// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "cgroup-internals.h" // main cgroups thread worker jobs #define WORKER_CGROUPS_LOCK 0 #define WORKER_CGROUPS_READ 1 #define WORKER_CGROUPS_CHART 2 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cgroup globals unsigned long long host_ram_total = 0; int is_inside_k8s = 0; long system_page_size = 4096; // system will be queried via sysconf() in configuration() int cgroup_enable_cpuacct_stat = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_cpuacct_usage = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; int cgroup_enable_cpuacct_cpu_throttling = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; int cgroup_enable_cpuacct_cpu_shares = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; int cgroup_enable_memory = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_detailed_memory = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_memory_failcnt = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_swap = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_blkio_io = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_blkio_ops = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_blkio_throttle_io = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_blkio_throttle_ops = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_blkio_merged_ops = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_blkio_queued_ops = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_pressure_cpu = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_pressure_io_some = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_pressure_io_full = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_pressure_memory_some = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_pressure_memory_full = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_pressure_irq_some = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; int cgroup_enable_pressure_irq_full = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_enable_systemd_services = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; int cgroup_enable_systemd_services_detailed_memory = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; int cgroup_used_memory = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; int cgroup_use_unified_cgroups = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; int cgroup_unified_exist = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO; int cgroup_search_in_devices = 1; int cgroup_check_for_new_every = 10; int cgroup_update_every = 1; int cgroup_containers_chart_priority = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_CGROUPS_CONTAINERS; int cgroup_recheck_zero_blkio_every_iterations = 10; int cgroup_recheck_zero_mem_failcnt_every_iterations = 10; int cgroup_recheck_zero_mem_detailed_every_iterations = 10; char *cgroup_cpuacct_base = NULL; char *cgroup_cpuset_base = NULL; char *cgroup_blkio_base = NULL; char *cgroup_memory_base = NULL; char *cgroup_devices_base = NULL; char *cgroup_pids_base = NULL; char *cgroup_unified_base = NULL; int cgroup_root_count = 0; int cgroup_root_max = 1000; int cgroup_max_depth = 0; SIMPLE_PATTERN *enabled_cgroup_paths = NULL; SIMPLE_PATTERN *enabled_cgroup_names = NULL; SIMPLE_PATTERN *search_cgroup_paths = NULL; SIMPLE_PATTERN *enabled_cgroup_renames = NULL; SIMPLE_PATTERN *systemd_services_cgroups = NULL; SIMPLE_PATTERN *entrypoint_parent_process_comm = NULL; char *cgroups_network_interface_script = NULL; int cgroups_check = 0; uint32_t Read_hash = 0; uint32_t Write_hash = 0; uint32_t user_hash = 0; uint32_t system_hash = 0; uint32_t user_usec_hash = 0; uint32_t system_usec_hash = 0; uint32_t nr_periods_hash = 0; uint32_t nr_throttled_hash = 0; uint32_t throttled_time_hash = 0; uint32_t throttled_usec_hash = 0; // *** WARNING *** The fields are not thread safe. Take care of safe usage. struct cgroup *cgroup_root = NULL; uv_mutex_t cgroup_root_mutex; struct cgroups_systemd_config_setting cgroups_systemd_options[] = { { .name = "legacy", .setting = SYSTEMD_CGROUP_LEGACY }, { .name = "hybrid", .setting = SYSTEMD_CGROUP_HYBRID }, { .name = "unified", .setting = SYSTEMD_CGROUP_UNIFIED }, { .name = NULL, .setting = SYSTEMD_CGROUP_ERR }, }; // Shared memory with information from detected cgroups netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_t shm_cgroup_ebpf = {NULL, NULL}; int shm_fd_cgroup_ebpf = -1; sem_t *shm_mutex_cgroup_ebpf = SEM_FAILED; struct discovery_thread discovery_thread; /* on Fed systemd is not in PATH for some reason */ #define SYSTEMD_CMD_RHEL "/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --version" #define SYSTEMD_HIERARCHY_STRING "default-hierarchy=" #define MAXSIZE_PROC_CMDLINE 4096 static enum cgroups_systemd_setting cgroups_detect_systemd(const char *exec) { pid_t command_pid; enum cgroups_systemd_setting retval = SYSTEMD_CGROUP_ERR; char buf[MAXSIZE_PROC_CMDLINE]; char *begin, *end; FILE *fp_child_input; FILE *fp_child_output = netdata_popen(exec, &command_pid, &fp_child_input); if (!fp_child_output) return retval; fd_set rfds; struct timeval timeout; int fd = fileno(fp_child_output); int ret = -1; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(fd, &rfds); timeout.tv_sec = 3; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if (fd != -1) { ret = select(fd + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); } if (ret == -1) { collector_error("Failed to get the output of \"%s\"", exec); } else if (ret == 0) { collector_info("Cannot get the output of \"%s\" within %"PRId64" seconds", exec, (int64_t)timeout.tv_sec); } else { while (fgets(buf, MAXSIZE_PROC_CMDLINE, fp_child_output) != NULL) { if ((begin = strstr(buf, SYSTEMD_HIERARCHY_STRING))) { end = begin = begin + strlen(SYSTEMD_HIERARCHY_STRING); if (!*begin) break; while (isalpha(*end)) end++; *end = 0; for (int i = 0; cgroups_systemd_options[i].name; i++) { if (!strcmp(begin, cgroups_systemd_options[i].name)) { retval = cgroups_systemd_options[i].setting; break; } } break; } } } if (netdata_pclose(fp_child_input, fp_child_output, command_pid)) return SYSTEMD_CGROUP_ERR; return retval; } static enum cgroups_type cgroups_try_detect_version() { pid_t command_pid; char buf[MAXSIZE_PROC_CMDLINE]; enum cgroups_systemd_setting systemd_setting; int cgroups2_available = 0; // 1. check if cgroups2 available on system at all FILE *fp_child_input; FILE *fp_child_output = netdata_popen("grep cgroup /proc/filesystems", &command_pid, &fp_child_input); if (!fp_child_output) { collector_error("popen failed"); return CGROUPS_AUTODETECT_FAIL; } while (fgets(buf, MAXSIZE_PROC_CMDLINE, fp_child_output) != NULL) { if (strstr(buf, "cgroup2")) { cgroups2_available = 1; break; } } if(netdata_pclose(fp_child_input, fp_child_output, command_pid)) return CGROUPS_AUTODETECT_FAIL; if(!cgroups2_available) return CGROUPS_V1; #if defined CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC // 2. check filesystem type for the default mountpoint char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s%s", netdata_configured_host_prefix, "/sys/fs/cgroup"); struct statfs fsinfo; if (!statfs(filename, &fsinfo)) { if (fsinfo.f_type == CGROUP2_SUPER_MAGIC) return CGROUPS_V2; } #endif // 3. check systemd compiletime setting if ((systemd_setting = cgroups_detect_systemd("systemd --version")) == SYSTEMD_CGROUP_ERR) systemd_setting = cgroups_detect_systemd(SYSTEMD_CMD_RHEL); if(systemd_setting == SYSTEMD_CGROUP_ERR) return CGROUPS_AUTODETECT_FAIL; if(systemd_setting == SYSTEMD_CGROUP_LEGACY || systemd_setting == SYSTEMD_CGROUP_HYBRID) { // currently we prefer V1 if HYBRID is set as it seems to be more feature complete // in the future we might want to continue here if SYSTEMD_CGROUP_HYBRID // and go ahead with V2 return CGROUPS_V1; } // 4. if we are unified as on Fedora (default cgroups2 only mode) // check kernel command line flag that can override that setting FILE *fp = fopen("/proc/cmdline", "r"); if (!fp) { collector_error("Error reading kernel boot commandline parameters"); return CGROUPS_AUTODETECT_FAIL; } if (!fgets(buf, MAXSIZE_PROC_CMDLINE, fp)) { collector_error("couldn't read all cmdline params into buffer"); fclose(fp); return CGROUPS_AUTODETECT_FAIL; } fclose(fp); if (strstr(buf, "systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0")) { collector_info("cgroups v2 (unified cgroups) is available but are disabled on this system."); return CGROUPS_V1; } return CGROUPS_V2; } void set_cgroup_base_path(char *filename, char *path) { if (strncmp(netdata_configured_host_prefix, path, strlen(netdata_configured_host_prefix)) == 0) { snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s", path); } else { snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s%s", netdata_configured_host_prefix, path); } } void read_cgroup_plugin_configuration() { system_page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); Read_hash = simple_hash("Read"); Write_hash = simple_hash("Write"); user_hash = simple_hash("user"); system_hash = simple_hash("system"); user_usec_hash = simple_hash("user_usec"); system_usec_hash = simple_hash("system_usec"); nr_periods_hash = simple_hash("nr_periods"); nr_throttled_hash = simple_hash("nr_throttled"); throttled_time_hash = simple_hash("throttled_time"); throttled_usec_hash = simple_hash("throttled_usec"); cgroup_update_every = (int)config_get_number("plugin:cgroups", "update every", localhost->rrd_update_every); if(cgroup_update_every < localhost->rrd_update_every) cgroup_update_every = localhost->rrd_update_every; cgroup_check_for_new_every = (int)config_get_number("plugin:cgroups", "check for new cgroups every", cgroup_check_for_new_every); if(cgroup_check_for_new_every < cgroup_update_every) cgroup_check_for_new_every = cgroup_update_every; cgroup_use_unified_cgroups = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "use unified cgroups", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO); if(cgroup_use_unified_cgroups == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO) cgroup_use_unified_cgroups = (cgroups_try_detect_version() == CGROUPS_V2); collector_info("use unified cgroups %s", cgroup_use_unified_cgroups ? "true" : "false"); cgroup_containers_chart_priority = (int)config_get_number("plugin:cgroups", "containers priority", cgroup_containers_chart_priority); if(cgroup_containers_chart_priority < 1) cgroup_containers_chart_priority = NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_CGROUPS_CONTAINERS; cgroup_enable_cpuacct_stat = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable cpuacct stat (total CPU)", cgroup_enable_cpuacct_stat); cgroup_enable_cpuacct_usage = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable cpuacct usage (per core CPU)", cgroup_enable_cpuacct_usage); cgroup_enable_cpuacct_cpu_throttling = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable cpuacct cpu throttling", cgroup_enable_cpuacct_cpu_throttling); cgroup_enable_cpuacct_cpu_shares = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable cpuacct cpu shares", cgroup_enable_cpuacct_cpu_shares); cgroup_enable_memory = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable memory", cgroup_enable_memory); cgroup_enable_detailed_memory = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable detailed memory", cgroup_enable_detailed_memory); cgroup_enable_memory_failcnt = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable memory limits fail count", cgroup_enable_memory_failcnt); cgroup_enable_swap = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable swap memory", cgroup_enable_swap); cgroup_enable_blkio_io = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable blkio bandwidth", cgroup_enable_blkio_io); cgroup_enable_blkio_ops = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable blkio operations", cgroup_enable_blkio_ops); cgroup_enable_blkio_throttle_io = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable blkio throttle bandwidth", cgroup_enable_blkio_throttle_io); cgroup_enable_blkio_throttle_ops = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable blkio throttle operations", cgroup_enable_blkio_throttle_ops); cgroup_enable_blkio_queued_ops = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable blkio queued operations", cgroup_enable_blkio_queued_ops); cgroup_enable_blkio_merged_ops = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable blkio merged operations", cgroup_enable_blkio_merged_ops); cgroup_enable_pressure_cpu = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable cpu pressure", cgroup_enable_pressure_cpu); cgroup_enable_pressure_io_some = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable io some pressure", cgroup_enable_pressure_io_some); cgroup_enable_pressure_io_full = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable io full pressure", cgroup_enable_pressure_io_full); cgroup_enable_pressure_memory_some = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable memory some pressure", cgroup_enable_pressure_memory_some); cgroup_enable_pressure_memory_full = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:cgroups", "enable memory full pressure", cgroup_enable_pressure_memory_full); cgroup_recheck_zero_blkio_every_iterations = (int)config_get_number("plugin:cgroups", "recheck zero blkio every iterations", cgroup_recheck_zero_blkio_every_iterations); cgroup_recheck_zero_mem_failcnt_every_iterations = (int)config_get_number("plugin:cgroups", "recheck zero memory failcnt every iterations", cgroup_recheck_zero_mem_failcnt_every_iterations); cgroup_recheck_zero_mem_detailed_every_iterations = (int)config_get_number("plugin:cgroups", "recheck zero detailed memory every iterations", cgroup_recheck_zero_mem_detailed_every_iterations); cgroup_enable_systemd_services = config_get_boolean("plugin:cgroups", "enable systemd services", cgroup_enable_systemd_services); cgroup_enable_systemd_services_detailed_memory = config_get_boolean("plugin:cgroups", "enable systemd services detailed memory", cgroup_enable_systemd_services_detailed_memory); cgroup_used_memory = config_get_boolean("plugin:cgroups", "report used memory", cgroup_used_memory); char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1], *s; struct mountinfo *mi, *root = mountinfo_read(0); if(!cgroup_use_unified_cgroups) { // cgroup v1 does not have pressure metrics cgroup_enable_pressure_cpu = cgroup_enable_pressure_io_some = cgroup_enable_pressure_io_full = cgroup_enable_pressure_memory_some = cgroup_enable_pressure_memory_full = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_super_option(root, "cgroup", "cpuacct"); if (!mi) mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_mount_source(root, "cgroup", "cpuacct"); if (!mi) { collector_error("CGROUP: cannot find cpuacct mountinfo. Assuming default: /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct"); s = "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct"; } else s = mi->mount_point; set_cgroup_base_path(filename, s); cgroup_cpuacct_base = config_get("plugin:cgroups", "path to /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct", filename); mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_super_option(root, "cgroup", "cpuset"); if (!mi) mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_mount_source(root, "cgroup", "cpuset"); if (!mi) { collector_error("CGROUP: cannot find cpuset mountinfo. Assuming default: /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset"); s = "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset"; } else s = mi->mount_point; set_cgroup_base_path(filename, s); cgroup_cpuset_base = config_get("plugin:cgroups", "path to /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset", filename); mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_super_option(root, "cgroup", "blkio"); if (!mi) mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_mount_source(root, "cgroup", "blkio"); if (!mi) { collector_error("CGROUP: cannot find blkio mountinfo. Assuming default: /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio"); s = "/sys/fs/cgroup/blkio"; } else s = mi->mount_point; set_cgroup_base_path(filename, s); cgroup_blkio_base = config_get("plugin:cgroups", "path to /sys/fs/cgroup/blkio", filename); mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_super_option(root, "cgroup", "memory"); if (!mi) mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_mount_source(root, "cgroup", "memory"); if (!mi) { collector_error("CGROUP: cannot find memory mountinfo. Assuming default: /sys/fs/cgroup/memory"); s = "/sys/fs/cgroup/memory"; } else s = mi->mount_point; set_cgroup_base_path(filename, s); cgroup_memory_base = config_get("plugin:cgroups", "path to /sys/fs/cgroup/memory", filename); mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_super_option(root, "cgroup", "devices"); if (!mi) mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_mount_source(root, "cgroup", "devices"); if (!mi) { collector_error("CGROUP: cannot find devices mountinfo. Assuming default: /sys/fs/cgroup/devices"); s = "/sys/fs/cgroup/devices"; } else s = mi->mount_point; set_cgroup_base_path(filename, s); cgroup_devices_base = config_get("plugin:cgroups", "path to /sys/fs/cgroup/devices", filename); mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_super_option(root, "cgroup", "pids"); if (!mi) mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_mount_source(root, "cgroup", "pids"); if (!mi) { collector_error("CGROUP: cannot find pids mountinfo. Assuming default: /sys/fs/cgroup/pids"); s = "/sys/fs/cgroup/pids"; } else s = mi->mount_point; set_cgroup_base_path(filename, s); cgroup_pids_base = config_get("plugin:cgroups", "path to /sys/fs/cgroup/pids", filename); } else { //cgroup_enable_cpuacct_stat = cgroup_enable_cpuacct_usage = //cgroup_enable_memory = //cgroup_enable_detailed_memory = cgroup_enable_memory_failcnt = //cgroup_enable_swap = //cgroup_enable_blkio_io = //cgroup_enable_blkio_ops = cgroup_enable_blkio_throttle_io = cgroup_enable_blkio_throttle_ops = cgroup_enable_blkio_merged_ops = cgroup_enable_blkio_queued_ops = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; cgroup_search_in_devices = 0; cgroup_enable_systemd_services_detailed_memory = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; cgroup_used_memory = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; //unified cgroups use different values //TODO: can there be more than 1 cgroup2 mount point? //there is no cgroup2 specific super option - for now use 'rw' option mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_super_option(root, "cgroup2", "rw"); if (!mi) { mi = mountinfo_find_by_filesystem_mount_source(root, "cgroup2", "cgroup"); } if (!mi) { collector_error("CGROUP: cannot find cgroup2 mountinfo. Assuming default: /sys/fs/cgroup"); s = "/sys/fs/cgroup"; } else s = mi->mount_point; set_cgroup_base_path(filename, s); cgroup_unified_base = config_get("plugin:cgroups", "path to unified cgroups", filename); } cgroup_root_max = (int)config_get_number("plugin:cgroups", "max cgroups to allow", cgroup_root_max); cgroup_max_depth = (int)config_get_number("plugin:cgroups", "max cgroups depth to monitor", cgroup_max_depth); enabled_cgroup_paths = simple_pattern_create( config_get("plugin:cgroups", "enable by default cgroups matching", // ---------------------------------------------------------------- " !*/init.scope " // ignore init.scope " !/system.slice/run-*.scope " // ignore system.slice/run-XXXX.scope " *user.slice/docker-*" // allow docker rootless containers " !*user.slice*" // ignore the rest stuff in user.slice " *.scope " // we need all other *.scope for sure // ---------------------------------------------------------------- " /machine.slice/*.service " // #3367 systemd-nspawn // ---------------------------------------------------------------- " */kubepods/pod*/* " // k8s containers " */kubepods/*/pod*/* " // k8s containers " */*-kubepods-pod*/* " // k8s containers " */*-kubepods-*-pod*/* " // k8s containers " !*kubepods* !*kubelet* " // all other k8s cgroups // ---------------------------------------------------------------- " !*/vcpu* " // libvirtd adds these sub-cgroups " !*/emulator " // libvirtd adds these sub-cgroups " !*.mount " " !*.partition " " !*.service " " !*.service/udev " " !*.socket " " !*.slice " " !*.swap " " !*.user " " !/ " " !/docker " " !*/libvirt " " !/lxc " " !/lxc/*/* " // #1397 #2649 " !/lxc.monitor* " " !/lxc.pivot " " !/lxc.payload " " !*lxcfs.service/.control" " !/machine " " !/qemu " " !/system " " !/systemd " " !/user " " * " // enable anything else ), NULL, SIMPLE_PATTERN_EXACT, true); enabled_cgroup_names = simple_pattern_create( config_get("plugin:cgroups", "enable by default cgroups names matching", " * " ), NULL, SIMPLE_PATTERN_EXACT, true); search_cgroup_paths = simple_pattern_create( config_get("plugin:cgroups", "search for cgroups in subpaths matching", " !*/init.scope " // ignore init.scope " !*-qemu " // #345 " !*.libvirt-qemu " // #3010 " !/init.scope " " !/system " " !/systemd " " !/user " " !/lxc/*/* " // #2161 #2649 " !/lxc.monitor " " !/lxc.payload/*/* " " !/lxc.payload.* " " * " ), NULL, SIMPLE_PATTERN_EXACT, true); snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/cgroup-name.sh", netdata_configured_primary_plugins_dir); cgroups_rename_script = config_get("plugin:cgroups", "script to get cgroup names", filename); snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s/cgroup-network", netdata_configured_primary_plugins_dir); cgroups_network_interface_script = config_get("plugin:cgroups", "script to get cgroup network interfaces", filename); enabled_cgroup_renames = simple_pattern_create( config_get("plugin:cgroups", "run script to rename cgroups matching", " !/ " " !*.mount " " !*.socket " " !*.partition " " /machine.slice/*.service " // #3367 systemd-nspawn " !*.service " " !*.slice " " !*.swap " " !*.user " " !init.scope " " !*.scope/vcpu* " // libvirtd adds these sub-cgroups " !*.scope/emulator " // libvirtd adds these sub-cgroups " *.scope " " *docker* " " *lxc* " " *qemu* " " */kubepods/pod*/* " // k8s containers " */kubepods/*/pod*/* " // k8s containers " */*-kubepods-pod*/* " // k8s containers " */*-kubepods-*-pod*/* " // k8s containers " !*kubepods* !*kubelet* " // all other k8s cgroups " *.libvirt-qemu " // #3010 " * " ), NULL, SIMPLE_PATTERN_EXACT, true); if(cgroup_enable_systemd_services) { systemd_services_cgroups = simple_pattern_create( config_get("plugin:cgroups", "cgroups to match as systemd services", " !/system.slice/*/*.service " " /system.slice/*.service " ), NULL, SIMPLE_PATTERN_EXACT, true); } mountinfo_free_all(root); } void netdata_cgroup_ebpf_set_values(size_t length) { sem_wait(shm_mutex_cgroup_ebpf); shm_cgroup_ebpf.header->cgroup_max = cgroup_root_max; shm_cgroup_ebpf.header->systemd_enabled = cgroup_enable_systemd_services | cgroup_enable_systemd_services_detailed_memory | cgroup_used_memory; shm_cgroup_ebpf.header->body_length = length; sem_post(shm_mutex_cgroup_ebpf); } void netdata_cgroup_ebpf_initialize_shm() { shm_fd_cgroup_ebpf = shm_open(NETDATA_SHARED_MEMORY_EBPF_CGROUP_NAME, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0660); if (shm_fd_cgroup_ebpf < 0) { collector_error("Cannot initialize shared memory used by cgroup and eBPF, integration won't happen."); return; } size_t length = sizeof(netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_header_t) + cgroup_root_max * sizeof(netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_body_t); if (ftruncate(shm_fd_cgroup_ebpf, length)) { collector_error("Cannot set size for shared memory."); goto end_init_shm; } shm_cgroup_ebpf.header = (netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_header_t *) mmap(NULL, length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, shm_fd_cgroup_ebpf, 0); if (unlikely(MAP_FAILED == shm_cgroup_ebpf.header)) { shm_cgroup_ebpf.header = NULL; collector_error("Cannot map shared memory used between cgroup and eBPF, integration won't happen"); goto end_init_shm; } shm_cgroup_ebpf.body = (netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_body_t *) ((char *)shm_cgroup_ebpf.header + sizeof(netdata_ebpf_cgroup_shm_header_t)); shm_mutex_cgroup_ebpf = sem_open(NETDATA_NAMED_SEMAPHORE_EBPF_CGROUP_NAME, O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH, 1); if (shm_mutex_cgroup_ebpf != SEM_FAILED) { netdata_cgroup_ebpf_set_values(length); return; } collector_error("Cannot create semaphore, integration between eBPF and cgroup won't happen"); munmap(shm_cgroup_ebpf.header, length); shm_cgroup_ebpf.header = NULL; end_init_shm: close(shm_fd_cgroup_ebpf); shm_fd_cgroup_ebpf = -1; shm_unlink(NETDATA_SHARED_MEMORY_EBPF_CGROUP_NAME); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static unsigned long long calc_delta(unsigned long long curr, unsigned long long prev) { if (prev > curr) { return 0; } return curr - prev; } static unsigned long long calc_percentage(unsigned long long value, unsigned long long total) { if (total == 0) { return 0; } return (unsigned long long)((NETDATA_DOUBLE)value / (NETDATA_DOUBLE)total * 100); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // read values from /sys static inline void cgroup_read_cpuacct_stat(struct cpuacct_stat *cp) { static procfile *ff = NULL; if(likely(cp->filename)) { ff = procfile_reopen(ff, cp->filename, NULL, CGROUP_PROCFILE_FLAG); if(unlikely(!ff)) { cp->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } ff = procfile_readall(ff); if(unlikely(!ff)) { cp->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } unsigned long i, lines = procfile_lines(ff); if(unlikely(lines < 1)) { collector_error("CGROUP: file '%s' should have 1+ lines.", cp->filename); cp->updated = 0; return; } for(i = 0; i < lines ; i++) { char *s = procfile_lineword(ff, i, 0); uint32_t hash = simple_hash(s); if(unlikely(hash == user_hash && !strcmp(s, "user"))) cp->user = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 1), NULL); else if(unlikely(hash == system_hash && !strcmp(s, "system"))) cp->system = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 1), NULL); } cp->updated = 1; if(unlikely(cp->enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && (cp->user || cp->system || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES))) cp->enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; } } static inline void cgroup_read_cpuacct_cpu_stat(struct cpuacct_cpu_throttling *cp) { if (unlikely(!cp->filename)) { return; } static procfile *ff = NULL; ff = procfile_reopen(ff, cp->filename, NULL, CGROUP_PROCFILE_FLAG); if (unlikely(!ff)) { cp->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } ff = procfile_readall(ff); if (unlikely(!ff)) { cp->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } unsigned long lines = procfile_lines(ff); if (unlikely(lines < 3)) { collector_error("CGROUP: file '%s' should have 3 lines.", cp->filename); cp->updated = 0; return; } unsigned long long nr_periods_last = cp->nr_periods; unsigned long long nr_throttled_last = cp->nr_throttled; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < lines; i++) { char *s = procfile_lineword(ff, i, 0); uint32_t hash = simple_hash(s); if (unlikely(hash == nr_periods_hash && !strcmp(s, "nr_periods"))) { cp->nr_periods = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 1), NULL); } else if (unlikely(hash == nr_throttled_hash && !strcmp(s, "nr_throttled"))) { cp->nr_throttled = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 1), NULL); } else if (unlikely(hash == throttled_time_hash && !strcmp(s, "throttled_time"))) { cp->throttled_time = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 1), NULL); } } cp->nr_throttled_perc = calc_percentage(calc_delta(cp->nr_throttled, nr_throttled_last), calc_delta(cp->nr_periods, nr_periods_last)); cp->updated = 1; if (unlikely(cp->enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO)) { if (likely( cp->nr_periods || cp->nr_throttled || cp->throttled_time || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { cp->enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; } } } static inline void cgroup2_read_cpuacct_cpu_stat(struct cpuacct_stat *cp, struct cpuacct_cpu_throttling *cpt) { static procfile *ff = NULL; if (unlikely(!cp->filename)) { return; } ff = procfile_reopen(ff, cp->filename, NULL, CGROUP_PROCFILE_FLAG); if (unlikely(!ff)) { cp->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } ff = procfile_readall(ff); if (unlikely(!ff)) { cp->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } unsigned long lines = procfile_lines(ff); if (unlikely(lines < 3)) { collector_error("CGROUP: file '%s' should have at least 3 lines.", cp->filename); cp->updated = 0; return; } unsigned long long nr_periods_last = cpt->nr_periods; unsigned long long nr_throttled_last = cpt->nr_throttled; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < lines; i++) { char *s = procfile_lineword(ff, i, 0); uint32_t hash = simple_hash(s); if (unlikely(hash == user_usec_hash && !strcmp(s, "user_usec"))) { cp->user = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 1), NULL); } else if (unlikely(hash == system_usec_hash && !strcmp(s, "system_usec"))) { cp->system = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 1), NULL); } else if (unlikely(hash == nr_periods_hash && !strcmp(s, "nr_periods"))) { cpt->nr_periods = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 1), NULL); } else if (unlikely(hash == nr_throttled_hash && !strcmp(s, "nr_throttled"))) { cpt->nr_throttled = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 1), NULL); } else if (unlikely(hash == throttled_usec_hash && !strcmp(s, "throttled_usec"))) { cpt->throttled_time = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 1), NULL) * 1000; // usec -> ns } } cpt->nr_throttled_perc = calc_percentage(calc_delta(cpt->nr_throttled, nr_throttled_last), calc_delta(cpt->nr_periods, nr_periods_last)); cp->updated = 1; cpt->updated = 1; if (unlikely(cp->enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO)) { if (likely(cp->user || cp->system || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { cp->enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; } } if (unlikely(cpt->enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO)) { if (likely( cpt->nr_periods || cpt->nr_throttled || cpt->throttled_time || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { cpt->enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; } } } static inline void cgroup_read_cpuacct_cpu_shares(struct cpuacct_cpu_shares *cp) { if (unlikely(!cp->filename)) { return; } if (unlikely(read_single_number_file(cp->filename, &cp->shares))) { cp->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } cp->updated = 1; if (unlikely((cp->enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO)) && (cp->shares || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { cp->enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; } } static inline void cgroup_read_cpuacct_usage(struct cpuacct_usage *ca) { static procfile *ff = NULL; if(likely(ca->filename)) { ff = procfile_reopen(ff, ca->filename, NULL, CGROUP_PROCFILE_FLAG); if(unlikely(!ff)) { ca->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } ff = procfile_readall(ff); if(unlikely(!ff)) { ca->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } if(unlikely(procfile_lines(ff) < 1)) { collector_error("CGROUP: file '%s' should have 1+ lines but has %zu.", ca->filename, procfile_lines(ff)); ca->updated = 0; return; } unsigned long i = procfile_linewords(ff, 0); if(unlikely(i == 0)) { ca->updated = 0; return; } // we may have 1 more CPU reported while(i > 0) { char *s = procfile_lineword(ff, 0, i - 1); if(!*s) i--; else break; } if(unlikely(i != ca->cpus)) { freez(ca->cpu_percpu); ca->cpu_percpu = mallocz(sizeof(unsigned long long) * i); ca->cpus = (unsigned int)i; } unsigned long long total = 0; for(i = 0; i < ca->cpus ;i++) { unsigned long long n = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, 0, i), NULL); ca->cpu_percpu[i] = n; total += n; } ca->updated = 1; if(unlikely(ca->enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && (total || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES))) ca->enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; } } static inline void cgroup_read_blkio(struct blkio *io) { if(unlikely(io->enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && io->delay_counter > 0)) { io->delay_counter--; return; } if(likely(io->filename)) { static procfile *ff = NULL; ff = procfile_reopen(ff, io->filename, NULL, CGROUP_PROCFILE_FLAG); if(unlikely(!ff)) { io->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } ff = procfile_readall(ff); if(unlikely(!ff)) { io->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } unsigned long i, lines = procfile_lines(ff); if(unlikely(lines < 1)) { collector_error("CGROUP: file '%s' should have 1+ lines.", io->filename); io->updated = 0; return; } io->Read = 0; io->Write = 0; /* io->Sync = 0; io->Async = 0; io->Total = 0; */ for(i = 0; i < lines ; i++) { char *s = procfile_lineword(ff, i, 1); uint32_t hash = simple_hash(s); if(unlikely(hash == Read_hash && !strcmp(s, "Read"))) io->Read += str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 2), NULL); else if(unlikely(hash == Write_hash && !strcmp(s, "Write"))) io->Write += str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 2), NULL); /* else if(unlikely(hash == Sync_hash && !strcmp(s, "Sync"))) io->Sync += str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 2)); else if(unlikely(hash == Async_hash && !strcmp(s, "Async"))) io->Async += str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 2)); else if(unlikely(hash == Total_hash && !strcmp(s, "Total"))) io->Total += str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 2)); */ } io->updated = 1; if(unlikely(io->enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO)) { if(unlikely(io->Read || io->Write || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) io->enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; else io->delay_counter = cgroup_recheck_zero_blkio_every_iterations; } } } static inline void cgroup2_read_blkio(struct blkio *io, unsigned int word_offset) { if(unlikely(io->enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && io->delay_counter > 0)) { io->delay_counter--; return; } if(likely(io->filename)) { static procfile *ff = NULL; ff = procfile_reopen(ff, io->filename, NULL, CGROUP_PROCFILE_FLAG); if(unlikely(!ff)) { io->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } ff = procfile_readall(ff); if(unlikely(!ff)) { io->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } unsigned long i, lines = procfile_lines(ff); if (unlikely(lines < 1)) { collector_error("CGROUP: file '%s' should have 1+ lines.", io->filename); io->updated = 0; return; } io->Read = 0; io->Write = 0; for (i = 0; i < lines; i++) { io->Read += str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 2 + word_offset), NULL); io->Write += str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, i, 4 + word_offset), NULL); } io->updated = 1; if(unlikely(io->enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO)) { if(unlikely(io->Read || io->Write || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) io->enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; else io->delay_counter = cgroup_recheck_zero_blkio_every_iterations; } } } static inline void cgroup2_read_pressure(struct pressure *res) { static procfile *ff = NULL; if (likely(res->filename)) { ff = procfile_reopen(ff, res->filename, " =", CGROUP_PROCFILE_FLAG); if (unlikely(!ff)) { res->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } ff = procfile_readall(ff); if (unlikely(!ff)) { res->updated = 0; cgroups_check = 1; return; } size_t lines = procfile_lines(ff); if (lines < 1) { collector_error("CGROUP: file '%s' should have 1+ lines.", res->filename); res->updated = 0; return; } bool did_some = false, did_full = false; for(size_t l = 0; l < lines ;l++) { const char *key = procfile_lineword(ff, l, 0); if(strcmp(key, "some") == 0) { res->some.share_time.value10 = strtod(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 2), NULL); res->some.share_time.value60 = strtod(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 4), NULL); res->some.share_time.value300 = strtod(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 6), NULL); res->some.total_time.value_total = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 8), NULL) / 1000; // us->ms did_some = true; } else if(strcmp(key, "full") == 0) { res->full.share_time.value10 = strtod(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 2), NULL); res->full.share_time.value60 = strtod(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 4), NULL); res->full.share_time.value300 = strtod(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 6), NULL); res->full.total_time.value_total = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, l, 8), NULL) / 1000; // us->ms did_full = true; } } res->updated = (did_full || did_some) ? 1 : 0; if(unlikely(res->some.enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO)) res->some.enabled = (did_some) ? CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES : CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; if(unlikely(res->full.enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO)) res->full.enabled = (did_full) ? CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES : CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; } } static inline void cgroup_read_memory(struct memory *mem, char parent_cg_is_unified) { static procfile *ff = NULL; // read detailed ram usage if(likely(mem->filename_detailed)) { if(unlikely(mem->enabled_detailed == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && mem->delay_counter_detailed > 0)) { mem->delay_counter_detailed--; goto memory_next; } ff = procfile_reopen(ff, mem->filename_detailed, NULL, CGROUP_PROCFILE_FLAG); if(unlikely(!ff)) { mem->updated_detailed = 0; cgroups_check = 1; goto memory_next; } ff = procfile_readall(ff); if(unlikely(!ff)) { mem->updated_detailed = 0; cgroups_check = 1; goto memory_next; } unsigned long i, lines = procfile_lines(ff); if(unlikely(lines < 1)) { collector_error("CGROUP: file '%s' should have 1+ lines.", mem->filename_detailed); mem->updated_detailed = 0; goto memory_next; } if(unlikely(!mem->arl_base)) { if(parent_cg_is_unified == 0){ mem->arl_base = arl_create("cgroup/memory", NULL, 60); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "total_cache", &mem->total_cache); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "total_rss", &mem->total_rss); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "total_rss_huge", &mem->total_rss_huge); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "total_mapped_file", &mem->total_mapped_file); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "total_writeback", &mem->total_writeback); mem->arl_dirty = arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "total_dirty", &mem->total_dirty); mem->arl_swap = arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "total_swap", &mem->total_swap); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "total_pgpgin", &mem->total_pgpgin); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "total_pgpgout", &mem->total_pgpgout); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "total_pgfault", &mem->total_pgfault); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "total_pgmajfault", &mem->total_pgmajfault); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "total_inactive_file", &mem->total_inactive_file); } else { mem->arl_base = arl_create("cgroup/memory", NULL, 60); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "anon", &mem->anon); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "kernel_stack", &mem->kernel_stack); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "slab", &mem->slab); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "sock", &mem->sock); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "anon_thp", &mem->anon_thp); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "file", &mem->total_mapped_file); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "file_writeback", &mem->total_writeback); mem->arl_dirty = arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "file_dirty", &mem->total_dirty); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "pgfault", &mem->total_pgfault); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "pgmajfault", &mem->total_pgmajfault); arl_expect(mem->arl_base, "inactive_file", &mem->total_inactive_file); } } arl_begin(mem->arl_base); for(i = 0; i < lines ; i++) { if(arl_check(mem->arl_base, procfile_lineword(ff, i, 0), procfile_lineword(ff, i, 1))) break; } if(unlikely(mem->arl_dirty->flags & ARL_ENTRY_FLAG_FOUND)) mem->detailed_has_dirty = 1; if(unlikely(parent_cg_is_unified == 0 && mem->arl_swap->flags & ARL_ENTRY_FLAG_FOUND)) mem->detailed_has_swap = 1; // fprintf(stderr, "READ: '%s', cache: %llu, rss: %llu, rss_huge: %llu, mapped_file: %llu, writeback: %llu, dirty: %llu, swap: %llu, pgpgin: %llu, pgpgout: %llu, pgfault: %llu, pgmajfault: %llu, inactive_anon: %llu, active_anon: %llu, inactive_file: %llu, active_file: %llu, unevictable: %llu, hierarchical_memory_limit: %llu, total_cache: %llu, total_rss: %llu, total_rss_huge: %llu, total_mapped_file: %llu, total_writeback: %llu, total_dirty: %llu, total_swap: %llu, total_pgpgin: %llu, total_pgpgout: %llu, total_pgfault: %llu, total_pgmajfault: %llu, total_inactive_anon: %llu, total_active_anon: %llu, total_inactive_file: %llu, total_active_file: %llu, total_unevictable: %llu\n", mem->filename, mem->cache, mem->rss, mem->rss_huge, mem->mapped_file, mem->writeback, mem->dirty, mem->swap, mem->pgpgin, mem->pgpgout, mem->pgfault, mem->pgmajfault, mem->inactive_anon, mem->active_anon, mem->inactive_file, mem->active_file, mem->unevictable, mem->hierarchical_memory_limit, mem->total_cache, mem->total_rss, mem->total_rss_huge, mem->total_mapped_file, mem->total_writeback, mem->total_dirty, mem->total_swap, mem->total_pgpgin, mem->total_pgpgout, mem->total_pgfault, mem->total_pgmajfault, mem->total_inactive_anon, mem->total_active_anon, mem->total_inactive_file, mem->total_active_file, mem->total_unevictable); mem->updated_detailed = 1; if(unlikely(mem->enabled_detailed == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO)) { if(( (!parent_cg_is_unified) && ( mem->total_cache || mem->total_dirty || mem->total_rss || mem->total_rss_huge || mem->total_mapped_file || mem->total_writeback || mem->total_swap || mem->total_pgpgin || mem->total_pgpgout || mem->total_pgfault || mem->total_pgmajfault || mem->total_inactive_file)) || (parent_cg_is_unified && ( mem->anon || mem->total_dirty || mem->kernel_stack || mem->slab || mem->sock || mem->total_writeback || mem->anon_thp || mem->total_pgfault || mem->total_pgmajfault || mem->total_inactive_file)) || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES) mem->enabled_detailed = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; else mem->delay_counter_detailed = cgroup_recheck_zero_mem_detailed_every_iterations; } } memory_next: // read usage_in_bytes if(likely(mem->filename_usage_in_bytes)) { mem->updated_usage_in_bytes = !read_single_number_file(mem->filename_usage_in_bytes, &mem->usage_in_bytes); if(unlikely(mem->updated_usage_in_bytes && mem->enabled_usage_in_bytes == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && (mem->usage_in_bytes || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES))) mem->enabled_usage_in_bytes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; } if (likely(mem->updated_usage_in_bytes && mem->updated_detailed)) { mem->usage_in_bytes = (mem->usage_in_bytes > mem->total_inactive_file) ? (mem->usage_in_bytes - mem->total_inactive_file) : 0; } // read msw_usage_in_bytes if(likely(mem->filename_msw_usage_in_bytes)) { mem->updated_msw_usage_in_bytes = !read_single_number_file(mem->filename_msw_usage_in_bytes, &mem->msw_usage_in_bytes); if(unlikely(mem->updated_msw_usage_in_bytes && mem->enabled_msw_usage_in_bytes == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && (mem->msw_usage_in_bytes || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES))) mem->enabled_msw_usage_in_bytes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; } // read failcnt if(likely(mem->filename_failcnt)) { if(unlikely(mem->enabled_failcnt == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && mem->delay_counter_failcnt > 0)) { mem->updated_failcnt = 0; mem->delay_counter_failcnt--; } else { mem->updated_failcnt = !read_single_number_file(mem->filename_failcnt, &mem->failcnt); if(unlikely(mem->updated_failcnt && mem->enabled_failcnt == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO)) { if(unlikely(mem->failcnt || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) mem->enabled_failcnt = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; else mem->delay_counter_failcnt = cgroup_recheck_zero_mem_failcnt_every_iterations; } } } } static void cgroup_read_pids_current(struct pids *pids) { pids->pids_current_updated = 0; if (unlikely(!pids->pids_current_filename)) return; pids->pids_current_updated = !read_single_number_file(pids->pids_current_filename, &pids->pids_current); } static inline void read_cgroup(struct cgroup *cg) { netdata_log_debug(D_CGROUP, "reading metrics for cgroups '%s'", cg->id); if(!(cg->options & CGROUP_OPTIONS_IS_UNIFIED)) { cgroup_read_cpuacct_stat(&cg->cpuacct_stat); cgroup_read_cpuacct_usage(&cg->cpuacct_usage); cgroup_read_cpuacct_cpu_stat(&cg->cpuacct_cpu_throttling); cgroup_read_cpuacct_cpu_shares(&cg->cpuacct_cpu_shares); cgroup_read_memory(&cg->memory, 0); cgroup_read_blkio(&cg->io_service_bytes); cgroup_read_blkio(&cg->io_serviced); cgroup_read_blkio(&cg->throttle_io_service_bytes); cgroup_read_blkio(&cg->throttle_io_serviced); cgroup_read_blkio(&cg->io_merged); cgroup_read_blkio(&cg->io_queued); cgroup_read_pids_current(&cg->pids); } else { //TODO: io_service_bytes and io_serviced use same file merge into 1 function cgroup2_read_blkio(&cg->io_service_bytes, 0); cgroup2_read_blkio(&cg->io_serviced, 4); cgroup2_read_cpuacct_cpu_stat(&cg->cpuacct_stat, &cg->cpuacct_cpu_throttling); cgroup_read_cpuacct_cpu_shares(&cg->cpuacct_cpu_shares); cgroup2_read_pressure(&cg->cpu_pressure); cgroup2_read_pressure(&cg->io_pressure); cgroup2_read_pressure(&cg->memory_pressure); cgroup2_read_pressure(&cg->irq_pressure); cgroup_read_memory(&cg->memory, 1); cgroup_read_pids_current(&cg->pids); } } static inline void read_all_discovered_cgroups(struct cgroup *root) { netdata_log_debug(D_CGROUP, "reading metrics for all cgroups"); struct cgroup *cg; for (cg = root; cg; cg = cg->next) { if (cg->enabled && !cg->pending_renames) { read_cgroup(cg); } } } // update CPU and memory limits static inline void update_cpu_limits(char **filename, unsigned long long *value, struct cgroup *cg) { if(*filename) { int ret = -1; if(value == &cg->cpuset_cpus) { unsigned long ncpus = read_cpuset_cpus(*filename, get_system_cpus()); if(ncpus) { *value = ncpus; ret = 0; } } else if(value == &cg->cpu_cfs_period || value == &cg->cpu_cfs_quota) { ret = read_single_number_file(*filename, value); } else ret = -1; if(ret) { collector_error("Cannot refresh cgroup %s cpu limit by reading '%s'. Will not update its limit anymore.", cg->id, *filename); freez(*filename); *filename = NULL; } } } static inline void update_cpu_limits2(struct cgroup *cg) { if(cg->filename_cpu_cfs_quota){ static procfile *ff = NULL; ff = procfile_reopen(ff, cg->filename_cpu_cfs_quota, NULL, CGROUP_PROCFILE_FLAG); if(unlikely(!ff)) { goto cpu_limits2_err; } ff = procfile_readall(ff); if(unlikely(!ff)) { goto cpu_limits2_err; } unsigned long lines = procfile_lines(ff); if (unlikely(lines < 1)) { collector_error("CGROUP: file '%s' should have 1 lines.", cg->filename_cpu_cfs_quota); return; } cg->cpu_cfs_period = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, 0, 1), NULL); cg->cpuset_cpus = get_system_cpus(); char *s = "max\n\0"; if(strcmp(s, procfile_lineword(ff, 0, 0)) == 0){ cg->cpu_cfs_quota = cg->cpu_cfs_period * cg->cpuset_cpus; } else { cg->cpu_cfs_quota = str2ull(procfile_lineword(ff, 0, 0), NULL); } netdata_log_debug(D_CGROUP, "CPU limits values: %llu %llu %llu", cg->cpu_cfs_period, cg->cpuset_cpus, cg->cpu_cfs_quota); return; cpu_limits2_err: collector_error("Cannot refresh cgroup %s cpu limit by reading '%s'. Will not update its limit anymore.", cg->id, cg->filename_cpu_cfs_quota); freez(cg->filename_cpu_cfs_quota); cg->filename_cpu_cfs_quota = NULL; } } static inline int update_memory_limits(struct cgroup *cg) { char **filename = &cg->filename_memory_limit; const RRDSETVAR_ACQUIRED **chart_var = &cg->chart_var_memory_limit; unsigned long long *value = &cg->memory_limit; if(*filename) { if(unlikely(!*chart_var)) { *chart_var = rrdsetvar_custom_chart_variable_add_and_acquire(cg->st_mem_usage, "memory_limit"); if(!*chart_var) { collector_error("Cannot create cgroup %s chart variable '%s'. Will not update its limit anymore.", cg->id, "memory_limit"); freez(*filename); *filename = NULL; } } if(*filename && *chart_var) { if(!(cg->options & CGROUP_OPTIONS_IS_UNIFIED)) { if(read_single_number_file(*filename, value)) { collector_error("Cannot refresh cgroup %s memory limit by reading '%s'. Will not update its limit anymore.", cg->id, *filename); freez(*filename); *filename = NULL; } else { rrdsetvar_custom_chart_variable_set(cg->st_mem_usage, *chart_var, (NETDATA_DOUBLE)(*value) / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); return 1; } } else { char buffer[30 + 1]; int ret = read_file(*filename, buffer, 30); if(ret) { collector_error("Cannot refresh cgroup %s memory limit by reading '%s'. Will not update its limit anymore.", cg->id, *filename); freez(*filename); *filename = NULL; return 0; } char *s = "max\n\0"; if(strcmp(s, buffer) == 0){ *value = UINT64_MAX; rrdsetvar_custom_chart_variable_set(cg->st_mem_usage, *chart_var, (NETDATA_DOUBLE)(*value) / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); return 1; } *value = str2ull(buffer, NULL); rrdsetvar_custom_chart_variable_set(cg->st_mem_usage, *chart_var, (NETDATA_DOUBLE)(*value) / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); return 1; } } } return 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // generate charts void update_cgroup_systemd_services_charts() { for (struct cgroup *cg = cgroup_root; cg; cg = cg->next) { if (unlikely(!cg->enabled || cg->pending_renames || !is_cgroup_systemd_service(cg))) continue; if (likely(cg->cpuacct_stat.updated)) { update_cpu_utilization_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->memory.updated_msw_usage_in_bytes)) { update_mem_usage_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->memory.updated_failcnt)) { update_mem_failcnt_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->memory.updated_detailed)) { update_mem_usage_detailed_chart(cg); update_mem_writeback_chart(cg); update_mem_pgfaults_chart(cg); if (!(cg->options & CGROUP_OPTIONS_IS_UNIFIED)) { update_mem_activity_chart(cg); } } if (likely(cg->io_service_bytes.updated)) { update_io_serviced_bytes_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->io_serviced.updated)) { update_io_serviced_ops_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->throttle_io_service_bytes.updated)) { update_throttle_io_serviced_bytes_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->throttle_io_serviced.updated)) { update_throttle_io_serviced_ops_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->io_queued.updated)) { update_io_queued_ops_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->io_merged.updated)) { update_io_merged_ops_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->pids.pids_current_updated)) { update_pids_current_chart(cg); } cg->function_ready = true; } } void update_cgroup_charts() { for (struct cgroup *cg = cgroup_root; cg; cg = cg->next) { if(unlikely(!cg->enabled || cg->pending_renames || is_cgroup_systemd_service(cg))) continue; if (likely(cg->cpuacct_stat.updated && cg->cpuacct_stat.enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { update_cpu_utilization_chart(cg); if(likely(cg->filename_cpuset_cpus || cg->filename_cpu_cfs_period || cg->filename_cpu_cfs_quota)) { if(!(cg->options & CGROUP_OPTIONS_IS_UNIFIED)) { update_cpu_limits(&cg->filename_cpuset_cpus, &cg->cpuset_cpus, cg); update_cpu_limits(&cg->filename_cpu_cfs_period, &cg->cpu_cfs_period, cg); update_cpu_limits(&cg->filename_cpu_cfs_quota, &cg->cpu_cfs_quota, cg); } else { update_cpu_limits2(cg); } if(unlikely(!cg->chart_var_cpu_limit)) { cg->chart_var_cpu_limit = rrdsetvar_custom_chart_variable_add_and_acquire(cg->st_cpu, "cpu_limit"); if(!cg->chart_var_cpu_limit) { collector_error("Cannot create cgroup %s chart variable 'cpu_limit'. Will not update its limit anymore.", cg->id); if(cg->filename_cpuset_cpus) freez(cg->filename_cpuset_cpus); cg->filename_cpuset_cpus = NULL; if(cg->filename_cpu_cfs_period) freez(cg->filename_cpu_cfs_period); cg->filename_cpu_cfs_period = NULL; if(cg->filename_cpu_cfs_quota) freez(cg->filename_cpu_cfs_quota); cg->filename_cpu_cfs_quota = NULL; } } else { NETDATA_DOUBLE value = 0, quota = 0; if(likely( ((!(cg->options & CGROUP_OPTIONS_IS_UNIFIED)) && (cg->filename_cpuset_cpus || (cg->filename_cpu_cfs_period && cg->filename_cpu_cfs_quota))) || ((cg->options & CGROUP_OPTIONS_IS_UNIFIED) && cg->filename_cpu_cfs_quota))) { if(unlikely(cg->cpu_cfs_quota > 0)) quota = (NETDATA_DOUBLE)cg->cpu_cfs_quota / (NETDATA_DOUBLE)cg->cpu_cfs_period; if(unlikely(quota > 0 && quota < cg->cpuset_cpus)) value = quota * 100; else value = (NETDATA_DOUBLE)cg->cpuset_cpus * 100; } if(likely(value)) { update_cpu_utilization_limit_chart(cg, value); } else { if (unlikely(cg->st_cpu_limit)) { rrdset_is_obsolete___safe_from_collector_thread(cg->st_cpu_limit); cg->st_cpu_limit = NULL; } rrdsetvar_custom_chart_variable_set(cg->st_cpu, cg->chart_var_cpu_limit, NAN); } } } } if (likely(cg->cpuacct_cpu_throttling.updated && cg->cpuacct_cpu_throttling.enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { update_cpu_throttled_chart(cg); update_cpu_throttled_duration_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->cpuacct_cpu_shares.updated && cg->cpuacct_cpu_shares.enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { update_cpu_shares_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->cpuacct_usage.updated && cg->cpuacct_usage.enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { update_cpu_per_core_usage_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->memory.updated_detailed && cg->memory.enabled_detailed == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { update_mem_usage_detailed_chart(cg); update_mem_writeback_chart(cg); if(!(cg->options & CGROUP_OPTIONS_IS_UNIFIED)) { update_mem_activity_chart(cg); } update_mem_pgfaults_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->memory.updated_usage_in_bytes && cg->memory.enabled_usage_in_bytes == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { update_mem_usage_chart(cg); // FIXME: this if should be only for unlimited charts if(likely(host_ram_total)) { // FIXME: do we need to update mem limits on every data collection? if (likely(update_memory_limits(cg))) { unsigned long long memory_limit = host_ram_total; if (unlikely(cg->memory_limit < host_ram_total)) memory_limit = cg->memory_limit; update_mem_usage_limit_chart(cg, memory_limit); update_mem_utilization_chart(cg, memory_limit); } else { if (unlikely(cg->st_mem_usage_limit)) { rrdset_is_obsolete___safe_from_collector_thread(cg->st_mem_usage_limit); cg->st_mem_usage_limit = NULL; } if (unlikely(cg->st_mem_utilization)) { rrdset_is_obsolete___safe_from_collector_thread(cg->st_mem_utilization); cg->st_mem_utilization = NULL; } } } } if (likely(cg->memory.updated_failcnt && cg->memory.enabled_failcnt == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { update_mem_failcnt_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->io_service_bytes.updated && cg->io_service_bytes.enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { update_io_serviced_bytes_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->io_serviced.updated && cg->io_serviced.enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { update_io_serviced_ops_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->throttle_io_service_bytes.updated && cg->throttle_io_service_bytes.enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { update_throttle_io_serviced_bytes_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->throttle_io_serviced.updated && cg->throttle_io_serviced.enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { update_throttle_io_serviced_ops_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->io_queued.updated && cg->io_queued.enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { update_io_queued_ops_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->io_merged.updated && cg->io_merged.enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES)) { update_io_merged_ops_chart(cg); } if (likely(cg->pids.pids_current_updated)) { update_pids_current_chart(cg); } if (cg->options & CGROUP_OPTIONS_IS_UNIFIED) { if (likely(cg->cpu_pressure.updated)) { if (cg->cpu_pressure.some.enabled) { update_cpu_some_pressure_chart(cg); update_cpu_some_pressure_stall_time_chart(cg); } if (cg->cpu_pressure.full.enabled) { update_cpu_full_pressure_chart(cg); update_cpu_full_pressure_stall_time_chart(cg); } } if (likely(cg->memory_pressure.updated)) { if (cg->memory_pressure.some.enabled) { update_mem_some_pressure_chart(cg); update_mem_some_pressure_stall_time_chart(cg); } if (cg->memory_pressure.full.enabled) { update_mem_full_pressure_chart(cg); update_mem_full_pressure_stall_time_chart(cg); } } if (likely(cg->irq_pressure.updated)) { if (cg->irq_pressure.some.enabled) { update_irq_some_pressure_chart(cg); update_irq_some_pressure_stall_time_chart(cg); } if (cg->irq_pressure.full.enabled) { update_irq_full_pressure_chart(cg); update_irq_full_pressure_stall_time_chart(cg); } } if (likely(cg->io_pressure.updated)) { if (cg->io_pressure.some.enabled) { update_io_some_pressure_chart(cg); update_io_some_pressure_stall_time_chart(cg); } if (cg->io_pressure.full.enabled) { update_io_full_pressure_chart(cg); update_io_full_pressure_stall_time_chart(cg); } } } cg->function_ready = true; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cgroups main static void cgroup_main_cleanup(void *ptr) { worker_unregister(); struct netdata_static_thread *static_thread = (struct netdata_static_thread *)ptr; static_thread->enabled = NETDATA_MAIN_THREAD_EXITING; collector_info("cleaning up..."); usec_t max = 2 * USEC_PER_SEC, step = 50000; if (!__atomic_load_n(&discovery_thread.exited, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) { collector_info("waiting for discovery thread to finish..."); while (!__atomic_load_n(&discovery_thread.exited, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) && max > 0) { uv_mutex_lock(&discovery_thread.mutex); uv_cond_signal(&discovery_thread.cond_var); uv_mutex_unlock(&discovery_thread.mutex); max -= step; sleep_usec(step); } } if (shm_mutex_cgroup_ebpf != SEM_FAILED) { sem_close(shm_mutex_cgroup_ebpf); } if (shm_cgroup_ebpf.header) { shm_cgroup_ebpf.header->cgroup_root_count = 0; munmap(shm_cgroup_ebpf.header, shm_cgroup_ebpf.header->body_length); } if (shm_fd_cgroup_ebpf > 0) { close(shm_fd_cgroup_ebpf); } static_thread->enabled = NETDATA_MAIN_THREAD_EXITED; } void cgroup_read_host_total_ram() { procfile *ff = NULL; char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(filename, FILENAME_MAX, "%s%s", netdata_configured_host_prefix, "/proc/meminfo"); ff = procfile_open( config_get("plugin:cgroups", "meminfo filename to monitor", filename), " \t:", PROCFILE_FLAG_DEFAULT); if (likely((ff = procfile_readall(ff)) && procfile_lines(ff) && !strncmp(procfile_word(ff, 0), "MemTotal", 8))) host_ram_total = str2ull(procfile_word(ff, 1), NULL) * 1024; else collector_error("Cannot read file %s. Will not create RAM limit charts.", filename); procfile_close(ff); } void *cgroups_main(void *ptr) { worker_register("CGROUPS"); worker_register_job_name(WORKER_CGROUPS_LOCK, "lock"); worker_register_job_name(WORKER_CGROUPS_READ, "read"); worker_register_job_name(WORKER_CGROUPS_CHART, "chart"); netdata_thread_cleanup_push(cgroup_main_cleanup, ptr); if (getenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST") != NULL && getenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT") != NULL) { is_inside_k8s = 1; cgroup_enable_cpuacct_cpu_shares = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; } read_cgroup_plugin_configuration(); cgroup_read_host_total_ram(); netdata_cgroup_ebpf_initialize_shm(); if (uv_mutex_init(&cgroup_root_mutex)) { collector_error("CGROUP: cannot initialize mutex for the main cgroup list"); goto exit; } discovery_thread.exited = 0; if (uv_mutex_init(&discovery_thread.mutex)) { collector_error("CGROUP: cannot initialize mutex for discovery thread"); goto exit; } if (uv_cond_init(&discovery_thread.cond_var)) { collector_error("CGROUP: cannot initialize conditional variable for discovery thread"); goto exit; } int error = uv_thread_create(&discovery_thread.thread, cgroup_discovery_worker, NULL); if (error) { collector_error("CGROUP: cannot create thread worker. uv_thread_create(): %s", uv_strerror(error)); goto exit; } uv_thread_set_name_np(discovery_thread.thread, "P[cgroups]"); // we register this only on localhost // for the other nodes, the origin server should register it cgroup_netdev_link_init(); rrd_function_add_inline(localhost, NULL, "containers-vms", 10, RRDFUNCTIONS_PRIORITY_DEFAULT / 2, RRDFUNCTIONS_CGTOP_HELP, "top", HTTP_ACCESS_ANY, cgroup_function_cgroup_top); rrd_function_add_inline(localhost, NULL, "systemd-services", 10, RRDFUNCTIONS_PRIORITY_DEFAULT / 3, RRDFUNCTIONS_SYSTEMD_SERVICES_HELP, "top", HTTP_ACCESS_ANY, cgroup_function_systemd_top); heartbeat_t hb; heartbeat_init(&hb); usec_t step = cgroup_update_every * USEC_PER_SEC; usec_t find_every = cgroup_check_for_new_every * USEC_PER_SEC, find_dt = 0; netdata_thread_disable_cancelability(); while(service_running(SERVICE_COLLECTORS)) { worker_is_idle(); usec_t hb_dt = heartbeat_next(&hb, step); if (unlikely(!service_running(SERVICE_COLLECTORS))) break; find_dt += hb_dt; if (unlikely(find_dt >= find_every || (!is_inside_k8s && cgroups_check))) { uv_mutex_lock(&discovery_thread.mutex); uv_cond_signal(&discovery_thread.cond_var); uv_mutex_unlock(&discovery_thread.mutex); find_dt = 0; cgroups_check = 0; } worker_is_busy(WORKER_CGROUPS_LOCK); uv_mutex_lock(&cgroup_root_mutex); worker_is_busy(WORKER_CGROUPS_READ); read_all_discovered_cgroups(cgroup_root); if (unlikely(!service_running(SERVICE_COLLECTORS))) { uv_mutex_unlock(&cgroup_root_mutex); break; } worker_is_busy(WORKER_CGROUPS_CHART); update_cgroup_charts(); if (cgroup_enable_systemd_services) update_cgroup_systemd_services_charts(); if (unlikely(!service_running(SERVICE_COLLECTORS))) { uv_mutex_unlock(&cgroup_root_mutex); break; } worker_is_idle(); uv_mutex_unlock(&cgroup_root_mutex); } exit: netdata_thread_cleanup_pop(1); return NULL; }