// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later /* * netdata cups.plugin * (C) Copyright 2017-2018 Simon Nagl <simon.nagl@gmx.de> * Released under GPL v3+ */ #include "libnetdata/libnetdata.h" #include "libnetdata/required_dummies.h" #include <cups/cups.h> #include <limits.h> // Variables static int debug = 0; static int netdata_update_every = 1; static int netdata_priority = 100004; http_t *http; // connection to the cups daemon /* * Used to aggregate job metrics for a destination (and all destinations). */ struct job_metrics { int is_collected; // flag if this was collected in the current cycle int num_pending; int num_processing; int num_held; int size_pending; // in kilobyte int size_processing; // in kilobyte int size_held; // in kilobyte }; DICTIONARY *dict_dest_job_metrics = NULL; struct job_metrics global_job_metrics; int num_dest_total; int num_dest_accepting_jobs; int num_dest_shared; int num_dest_idle; int num_dest_printing; int num_dest_stopped; void print_help() { fprintf(stderr, "\n" "netdata cups.plugin %s\n" "\n" "Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Simon Nagl <simon.nagl@gmx.de>\n" "Released under GNU General Public License v3+.\n" "All rights reserved.\n" "\n" "This program is a data collector plugin for netdata.\n" "\n" "SYNOPSIS: cups.plugin [-d][-h][-v] COLLECTION_FREQUENCY\n" "\n" "Options:" "\n" " COLLECTION_FREQUENCY data collection frequency in seconds\n" "\n" " -d enable verbose output\n" " default: disabled\n" "\n" " -v print version and exit\n" "\n" " -h print this message and exit\n" "\n", VERSION); } void parse_command_line(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int freq = 0; int update_every_found = 0; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (isdigit(*argv[i]) && !update_every_found) { int n = str2i(argv[i]); if (n > 0 && n < 86400) { freq = n; continue; } } else if (strcmp("-v", argv[i]) == 0) { printf("cups.plugin %s\n", VERSION); exit(0); } else if (strcmp("-d", argv[i]) == 0) { debug = 1; continue; } else if (strcmp("-h", argv[i]) == 0) { print_help(); exit(0); } print_help(); exit(1); } if (freq >= netdata_update_every) { netdata_update_every = freq; } else if (freq) { error("update frequency %d seconds is too small for CUPS. Using %d.", freq, netdata_update_every); } } /* * 'cupsGetIntegerOption()' - Get an integer option value. * * INT_MIN is returned when the option does not exist, is not an integer, or * exceeds the range of values for the "int" type. * * @since CUPS 2.2.4/macOS 10.13@ */ int /* O - Option value or @code INT_MIN@ */ getIntegerOption( const char *name, /* I - Name of option */ int num_options, /* I - Number of options */ cups_option_t *options) /* I - Options */ { const char *value = cupsGetOption(name, num_options, options); /* String value of option */ char *ptr; /* Pointer into string value */ long intvalue; /* Integer value */ if (!value || !*value) return (INT_MIN); intvalue = strtol(value, &ptr, 10); if (intvalue < INT_MIN || intvalue > INT_MAX || *ptr) return (INT_MIN); return ((int)intvalue); } static int reset_job_metrics(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item __maybe_unused, void *entry, void *data __maybe_unused) { struct job_metrics *jm = (struct job_metrics *)entry; jm->is_collected = 0; jm->num_held = 0; jm->num_pending = 0; jm->num_processing = 0; jm->size_held = 0; jm->size_pending = 0; jm->size_processing = 0; return 0; } struct job_metrics *get_job_metrics(char *dest) { struct job_metrics *jm = dictionary_get(dict_dest_job_metrics, dest); if (unlikely(!jm)) { struct job_metrics new_job_metrics; reset_job_metrics(NULL, &new_job_metrics, NULL); jm = dictionary_set(dict_dest_job_metrics, dest, &new_job_metrics, sizeof(struct job_metrics)); printf("CHART cups.job_num_%s '' 'Active jobs of %s' jobs '%s' cups.job_num stacked %i %i\n", dest, dest, dest, netdata_priority++, netdata_update_every); printf("DIMENSION pending '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION held '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION processing '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("CHART cups.job_size_%s '' 'Active jobs size of %s' KB '%s' cups.job_size stacked %i %i\n", dest, dest, dest, netdata_priority++, netdata_update_every); printf("DIMENSION pending '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION held '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION processing '' absolute 1 1\n"); }; return jm; } int collect_job_metrics(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item, void *entry, void *data __maybe_unused) { const char *name = dictionary_acquired_item_name(item); struct job_metrics *jm = (struct job_metrics *)entry; if (jm->is_collected) { printf( "BEGIN cups.job_num_%s\n" "SET pending = %d\n" "SET held = %d\n" "SET processing = %d\n" "END\n", name, jm->num_pending, jm->num_held, jm->num_processing); printf( "BEGIN cups.job_size_%s\n" "SET pending = %d\n" "SET held = %d\n" "SET processing = %d\n" "END\n", name, jm->size_pending, jm->size_held, jm->size_processing); } else { printf("CHART cups.job_num_%s '' 'Active jobs of %s' jobs '%s' cups.job_num stacked 1 %i 'obsolete'\n", name, name, name, netdata_update_every); printf("DIMENSION pending '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION held '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION processing '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("CHART cups.job_size_%s '' 'Active jobs size of %s' KB '%s' cups.job_size stacked 1 %i 'obsolete'\n", name, name, name, netdata_update_every); printf("DIMENSION pending '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION held '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION processing '' absolute 1 1\n"); dictionary_del(dict_dest_job_metrics, name); } return 0; } void reset_metrics() { num_dest_total = 0; num_dest_accepting_jobs = 0; num_dest_shared = 0; num_dest_idle = 0; num_dest_printing = 0; num_dest_stopped = 0; reset_job_metrics(NULL, &global_job_metrics, NULL); dictionary_walkthrough_write(dict_dest_job_metrics, reset_job_metrics, NULL); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { stderror = stderr; clocks_init(); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // initialization of netdata plugin program_name = "cups.plugin"; // disable syslog error_log_syslog = 0; // set errors flood protection to 100 logs per hour error_log_errors_per_period = 100; error_log_throttle_period = 3600; parse_command_line(argc, argv); errno = 0; dict_dest_job_metrics = dictionary_create(DICT_OPTION_SINGLE_THREADED); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // the main loop if (debug) fprintf(stderr, "starting data collection\n"); time_t started_t = now_monotonic_sec(); size_t iteration = 0; usec_t step = netdata_update_every * USEC_PER_SEC; heartbeat_t hb; heartbeat_init(&hb); for (iteration = 0; 1; iteration++) { heartbeat_next(&hb, step); if (unlikely(netdata_exit)) { break; } reset_metrics(); cups_dest_t *dests; num_dest_total = cupsGetDests2(http, &dests); if(unlikely(num_dest_total == 0)) { // reconnect to cups to check if the server is down. httpClose(http); http = httpConnect2(cupsServer(), ippPort(), NULL, AF_UNSPEC, cupsEncryption(), 0, netdata_update_every * 1000, NULL); if(http == NULL) { error("cups daemon is not running. Exiting!"); exit(1); } } cups_dest_t *curr_dest = dests; int counter = 0; while (counter < num_dest_total) { if (counter != 0) { curr_dest++; } counter++; const char *printer_uri_supported = cupsGetOption("printer-uri-supported", curr_dest->num_options, curr_dest->options); if (!printer_uri_supported) { if(debug) fprintf(stderr, "destination %s discovered, but not yet setup as a local printer", curr_dest->name); continue; } const char *printer_is_accepting_jobs = cupsGetOption("printer-is-accepting-jobs", curr_dest->num_options, curr_dest->options); if (printer_is_accepting_jobs && !strcmp(printer_is_accepting_jobs, "true")) { num_dest_accepting_jobs++; } const char *printer_is_shared = cupsGetOption("printer-is-shared", curr_dest->num_options, curr_dest->options); if (printer_is_shared && !strcmp(printer_is_shared, "true")) { num_dest_shared++; } int printer_state = getIntegerOption("printer-state", curr_dest->num_options, curr_dest->options); switch (printer_state) { case 3: num_dest_idle++; break; case 4: num_dest_printing++; break; case 5: num_dest_stopped++; break; case INT_MIN: if(debug) fprintf(stderr, "printer state is missing for destination %s", curr_dest->name); break; default: error("Unknown printer state (%d) found.", printer_state); break; } /* * flag job metrics to print values. * This is needed to report also destinations with zero active jobs. */ struct job_metrics *jm = get_job_metrics(curr_dest->name); jm->is_collected = 1; } cupsFreeDests(num_dest_total, dests); if (unlikely(netdata_exit)) break; cups_job_t *jobs, *curr_job; int num_jobs = cupsGetJobs2(http, &jobs, NULL, 0, CUPS_WHICHJOBS_ACTIVE); int i; for (i = num_jobs, curr_job = jobs; i > 0; i--, curr_job++) { struct job_metrics *jm = get_job_metrics(curr_job->dest); jm->is_collected = 1; switch (curr_job->state) { case IPP_JOB_PENDING: jm->num_pending++; jm->size_pending += curr_job->size; global_job_metrics.num_pending++; global_job_metrics.size_pending += curr_job->size; break; case IPP_JOB_HELD: jm->num_held++; jm->size_held += curr_job->size; global_job_metrics.num_held++; global_job_metrics.size_held += curr_job->size; break; case IPP_JOB_PROCESSING: jm->num_processing++; jm->size_processing += curr_job->size; global_job_metrics.num_processing++; global_job_metrics.size_processing += curr_job->size; break; default: error("Unsupported job state (%u) found.", curr_job->state); break; } } cupsFreeJobs(num_jobs, jobs); dictionary_walkthrough_write(dict_dest_job_metrics, collect_job_metrics, NULL); static int cups_printer_by_option_created = 0; if (unlikely(!cups_printer_by_option_created)) { cups_printer_by_option_created = 1; printf("CHART cups.dest_state '' 'Destinations by state' dests overview cups.dests_state stacked 100000 %i\n", netdata_update_every); printf("DIMENSION idle '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION printing '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION stopped '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("CHART cups.dest_option '' 'Destinations by option' dests overview cups.dests_option line 100001 %i\n", netdata_update_every); printf("DIMENSION total '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION acceptingjobs '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION shared '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("CHART cups.job_num '' 'Active jobs' jobs overview cups.job_num stacked 100002 %i\n", netdata_update_every); printf("DIMENSION pending '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION held '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION processing '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("CHART cups.job_size '' 'Active jobs size' KB overview cups.job_size stacked 100003 %i\n", netdata_update_every); printf("DIMENSION pending '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION held '' absolute 1 1\n"); printf("DIMENSION processing '' absolute 1 1\n"); } printf( "BEGIN cups.dest_state\n" "SET idle = %d\n" "SET printing = %d\n" "SET stopped = %d\n" "END\n", num_dest_idle, num_dest_printing, num_dest_stopped); printf( "BEGIN cups.dest_option\n" "SET total = %d\n" "SET acceptingjobs = %d\n" "SET shared = %d\n" "END\n", num_dest_total, num_dest_accepting_jobs, num_dest_shared); printf( "BEGIN cups.job_num\n" "SET pending = %d\n" "SET held = %d\n" "SET processing = %d\n" "END\n", global_job_metrics.num_pending, global_job_metrics.num_held, global_job_metrics.num_processing); printf( "BEGIN cups.job_size\n" "SET pending = %d\n" "SET held = %d\n" "SET processing = %d\n" "END\n", global_job_metrics.size_pending, global_job_metrics.size_held, global_job_metrics.size_processing); fflush(stdout); if (unlikely(netdata_exit)) break; // restart check (14400 seconds) if (!now_monotonic_sec() - started_t > 14400) break; } httpClose(http); info("CUPS process exiting"); }