# Functions and macros for handling of JSON-C # # Copyright (c) 2024 Netdata Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # Handle bundling of json-c. # # This pulls it in as a sub-project using FetchContent functionality. # # This needs to be a function and not a macro for variable scoping # reasons. All the things we care about from the sub-project are exposed # as targets, which are globally scoped and not function scoped. function(netdata_bundle_jsonc) include(FetchContent) include(NetdataFetchContentExtra) message(STATUS "Preparing vendored copy of JSON-C") if(ENABLE_BUNDLED_JSONC) set(FETCHCONTENT_TRY_FIND_PACKAGE_MODE NEVER) endif() set(FETCHCONTENT_FULLY_DISCONNECTED Off) # JSON-C supports older versions of CMake than we do, so set # the correct values for the few policies we actually need. set(CMAKE_POLICY_DEFAULT_CMP0077 NEW) # JSON-C's build system does string comparisons against option # values instead of treating them as booleans, so we need to use # proper strings for option values instead of just setting them # to true or false. set(DISABLE_BSYMBOLIC ON) set(DISABLE_WERROR ON) set(DISABLE_EXTRA_LIBS ON) set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OFF) set(BUILD_STATIC_LIBS ON) set(BUILD_APPS OFF) FetchContent_Declare(json-c GIT_REPOSITORY https://github.com/json-c/json-c GIT_TAG b4c371fa0cbc4dcbaccc359ce9e957a22988fb34 # json-c-0.17-20230812 ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable_NoInstall(json-c) message(STATUS "Finished preparing vendored copy of JSON-C") endfunction() # Handle setup of json-c for the build. # # This will attempt to find json-c using pkg_check_modules. If it finds # a usable copy, that will be used. If not, it will bundle a vendored copy # as a sub-project. # # Irrespective of how json-c is to be included, library names, # include directories, and compile definitions will be specified in the # NETDATA_JSONC_* variables for later use. macro(netdata_detect_jsonc) if(NOT ENABLE_BUNDLED_JSONC) pkg_check_modules(JSONC json-c) endif() if(NOT JSONC_FOUND) netdata_bundle_jsonc() set(NETDATA_JSONC_LDFLAGS json-c) set(NETDATA_JSONC_INCLUDE_DIRS ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include) get_target_property(NETDATA_JSONC_CFLAGS_OTHER json-c INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS) if(NETDATA_JSONC_CFLAGS_OTHER STREQUAL NETDATA_JSONC_CFLAGS_OTHER-NOTFOUND) set(NETDATA_JSONC_CFLAGS_OTHER "") endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/json-c COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E create_symlink ${json-c_BINARY_DIR} ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/json-c COMMENT "Create compatibility symlink for vendored JSON-C headers" DEPENDS json-c ) add_custom_target( json-c-compat-link DEPENDS ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/include/json-c ) else() set(NETDATA_JSONC_LDFLAGS ${JSONC_LDFLAGS}) set(NETDATA_JSONC_CFLAGS_OTHER ${JSONC_CFLAGS_OTHER}) set(NETDATA_JSONC_INCLUDE_DIRS ${JSONC_INCLUDE_DIRS}) add_custom_target(json-c-compat-link) endif() endmacro() # Add json-c as a public link dependency of the specified target. # # The specified target must already exist, and the netdata_detect_json-c # macro must have already been run at least once for this to work correctly. function(netdata_add_jsonc_to_target _target) target_include_directories(${_target} PUBLIC ${NETDATA_JSONC_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_compile_definitions(${_target} PUBLIC ${NETDATA_JSONC_CFLAGS_OTHER}) target_link_libraries(${_target} PUBLIC ${NETDATA_JSONC_LDFLAGS}) add_dependencies(${_target} json-c-compat-link) endfunction()