// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "systemd-internals.h" #include #define EVENT_SIZE (sizeof(struct inotify_event)) #define INITIAL_WATCHES 256 #define WATCH_FOR (IN_CREATE | IN_MODIFY | IN_DELETE | IN_DELETE_SELF | IN_MOVED_FROM | IN_MOVED_TO | IN_UNMOUNT) typedef struct watch_entry { int slot; int wd; // Watch descriptor char *path; // Dynamically allocated path struct watch_entry *next; // for the free list } WatchEntry; typedef struct { WatchEntry *watchList; WatchEntry *freeList; int watchCount; int watchListSize; size_t errors; DICTIONARY *pending; } Watcher; static WatchEntry *get_slot(Watcher *watcher) { WatchEntry *t; if (watcher->freeList != NULL) { t = watcher->freeList; watcher->freeList = t->next; t->next = NULL; return t; } if (watcher->watchCount == watcher->watchListSize) { watcher->watchListSize *= 2; watcher->watchList = reallocz(watcher->watchList, watcher->watchListSize * sizeof(WatchEntry)); } watcher->watchList[watcher->watchCount] = (WatchEntry){ .slot = watcher->watchCount, .wd = -1, .path = NULL, .next = NULL, }; t = &watcher->watchList[watcher->watchCount]; watcher->watchCount++; return t; } static void free_slot(Watcher *watcher, WatchEntry *t) { t->wd = -1; freez(t->path); t->path = NULL; // link it to the free list t->next = watcher->freeList; watcher->freeList = t; } static int add_watch(Watcher *watcher, int inotifyFd, const char *path) { WatchEntry *t = get_slot(watcher); t->wd = inotify_add_watch(inotifyFd, path, WATCH_FOR); if (t->wd == -1) { nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_ERR, "JOURNAL WATCHER: cannot watch directory: '%s'", path); free_slot(watcher, t); struct stat info; if(stat(path, &info) == 0 && S_ISDIR(info.st_mode)) { // the directory exists, but we failed to add the watch // increase errors watcher->errors++; } } else { t->path = strdupz(path); nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_DEBUG, "JOURNAL WATCHER: watching directory: '%s'", path); } return t->wd; } static void remove_watch(Watcher *watcher, int inotifyFd, int wd) { int i; for (i = 0; i < watcher->watchCount; ++i) { if (watcher->watchList[i].wd == wd) { nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_DEBUG, "JOURNAL WATCHER: removing watch from directory: '%s'", watcher->watchList[i].path); inotify_rm_watch(inotifyFd, watcher->watchList[i].wd); free_slot(watcher, &watcher->watchList[i]); return; } } nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_WARNING, "JOURNAL WATCHER: cannot find directory watch %d to remove.", wd); } static void free_watches(Watcher *watcher, int inotifyFd) { for (int i = 0; i < watcher->watchCount; ++i) { if (watcher->watchList[i].wd != -1) { inotify_rm_watch(inotifyFd, watcher->watchList[i].wd); free_slot(watcher, &watcher->watchList[i]); } } freez(watcher->watchList); watcher->watchList = NULL; dictionary_destroy(watcher->pending); watcher->pending = NULL; } static char* get_path_from_wd(Watcher *watcher, int wd) { for (int i = 0; i < watcher->watchCount; ++i) { if (watcher->watchList[i].wd == wd) return watcher->watchList[i].path; } return NULL; } static bool is_directory_watched(Watcher *watcher, const char *path) { for (int i = 0; i < watcher->watchCount; ++i) { if (watcher->watchList[i].wd != -1 && strcmp(watcher->watchList[i].path, path) == 0) { return true; } } return false; } static void watch_directory_and_subdirectories(Watcher *watcher, int inotifyFd, const char *basePath) { DICTIONARY *dirs = dictionary_create(DICT_OPTION_SINGLE_THREADED | DICT_OPTION_DONT_OVERWRITE_VALUE); journal_directory_scan_recursively(NULL, dirs, basePath, 0); void *x; dfe_start_read(dirs, x) { const char *dirname = x_dfe.name; // Check if this directory is already being watched if (!is_directory_watched(watcher, dirname)) { add_watch(watcher, inotifyFd, dirname); } } dfe_done(x); dictionary_destroy(dirs); } static bool is_subpath(const char *path, const char *subpath) { // Use strncmp to compare the paths if (strncmp(path, subpath, strlen(path)) == 0) { // Ensure that the next character is a '/' or '\0' char next_char = subpath[strlen(path)]; return next_char == '/' || next_char == '\0'; } return false; } void remove_directory_watch(Watcher *watcher, int inotifyFd, const char *dirPath) { for (int i = 0; i < watcher->watchCount; ++i) { WatchEntry *t = &watcher->watchList[i]; if (t->wd != -1 && is_subpath(t->path, dirPath)) { inotify_rm_watch(inotifyFd, t->wd); free_slot(watcher, t); } } struct journal_file *jf; dfe_start_write(journal_files_registry, jf) { if(is_subpath(jf->filename, dirPath)) dictionary_del(journal_files_registry, jf->filename); } dfe_done(jf); dictionary_garbage_collect(journal_files_registry); } void process_event(Watcher *watcher, int inotifyFd, struct inotify_event *event) { if(!event->len) { nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_NOTICE , "JOURNAL WATCHER: received event with mask %u and len %u (this is zero) for path: '%s' - ignoring it." , event->mask, event->len, event->name); return; } char *dirPath = get_path_from_wd(watcher, event->wd); if(!dirPath) { nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_NOTICE, "JOURNAL WATCHER: received event with mask %u and len %u for path: '%s' - " "but we can't find its watch descriptor - ignoring it." , event->mask, event->len, event->name); return; } if(event->mask & IN_DELETE_SELF) { remove_watch(watcher, inotifyFd, event->wd); return; } static __thread char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; snprintfz(fullPath, sizeof(fullPath), "%s/%s", dirPath, event->name); // fullPath contains the full path to the file size_t len = strlen(event->name); if(event->mask & IN_ISDIR) { if (event->mask & (IN_DELETE | IN_MOVED_FROM)) { // A directory is deleted or moved out nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_DEBUG, "JOURNAL WATCHER: Directory deleted or moved out: '%s'", fullPath); // Remove the watch - implement this function based on how you manage your watches remove_directory_watch(watcher, inotifyFd, fullPath); } else if (event->mask & (IN_CREATE | IN_MOVED_TO)) { // A new directory is created or moved in nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_DEBUG, "JOURNAL WATCHER: New directory created or moved in: '%s'", fullPath); // Start watching the new directory - recursive watch watch_directory_and_subdirectories(watcher, inotifyFd, fullPath); } else nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_WARNING, "JOURNAL WATCHER: Received unhandled event with mask %u for directory '%s'", event->mask, fullPath); } else if(len > sizeof(".journal") - 1 && strcmp(&event->name[len - (sizeof(".journal") - 1)], ".journal") == 0) { // It is a file that ends in .journal // add it to our pending list dictionary_set(watcher->pending, fullPath, NULL, 0); } else nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_DEBUG, "JOURNAL WATCHER: ignoring event with mask %u for file '%s'", event->mask, fullPath); } static void process_pending(Watcher *watcher) { void *x; dfe_start_write(watcher->pending, x) { struct stat info; const char *fullPath = x_dfe.name; if(stat(fullPath, &info) != 0) { nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_DEBUG, "JOURNAL WATCHER: file '%s' no longer exists, removing it from the registry", fullPath); dictionary_del(journal_files_registry, fullPath); } else if(S_ISREG(info.st_mode)) { nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_DEBUG, "JOURNAL WATCHER: file '%s' has been added/updated, updating the registry", fullPath); struct journal_file t = { .file_last_modified_ut = info.st_mtim.tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC + info.st_mtim.tv_nsec / NSEC_PER_USEC, .last_scan_monotonic_ut = now_monotonic_usec(), .size = info.st_size, .max_journal_vs_realtime_delta_ut = JOURNAL_VS_REALTIME_DELTA_DEFAULT_UT, }; struct journal_file *jf = dictionary_set(journal_files_registry, fullPath, &t, sizeof(t)); journal_file_update_header(jf->filename, jf); } dictionary_del(watcher->pending, fullPath); } dfe_done(x); dictionary_garbage_collect(watcher->pending); } size_t journal_watcher_wanted_session_id = 0; void journal_watcher_restart(void) { __atomic_add_fetch(&journal_watcher_wanted_session_id, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } void *journal_watcher_main(void *arg __maybe_unused) { while(1) { size_t journal_watcher_session_id = journal_watcher_wanted_session_id; Watcher watcher = { .watchList = mallocz(INITIAL_WATCHES * sizeof(WatchEntry)), .freeList = NULL, .watchCount = 0, .watchListSize = INITIAL_WATCHES, .pending = dictionary_create(DICT_OPTION_DONT_OVERWRITE_VALUE|DICT_OPTION_SINGLE_THREADED), .errors = 0, }; int inotifyFd = inotify_init(); if (inotifyFd < 0) { nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_ERR, "inotify_init() failed."); free_watches(&watcher, inotifyFd); return NULL; } for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_JOURNAL_DIRECTORIES; i++) { if (!journal_directories[i].path) break; watch_directory_and_subdirectories(&watcher, inotifyFd, string2str(journal_directories[i].path)); } usec_t last_headers_update_ut = now_monotonic_usec(); struct buffered_reader reader; while (journal_watcher_session_id == __atomic_load_n(&journal_watcher_wanted_session_id, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) { buffered_reader_ret_t rc = buffered_reader_read_timeout( &reader, inotifyFd, SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_EXECUTE_WATCHER_PENDING_EVERY_MS, false); if (rc != BUFFERED_READER_READ_OK && rc != BUFFERED_READER_READ_POLL_TIMEOUT) { nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_CRIT, "JOURNAL WATCHER: cannot read inotify events, buffered_reader_read_timeout() returned %d - " "restarting the watcher.", rc); break; } if(rc == BUFFERED_READER_READ_OK) { bool unmount_event = false; ssize_t i = 0; while (i < reader.read_len) { struct inotify_event *event = (struct inotify_event *) &reader.read_buffer[i]; if(event->mask & IN_UNMOUNT) { unmount_event = true; break; } process_event(&watcher, inotifyFd, event); i += (ssize_t)EVENT_SIZE + event->len; } reader.read_buffer[0] = '\0'; reader.read_len = 0; reader.pos = 0; if(unmount_event) break; } usec_t ut = now_monotonic_usec(); if (dictionary_entries(watcher.pending) && (rc == BUFFERED_READER_READ_POLL_TIMEOUT || last_headers_update_ut + (SYSTEMD_JOURNAL_EXECUTE_WATCHER_PENDING_EVERY_MS * USEC_PER_MS) <= ut)) { process_pending(&watcher); last_headers_update_ut = ut; } if(watcher.errors) { nd_log(NDLS_COLLECTORS, NDLP_NOTICE, "JOURNAL WATCHER: there were errors in setting up inotify watches - restarting the watcher."); } } close(inotifyFd); free_watches(&watcher, inotifyFd); // this will scan the directories and cleanup the registry journal_files_registry_update(); sleep_usec(2 * USEC_PER_SEC); } return NULL; }