# Running a Local Dashboard through Cloudflare Tunnels ## Summary of tasks - Make a `netdata-web` HTTP tunnel on the parent node, so the web interface can be viewed publicly - Make a `netdata-tcp` tcp tunnel on the parent node, so it can receive tcp streams from child nodes - Provide access to the `netdata-tcp` tunnel on the child nodes, so you can send the tcp stream to the parent node - Make sure the parent node uses port `19999` for both web and tcp streams - Make sure that the child nodes have `mode = none` in the `[web]` section of the `netdata.conf` file, and `destination = tcp:` in the `[stream]` section of the `stream.conf` file ## Detailed instructions with commands and service files - Install the `cloudflared` package on all your Netdata nodes, follow the repository instructions [here](https://pkg.cloudflare.com/index.html) - Login to cloudflare with `sudo cloudflared login` on all your Netdata nodes ### Parent node: public web interface and receiving stats from Child nodes - Create the HTTP tunnel `sudo cloudflared tunnel create netdata-web` - Start routing traffic `sudo cloudflared tunnel route dns netdata-web netdata-web.my.domain` - Create a service by making a file called `/etc/systemd/system/cf-tun-netdata-web.service` and input: ```ini [Unit] Description=cloudflare tunnel netdata-web After=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple User=root Group=root ExecStart=/usr/bin/cloudflared --no-autoupdate tunnel run --url http://localhost:19999 netdata-web Restart=on-failure TimeoutStartSec=0 RestartSec=5s [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` - Create the TCP tunnel `sudo cloudflared tunnel create netdata-tcp` - Start routing traffic `sudo cloudflared tunnel route dns netdata-tcp netdata-tcp.my.domain` - Create a service by making a file called `/etc/systemd/system/cf-tun-netdata-tcp.service` and input: ```ini [Unit] Description=cloudflare tunnel netdata-tcp After=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple User=root Group=root ExecStart=/usr/bin/cloudflared --no-autoupdate tunnel run --url tcp://localhost:19999 netdata-tcp Restart=on-failure TimeoutStartSec=0 RestartSec=5s [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` ### Child nodes: send stats to the Parent node - Create a service by making a file called `/etc/systemd/system/cf-acs-netdata-tcp.service` and input: ```ini [Unit] Description=cloudflare access netdata-tcp After=network-online.target [Service] Type=simple User=root Group=root ExecStart=/usr/bin/cloudflared --no-autoupdate access tcp --url localhost:19999 --tunnel-host netdata-tcp.my.domain Restart=on-failure TimeoutStartSec=0 RestartSec=5s [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ``` You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the Netdata [config directory](/docs/netdata-agent/configuration/README.md#the-netdata-config-directory). - Edit `netdata.conf` and input: ```ini [web] mode = none ``` - Edit `stream.conf` and input: ```ini [stream] destination = tcp: ``` [Restart the Agents](/packaging/installer/README.md#maintaining-a-netdata-agent-installation), and you are done! You should now be able to have a Local Dashboard that gets its metrics from Child instances, running through Cloudflare tunnels. > ### Note > > You can find the origin of this page in [this discussion](https://discord.com/channels/847502280503590932/1154164395799216189/1154556625944854618) in our Discord server. > > We thought it was going to be helpful to all users, so we included it in our docs.