix remaining ownership and permissions issues. * Mon Nov 04 2019 Konstantinos Natsakis 0.0.0-10 - Fix /etc/netdata permissions * Mon Sep 23 2019 Konstantinos Natsakis 0.0.0-9 - Do not build CUPS plugin subpackage on CentOS 6 and CentOS 7 * Tue Aug 20 2019 Pavlos Emm. Katsoulakis - 0.0.0-8 - Split CUPS functionality on separate package * Fri Jun 28 2019 Pavlos Emm. Katsoulakis - 0.0.0-7 - Raise the path overrides to the spec file level, not just the configure. - Adjust tighter permissions on some folders, based on what we did on our installer - Introduce go.d plugin download and install, to include it on the package (Temporarily, to become separate package on next iteration) * Tue Jun 25 2019 Pavlos Emm. Katsoulakis - 0.0.0-6 - Adjust dependency list: Some packages are missing on some distros, adopt to build successfully * Mon Jun 24 2019 Pavlos Emm. Katsoulakis - 0.0.0-5 Another pass on cleaning up pre/post installation steps - Sync permission and ownership on files and directories * Sun Jun 16 2019 Pavlos Emm. Katsoulakis - 0.0.0-4 First draft refactor on package dependencies section - Remove freeipmi/nfacct plugin flags. We auto-detect all plugins by decision - Start refactor of package dependencies - Add missing dependencies, with respect to distro peculiarities - Adjust existing dependencies, so that distro-specific package names is applied * Wed Jan 02 2019 Pawel Krupa - 0.0.0-3 - Temporary set version statically - Fix changelog ordering - Comment-out node.d configuration directory * Wed Jan 02 2019 Pawel Krupa - 0.0.0-2 - Fix permissions for log files * Sun Nov 15 2015 Alon Bar-Lev - 0.0.0-1 - Initial add.