// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "plugin_tc.h" #define RRD_TYPE_TC "tc" #define PLUGIN_TC_NAME "tc.plugin" // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // /sbin/tc processor // this requires the script plugins.d/tc-qos-helper.sh #define TC_LINE_MAX 1024 struct tc_class { avl_t avl; char *id; uint32_t hash; char *name; char *leafid; uint32_t leaf_hash; char *parentid; uint32_t parent_hash; char hasparent; char isleaf; char isqdisc; char render; unsigned long long bytes; unsigned long long packets; unsigned long long dropped; unsigned long long overlimits; unsigned long long requeues; unsigned long long lended; unsigned long long borrowed; unsigned long long giants; unsigned long long tokens; unsigned long long ctokens; RRDDIM *rd_bytes; RRDDIM *rd_packets; RRDDIM *rd_dropped; RRDDIM *rd_tokens; RRDDIM *rd_ctokens; char name_updated; char updated; // updated bytes int unupdated; // the number of times, this has been found un-updated struct tc_class *next; struct tc_class *prev; }; struct tc_device { avl_t avl; char *id; uint32_t hash; char *name; char *family; char name_updated; char family_updated; char enabled; char enabled_bytes; char enabled_packets; char enabled_dropped; char enabled_tokens; char enabled_ctokens; char enabled_all_classes_qdiscs; RRDSET *st_bytes; RRDSET *st_packets; RRDSET *st_dropped; RRDSET *st_tokens; RRDSET *st_ctokens; avl_tree_type classes_index; struct tc_class *classes; struct tc_class *last_class; struct tc_device *next; struct tc_device *prev; }; struct tc_device *tc_device_root = NULL; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tc_device index static int tc_device_compare(void* a, void* b) { if(((struct tc_device *)a)->hash < ((struct tc_device *)b)->hash) return -1; else if(((struct tc_device *)a)->hash > ((struct tc_device *)b)->hash) return 1; else return strcmp(((struct tc_device *)a)->id, ((struct tc_device *)b)->id); } avl_tree_type tc_device_root_index = { NULL, tc_device_compare }; #define tc_device_index_add(st) (struct tc_device *)avl_insert(&tc_device_root_index, (avl_t *)(st)) #define tc_device_index_del(st) (struct tc_device *)avl_remove(&tc_device_root_index, (avl_t *)(st)) static inline struct tc_device *tc_device_index_find(const char *id, uint32_t hash) { struct tc_device tmp; tmp.id = (char *)id; tmp.hash = (hash)?hash:simple_hash(tmp.id); return (struct tc_device *)avl_search(&(tc_device_root_index), (avl_t *)&tmp); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // tc_class index static int tc_class_compare(void* a, void* b) { if(((struct tc_class *)a)->hash < ((struct tc_class *)b)->hash) return -1; else if(((struct tc_class *)a)->hash > ((struct tc_class *)b)->hash) return 1; else return strcmp(((struct tc_class *)a)->id, ((struct tc_class *)b)->id); } #define tc_class_index_add(st, rd) (struct tc_class *)avl_insert(&((st)->classes_index), (avl_t *)(rd)) #define tc_class_index_del(st, rd) (struct tc_class *)avl_remove(&((st)->classes_index), (avl_t *)(rd)) static inline struct tc_class *tc_class_index_find(struct tc_device *st, const char *id, uint32_t hash) { struct tc_class tmp; tmp.id = (char *)id; tmp.hash = (hash)?hash:simple_hash(tmp.id); return (struct tc_class *)avl_search(&(st->classes_index), (avl_t *) &tmp); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline void tc_class_free(struct tc_device *n, struct tc_class *c) { if(c == n->classes) { if(likely(c->next)) n->classes = c->next; else n->classes = c->prev; } if(c == n->last_class) { if(unlikely(c->next)) n->last_class = c->next; else n->last_class = c->prev; } if(c->next) c->next->prev = c->prev; if(c->prev) c->prev->next = c->next; debug(D_TC_LOOP, "Removing from device '%s' class '%s', parentid '%s', leafid '%s', unused=%d", n->id, c->id, c->parentid?c->parentid:"", c->leafid?c->leafid:"", c->unupdated); if(unlikely(tc_class_index_del(n, c) != c)) error("plugin_tc: INTERNAL ERROR: attempt remove class '%s' from device '%s': removed a different calls", c->id, n->id); freez(c->id); freez(c->name); freez(c->leafid); freez(c->parentid); freez(c); } static inline void tc_device_classes_cleanup(struct tc_device *d) { static int cleanup_every = 999; if(unlikely(cleanup_every > 0)) { cleanup_every = (int) config_get_number("plugin:tc", "cleanup unused classes every", 120); if(cleanup_every < 0) cleanup_every = -cleanup_every; } d->name_updated = 0; d->family_updated = 0; struct tc_class *c = d->classes; while(c) { if(unlikely(cleanup_every && c->unupdated >= cleanup_every)) { struct tc_class *nc = c->next; tc_class_free(d, c); c = nc; } else { c->updated = 0; c->name_updated = 0; c = c->next; } } } static inline void tc_device_commit(struct tc_device *d) { static int enable_new_interfaces = -1, enable_bytes = -1, enable_packets = -1, enable_dropped = -1, enable_tokens = -1, enable_ctokens = -1, enabled_all_classes_qdiscs = -1; if(unlikely(enable_new_interfaces == -1)) { enable_new_interfaces = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", "enable new interfaces detected at runtime", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES); enable_bytes = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", "enable traffic charts for all interfaces", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO); enable_packets = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", "enable packets charts for all interfaces", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO); enable_dropped = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", "enable dropped charts for all interfaces", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO); enable_tokens = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", "enable tokens charts for all interfaces", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO); enable_ctokens = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", "enable ctokens charts for all interfaces", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO); enabled_all_classes_qdiscs = config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", "enable show all classes and qdiscs for all interfaces", CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO); } if(unlikely(d->enabled == (char)-1)) { char var_name[CONFIG_MAX_NAME + 1]; snprintfz(var_name, CONFIG_MAX_NAME, "qos for %s", d->id); d->enabled = (char)config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", var_name, enable_new_interfaces); snprintfz(var_name, CONFIG_MAX_NAME, "traffic chart for %s", d->id); d->enabled_bytes = (char)config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", var_name, enable_bytes); snprintfz(var_name, CONFIG_MAX_NAME, "packets chart for %s", d->id); d->enabled_packets = (char)config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", var_name, enable_packets); snprintfz(var_name, CONFIG_MAX_NAME, "dropped packets chart for %s", d->id); d->enabled_dropped = (char)config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", var_name, enable_dropped); snprintfz(var_name, CONFIG_MAX_NAME, "tokens chart for %s", d->id); d->enabled_tokens = (char)config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", var_name, enable_tokens); snprintfz(var_name, CONFIG_MAX_NAME, "ctokens chart for %s", d->id); d->enabled_ctokens = (char)config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", var_name, enable_ctokens); snprintfz(var_name, CONFIG_MAX_NAME, "show all classes for %s", d->id); d->enabled_all_classes_qdiscs = (char)config_get_boolean_ondemand("plugin:tc", var_name, enabled_all_classes_qdiscs); } // we only need to add leaf classes struct tc_class *c, *x /*, *root = NULL */; unsigned long long bytes_sum = 0, packets_sum = 0, dropped_sum = 0, tokens_sum = 0, ctokens_sum = 0; int active_nodes = 0, updated_classes = 0, updated_qdiscs = 0; // prepare all classes // we set reasonable defaults for the rest of the code below for(c = d->classes ; c ; c = c->next) { c->render = 0; // do not render this class c->isleaf = 1; // this is a leaf class c->hasparent = 0; // without a parent if(unlikely(!c->updated)) c->unupdated++; // increase its unupdated counter else { c->unupdated = 0; // reset its unupdated counter // count how many of each kind if(c->isqdisc) updated_qdiscs++; else updated_classes++; } } if(unlikely(!d->enabled || (!updated_classes && !updated_qdiscs))) { debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: Ignoring TC device '%s'. It is not enabled/updated.", d->name?d->name:d->id); tc_device_classes_cleanup(d); return; } if(unlikely(updated_classes && updated_qdiscs)) { error("TC: device '%s' has active both classes (%d) and qdiscs (%d). Will render only qdiscs.", d->id, updated_classes, updated_qdiscs); // set all classes to !updated for(c = d->classes ; c ; c = c->next) if(unlikely(!c->isqdisc && c->updated)) c->updated = 0; updated_classes = 0; } // mark the classes as leafs and parents // // TC is hierarchical: // - classes can have other classes in them // - the same is true for qdiscs (i.e. qdiscs have classes, that have other qdiscs) // // we need to present a chart with leaf nodes only, so that the sum // of all dimensions of the chart, will be the total utilization // of the interface. // // here we try to find the ones we need to report // by default all nodes are marked with: isleaf = 1 (see above) // // so, here we remove the isleaf flag from nodes in the middle // and we add the hasparent flag to leaf nodes we found their parent if(likely(!d->enabled_all_classes_qdiscs)) { for(c = d->classes; c; c = c->next) { if(unlikely(!c->updated)) continue; //debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: In device '%s', %s '%s' has leafid: '%s' and parentid '%s'.", // d->id, // c->isqdisc?"qdisc":"class", // c->id, // c->leafid?c->leafid:"NULL", // c->parentid?c->parentid:"NULL"); // find if c is leaf or not for(x = d->classes; x; x = x->next) { if(unlikely(!x->updated || c == x || !x->parentid)) continue; // classes have both parentid and leafid // qdiscs have only parentid // the following works for both (it is an OR) if((c->hash == x->parent_hash && strcmp(c->id, x->parentid) == 0) || (c->leafid && c->leaf_hash == x->parent_hash && strcmp(c->leafid, x->parentid) == 0)) { // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: In device '%s', %s '%s' (leafid: '%s') has as leaf %s '%s' (parentid: '%s').", d->name?d->name:d->id, c->isqdisc?"qdisc":"class", c->name?c->name:c->id, c->leafid?c->leafid:c->id, x->isqdisc?"qdisc":"class", x->name?x->name:x->id, x->parentid?x->parentid:x->id); c->isleaf = 0; x->hasparent = 1; } } } } for(c = d->classes ; c ; c = c->next) { if(unlikely(!c->updated)) continue; // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: device '%s', %s '%s' isleaf=%d, hasparent=%d", d->id, (c->isqdisc)?"qdisc":"class", c->id, c->isleaf, c->hasparent); if(unlikely((c->isleaf && c->hasparent) || d->enabled_all_classes_qdiscs)) { c->render = 1; active_nodes++; bytes_sum += c->bytes; packets_sum += c->packets; dropped_sum += c->dropped; tokens_sum += c->tokens; ctokens_sum += c->ctokens; } //if(unlikely(!c->hasparent)) { // if(root) error("TC: multiple root class/qdisc for device '%s' (old: '%s', new: '%s')", d->id, root->id, c->id); // root = c; // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: found root class/qdisc '%s'", root->id); //} } #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS // dump all the list to see what we know if(unlikely(debug_flags & D_TC_LOOP)) { for(c = d->classes ; c ; c = c->next) { if(c->render) debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: final nodes dump for '%s': class %s, OK", d->name, c->id); else debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: final nodes dump for '%s': class %s, IGNORE (updated: %d, isleaf: %d, hasparent: %d, parent: %s)", d->name?d->name:d->id, c->id, c->updated, c->isleaf, c->hasparent, c->parentid?c->parentid:"(unset)"); } } #endif if(unlikely(!active_nodes)) { debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: Ignoring TC device '%s'. No useful classes/qdiscs.", d->name?d->name:d->id); tc_device_classes_cleanup(d); return; } debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: evaluating TC device '%s'. enabled = %d/%d (bytes: %d/%d, packets: %d/%d, dropped: %d/%d, tokens: %d/%d, ctokens: %d/%d, all_classes_qdiscs: %d/%d), classes: (bytes = %llu, packets = %llu, dropped = %llu, tokens = %llu, ctokens = %llu).", d->name?d->name:d->id, d->enabled, enable_new_interfaces, d->enabled_bytes, enable_bytes, d->enabled_packets, enable_packets, d->enabled_dropped, enable_dropped, d->enabled_tokens, enable_tokens, d->enabled_ctokens, enable_ctokens, d->enabled_all_classes_qdiscs, enabled_all_classes_qdiscs, bytes_sum, packets_sum, dropped_sum, tokens_sum, ctokens_sum ); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // bytes if(d->enabled_bytes == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES || (d->enabled_bytes == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && (bytes_sum || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES))) { d->enabled_bytes = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; if(unlikely(!d->st_bytes)) d->st_bytes = rrdset_create_localhost( RRD_TYPE_TC , d->id , d->name ? d->name : d->id , d->family ? d->family : d->id , RRD_TYPE_TC ".qos" , "Class Usage" , "kilobits/s" , PLUGIN_TC_NAME , NULL , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_TC_QOS , localhost->rrd_update_every , d->enabled_all_classes_qdiscs ? RRDSET_TYPE_LINE : RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED ); else { rrdset_next(d->st_bytes); if(unlikely(d->name_updated)) rrdset_set_name(d->st_bytes, d->name); // TODO // update the family } for(c = d->classes ; c ; c = c->next) { if(unlikely(!c->render)) continue; if(unlikely(!c->rd_bytes)) c->rd_bytes = rrddim_add(d->st_bytes, c->id, c->name?c->name:c->id, 8, BITS_IN_A_KILOBIT, RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL); else if(unlikely(c->name_updated)) rrddim_set_name(d->st_bytes, c->rd_bytes, c->name); rrddim_set_by_pointer(d->st_bytes, c->rd_bytes, c->bytes); } rrdset_done(d->st_bytes); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // packets if(d->enabled_packets == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES || (d->enabled_packets == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && (packets_sum || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES))) { d->enabled_packets = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; if(unlikely(!d->st_packets)) { char id[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1]; char name[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(id, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s_packets", d->id); snprintfz(name, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s_packets", d->name?d->name:d->id); d->st_packets = rrdset_create_localhost( RRD_TYPE_TC , id , name , d->family ? d->family : d->id , RRD_TYPE_TC ".qos_packets" , "Class Packets" , "packets/s" , PLUGIN_TC_NAME , NULL , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_TC_QOS_PACKETS , localhost->rrd_update_every , d->enabled_all_classes_qdiscs ? RRDSET_TYPE_LINE : RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED ); } else { rrdset_next(d->st_packets); if(unlikely(d->name_updated)) { char name[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(name, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s_packets", d->name?d->name:d->id); rrdset_set_name(d->st_packets, name); } // TODO // update the family } for(c = d->classes ; c ; c = c->next) { if(unlikely(!c->render)) continue; if(unlikely(!c->rd_packets)) c->rd_packets = rrddim_add(d->st_packets, c->id, c->name?c->name:c->id, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL); else if(unlikely(c->name_updated)) rrddim_set_name(d->st_packets, c->rd_packets, c->name); rrddim_set_by_pointer(d->st_packets, c->rd_packets, c->packets); } rrdset_done(d->st_packets); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // dropped if(d->enabled_dropped == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES || (d->enabled_dropped == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && (dropped_sum || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES))) { d->enabled_dropped = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; if(unlikely(!d->st_dropped)) { char id[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1]; char name[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(id, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s_dropped", d->id); snprintfz(name, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s_dropped", d->name?d->name:d->id); d->st_dropped = rrdset_create_localhost( RRD_TYPE_TC , id , name , d->family ? d->family : d->id , RRD_TYPE_TC ".qos_dropped" , "Class Dropped Packets" , "packets/s" , PLUGIN_TC_NAME , NULL , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_TC_QOS_DROPPED , localhost->rrd_update_every , d->enabled_all_classes_qdiscs ? RRDSET_TYPE_LINE : RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED ); } else { rrdset_next(d->st_dropped); if(unlikely(d->name_updated)) { char name[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(name, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s_dropped", d->name?d->name:d->id); rrdset_set_name(d->st_dropped, name); } // TODO // update the family } for(c = d->classes ; c ; c = c->next) { if(unlikely(!c->render)) continue; if(unlikely(!c->rd_dropped)) c->rd_dropped = rrddim_add(d->st_dropped, c->id, c->name?c->name:c->id, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL); else if(unlikely(c->name_updated)) rrddim_set_name(d->st_dropped, c->rd_dropped, c->name); rrddim_set_by_pointer(d->st_dropped, c->rd_dropped, c->dropped); } rrdset_done(d->st_dropped); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // tokens if(d->enabled_tokens == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES || (d->enabled_tokens == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && (tokens_sum || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES))) { d->enabled_tokens = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; if(unlikely(!d->st_tokens)) { char id[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1]; char name[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(id, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s_tokens", d->id); snprintfz(name, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s_tokens", d->name?d->name:d->id); d->st_tokens = rrdset_create_localhost( RRD_TYPE_TC , id , name , d->family ? d->family : d->id , RRD_TYPE_TC ".qos_tokens" , "Class Tokens" , "tokens" , PLUGIN_TC_NAME , NULL , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_TC_QOS_TOKENS , localhost->rrd_update_every , RRDSET_TYPE_LINE ); } else { rrdset_next(d->st_tokens); if(unlikely(d->name_updated)) { char name[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(name, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s_tokens", d->name?d->name:d->id); rrdset_set_name(d->st_tokens, name); } // TODO // update the family } for(c = d->classes ; c ; c = c->next) { if(unlikely(!c->render)) continue; if(unlikely(!c->rd_tokens)) { c->rd_tokens = rrddim_add(d->st_tokens, c->id, c->name?c->name:c->id, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE); } else if(unlikely(c->name_updated)) rrddim_set_name(d->st_tokens, c->rd_tokens, c->name); rrddim_set_by_pointer(d->st_tokens, c->rd_tokens, c->tokens); } rrdset_done(d->st_tokens); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // ctokens if(d->enabled_ctokens == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES || (d->enabled_ctokens == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_AUTO && (ctokens_sum || netdata_zero_metrics_enabled == CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES))) { d->enabled_ctokens = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_YES; if(unlikely(!d->st_ctokens)) { char id[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1]; char name[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(id, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s_ctokens", d->id); snprintfz(name, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s_ctokens", d->name?d->name:d->id); d->st_ctokens = rrdset_create_localhost( RRD_TYPE_TC , id , name , d->family ? d->family : d->id , RRD_TYPE_TC ".qos_ctokens" , "Class cTokens" , "ctokens" , PLUGIN_TC_NAME , NULL , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_TC_QOS_CTOKENS , localhost->rrd_update_every , RRDSET_TYPE_LINE ); } else { debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: Updating _ctokens chart for device '%s'", d->name?d->name:d->id); rrdset_next(d->st_ctokens); if(unlikely(d->name_updated)) { char name[RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX + 1]; snprintfz(name, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s_ctokens", d->name?d->name:d->id); rrdset_set_name(d->st_ctokens, name); } // TODO // update the family } for(c = d->classes ; c ; c = c->next) { if(unlikely(!c->render)) continue; if(unlikely(!c->rd_ctokens)) c->rd_ctokens = rrddim_add(d->st_ctokens, c->id, c->name?c->name:c->id, 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE); else if(unlikely(c->name_updated)) rrddim_set_name(d->st_ctokens, c->rd_ctokens, c->name); rrddim_set_by_pointer(d->st_ctokens, c->rd_ctokens, c->ctokens); } rrdset_done(d->st_ctokens); } tc_device_classes_cleanup(d); } static inline void tc_device_set_class_name(struct tc_device *d, char *id, char *name) { if(unlikely(!name || !*name)) return; struct tc_class *c = tc_class_index_find(d, id, 0); if(likely(c)) { if(likely(c->name)) { if(!strcmp(c->name, name)) return; freez(c->name); c->name = NULL; } if(likely(name && *name && strcmp(c->id, name) != 0)) { debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: Setting device '%s', class '%s' name to '%s'", d->id, id, name); c->name = strdupz(name); c->name_updated = 1; } } } static inline void tc_device_set_device_name(struct tc_device *d, char *name) { if(unlikely(!name || !*name)) return; if(d->name) { if(!strcmp(d->name, name)) return; freez(d->name); d->name = NULL; } if(likely(name && *name && strcmp(d->id, name) != 0)) { debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: Setting device '%s' name to '%s'", d->id, name); d->name = strdupz(name); d->name_updated = 1; } } static inline void tc_device_set_device_family(struct tc_device *d, char *family) { freez(d->family); d->family = NULL; if(likely(family && *family && strcmp(d->id, family) != 0)) { debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: Setting device '%s' family to '%s'", d->id, family); d->family = strdupz(family); d->family_updated = 1; } // no need for null termination - it is already null } static inline struct tc_device *tc_device_create(char *id) { struct tc_device *d = tc_device_index_find(id, 0); if(!d) { debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: Creating device '%s'", id); d = callocz(1, sizeof(struct tc_device)); d->id = strdupz(id); d->hash = simple_hash(d->id); d->enabled = (char)-1; avl_init(&d->classes_index, tc_class_compare); if(unlikely(tc_device_index_add(d) != d)) error("plugin_tc: INTERNAL ERROR: removing device '%s' removed a different device.", d->id); if(!tc_device_root) { tc_device_root = d; } else { d->next = tc_device_root; tc_device_root->prev = d; tc_device_root = d; } } return(d); } static inline struct tc_class *tc_class_add(struct tc_device *n, char *id, char qdisc, char *parentid, char *leafid) { struct tc_class *c = tc_class_index_find(n, id, 0); if(!c) { debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: Creating in device '%s', class id '%s', parentid '%s', leafid '%s'", n->id, id, parentid?parentid:"", leafid?leafid:""); c = callocz(1, sizeof(struct tc_class)); if(unlikely(!n->classes)) n->classes = c; else if(likely(n->last_class)) { n->last_class->next = c; c->prev = n->last_class; } n->last_class = c; c->id = strdupz(id); c->hash = simple_hash(c->id); c->isqdisc = qdisc; if(parentid && *parentid) { c->parentid = strdupz(parentid); c->parent_hash = simple_hash(c->parentid); } if(leafid && *leafid) { c->leafid = strdupz(leafid); c->leaf_hash = simple_hash(c->leafid); } if(unlikely(tc_class_index_add(n, c) != c)) error("plugin_tc: INTERNAL ERROR: attempt index class '%s' on device '%s': already exists", c->id, n->id); } return(c); } static inline void tc_device_free(struct tc_device *n) { if(n->next) n->next->prev = n->prev; if(n->prev) n->prev->next = n->next; if(tc_device_root == n) { if(n->next) tc_device_root = n->next; else tc_device_root = n->prev; } if(unlikely(tc_device_index_del(n) != n)) error("plugin_tc: INTERNAL ERROR: removing device '%s' removed a different device.", n->id); while(n->classes) tc_class_free(n, n->classes); freez(n->id); freez(n->name); freez(n->family); freez(n); } static inline void tc_device_free_all() { while(tc_device_root) tc_device_free(tc_device_root); } #define PLUGINSD_MAX_WORDS 20 static inline int tc_space(char c) { switch(c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': return 1; default: return 0; } } static inline void tc_split_words(char *str, char **words, int max_words) { char *s = str; int i = 0; // skip all white space while(tc_space(*s)) s++; // store the first word words[i++] = s; // while we have something while(*s) { // if it is a space if(unlikely(tc_space(*s))) { // terminate the word *s++ = '\0'; // skip all white space while(tc_space(*s)) s++; // if we reached the end, stop if(!*s) break; // store the next word if(i < max_words) words[i++] = s; else break; } else s++; } // terminate the words while(i < max_words) words[i++] = NULL; } static pid_t tc_child_pid = 0; static void tc_main_cleanup(void *ptr) { struct netdata_static_thread *static_thread = (struct netdata_static_thread *)ptr; static_thread->enabled = NETDATA_MAIN_THREAD_EXITING; info("cleaning up..."); if(tc_child_pid) { info("TC: killing with SIGTERM tc-qos-helper process %d", tc_child_pid); if(killpid(tc_child_pid) != -1) { siginfo_t info; info("TC: waiting for tc plugin child process pid %d to exit...", tc_child_pid); waitid(P_PID, (id_t) tc_child_pid, &info, WEXITED); } tc_child_pid = 0; } static_thread->enabled = NETDATA_MAIN_THREAD_EXITED; } void *tc_main(void *ptr) { netdata_thread_cleanup_push(tc_main_cleanup, ptr); struct rusage thread; char command[FILENAME_MAX + 1]; char *words[PLUGINSD_MAX_WORDS] = { NULL }; uint32_t BEGIN_HASH = simple_hash("BEGIN"); uint32_t END_HASH = simple_hash("END"); uint32_t QDISC_HASH = simple_hash("qdisc"); uint32_t CLASS_HASH = simple_hash("class"); uint32_t SENT_HASH = simple_hash("Sent"); uint32_t LENDED_HASH = simple_hash("lended:"); uint32_t TOKENS_HASH = simple_hash("tokens:"); uint32_t SETDEVICENAME_HASH = simple_hash("SETDEVICENAME"); uint32_t SETDEVICEGROUP_HASH = simple_hash("SETDEVICEGROUP"); uint32_t SETCLASSNAME_HASH = simple_hash("SETCLASSNAME"); uint32_t WORKTIME_HASH = simple_hash("WORKTIME"); uint32_t first_hash; snprintfz(command, TC_LINE_MAX, "%s/tc-qos-helper.sh", netdata_configured_primary_plugins_dir); char *tc_script = config_get("plugin:tc", "script to run to get tc values", command); while(!netdata_exit) { FILE *fp; struct tc_device *device = NULL; struct tc_class *class = NULL; snprintfz(command, TC_LINE_MAX, "exec %s %d", tc_script, localhost->rrd_update_every); debug(D_TC_LOOP, "executing '%s'", command); fp = mypopen(command, (pid_t *)&tc_child_pid); if(unlikely(!fp)) { error("TC: Cannot popen(\"%s\", \"r\").", command); goto cleanup; } char buffer[TC_LINE_MAX+1] = ""; while(fgets(buffer, TC_LINE_MAX, fp) != NULL) { if(unlikely(netdata_exit)) break; buffer[TC_LINE_MAX] = '\0'; // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TC: read '%s'", buffer); tc_split_words(buffer, words, PLUGINSD_MAX_WORDS); if(unlikely(!words[0] || !*words[0])) { // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "empty line"); continue; } // else debug(D_TC_LOOP, "First word is '%s'", words[0]); first_hash = simple_hash(words[0]); if(unlikely(device && ((first_hash == CLASS_HASH && strcmp(words[0], "class") == 0) || (first_hash == QDISC_HASH && strcmp(words[0], "qdisc") == 0)))) { // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "CLASS line on class id='%s', parent='%s', parentid='%s', leaf='%s', leafid='%s'", words[2], words[3], words[4], words[5], words[6]); char *type = words[1]; // the class/qdisc type: htb, fq_codel, etc char *id = words[2]; // the class/qdisc major:minor char *parent = words[3]; // the word 'parent' or 'root' char *parentid = words[4]; // parentid char *leaf = words[5]; // the word 'leaf' char *leafid = words[6]; // leafid int parent_is_root = 0; int parent_is_parent = 0; if(likely(parent)) { parent_is_parent = !strcmp(parent, "parent"); if(!parent_is_parent) parent_is_root = !strcmp(parent, "root"); } if(likely(type && id && (parent_is_root || parent_is_parent))) { char qdisc = 0; if(first_hash == QDISC_HASH) { qdisc = 1; if(!strcmp(type, "ingress")) { // we don't want to get the ingress qdisc // there should be an IFB interface for this class = NULL; continue; } if(parent_is_parent && parentid) { // eliminate the minor number from parentid // why: parentid is the id of the parent class // but major: is also the id of the parent qdisc char *s = parentid; while(*s && *s != ':') s++; if(*s == ':') s[1] = '\0'; } } if(parent_is_root) { parentid = NULL; leafid = NULL; } else if(!leaf || strcmp(leaf, "leaf") != 0) leafid = NULL; char leafbuf[20 + 1] = ""; if(leafid && leafid[strlen(leafid) - 1] == ':') { strncpyz(leafbuf, leafid, 20 - 1); strcat(leafbuf, "1"); leafid = leafbuf; } class = tc_class_add(device, id, qdisc, parentid, leafid); } else { // clear the last class class = NULL; } } else if(unlikely(first_hash == END_HASH && strcmp(words[0], "END") == 0)) { // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "END line"); if(likely(device)) { netdata_thread_disable_cancelability(); tc_device_commit(device); // tc_device_free(device); netdata_thread_enable_cancelability(); } device = NULL; class = NULL; } else if(unlikely(first_hash == BEGIN_HASH && strcmp(words[0], "BEGIN") == 0)) { // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "BEGIN line on device '%s'", words[1]); if(likely(words[1] && *words[1])) { device = tc_device_create(words[1]); } else { // tc_device_free(device); device = NULL; } class = NULL; } else if(unlikely(device && class && first_hash == SENT_HASH && strcmp(words[0], "Sent") == 0)) { // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "SENT line '%s'", words[1]); if(likely(words[1] && *words[1])) { class->bytes = str2ull(words[1]); class->updated = 1; } else { class->updated = 0; } if(likely(words[3] && *words[3])) class->packets = str2ull(words[3]); if(likely(words[6] && *words[6])) class->dropped = str2ull(words[6]); if(likely(words[8] && *words[8])) class->overlimits = str2ull(words[8]); if(likely(words[10] && *words[10])) class->requeues = str2ull(words[8]); } else if(unlikely(device && class && class->updated && first_hash == LENDED_HASH && strcmp(words[0], "lended:") == 0)) { // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "LENDED line '%s'", words[1]); if(likely(words[1] && *words[1])) class->lended = str2ull(words[1]); if(likely(words[3] && *words[3])) class->borrowed = str2ull(words[3]); if(likely(words[5] && *words[5])) class->giants = str2ull(words[5]); } else if(unlikely(device && class && class->updated && first_hash == TOKENS_HASH && strcmp(words[0], "tokens:") == 0)) { // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "TOKENS line '%s'", words[1]); if(likely(words[1] && *words[1])) class->tokens = str2ull(words[1]); if(likely(words[3] && *words[3])) class->ctokens = str2ull(words[3]); } else if(unlikely(device && first_hash == SETDEVICENAME_HASH && strcmp(words[0], "SETDEVICENAME") == 0)) { // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "SETDEVICENAME line '%s'", words[1]); if(likely(words[1] && *words[1])) tc_device_set_device_name(device, words[1]); } else if(unlikely(device && first_hash == SETDEVICEGROUP_HASH && strcmp(words[0], "SETDEVICEGROUP") == 0)) { // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "SETDEVICEGROUP line '%s'", words[1]); if(likely(words[1] && *words[1])) tc_device_set_device_family(device, words[1]); } else if(unlikely(device && first_hash == SETCLASSNAME_HASH && strcmp(words[0], "SETCLASSNAME") == 0)) { // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "SETCLASSNAME line '%s' '%s'", words[1], words[2]); char *id = words[1]; char *path = words[2]; if(likely(id && *id && path && *path)) tc_device_set_class_name(device, id, path); } else if(unlikely(first_hash == WORKTIME_HASH && strcmp(words[0], "WORKTIME") == 0)) { // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "WORKTIME line '%s' '%s'", words[1], words[2]); getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, &thread); static RRDSET *stcpu = NULL; static RRDDIM *rd_user = NULL, *rd_system = NULL; if(unlikely(!stcpu)) { stcpu = rrdset_create_localhost( "netdata" , "plugin_tc_cpu" , NULL , "tc.helper" , NULL , "NetData TC CPU usage" , "milliseconds/s" , PLUGIN_TC_NAME , NULL , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_NETDATA_TC_CPU , localhost->rrd_update_every , RRDSET_TYPE_STACKED ); rd_user = rrddim_add(stcpu, "user", NULL, 1, 1000, RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL); rd_system = rrddim_add(stcpu, "system", NULL, 1, 1000, RRD_ALGORITHM_INCREMENTAL); } else rrdset_next(stcpu); rrddim_set_by_pointer(stcpu, rd_user , thread.ru_utime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + thread.ru_utime.tv_usec); rrddim_set_by_pointer(stcpu, rd_system, thread.ru_stime.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + thread.ru_stime.tv_usec); rrdset_done(stcpu); static RRDSET *sttime = NULL; static RRDDIM *rd_run_time = NULL; if(unlikely(!sttime)) { sttime = rrdset_create_localhost( "netdata" , "plugin_tc_time" , NULL , "tc.helper" , NULL , "NetData TC script execution" , "milliseconds/run" , PLUGIN_TC_NAME , NULL , NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_NETDATA_TC_TIME , localhost->rrd_update_every , RRDSET_TYPE_AREA ); rd_run_time = rrddim_add(sttime, "run_time", "run time", 1, 1, RRD_ALGORITHM_ABSOLUTE); } else rrdset_next(sttime); rrddim_set_by_pointer(sttime, rd_run_time, str2ll(words[1], NULL)); rrdset_done(sttime); } //else { // debug(D_TC_LOOP, "IGNORED line"); //} } // fgets() failed or loop broke int code = mypclose(fp, (pid_t)tc_child_pid); tc_child_pid = 0; if(unlikely(device)) { // tc_device_free(device); device = NULL; class = NULL; } if(unlikely(netdata_exit)) { tc_device_free_all(); goto cleanup; } if(code == 1 || code == 127) { // 1 = DISABLE // 127 = cannot even run it error("TC: tc-qos-helper.sh exited with code %d. Disabling it.", code); tc_device_free_all(); goto cleanup; } sleep((unsigned int) localhost->rrd_update_every); } cleanup: ; // added semi-colon to prevent older gcc error: label at end of compound statement netdata_thread_cleanup_pop(1); return NULL; }