// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include #include "ebpf.h" #include "ebpf_cgroup.h" ebpf_cgroup_target_t *ebpf_cgroup_pids = NULL; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Map shared memory /** * Map Shared Memory locally * * Map the shared memory for current process * * @param fd file descriptor returned after shm_open was called. * @param length length of the shared memory * * @return It returns a pointer to the region mapped. */ static inline void *ebpf_cgroup_map_shm_locally(int fd, size_t length) { void *value; value = mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0); if (!value) { error("Cannot map shared memory used between eBPF and cgroup, integration between processes won't happen"); close(shm_fd_ebpf_cgroup); shm_fd_ebpf_cgroup = -1; shm_unlink(NETDATA_SHARED_MEMORY_EBPF_CGROUP_NAME); } return value; } /** * Map cgroup shared memory * * Map cgroup shared memory from cgroup to plugin */ void ebpf_map_cgroup_shared_memory() { static int limit_try = 0; static time_t next_try = 0; if (shm_ebpf_cgroup.header || limit_try > NETDATA_EBPF_CGROUP_MAX_TRIES) return; time_t curr_time = time(NULL); if (curr_time < next_try) return; limit_try++; next_try = curr_time + NETDATA_EBPF_CGROUP_NEXT_TRY_SEC; shm_fd_ebpf_cgroup = shm_open(NETDATA_SHARED_MEMORY_EBPF_CGROUP_NAME, O_RDWR, 0660); if (shm_fd_ebpf_cgroup < 0) { if (limit_try == NETDATA_EBPF_CGROUP_MAX_TRIES) error("Shared memory was not initialized, integration between processes won't happen."); return; } // Map only header shm_ebpf_cgroup.header = (netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_header_t *) ebpf_cgroup_map_shm_locally(shm_fd_ebpf_cgroup, sizeof(netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_header_t)); if (!shm_ebpf_cgroup.header) { limit_try = NETDATA_EBPF_CGROUP_MAX_TRIES + 1; return; } size_t length = shm_ebpf_cgroup.header->body_length; munmap(shm_ebpf_cgroup.header, sizeof(netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_header_t)); shm_ebpf_cgroup.header = (netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_header_t *)ebpf_cgroup_map_shm_locally(shm_fd_ebpf_cgroup, length); if (!shm_ebpf_cgroup.header) { limit_try = NETDATA_EBPF_CGROUP_MAX_TRIES + 1; return; } shm_ebpf_cgroup.body = (netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_body_t *) ((char *)shm_ebpf_cgroup.header + sizeof(netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_header_t)); shm_sem_ebpf_cgroup = sem_open(NETDATA_NAMED_SEMAPHORE_EBPF_CGROUP_NAME, O_CREAT, 0660, 1); if (shm_sem_ebpf_cgroup == SEM_FAILED) { error("Cannot create semaphore, integration between eBPF and cgroup won't happen"); munmap(shm_ebpf_cgroup.header, length); shm_ebpf_cgroup.header = NULL; close(shm_fd_ebpf_cgroup); shm_fd_ebpf_cgroup = -1; shm_unlink(NETDATA_SHARED_MEMORY_EBPF_CGROUP_NAME); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Close and Cleanup /** * Close shared memory */ void ebpf_close_cgroup_shm() { if (shm_sem_ebpf_cgroup != SEM_FAILED) { sem_close(shm_sem_ebpf_cgroup); sem_unlink(NETDATA_NAMED_SEMAPHORE_EBPF_CGROUP_NAME); shm_sem_ebpf_cgroup = SEM_FAILED; } if (shm_fd_ebpf_cgroup > 0) { close(shm_fd_ebpf_cgroup); shm_unlink(NETDATA_SHARED_MEMORY_EBPF_CGROUP_NAME); shm_fd_ebpf_cgroup = -1; } } /** * Clean Specific cgroup pid * * Clean all PIDs associated with cgroup. * * @param pt structure pid on target that will have your PRs removed */ static inline void ebpf_clean_specific_cgroup_pids(struct pid_on_target2 *pt) { while (pt) { struct pid_on_target2 *next_pid = pt->next; freez(pt); pt = next_pid; } } /** * Cleanup link list */ void ebpf_clean_cgroup_pids() { if (!ebpf_cgroup_pids) return; ebpf_cgroup_target_t *ect = ebpf_cgroup_pids; while (ect) { ebpf_cgroup_target_t *next_cgroup = ect->next; ebpf_clean_specific_cgroup_pids(ect->pids); freez(ect); ect = next_cgroup; } ebpf_cgroup_pids = NULL; } /** * Remove Cgroup Update Target Update List * * Remove from cgroup target and update the link list */ static void ebpf_remove_cgroup_target_update_list() { ebpf_cgroup_target_t *next, *ect = ebpf_cgroup_pids; ebpf_cgroup_target_t *prev = ebpf_cgroup_pids; while (ect) { next = ect->next; if (!ect->updated) { if (ect == ebpf_cgroup_pids) { ebpf_cgroup_pids = next; prev = next; } else { prev->next = next; } ebpf_clean_specific_cgroup_pids(ect->pids); freez(ect); } else { prev = ect; } ect = next; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fill variables /** * Set Target Data * * Set local variable values according shared memory information. * * @param out local output variable. * @param ptr input from shared memory. */ static inline void ebpf_cgroup_set_target_data(ebpf_cgroup_target_t *out, netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_body_t *ptr) { out->hash = ptr->hash; snprintfz(out->name, 255, "%s", ptr->name); out->systemd = ptr->options & CGROUP_OPTIONS_SYSTEM_SLICE_SERVICE; out->updated = 1; } /** * Find or create * * Find the structure inside the link list or allocate and link when it is not present. * * @param ptr Input from shared memory. * * @return It returns a pointer for the structure associated with the input. */ static ebpf_cgroup_target_t * ebpf_cgroup_find_or_create(netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_body_t *ptr) { ebpf_cgroup_target_t *ect, *prev; for (ect = ebpf_cgroup_pids, prev = ebpf_cgroup_pids; ect; prev = ect, ect = ect->next) { if (ect->hash == ptr->hash && !strcmp(ect->name, ptr->name)) { ect->updated = 1; return ect; } } ebpf_cgroup_target_t *new_ect = callocz(1, sizeof(ebpf_cgroup_target_t)); ebpf_cgroup_set_target_data(new_ect, ptr); if (!ebpf_cgroup_pids) { ebpf_cgroup_pids = new_ect; } else { prev->next = new_ect; } return new_ect; } /** * Update pid link list * * Update PIDs list associated with specific cgroup. * * @param ect cgroup structure where pids will be stored * @param path file with PIDs associated to cgroup. */ static void ebpf_update_pid_link_list(ebpf_cgroup_target_t *ect, char *path) { procfile *ff = procfile_open(path, " \t:", PROCFILE_FLAG_DEFAULT); if (!ff) return; ff = procfile_readall(ff); if (!ff) return; size_t lines = procfile_lines(ff), l; for (l = 0; l < lines ;l++) { int pid = (int)str2l(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 0)); if (pid) { struct pid_on_target2 *pt, *prev; for (pt = ect->pids, prev = ect->pids; pt; prev = pt, pt = pt->next) { if (pt->pid == pid) break; } if (!pt) { struct pid_on_target2 *w = callocz(1, sizeof(struct pid_on_target2)); w->pid = pid; if (!ect->pids) ect->pids = w; else prev->next = w; } } } procfile_close(ff); } /** * Set remove var * * Set variable remove. If this variable is not reset, the structure will be removed from link list. */ void ebpf_reset_updated_var() { ebpf_cgroup_target_t *ect; for (ect = ebpf_cgroup_pids; ect; ect = ect->next) { ect->updated = 0; } } /** * Parse cgroup shared memory * * This function is responsible to copy necessary data from shared memory to local memory. */ void ebpf_parse_cgroup_shm_data() { if (shm_ebpf_cgroup.header) { sem_wait(shm_sem_ebpf_cgroup); int i, end = shm_ebpf_cgroup.header->cgroup_root_count; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex_cgroup_shm); ebpf_remove_cgroup_target_update_list(); ebpf_reset_updated_var(); for (i = 0; i < end; i++) { netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_body_t *ptr = &shm_ebpf_cgroup.body[i]; if (ptr->enabled) { ebpf_cgroup_target_t *ect = ebpf_cgroup_find_or_create(ptr); ebpf_update_pid_link_list(ect, ptr->path); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex_cgroup_shm); sem_post(shm_sem_ebpf_cgroup); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create charts /** * Create charts on systemd submenu * * @param id the chart id * @param title the value displayed on vertical axis. * @param units the value displayed on vertical axis. * @param family Submenu that the chart will be attached on dashboard. * @param charttype chart type * @param order the chart order * @param algorithm the algorithm used by dimension * @param context add context for chart * @param module chart module name, this is the eBPF thread. */ void ebpf_create_charts_on_systemd(char *id, char *title, char *units, char *family, char *charttype, int order, char *algorithm, char *context, char *module) { ebpf_cgroup_target_t *w; ebpf_write_chart_cmd(NETDATA_SERVICE_FAMILY, id, title, units, family, charttype, context, order, module); for (w = ebpf_cgroup_pids; w; w = w->next) { if (unlikely(w->systemd) && unlikely(w->updated)) fprintf(stdout, "DIMENSION %s '' %s 1 1\n", w->name, algorithm); } }