#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Changelog generation scriptlet, for nightlies # # Copyright: SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # # Author : Pawel Krupa (paulfantom) # Author : Pavlos Emm. Katsoulakis (paul@netdata.cloud) set -e # If we are not in netdata git repo, at the top level directory, fail TOP_LEVEL=$(basename "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)") CWD=$(git rev-parse --show-cdup || echo "") if [ -n "$CWD" ] || [ ! "${TOP_LEVEL}" == "netdata" ]; then echo "Run as .travis/$(basename "$0") from top level directory of netdata git repository" echo "Changelog generation process aborted" exit 1 fi LAST_TAG="$1" COMMITS_SINCE_RELEASE="$2" NEW_VERSION="${LAST_TAG}-$((COMMITS_SINCE_RELEASE + 1))-nightly" GIT_MAIL=${GIT_MAIL:-"bot@netdata.cloud"} GIT_USER=${GIT_USER:-"netdatabot"} PUSH_URL=$(git config --get remote.origin.url | sed -e 's/^https:\/\///') FAIL=0 if [ ! "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" == "netdata/netdata" ]; then echo "Beta mode on ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}, nothing else to do here" exit 0 fi echo "Running changelog creation mechanism" .travis/create_changelog.sh echo "Changelog created! Adding packaging/version(${NEW_VERSION}) and CHANGELOG.md to the repository" echo "${NEW_VERSION}" > packaging/version git add packaging/version && echo "1) Added packaging/version to repository" || FAIL=1 git add CHANGELOG.md && echo "2) Added changelog file to repository" || FAIL=1 git add .travis/current_build_status && echo "3) Added travis current build status file to repository" || FAIL=1 git commit -m '[ci skip] create nightly packages and update changelog' --author "${GIT_USER} <${GIT_MAIL}>" && echo "4) Committed changes to repository" || FAIL=1 git push "https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}:@${PUSH_URL}" && echo "5) Pushed changes to remote ${PUSH_URL}" || FAIL=1 # In case of a failure, wrap it up and bail out cleanly if [ $FAIL -eq 1 ]; then git clean -xfd echo "Changelog generation failed during github UPDATE!" exit 1 fi echo "Changelog generation completed successfully!"