// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "plugin_proc.h" #define PLUGIN_PROC_MODULE_NET_SOFTNET_NAME "/proc/net/softnet_stat" static inline char *softnet_column_name(size_t column) { switch(column) { // https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/a7fd20d1c476af4563e66865213474a2f9f473a4/net/core/net-procfs.c#L161-L166 case 0: return "processed"; case 1: return "dropped"; case 2: return "squeezed"; case 9: return "received_rps"; case 10: return "flow_limit_count"; default: return NULL; } } int do_proc_net_softnet_stat(int update_every, usec_t dt) { (void)dt; static procfile *ff = NULL; static int do_per_core = -1; static size_t allocated_lines = 0, allocated_columns = 0; static uint32_t *data = NULL; if (unlikely(do_per_core == -1)) { do_per_core = config_get_boolean("plugin:proc:/proc/net/softnet_stat", "softnet_stat per core", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO); } if(unlikely(!ff)) { char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s%s", netdata_configured_host_prefix, "/proc/net/softnet_stat"); ff = procfile_open(config_get("plugin:proc:/proc/net/softnet_stat", "filename to monitor", filename), " \t", PROCFILE_FLAG_DEFAULT); if(unlikely(!ff)) return 1; } ff = procfile_readall(ff); if(unlikely(!ff)) return 0; // we return 0, so that we will retry to open it next time size_t lines = procfile_lines(ff), l; size_t words = procfile_linewords(ff, 0), w; if(unlikely(!lines || !words)) { collector_error("Cannot read /proc/net/softnet_stat, %zu lines and %zu columns reported.", lines, words); return 1; } if(unlikely(lines > 200)) lines = 200; if(unlikely(words > 50)) words = 50; if(unlikely(!data || lines > allocated_lines || words > allocated_columns)) { freez(data); allocated_lines = lines; allocated_columns = words; data = mallocz((allocated_lines + 1) * allocated_columns * sizeof(uint32_t)); } // initialize to zero memset(data, 0, (allocated_lines + 1) * allocated_columns * sizeof(uint32_t)); // parse the values for(l = 0; l < lines ;l++) { words = procfile_linewords(ff, l); if(unlikely(!words)) continue; if(unlikely(words > allocated_columns)) words = allocated_columns; for(w = 0; w < words ; w++) { if(unlikely(softnet_column_name(w))) { uint32_t t = (uint32_t)strtoul(procfile_lineword(ff, l, w), NULL, 16); data[w] += t; data[((l + 1) * allocated_columns) + w] = t; } } } if(unlikely(data[(lines * allocated_columns)] == 0)) lines--; RRDSET *st; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- st = rrdset_find_active_bytype_localhost("system", "softnet_stat"); if(unlikely(!st)) { st = rrdset_create_localhost( "system" , "softnet_stat" , NULL , "softnet_stat" , "system.softnet_stat" , "System softnet_stat" , "events/s" , PLUGIN_PROC_NAME , PLUGIN_PROC_MODULE_NET_SOFTNET_NAME , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_SOFTNET_STAT , update_every , RRDSET_TYPE_LINE ); for(w = 0; w < allocated_columns ;w++) if(unlikely(softnet_column_name(w))) rrddim_add(st, softnet_column_name(w), NULL, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL); } for(w = 0; w < allocated_columns ;w++) if(unlikely(softnet_column_name(w))) rrddim_set(st, softnet_column_name(w), data[w]); rrdset_done(st); if(do_per_core) { for(l = 0; l < lines ;l++) { char id[50+1]; snprintfz(id, sizeof(id) - 1,"cpu%zu_softnet_stat", l); st = rrdset_find_active_bytype_localhost("cpu", id); if(unlikely(!st)) { char title[100+1]; snprintfz(title, sizeof(title) - 1, "CPU softnet_stat"); st = rrdset_create_localhost( "cpu" , id , NULL , "softnet_stat" , "cpu.softnet_stat" , title , "events/s" , PLUGIN_PROC_NAME , PLUGIN_PROC_MODULE_NET_SOFTNET_NAME , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SOFTNET_PER_CORE + l , update_every , RRDSET_TYPE_LINE ); for(w = 0; w < allocated_columns ;w++) if(unlikely(softnet_column_name(w))) rrddim_add(st, softnet_column_name(w), NULL, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL); } for(w = 0; w < allocated_columns ;w++) if(unlikely(softnet_column_name(w))) rrddim_set(st, softnet_column_name(w), data[((l + 1) * allocated_columns) + w]); rrdset_done(st); } } return 0; }