// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "rrddim_mem.h" #include "Judy.h" static Pvoid_t rrddim_JudyHS_array = NULL; static netdata_rwlock_t rrddim_JudyHS_rwlock = NETDATA_RWLOCK_INITIALIZER; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // metrics groups STORAGE_METRICS_GROUP *rrddim_metrics_group_get(STORAGE_INSTANCE *si __maybe_unused, uuid_t *uuid __maybe_unused) { return NULL; } void rrddim_metrics_group_release(STORAGE_INSTANCE *si __maybe_unused, STORAGE_METRICS_GROUP *smg __maybe_unused) { // if(!smg) return; // smg may be NULL ; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RRDDIM legacy data collection functions struct mem_metric_handle { RRDDIM *rd; size_t counter; size_t entries; size_t current_entry; time_t last_updated_s; time_t update_every_s; int32_t refcount; }; static void update_metric_handle_from_rrddim(struct mem_metric_handle *mh, RRDDIM *rd) { mh->counter = rd->rrdset->counter; mh->entries = rd->rrdset->db.entries; mh->current_entry = rd->rrdset->db.current_entry; mh->last_updated_s = rd->rrdset->last_updated.tv_sec; mh->update_every_s = rd->rrdset->update_every; } static void check_metric_handle_from_rrddim(struct mem_metric_handle *mh) { RRDDIM *rd = mh->rd; (void)rd; internal_fatal(mh->entries != (size_t)rd->rrdset->db.entries, "RRDDIM: entries do not match"); internal_fatal(mh->update_every_s != rd->rrdset->update_every, "RRDDIM: update every does not match"); } STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE * rrddim_metric_get_or_create(RRDDIM *rd, STORAGE_INSTANCE *si __maybe_unused) { struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)rrddim_metric_get(si, &rd->metric_uuid); while(!mh) { netdata_rwlock_wrlock(&rrddim_JudyHS_rwlock); Pvoid_t *PValue = JudyHSIns(&rrddim_JudyHS_array, &rd->metric_uuid, sizeof(uuid_t), PJE0); mh = *PValue; if(!mh) { mh = callocz(1, sizeof(struct mem_metric_handle)); mh->rd = rd; mh->refcount = 1; update_metric_handle_from_rrddim(mh, rd); *PValue = mh; __atomic_add_fetch(&rrddim_db_memory_size, sizeof(struct mem_metric_handle) + JUDYHS_INDEX_SIZE_ESTIMATE(sizeof(uuid_t)), __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } else { if(__atomic_add_fetch(&mh->refcount, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) <= 0) mh = NULL; } netdata_rwlock_unlock(&rrddim_JudyHS_rwlock); } internal_fatal(mh->rd != rd, "RRDDIM_MEM: incorrect pointer returned from index."); return (STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *)mh; } STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE * rrddim_metric_get(STORAGE_INSTANCE *si __maybe_unused, uuid_t *uuid) { struct mem_metric_handle *mh = NULL; netdata_rwlock_rdlock(&rrddim_JudyHS_rwlock); Pvoid_t *PValue = JudyHSGet(rrddim_JudyHS_array, uuid, sizeof(uuid_t)); if (likely(NULL != PValue)) { mh = *PValue; if(__atomic_add_fetch(&mh->refcount, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) <= 0) mh = NULL; } netdata_rwlock_unlock(&rrddim_JudyHS_rwlock); return (STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *)mh; } STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *rrddim_metric_dup(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *smh) { struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)smh; __atomic_add_fetch(&mh->refcount, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); return smh; } void rrddim_metric_release(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *smh __maybe_unused) { struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)smh; if(__atomic_sub_fetch(&mh->refcount, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) == 0) { // we are the last one holding this int32_t expected = 0; if(__atomic_compare_exchange_n(&mh->refcount, &expected, -99999, false, __ATOMIC_RELAXED, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) { // we can delete it RRDDIM *rd = mh->rd; netdata_rwlock_wrlock(&rrddim_JudyHS_rwlock); JudyHSDel(&rrddim_JudyHS_array, &rd->metric_uuid, sizeof(uuid_t), PJE0); netdata_rwlock_unlock(&rrddim_JudyHS_rwlock); freez(mh); __atomic_sub_fetch(&rrddim_db_memory_size, sizeof(struct mem_metric_handle) + JUDYHS_INDEX_SIZE_ESTIMATE(sizeof(uuid_t)), __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } } } bool rrddim_metric_retention_by_uuid(STORAGE_INSTANCE *si __maybe_unused, uuid_t *uuid, time_t *first_entry_s, time_t *last_entry_s) { STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *smh = rrddim_metric_get(si, uuid); if(!smh) return false; *first_entry_s = rrddim_query_oldest_time_s(smh); *last_entry_s = rrddim_query_latest_time_s(smh); return true; } void rrddim_store_metric_change_collection_frequency(STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *sch, int update_every) { struct mem_collect_handle *ch = (struct mem_collect_handle *)sch; struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)ch->smh; rrddim_store_metric_flush(sch); mh->update_every_s = update_every; } STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *rrddim_collect_init(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *smh, uint32_t update_every __maybe_unused, STORAGE_METRICS_GROUP *smg __maybe_unused) { struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)smh; RRDDIM *rd = mh->rd; update_metric_handle_from_rrddim(mh, rd); internal_fatal((uint32_t)mh->update_every_s != update_every, "RRDDIM: update requested does not match the dimension"); struct mem_collect_handle *ch = callocz(1, sizeof(struct mem_collect_handle)); ch->common.seb = STORAGE_ENGINE_BACKEND_RRDDIM; ch->rd = rd; ch->smh = smh; __atomic_add_fetch(&rrddim_db_memory_size, sizeof(struct mem_collect_handle), __ATOMIC_RELAXED); return (STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *)ch; } void rrddim_store_metric_flush(STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *sch) { struct mem_collect_handle *ch = (struct mem_collect_handle *)sch; struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)ch->smh; RRDDIM *rd = mh->rd; size_t entries = mh->entries; storage_number empty = pack_storage_number(NAN, SN_FLAG_NONE); for(size_t i = 0; i < entries ;i++) rd->db.data[i] = empty; mh->counter = 0; mh->last_updated_s = 0; mh->current_entry = 0; } static inline void rrddim_fill_the_gap(STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *sch, time_t now_collect_s) { struct mem_collect_handle *ch = (struct mem_collect_handle *)sch; struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)ch->smh; RRDDIM *rd = mh->rd; internal_fatal(ch->rd != mh->rd, "RRDDIM: dimensions do not match"); check_metric_handle_from_rrddim(mh); size_t entries = mh->entries; time_t update_every_s = mh->update_every_s; time_t last_stored_s = mh->last_updated_s; size_t gap_entries = (now_collect_s - last_stored_s) / update_every_s; if(gap_entries >= entries) rrddim_store_metric_flush(sch); else { storage_number empty = pack_storage_number(NAN, SN_FLAG_NONE); size_t current_entry = mh->current_entry; time_t now_store_s = last_stored_s + update_every_s; // fill the dimension size_t c; for(c = 0; c < entries && now_store_s <= now_collect_s ; now_store_s += update_every_s, c++) { rd->db.data[current_entry++] = empty; if(unlikely(current_entry >= entries)) current_entry = 0; } mh->counter += c; mh->current_entry = current_entry; mh->last_updated_s = now_store_s; } } void rrddim_collect_store_metric(STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *sch, usec_t point_in_time_ut, NETDATA_DOUBLE n, NETDATA_DOUBLE min_value __maybe_unused, NETDATA_DOUBLE max_value __maybe_unused, uint16_t count __maybe_unused, uint16_t anomaly_count __maybe_unused, SN_FLAGS flags) { struct mem_collect_handle *ch = (struct mem_collect_handle *)sch; struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)ch->smh; RRDDIM *rd = ch->rd; time_t point_in_time_s = (time_t)(point_in_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC); internal_fatal(ch->rd != mh->rd, "RRDDIM: dimensions do not match"); check_metric_handle_from_rrddim(mh); if(unlikely(point_in_time_s <= mh->last_updated_s)) return; if(unlikely(mh->last_updated_s && point_in_time_s - mh->update_every_s > mh->last_updated_s)) rrddim_fill_the_gap(sch, point_in_time_s); rd->db.data[mh->current_entry] = pack_storage_number(n, flags); mh->counter++; mh->current_entry = (mh->current_entry + 1) >= mh->entries ? 0 : mh->current_entry + 1; mh->last_updated_s = point_in_time_s; } int rrddim_collect_finalize(STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *sch) { freez(sch); __atomic_sub_fetch(&rrddim_db_memory_size, sizeof(struct mem_collect_handle), __ATOMIC_RELAXED); return 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // get the total duration in seconds of the round-robin database #define metric_duration(mh) (( (time_t)(mh)->counter >= (time_t)(mh)->entries ? (time_t)(mh)->entries : (time_t)(mh)->counter ) * (time_t)(mh)->update_every_s) // get the last slot updated in the round-robin database #define rrddim_last_slot(mh) ((size_t)(((mh)->current_entry == 0) ? (mh)->entries - 1 : (mh)->current_entry - 1)) // return the slot that has the oldest value #define rrddim_first_slot(mh) ((size_t)((mh)->counter >= (size_t)(mh)->entries ? (mh)->current_entry : 0)) // get the slot of the round-robin database, for the given timestamp (t) // it always returns a valid slot, although it may not be for the time requested if the time is outside the round-robin database // only valid when not using dbengine static inline size_t rrddim_time2slot(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *smh, time_t t) { struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)smh; RRDDIM *rd = mh->rd; size_t ret = 0; time_t last_entry_s = rrddim_query_latest_time_s(smh); time_t first_entry_s = rrddim_query_oldest_time_s(smh); size_t entries = mh->entries; size_t first_slot = rrddim_first_slot(mh); size_t last_slot = rrddim_last_slot(mh); size_t update_every = mh->update_every_s; if(t >= last_entry_s) { // the requested time is after the last entry we have ret = last_slot; } else { if(t <= first_entry_s) { // the requested time is before the first entry we have ret = first_slot; } else { if(last_slot >= (size_t)((last_entry_s - t) / update_every)) ret = last_slot - ((last_entry_s - t) / update_every); else ret = last_slot - ((last_entry_s - t) / update_every) + entries; } } if(unlikely(ret >= entries)) { netdata_log_error("INTERNAL ERROR: rrddim_time2slot() on %s returns values outside entries", rrddim_name(rd)); ret = entries - 1; } return ret; } // get the timestamp of a specific slot in the round-robin database // only valid when not using dbengine static inline time_t rrddim_slot2time(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *smh, size_t slot) { struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)smh; RRDDIM *rd = mh->rd; time_t ret; time_t last_entry_s = rrddim_query_latest_time_s(smh); time_t first_entry_s = rrddim_query_oldest_time_s(smh); size_t entries = mh->entries; size_t last_slot = rrddim_last_slot(mh); size_t update_every = mh->update_every_s; if(slot >= entries) { netdata_log_error("INTERNAL ERROR: caller of rrddim_slot2time() gives invalid slot %zu", slot); slot = entries - 1; } if(slot > last_slot) ret = last_entry_s - (time_t)(update_every * (last_slot - slot + entries)); else ret = last_entry_s - (time_t)(update_every * (last_slot - slot)); if(unlikely(ret < first_entry_s)) { netdata_log_error("INTERNAL ERROR: rrddim_slot2time() on dimension '%s' of chart '%s' returned time (%ld) too far in the past (before first_entry_s %ld) for slot %zu", rrddim_name(rd), rrdset_id(rd->rrdset), ret, first_entry_s, slot); ret = first_entry_s; } if(unlikely(ret > last_entry_s)) { netdata_log_error("INTERNAL ERROR: rrddim_slot2time() on dimension '%s' of chart '%s' returned time (%ld) too far into the future (after last_entry_s %ld) for slot %zu", rrddim_name(rd), rrdset_id(rd->rrdset), ret, last_entry_s, slot); ret = last_entry_s; } return ret; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RRDDIM legacy database query functions void rrddim_query_init(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *smh, struct storage_engine_query_handle *seqh, time_t start_time_s, time_t end_time_s, STORAGE_PRIORITY priority __maybe_unused) { struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)smh; check_metric_handle_from_rrddim(mh); seqh->start_time_s = start_time_s; seqh->end_time_s = end_time_s; seqh->priority = priority; seqh->seb = STORAGE_ENGINE_BACKEND_RRDDIM; struct mem_query_handle* h = mallocz(sizeof(struct mem_query_handle)); h->smh = smh; h->slot = rrddim_time2slot(smh, start_time_s); h->last_slot = rrddim_time2slot(smh, end_time_s); h->dt = mh->update_every_s; h->next_timestamp = start_time_s; h->slot_timestamp = rrddim_slot2time(smh, h->slot); h->last_timestamp = rrddim_slot2time(smh, h->last_slot); // netdata_log_info("RRDDIM QUERY INIT: start %ld, end %ld, next %ld, first %ld, last %ld, dt %ld", start_time, end_time, h->next_timestamp, h->slot_timestamp, h->last_timestamp, h->dt); __atomic_add_fetch(&rrddim_db_memory_size, sizeof(struct mem_query_handle), __ATOMIC_RELAXED); seqh->handle = (STORAGE_QUERY_HANDLE *)h; } // Returns the metric and sets its timestamp into current_time // IT IS REQUIRED TO **ALWAYS** SET ALL RETURN VALUES (current_time, end_time, flags) // IT IS REQUIRED TO **ALWAYS** KEEP TRACK OF TIME, EVEN OUTSIDE THE DATABASE BOUNDARIES STORAGE_POINT rrddim_query_next_metric(struct storage_engine_query_handle *seqh) { struct mem_query_handle* h = (struct mem_query_handle*)seqh->handle; struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)h->smh; RRDDIM *rd = mh->rd; size_t entries = mh->entries; size_t slot = h->slot; STORAGE_POINT sp; sp.count = 1; time_t this_timestamp = h->next_timestamp; h->next_timestamp += h->dt; // set this timestamp for our caller sp.start_time_s = this_timestamp - h->dt; sp.end_time_s = this_timestamp; if(unlikely(this_timestamp < h->slot_timestamp)) { storage_point_empty(sp, sp.start_time_s, sp.end_time_s); return sp; } if(unlikely(this_timestamp > h->last_timestamp)) { storage_point_empty(sp, sp.start_time_s, sp.end_time_s); return sp; } storage_number n = rd->db.data[slot++]; if(unlikely(slot >= entries)) slot = 0; h->slot = slot; h->slot_timestamp += h->dt; sp.anomaly_count = is_storage_number_anomalous(n) ? 1 : 0; sp.flags = (n & SN_USER_FLAGS); sp.min = sp.max = sp.sum = unpack_storage_number(n); return sp; } int rrddim_query_is_finished(struct storage_engine_query_handle *seqh) { struct mem_query_handle *h = (struct mem_query_handle*)seqh->handle; return (h->next_timestamp > seqh->end_time_s); } void rrddim_query_finalize(struct storage_engine_query_handle *seqh) { #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS struct mem_query_handle *h = (struct mem_query_handle*)seqh->handle; struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)h->smh; internal_error(!rrddim_query_is_finished(seqh), "QUERY: query for chart '%s' dimension '%s' has been stopped unfinished", rrdset_id(mh->rd->rrdset), rrddim_name(mh->rd)); #endif freez(seqh->handle); __atomic_sub_fetch(&rrddim_db_memory_size, sizeof(struct mem_query_handle), __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } time_t rrddim_query_align_to_optimal_before(struct storage_engine_query_handle *seqh) { return seqh->end_time_s; } time_t rrddim_query_latest_time_s(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *smh) { struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)smh; return mh->last_updated_s; } time_t rrddim_query_oldest_time_s(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *smh) { struct mem_metric_handle *mh = (struct mem_metric_handle *)smh; return (time_t)(mh->last_updated_s - metric_duration(mh)); }