// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "sqlite_db_migration.h" static int return_int_cb(void *data, int argc, char **argv, char **column) { int *status = data; UNUSED(argc); UNUSED(column); *status = (int) str2uint32_t(argv[0], NULL); return 0; } static int get_auto_vaccum(sqlite3 *database) { char *err_msg = NULL; char sql[128]; int exists = 0; snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "PRAGMA auto_vacuum"); int rc = sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, return_int_cb, (void *) &exists, &err_msg); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { netdata_log_info("Error checking database auto vacuum setting; %s", err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); } return exists; } int db_table_count(sqlite3 *database) { char *err_msg = NULL; char sql[128]; int count = 0; snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "select count(1) from sqlite_schema where type = 'table'"); int rc = sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, return_int_cb, (void *) &count, &err_msg); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { netdata_log_info("Error checking database table count; %s", err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); } return count; } int table_exists_in_database(sqlite3 *database, const char *table) { char *err_msg = NULL; char sql[128]; int exists = 0; snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "select 1 from sqlite_schema where type = 'table' and name = '%s'", table); int rc = sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, return_int_cb, (void *) &exists, &err_msg); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { netdata_log_info("Error checking table existence; %s", err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); } return exists; } static int column_exists_in_table(sqlite3 *database, const char *table, const char *column) { char *err_msg = NULL; char sql[128]; int exists = 0; snprintf(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "SELECT 1 FROM pragma_table_info('%s') where name = '%s'", table, column); int rc = sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, return_int_cb, (void *) &exists, &err_msg); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { netdata_log_info("Error checking column existence; %s", err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); } return exists; } static int get_database_user_version(sqlite3 *database) { int user_version = 0; int rc = sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, "PRAGMA user_version", return_int_cb, (void *)&user_version, NULL); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) netdata_log_error("Failed to get user version for database"); return user_version; } const char *database_migrate_v1_v2[] = { "ALTER TABLE host ADD hops INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", NULL }; const char *database_migrate_v2_v3[] = { "ALTER TABLE host ADD memory_mode INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", "ALTER TABLE host ADD abbrev_timezone TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''", "ALTER TABLE host ADD utc_offset INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", "ALTER TABLE host ADD program_name TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown'", "ALTER TABLE host ADD program_version TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown'", "ALTER TABLE host ADD entries INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", "ALTER TABLE host ADD health_enabled INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", NULL }; const char *database_migrate_v4_v5[] = { "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS chart_active", "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dimension_active", "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS chart_hash", "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS chart_hash_map", "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS v_chart_hash", NULL }; const char *database_migrate_v5_v6[] = { "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS tr_dim_del", "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dimension_delete", NULL }; const char *database_migrate_v9_v10[] = { "ALTER TABLE alert_hash ADD chart_labels TEXT", NULL }; const char *database_migrate_v10_v11[] = { "ALTER TABLE health_log ADD chart_name TEXT", NULL }; const char *database_migrate_v11_v12[] = { "ALTER TABLE health_log_detail ADD summary TEXT", "ALTER TABLE alert_hash ADD summary TEXT", NULL }; const char *database_migrate_v12_v13_detail[] = { "ALTER TABLE health_log_detail ADD summary TEXT", NULL }; const char *database_migrate_v12_v13_hash[] = { "ALTER TABLE alert_hash ADD summary TEXT", NULL }; const char *database_migrate_v13_v14[] = { "ALTER TABLE host ADD last_connected INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0", NULL }; static int do_migration_v1_v2(sqlite3 *database) { if (table_exists_in_database(database, "host") && !column_exists_in_table(database, "host", "hops")) return init_database_batch(database, &database_migrate_v1_v2[0], "meta_migrate"); return 0; } static int do_migration_v2_v3(sqlite3 *database) { if (table_exists_in_database(database, "host") && !column_exists_in_table(database, "host", "memory_mode")) return init_database_batch(database, &database_migrate_v2_v3[0], "meta_migrate"); return 0; } static int do_migration_v3_v4(sqlite3 *database) { char sql[256]; int rc; sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL; snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "SELECT name FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type ='table' AND name LIKE 'health_log_%%'"); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, sql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { error_report("Failed to prepare statement to alter health_log tables"); return 1; } while (sqlite3_step_monitored(res) == SQLITE_ROW) { char *table = strdupz((char *) sqlite3_column_text(res, 0)); if (!column_exists_in_table(database, table, "chart_context")) { snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "ALTER TABLE %s ADD chart_context text", table); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); } freez(table); } rc = sqlite3_finalize(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) error_report("Failed to finalize statement when altering health_log tables, rc = %d", rc); return 0; } static int do_migration_v4_v5(sqlite3 *database) { return init_database_batch(database, &database_migrate_v4_v5[0], "meta_migrate"); } static int do_migration_v5_v6(sqlite3 *database) { return init_database_batch(database, &database_migrate_v5_v6[0], "meta_migrate"); } static int do_migration_v6_v7(sqlite3 *database) { char sql[256]; int rc; sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL; snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "SELECT name FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type ='table' AND name LIKE 'aclk_alert_%%'"); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, sql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { error_report("Failed to prepare statement to alter aclk_alert tables"); return 1; } while (sqlite3_step_monitored(res) == SQLITE_ROW) { char *table = strdupz((char *) sqlite3_column_text(res, 0)); if (!column_exists_in_table(database, table, "filtered_alert_unique_id")) { snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "ALTER TABLE %s ADD filtered_alert_unique_id", table); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "UPDATE %s SET filtered_alert_unique_id = alert_unique_id", table); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); } freez(table); } rc = sqlite3_finalize(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) error_report("Failed to finalize statement when altering aclk_alert tables, rc = %d", rc); return 0; } static int do_migration_v7_v8(sqlite3 *database) { char sql[256]; int rc; sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL; snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "SELECT name FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type ='table' AND name LIKE 'health_log_%%'"); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, sql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { error_report("Failed to prepare statement to alter health_log tables"); return 1; } while (sqlite3_step_monitored(res) == SQLITE_ROW) { char *table = strdupz((char *) sqlite3_column_text(res, 0)); if (!column_exists_in_table(database, table, "transition_id")) { snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "ALTER TABLE %s ADD transition_id blob", table); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); } freez(table); } rc = sqlite3_finalize(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) error_report("Failed to finalize statement when altering health_log tables, rc = %d", rc); return 0; } static int do_migration_v8_v9(sqlite3 *database) { char sql[2048]; int rc; sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL; //create the health_log table and it's index snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS health_log (health_log_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, host_id blob, alarm_id int, " \ "config_hash_id blob, name text, chart text, family text, recipient text, units text, exec text, " \ "chart_context text, last_transition_id blob, UNIQUE (host_id, alarm_id))"); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); //TODO indexes snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS health_log_ind_1 ON health_log (host_id)"); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS health_log_detail (health_log_id int, unique_id int, alarm_id int, alarm_event_id int, " \ "updated_by_id int, updates_id int, when_key int, duration int, non_clear_duration int, " \ "flags int, exec_run_timestamp int, delay_up_to_timestamp int, " \ "info text, exec_code int, new_status real, old_status real, delay int, " \ "new_value double, old_value double, last_repeat int, transition_id blob, global_id int, summary text, host_id blob)"); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS health_log_d_ind_1 ON health_log_detail (unique_id)"); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS health_log_d_ind_2 ON health_log_detail (global_id)"); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS health_log_d_ind_3 ON health_log_detail (transition_id)"); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS health_log_d_ind_4 ON health_log_detail (health_log_id)"); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "ALTER TABLE alert_hash ADD source text"); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS alert_hash_index ON alert_hash (hash_id)"); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "SELECT name FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type ='table' AND name LIKE 'health_log_%%' AND name <> 'health_log_detail'"); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, sql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { error_report("Failed to prepare statement to alter health_log tables"); return 1; } DICTIONARY *dict_tables = dictionary_create(DICT_OPTION_NONE); while (sqlite3_step_monitored(res) == SQLITE_ROW) { char *table = strdupz((char *) sqlite3_column_text(res, 0)); if (health_migrate_old_health_log_table(table)) { dictionary_set(dict_tables, table, NULL, 0); } freez(table); } rc = sqlite3_finalize(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) error_report("Failed to finalize statement when copying health_log tables, rc = %d", rc); char *table = NULL; dfe_start_read(dict_tables, table) { sql_drop_table(table_dfe.name); } dfe_done(table); dictionary_destroy(dict_tables); snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "ALTER TABLE health_log_detail DROP COLUMN host_id"); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, sql, 0, 0, NULL); return 0; } static int do_migration_v9_v10(sqlite3 *database) { if (table_exists_in_database(database, "alert_hash") && !column_exists_in_table(database, "alert_hash", "chart_labels")) return init_database_batch(database, &database_migrate_v9_v10[0], "meta_migrate"); return 0; } static int do_migration_v10_v11(sqlite3 *database) { if (table_exists_in_database(database, "health_log") && !column_exists_in_table(database, "health_log", "chart_name")) return init_database_batch(database, &database_migrate_v10_v11[0], "meta_migrate"); return 0; } #define MIGR_11_12_UPD_HEALTH_LOG_DETAIL "UPDATE health_log_detail SET summary = (select name from health_log where health_log_id = health_log_detail.health_log_id)" static int do_migration_v11_v12(sqlite3 *database) { int rc = 0; if (table_exists_in_database(database, "health_log_detail") && !column_exists_in_table(database, "health_log_detail", "summary") && table_exists_in_database(database, "alert_hash") && !column_exists_in_table(database, "alert_hash", "summary")) rc = init_database_batch(database, &database_migrate_v11_v12[0], "meta_migrate"); if (!rc) sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, MIGR_11_12_UPD_HEALTH_LOG_DETAIL, 0, 0, NULL); return rc; } static int do_migration_v14_v15(sqlite3 *database) { char sql[256]; int rc; sqlite3_stmt *res = NULL; snprintfz(sql, sizeof(sql) - 1, "SELECT name FROM sqlite_schema WHERE type = \"index\" AND name LIKE \"aclk_alert_index@_%%\" ESCAPE \"@\""); rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(database, sql, -1, &res, 0); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { error_report("Failed to prepare statement to drop unused indices"); return 1; } BUFFER *wb = buffer_create(128, NULL); while (sqlite3_step_monitored(res) == SQLITE_ROW) buffer_sprintf(wb, "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s", (char *) sqlite3_column_text(res, 0)); rc = sqlite3_finalize(res); if (unlikely(rc != SQLITE_OK)) error_report("Failed to finalize statement when dropping unused indices, rc = %d", rc); (void) db_execute(database, buffer_tostring(wb)); buffer_free(wb); return 0; } static int do_migration_v12_v13(sqlite3 *database) { int rc = 0; if (table_exists_in_database(database, "health_log_detail") && !column_exists_in_table(database, "health_log_detail", "summary")) { rc = init_database_batch(database, &database_migrate_v12_v13_detail[0], "meta_migrate"); sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, MIGR_11_12_UPD_HEALTH_LOG_DETAIL, 0, 0, NULL); } if (table_exists_in_database(database, "alert_hash") && !column_exists_in_table(database, "alert_hash", "summary")) rc = init_database_batch(database, &database_migrate_v12_v13_hash[0], "meta_migrate"); return rc; } static int do_migration_v13_v14(sqlite3 *database) { if (table_exists_in_database(database, "host") && !column_exists_in_table(database, "host", "last_connected")) return init_database_batch(database, &database_migrate_v13_v14[0], "meta_migrate"); return 0; } // Actions for ML migration const char *database_ml_migrate_v1_v2[] = { "PRAGMA journal_mode=delete", "PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL", "PRAGMA auto_vacuum=2", "VACUUM", NULL }; static int do_ml_migration_v1_v2(sqlite3 *database) { if (get_auto_vaccum(database) != 2) return init_database_batch(database, &database_ml_migrate_v1_v2[0], "ml_migrate"); return 0; } static int do_migration_noop(sqlite3 *database) { UNUSED(database); return 0; } typedef struct database_func_migration_list { char *name; int (*func)(sqlite3 *database); } DATABASE_FUNC_MIGRATION_LIST; static int migrate_database(sqlite3 *database, int target_version, char *db_name, DATABASE_FUNC_MIGRATION_LIST *migration_list) { int user_version = 0; char *err_msg = NULL; int rc = sqlite3_exec_monitored(database, "PRAGMA user_version", return_int_cb, (void *) &user_version, &err_msg); if (rc != SQLITE_OK) { netdata_log_info("Error checking the %s database version; %s", db_name, err_msg); sqlite3_free(err_msg); } if (likely(user_version == target_version)) { netdata_log_info("%s database version is %d (no migration needed)", db_name, target_version); return target_version; } netdata_log_info("Database version is %d, current version is %d. Running migration for %s ...", user_version, target_version, db_name); for (int i = user_version; i < target_version && migration_list[i].func; i++) { netdata_log_info("Running database \"%s\" migration %s", db_name, migration_list[i].name); rc = (migration_list[i].func)(database); if (unlikely(rc)) { error_report("Database %s migration from version %d to version %d failed", db_name, i, i + 1); return i; } } return target_version; } DATABASE_FUNC_MIGRATION_LIST migration_action[] = { {.name = "v0 to v1", .func = do_migration_noop}, {.name = "v1 to v2", .func = do_migration_v1_v2}, {.name = "v2 to v3", .func = do_migration_v2_v3}, {.name = "v3 to v4", .func = do_migration_v3_v4}, {.name = "v4 to v5", .func = do_migration_v4_v5}, {.name = "v5 to v6", .func = do_migration_v5_v6}, {.name = "v6 to v7", .func = do_migration_v6_v7}, {.name = "v7 to v8", .func = do_migration_v7_v8}, {.name = "v8 to v9", .func = do_migration_v8_v9}, {.name = "v9 to v10", .func = do_migration_v9_v10}, {.name = "v10 to v11", .func = do_migration_v10_v11}, {.name = "v11 to v12", .func = do_migration_v11_v12}, {.name = "v12 to v13", .func = do_migration_v12_v13}, {.name = "v13 to v14", .func = do_migration_v13_v14}, {.name = "v14 to v15", .func = do_migration_v14_v15}, // the terminator of this array {.name = NULL, .func = NULL} }; DATABASE_FUNC_MIGRATION_LIST context_migration_action[] = { {.name = "v0 to v1", .func = do_migration_noop}, // the terminator of this array {.name = NULL, .func = NULL} }; DATABASE_FUNC_MIGRATION_LIST ml_migration_action[] = { {.name = "v0 to v1", .func = do_migration_noop}, {.name = "v1 to v2", .func = do_ml_migration_v1_v2}, // the terminator of this array {.name = NULL, .func = NULL} }; int perform_database_migration(sqlite3 *database, int target_version) { int user_version = get_database_user_version(database); if (!user_version && !db_table_count(database)) return target_version; return migrate_database(database, target_version, "metadata", migration_action); } int perform_context_database_migration(sqlite3 *database, int target_version) { int user_version = get_database_user_version(database); if (!user_version && !table_exists_in_database(database, "context")) return target_version; return migrate_database(database, target_version, "context", context_migration_action); } int perform_ml_database_migration(sqlite3 *database, int target_version) { return migrate_database(database, target_version, "ml", ml_migration_action); }