#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # netdata # real-time performance and health monitoring, done right! # (C) 2017 Costa Tsaousis # GPL v3+ # # charts.d.plugin allows easy development of BASH plugins # # if you need to run parallel charts.d processes, link this file to a different name # in the same directory, with a .plugin suffix and netdata will start both of them, # each will have a different config file and modules configuration directory. # export PATH="${PATH}:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:@sbindir_POST@" PROGRAM_FILE="$0" MODULE_NAME="main" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # logging PROGRAM_NAME="$(basename "${0}")" SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME="${PROGRAM_NAME/.plugin/}" # these should be the same with syslog() priorities NDLP_EMERG=0 # system is unusable NDLP_ALERT=1 # action must be taken immediately NDLP_CRIT=2 # critical conditions NDLP_ERR=3 # error conditions NDLP_WARN=4 # warning conditions NDLP_NOTICE=5 # normal but significant condition NDLP_INFO=6 # informational NDLP_DEBUG=7 # debug-level messages # the max (numerically) log level we will log LOG_LEVEL=$NDLP_INFO set_log_min_priority() { case "${NETDATA_LOG_LEVEL,,}" in "emerg" | "emergency") LOG_LEVEL=$NDLP_EMERG ;; "alert") LOG_LEVEL=$NDLP_ALERT ;; "crit" | "critical") LOG_LEVEL=$NDLP_CRIT ;; "err" | "error") LOG_LEVEL=$NDLP_ERR ;; "warn" | "warning") LOG_LEVEL=$NDLP_WARN ;; "notice") LOG_LEVEL=$NDLP_NOTICE ;; "info") LOG_LEVEL=$NDLP_INFO ;; "debug") LOG_LEVEL=$NDLP_DEBUG ;; esac } set_log_min_priority log() { local level="${1}" shift 1 [[ -n "$level" && -n "$LOG_LEVEL" && "$level" -gt "$LOG_LEVEL" ]] && return systemd-cat-native --log-as-netdata --newline="--NEWLINE--" <&2 "BASH version 4 or later is required (this is ${BASH_VERSION})." exit 1 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create temp dir debug=0 TMP_DIR= chartsd_cleanup() { trap '' EXIT QUIT HUP INT TERM if [ ! -z "$TMP_DIR" -a -d "$TMP_DIR" ]; then [ $debug -eq 1 ] && echo >&2 "$PROGRAM_NAME: cleaning up temporary directory $TMP_DIR ..." rm -rf "$TMP_DIR" fi echo "EXIT" exit 0 } trap chartsd_cleanup EXIT QUIT HUP INT TERM if [ $UID = "0" ]; then TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d /var/run/netdata-${PROGRAM_NAME}-XXXXXXXXXX)" else TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d /tmp/.netdata-${PROGRAM_NAME}-XXXXXXXXXX)" fi logdate() { date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check a few commands require_cmd() { local x=$(which "${1}" 2>/dev/null || command -v "${1}" 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "${x}" -o ! -x "${x}" ]; then warning "command '${1}' is not found in ${PATH}." eval "${1^^}_CMD=\"\"" return 1 fi eval "${1^^}_CMD=\"${x}\"" return 0 } require_cmd date || exit 1 require_cmd sed || exit 1 require_cmd basename || exit 1 require_cmd dirname || exit 1 require_cmd cat || exit 1 require_cmd grep || exit 1 require_cmd egrep || exit 1 require_cmd mktemp || exit 1 require_cmd awk || exit 1 require_cmd timeout || exit 1 require_cmd curl || exit 1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ $((BASH_VERSINFO[0])) -lt 4 ] && fatal "BASH version 4 or later is required, but found version: ${BASH_VERSION}. Please upgrade." info "started from '$PROGRAM_FILE' with options: $*" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # internal defaults # netdata exposes a few environment variables for us [ -z "${NETDATA_PLUGINS_DIR}" ] && NETDATA_PLUGINS_DIR="$(dirname "${0}")" [ -z "${NETDATA_USER_CONFIG_DIR}" ] && NETDATA_USER_CONFIG_DIR="@configdir_POST@" [ -z "${NETDATA_STOCK_CONFIG_DIR}" ] && NETDATA_STOCK_CONFIG_DIR="@libconfigdir_POST@" pluginsd="${NETDATA_PLUGINS_DIR}" stockconfd="${NETDATA_STOCK_CONFIG_DIR}/${PROGRAM_NAME}" userconfd="${NETDATA_USER_CONFIG_DIR}/${PROGRAM_NAME}" olduserconfd="${NETDATA_USER_CONFIG_DIR}" chartsd="$pluginsd/../charts.d" minimum_update_frequency="${NETDATA_UPDATE_EVERY-1}" update_every=${minimum_update_frequency} # this will be overwritten by the command line # work around for non BASH shells charts_create="_create" charts_update="_update" charts_check="_check" charts_underscore="_" # when making iterations, charts.d can loop more frequently # to prevent plugins missing iterations. # this is a percentage relative to update_every to align its # iterations. # The minimum is 10%, the maximum 100%. # So, if update_every is 1 second and time_divisor is 50, # charts.d will iterate every 500ms. # Charts will be called to collect data only if the time # passed since the last time the collected data is equal or # above their update_every. time_divisor=50 # number of seconds to run without restart # after this time, charts.d.plugin will exit # netdata will restart it restart_timeout=$((3600 * 4)) # check if the charts.d plugins are using global variables # they should not. # It does not currently support BASH v4 arrays, so it is # disabled dryrunner=0 # check for timeout command check_for_timeout=1 # the default enable/disable value for all charts enable_all_charts="yes" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # parse parameters check=0 chart_only= while [ ! -z "$1" ]; do if [ "$1" = "check" ]; then check=1 shift continue fi if [ "$1" = "debug" -o "$1" = "all" ]; then debug=1 LOG_LEVEL=$NDLP_DEBUG shift continue fi if [ -f "$chartsd/$1.chart.sh" ]; then debug=1 LOG_LEVEL=$NDLP_DEBUG chart_only="$(echo $1.chart.sh | sed "s/\.chart\.sh$//g")" shift continue fi if [ -f "$chartsd/$1" ]; then debug=1 LOG_LEVEL=$NDLP_DEBUG chart_only="$(echo $1 | sed "s/\.chart\.sh$//g")" shift continue fi # number check n="$1" x=$((n)) if [ "$x" = "$n" ]; then shift update_every=$x [ $update_every -lt $minimum_update_frequency ] && update_every=$minimum_update_frequency continue fi fatal "Cannot understand parameter $1. Aborting." done # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # loop control # default sleep function LOOPSLEEPMS_HIGHRES=0 now_ms= current_time_ms_default() { now_ms="$(date +'%s')000" } current_time_ms="current_time_ms_default" current_time_ms_accuracy=1 mysleep="sleep" # if found and included, this file overwrites loopsleepms() # and current_time_ms() with a high resolution timer function # for precise looping. source "$pluginsd/loopsleepms.sh.inc" [ $? -ne 0 ] && error "Failed to load '$pluginsd/loopsleepms.sh.inc'." # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # load my configuration for myconfig in "${NETDATA_STOCK_CONFIG_DIR}/${SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME}.conf" "${NETDATA_USER_CONFIG_DIR}/${SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME}.conf"; do if [ -f "$myconfig" ]; then source "$myconfig" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error "Config file '$myconfig' loaded with errors." else info "Configuration file '$myconfig' loaded." fi else warning "Configuration file '$myconfig' not found." fi done # make sure time_divisor is right time_divisor=$((time_divisor)) [ $time_divisor -lt 10 ] && time_divisor=10 [ $time_divisor -gt 100 ] && time_divisor=100 # we check for the timeout command, after we load our # configuration, so that the user may overwrite the # timeout command we use, providing a function that # can emulate the timeout command we need: # > timeout SECONDS command ... if [ $check_for_timeout -eq 1 ]; then require_cmd timeout || exit 1 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # internal checks # netdata passes the requested update frequency as the first argument update_every=$((update_every + 1 - 1)) # makes sure it is a number test $update_every -eq 0 && update_every=1 # if it is zero, make it 1 # check the charts.d directory [ ! -d "$chartsd" ] && fatal "cannot find charts directory '$chartsd'" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # library functions fixid() { echo "$*" | tr -c "[A-Z][a-z][0-9]" "_" | sed -e "s|^_\+||g" -e "s|_\+$||g" -e "s|_\+|_|g" | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]" } isvarset() { [ -n "$1" ] && [ "$1" != "unknown" ] && [ "$1" != "none" ] return $? } getosid() { if isvarset "${NETDATA_CONTAINER_OS_ID}"; then echo "${NETDATA_CONTAINER_OS_ID}" else echo "${NETDATA_SYSTEM_OS_ID}" fi } run() { local ret pid="${BASHPID}" t if [ "z${1}" = "z-t" -a "${2}" != "0" ]; then t="${2}" shift 2 timeout "${t}" "${@}" 2>"${TMP_DIR}/run.${pid}" ret=$? else "${@}" 2>"${TMP_DIR}/run.${pid}" ret=$? fi if [ ${ret} -ne 0 ]; then { printf "$(logdate): ${PROGRAM_NAME}: ${status}: ${MODULE_NAME}: command '" printf "%q " "${@}" printf "' failed with code ${ret}:\n --- BEGIN TRACE ---\n" cat "${TMP_DIR}/run.${pid}" printf " --- END TRACE ---\n" } >&2 fi rm -f "${TMP_DIR}/run.${pid}" return ${ret} } # convert any floating point number # to integer, give a multiplier # the result is stored in ${FLOAT2INT_RESULT} # so that no fork is necessary # the multiplier must be a power of 10 float2int() { local f m="$2" a b l v=($1) f=${v[0]} # the length of the multiplier - 1 l=$((${#m} - 1)) # check if the number is in scientific notation if [[ ${f} =~ ^[[:space:]]*(-)?[0-9.]+(e|E)(\+|-)[0-9]+ ]]; then # convert it to decimal # unfortunately, this fork cannot be avoided # if you know of a way to avoid it, please let me know f=$(printf "%0.${l}f" ${f}) fi # split the floating point number # in integer (a) and decimal (b) a=${f/.*/} b=${f/*./} # if the integer part is missing # set it to zero [ -z "${a}" ] && a="0" # strip leading zeros from the integer part # base 10 conversion a=$((10#$a)) # check the length of the decimal part # against the length of the multiplier if [ ${#b} -gt ${l} ]; then # too many digits - take the most significant b=${b:0:l} elif [ ${#b} -lt ${l} ]; then # too few digits - pad with zero on the right local z="00000000000000000000000" r=$((l - ${#b})) b="${b}${z:0:r}" fi # strip leading zeros from the decimal part # base 10 conversion b=$((10#$b)) # store the result FLOAT2INT_RESULT=$(((a * m) + b)) } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # charts check functions all_charts() { cd "$chartsd" [ $? -ne 0 ] && error "cannot cd to $chartsd" && return 1 ls *.chart.sh | sed "s/\.chart\.sh$//g" } declare -A charts_enable_keyword=( ['apache']="force" ['cpu_apps']="force" ['cpufreq']="force" ['example']="force" ['exim']="force" ['hddtemp']="force" ['load_average']="force" ['mem_apps']="force" ['mysql']="force" ['nginx']="force" ['phpfpm']="force" ['postfix']="force" ['sensors']="force" ['squid']="force" ['tomcat']="force" ) declare -A obsolete_charts=( ['apache']="python.d.plugin module" ['cpu_apps']="apps.plugin" ['cpufreq']="proc plugin" ['exim']="python.d.plugin module" ['hddtemp']="python.d.plugin module" ['load_average']="proc plugin" ['mem_apps']="proc plugin" ['mysql']="python.d.plugin module" ['nginx']="python.d.plugin module" ['phpfpm']="python.d.plugin module" ['postfix']="python.d.plugin module" ['squid']="python.d.plugin module" ['tomcat']="python.d.plugin module" ) all_enabled_charts() { local charts enabled required # find all enabled charts for chart in $(all_charts); do MODULE_NAME="${chart}" if [ -n "${obsolete_charts["$MODULE_NAME"]}" ]; then debug "is replaced by ${obsolete_charts["$MODULE_NAME"]}, skipping it." continue fi eval "enabled=\$$chart" if [ -z "${enabled}" ]; then enabled="${enable_all_charts}" fi required="${charts_enable_keyword[${chart}]}" [ -z "${required}" ] && required="yes" if [ ! "${enabled}" = "${required}" ]; then info "is disabled. Add a line with $chart=$required in '${NETDATA_USER_CONFIG_DIR}/${PROGRAM_NAME}.conf' to enable it (or remove the line that disables it)." else debug "is enabled for auto-detection." local charts="$charts $chart" fi done MODULE_NAME="main" local charts2= for chart in $charts; do MODULE_NAME="${chart}" # check the enabled charts local check="$(cat "$chartsd/$chart.chart.sh" | sed "s/^ \+//g" | grep "^$chart$charts_check()")" if [ -z "$check" ]; then error "module '$chart' does not seem to have a $chart$charts_check() function. Disabling it." continue fi local create="$(cat "$chartsd/$chart.chart.sh" | sed "s/^ \+//g" | grep "^$chart$charts_create()")" if [ -z "$create" ]; then error "module '$chart' does not seem to have a $chart$charts_create() function. Disabling it." continue fi local update="$(cat "$chartsd/$chart.chart.sh" | sed "s/^ \+//g" | grep "^$chart$charts_update()")" if [ -z "$update" ]; then error "module '$chart' does not seem to have a $chart$charts_update() function. Disabling it." continue fi # check its config #if [ -f "$userconfd/$chart.conf" ] #then # if [ ! -z "$( cat "$userconfd/$chart.conf" | sed "s/^ \+//g" | grep -v "^$" | grep -v "^#" | grep -v "^$chart$charts_underscore" )" ] # then # error "module's $chart config $userconfd/$chart.conf should only have lines starting with $chart$charts_underscore . Disabling it." # continue # fi #fi #if [ $dryrunner -eq 1 ] # then # "$pluginsd/charts.d.dryrun-helper.sh" "$chart" "$chartsd/$chart.chart.sh" "$userconfd/$chart.conf" >/dev/null # if [ $? -ne 0 ] # then # error "module's $chart did not pass the dry run check. This means it uses global variables not starting with $chart. Disabling it." # continue # fi #fi local charts2="$charts2 $chart" done MODULE_NAME="main" echo $charts2 debug "enabled charts: $charts2" } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # load the charts suffix_retries="_retries" suffix_update_every="_update_every" active_charts= for chart in $(all_enabled_charts); do MODULE_NAME="${chart}" debug "loading module: '$chartsd/$chart.chart.sh'" source "$chartsd/$chart.chart.sh" [ $? -ne 0 ] && warning "Module '$chartsd/$chart.chart.sh' loaded with errors." # first load the stock config if [ -f "$stockconfd/$chart.conf" ]; then debug "loading module configuration: '$stockconfd/$chart.conf'" source "$stockconfd/$chart.conf" [ $? -ne 0 ] && warning "Config file '$stockconfd/$chart.conf' loaded with errors." else debug "not found module configuration: '$stockconfd/$chart.conf'" fi # then load the user config (it overwrites the stock) if [ -f "$userconfd/$chart.conf" ]; then debug "loading module configuration: '$userconfd/$chart.conf'" source "$userconfd/$chart.conf" [ $? -ne 0 ] && warning "Config file '$userconfd/$chart.conf' loaded with errors." else debug "not found module configuration: '$userconfd/$chart.conf'" if [ -f "$olduserconfd/$chart.conf" ]; then # support for very old netdata that had the charts.d module configs in /etc/netdata info "loading module configuration from obsolete location: '$olduserconfd/$chart.conf'" source "$olduserconfd/$chart.conf" [ $? -ne 0 ] && warning "Config file '$olduserconfd/$chart.conf' loaded with errors." fi fi eval "dt=\$$chart$suffix_update_every" dt=$((dt + 1 - 1)) # make sure it is a number if [ $dt -lt $update_every ]; then eval "$chart$suffix_update_every=$update_every" fi $chart$charts_check if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then debug "module '$chart' activated" active_charts="$active_charts $chart" else error "module's '$chart' check() function reports failure." fi done MODULE_NAME="main" debug "activated modules: $active_charts" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # check overwrites # enable work time reporting debug_time= test $debug -eq 1 && debug_time=tellwork # if we only need a specific chart, remove all the others if [ ! -z "${chart_only}" ]; then debug "requested to run only for: '${chart_only}'" check_charts= for chart in $active_charts; do if [ "$chart" = "$chart_only" ]; then check_charts="$chart" break fi done active_charts="$check_charts" fi debug "activated charts: $active_charts" # stop if we just need a pre-check if [ $check -eq 1 ]; then info "CHECK RESULT" info "Will run the charts: $active_charts" exit 0 fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd "${TMP_DIR}" || exit 1 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # create charts run_charts= for chart in $active_charts; do MODULE_NAME="${chart}" debug "calling '$chart$charts_create()'..." $chart$charts_create if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then run_charts="$run_charts $chart" debug "'$chart' initialized." else error "module's '$chart' function '$chart$charts_create()' reports failure." fi done MODULE_NAME="main" debug "run_charts='$run_charts'" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update dimensions [ -z "$run_charts" ] && fatal "No charts to collect data from." keepalive() { if [ ! -t 1 ] && ! printf "\n"; then chartsd_cleanup fi } declare -A charts_last_update=() charts_update_every=() charts_retries=() charts_next_update=() charts_run_counter=() charts_serial_failures=() global_update() { local exit_at \ c=0 dt ret last_ms exec_start_ms exec_end_ms \ chart now_charts=() next_charts=($run_charts) \ next_ms x seconds millis # return the current time in ms in $now_ms ${current_time_ms} exit_at=$((now_ms + (restart_timeout * 1000))) for chart in $run_charts; do eval "charts_update_every[$chart]=\$$chart$suffix_update_every" test -z "${charts_update_every[$chart]}" && charts_update_every[$chart]=$update_every eval "charts_retries[$chart]=\$$chart$suffix_retries" test -z "${charts_retries[$chart]}" && charts_retries[$chart]=10 charts_last_update[$chart]=$((now_ms - (now_ms % (charts_update_every[$chart] * 1000)))) charts_next_update[$chart]=$((charts_last_update[$chart] + (charts_update_every[$chart] * 1000))) charts_run_counter[$chart]=0 charts_serial_failures[$chart]=0 echo "CHART netdata.plugin_chartsd_$chart '' 'Execution time for $chart plugin' 'milliseconds / run' charts.d netdata.plugin_charts area 145000 ${charts_update_every[$chart]} '' '' '$chart'" echo "DIMENSION run_time 'run time' absolute 1 1" done # the main loop while [ "${#next_charts[@]}" -gt 0 ]; do keepalive c=$((c + 1)) now_charts=("${next_charts[@]}") next_charts=() # return the current time in ms in $now_ms ${current_time_ms} for chart in "${now_charts[@]}"; do MODULE_NAME="${chart}" if [ ${now_ms} -ge ${charts_next_update[$chart]} ]; then last_ms=${charts_last_update[$chart]} dt=$((now_ms - last_ms)) charts_last_update[$chart]=${now_ms} while [ ${charts_next_update[$chart]} -lt ${now_ms} ]; do charts_next_update[$chart]=$((charts_next_update[$chart] + (charts_update_every[$chart] * 1000))) done # the first call should not give a duration # so that netdata calibrates to current time dt=$((dt * 1000)) charts_run_counter[$chart]=$((charts_run_counter[$chart] + 1)) if [ ${charts_run_counter[$chart]} -eq 1 ]; then dt= fi exec_start_ms=$now_ms $chart$charts_update $dt ret=$? # return the current time in ms in $now_ms ${current_time_ms} exec_end_ms=$now_ms echo "BEGIN netdata.plugin_chartsd_$chart $dt" echo "SET run_time = $((exec_end_ms - exec_start_ms))" echo "END" if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then charts_serial_failures[$chart]=0 next_charts+=($chart) else charts_serial_failures[$chart]=$((charts_serial_failures[$chart] + 1)) if [ ${charts_serial_failures[$chart]} -gt ${charts_retries[$chart]} ]; then error "module's '$chart' update() function reported failure ${charts_serial_failures[$chart]} times. Disabling it." else error "module's '$chart' update() function reports failure. Will keep trying for a while." next_charts+=($chart) fi fi else next_charts+=($chart) fi done MODULE_NAME="${chart}" # wait the time you are required to next_ms=$((now_ms + (update_every * 1000 * 100))) for x in "${charts_next_update[@]}"; do [ ${x} -lt ${next_ms} ] && next_ms=${x}; done next_ms=$((next_ms - now_ms)) if [ ${LOOPSLEEPMS_HIGHRES} -eq 1 -a ${next_ms} -gt 0 ]; then next_ms=$((next_ms + current_time_ms_accuracy)) seconds=$((next_ms / 1000)) millis=$((next_ms % 1000)) if [ ${millis} -lt 10 ]; then millis="00${millis}" elif [ ${millis} -lt 100 ]; then millis="0${millis}" fi debug "sleeping for ${seconds}.${millis} seconds." ${mysleep} ${seconds}.${millis} else debug "sleeping for ${update_every} seconds." ${mysleep} $update_every fi test ${now_ms} -ge ${exit_at} && exit 0 done fatal "nothing left to do, exiting..." } global_update