// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "pluginsd_functions.h" #define LOG_FUNCTIONS false // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // execution of functions static void inflight_functions_insert_callback(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item, void *func, void *parser_ptr) { struct inflight_function *pf = func; PARSER *parser = parser_ptr; // leave this code as default, so that when the dictionary is destroyed this will be sent back to the caller pf->code = HTTP_RESP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT; const char *transaction = dictionary_acquired_item_name(item); int rc = uuid_parse_flexi(transaction, pf->transaction); if(rc != 0) netdata_log_error("FUNCTION: '%s': cannot parse transaction UUID", string2str(pf->function)); CLEAN_BUFFER *buffer = buffer_create(1024, NULL); if(pf->payload && buffer_strlen(pf->payload)) { buffer_sprintf( buffer, PLUGINSD_KEYWORD_FUNCTION_PAYLOAD " %s %d \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", transaction, pf->timeout_s, string2str(pf->function), pf->source ? pf->source : "", content_type_id2string(pf->payload->content_type) ); buffer_fast_strcat(buffer, buffer_tostring(pf->payload), buffer_strlen(pf->payload)); buffer_strcat(buffer, "\nFUNCTION_PAYLOAD_END\n"); } else { buffer_sprintf( buffer, PLUGINSD_KEYWORD_FUNCTION " %s %d \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", transaction, pf->timeout_s, string2str(pf->function), pf->source ? pf->source : "" ); } // send the command to the plugin // IMPORTANT: make sure all commands are sent in 1 call, because in streaming they may interfere with others ssize_t ret = send_to_plugin(buffer_tostring(buffer), parser); pf->sent_monotonic_ut = now_monotonic_usec(); if(ret < 0) { pf->sent_successfully = false; pf->code = HTTP_RESP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE; netdata_log_error("FUNCTION '%s': failed to send it to the plugin, error %zd", string2str(pf->function), ret); rrd_call_function_error(pf->result_body_wb, "Failed to communicate with collector", pf->code); } else { pf->sent_successfully = true; internal_error(LOG_FUNCTIONS, "FUNCTION '%s' with transaction '%s' sent to collector (%zd bytes, in %"PRIu64" usec)", string2str(pf->function), dictionary_acquired_item_name(item), ret, pf->sent_monotonic_ut - pf->started_monotonic_ut); } } static bool inflight_functions_conflict_callback(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item __maybe_unused, void *func __maybe_unused, void *new_func, void *parser_ptr __maybe_unused) { struct inflight_function *pf = new_func; netdata_log_error("PLUGINSD_PARSER: duplicate UUID on pending function '%s' detected. Ignoring the second one.", string2str(pf->function)); pf->code = rrd_call_function_error(pf->result_body_wb, "This request is already in progress", HTTP_RESP_BAD_REQUEST); pf->result.cb(pf->result_body_wb, pf->code, pf->result.data); string_freez(pf->function); return false; } static void inflight_functions_delete_callback(const DICTIONARY_ITEM *item __maybe_unused, void *func, void *parser_ptr) { struct inflight_function *pf = func; struct parser *parser = (struct parser *)parser_ptr; (void)parser; internal_error(LOG_FUNCTIONS, "FUNCTION '%s' result of transaction '%s' received from collector " "(%zu bytes, request %"PRIu64" usec, response %"PRIu64" usec)", string2str(pf->function), dictionary_acquired_item_name(item), buffer_strlen(pf->result_body_wb), pf->sent_monotonic_ut - pf->started_monotonic_ut, now_realtime_usec() - pf->sent_monotonic_ut); pf->result.cb(pf->result_body_wb, pf->code, pf->result.data); string_freez(pf->function); buffer_free((void *)pf->payload); freez((void *)pf->source); } void pluginsd_inflight_functions_init(PARSER *parser) { parser->inflight.functions = dictionary_create_advanced(DICT_OPTION_DONT_OVERWRITE_VALUE, &dictionary_stats_category_functions, 0); dictionary_register_insert_callback(parser->inflight.functions, inflight_functions_insert_callback, parser); dictionary_register_delete_callback(parser->inflight.functions, inflight_functions_delete_callback, parser); dictionary_register_conflict_callback(parser->inflight.functions, inflight_functions_conflict_callback, parser); } void pluginsd_inflight_functions_cleanup(PARSER *parser) { dictionary_destroy(parser->inflight.functions); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void pluginsd_inflight_functions_garbage_collect(PARSER *parser, usec_t now_ut) { parser->inflight.smaller_monotonic_timeout_ut = 0; struct inflight_function *pf; dfe_start_write(parser->inflight.functions, pf) { if (*pf->stop_monotonic_ut + RRDFUNCTIONS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION_UT < now_ut) { internal_error(true, "FUNCTION '%s' removing expired transaction '%s', after %"PRIu64" usec.", string2str(pf->function), pf_dfe.name, now_ut - pf->started_monotonic_ut); if(!buffer_strlen(pf->result_body_wb) || pf->code == HTTP_RESP_OK) pf->code = rrd_call_function_error(pf->result_body_wb, "Timeout waiting for collector response.", HTTP_RESP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT); dictionary_del(parser->inflight.functions, pf_dfe.name); } else if(!parser->inflight.smaller_monotonic_timeout_ut || *pf->stop_monotonic_ut + RRDFUNCTIONS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION_UT < parser->inflight.smaller_monotonic_timeout_ut) parser->inflight.smaller_monotonic_timeout_ut = *pf->stop_monotonic_ut + RRDFUNCTIONS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION_UT; } dfe_done(pf); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void pluginsd_function_cancel(void *data) { struct inflight_function *look_for = data, *t; bool sent = false; dfe_start_read(look_for->parser->inflight.functions, t) { if(look_for == t) { const char *transaction = t_dfe.name; internal_error(true, "PLUGINSD: sending function cancellation to plugin for transaction '%s'", transaction); char buffer[2048]; snprintfz(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PLUGINSD_KEYWORD_FUNCTION_CANCEL " %s\n", transaction); // send the command to the plugin ssize_t ret = send_to_plugin(buffer, t->parser); if(ret < 0) sent = true; break; } } dfe_done(t); if(sent <= 0) nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "PLUGINSD: FUNCTION_CANCEL request didn't match any pending function requests in pluginsd.d."); } static void pluginsd_function_progress_to_plugin(void *data) { struct inflight_function *look_for = data, *t; bool sent = false; dfe_start_read(look_for->parser->inflight.functions, t) { if(look_for == t) { const char *transaction = t_dfe.name; internal_error(true, "PLUGINSD: sending function progress to plugin for transaction '%s'", transaction); char buffer[2048]; snprintfz(buffer, sizeof(buffer), PLUGINSD_KEYWORD_FUNCTION_PROGRESS " %s\n", transaction); // send the command to the plugin ssize_t ret = send_to_plugin(buffer, t->parser); if(ret < 0) sent = true; break; } } dfe_done(t); if(sent <= 0) nd_log(NDLS_DAEMON, NDLP_DEBUG, "PLUGINSD: FUNCTION_PROGRESS request didn't match any pending function requests in pluginsd.d."); } // this is the function called from // rrd_call_function_and_wait() and rrd_call_function_async() int pluginsd_function_execute_cb(struct rrd_function_execute *rfe, void *data) { // IMPORTANT: this function MUST call the result_cb even on failures PARSER *parser = data; usec_t now_ut = now_monotonic_usec(); int timeout_s = (int)((*rfe->stop_monotonic_ut - now_ut + USEC_PER_SEC / 2) / USEC_PER_SEC); struct inflight_function tmp = { .started_monotonic_ut = now_ut, .stop_monotonic_ut = rfe->stop_monotonic_ut, .result_body_wb = rfe->result.wb, .timeout_s = timeout_s, .function = string_strdupz(rfe->function), .payload = buffer_dup(rfe->payload), .source = rfe->source ? strdupz(rfe->source) : NULL, .parser = parser, .result = { .cb = rfe->result.cb, .data = rfe->result.data, }, .progress = { .cb = rfe->progress.cb, .data = rfe->progress.data, }, }; uuid_copy(tmp.transaction, *rfe->transaction); char transaction_str[UUID_COMPACT_STR_LEN]; uuid_unparse_lower_compact(tmp.transaction, transaction_str); dictionary_write_lock(parser->inflight.functions); // if there is any error, our dictionary callbacks will call the caller callback to notify // the caller about the error - no need for error handling here. struct inflight_function *t = dictionary_set(parser->inflight.functions, transaction_str, &tmp, sizeof(struct inflight_function)); if(!t->sent_successfully) { int code = t->code; dictionary_write_unlock(parser->inflight.functions); dictionary_del(parser->inflight.functions, transaction_str); pluginsd_inflight_functions_garbage_collect(parser, now_ut); return code; } else { if (rfe->register_canceller.cb) rfe->register_canceller.cb(rfe->register_canceller.data, pluginsd_function_cancel, t); if (rfe->register_progresser.cb && (parser->repertoire == PARSER_INIT_PLUGINSD || (parser->repertoire == PARSER_INIT_STREAMING && stream_has_capability(&parser->user, STREAM_CAP_PROGRESS)))) rfe->register_progresser.cb(rfe->register_progresser.data, pluginsd_function_progress_to_plugin, t); if (!parser->inflight.smaller_monotonic_timeout_ut || *tmp.stop_monotonic_ut + RRDFUNCTIONS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION_UT < parser->inflight.smaller_monotonic_timeout_ut) parser->inflight.smaller_monotonic_timeout_ut = *tmp.stop_monotonic_ut + RRDFUNCTIONS_TIMEOUT_EXTENSION_UT; // garbage collect stale inflight functions if (parser->inflight.smaller_monotonic_timeout_ut < now_ut) pluginsd_inflight_functions_garbage_collect(parser, now_ut); dictionary_write_unlock(parser->inflight.functions); return HTTP_RESP_OK; } } PARSER_RC pluginsd_function(char **words, size_t num_words, PARSER *parser) { // a plugin or a child is registering a function bool global = false; size_t i = 1; if(num_words >= 2 && strcmp(get_word(words, num_words, 1), "GLOBAL") == 0) { i++; global = true; } char *name = get_word(words, num_words, i++); char *timeout_str = get_word(words, num_words, i++); char *help = get_word(words, num_words, i++); char *tags = get_word(words, num_words, i++); char *access_str = get_word(words, num_words, i++); char *priority_str = get_word(words, num_words, i++); RRDHOST *host = pluginsd_require_scope_host(parser, PLUGINSD_KEYWORD_FUNCTION); if(!host) return PARSER_RC_ERROR; RRDSET *st = (global)? NULL: pluginsd_require_scope_chart(parser, PLUGINSD_KEYWORD_FUNCTION, PLUGINSD_KEYWORD_CHART); if(!st) global = true; if (unlikely(!timeout_str || !name || !help || (!global && !st))) { netdata_log_error("PLUGINSD: 'host:%s/chart:%s' got a FUNCTION, without providing the required data (global = '%s', name = '%s', timeout = '%s', help = '%s'). Ignoring it.", rrdhost_hostname(host), st?rrdset_id(st):"(unset)", global?"yes":"no", name?name:"(unset)", timeout_str ? timeout_str : "(unset)", help?help:"(unset)" ); return PARSER_RC_ERROR; } int timeout_s = PLUGINS_FUNCTIONS_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT; if (timeout_str && *timeout_str) { timeout_s = str2i(timeout_str); if (unlikely(timeout_s <= 0)) timeout_s = PLUGINS_FUNCTIONS_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT; } int priority = RRDFUNCTIONS_PRIORITY_DEFAULT; if(priority_str && *priority_str) { priority = str2i(priority_str); if(priority <= 0) priority = RRDFUNCTIONS_PRIORITY_DEFAULT; } rrd_function_add(host, st, name, timeout_s, priority, help, tags, http_access2id(access_str), false, pluginsd_function_execute_cb, parser); parser->user.data_collections_count++; return PARSER_RC_OK; } static void pluginsd_function_result_end(struct parser *parser, void *action_data) { STRING *key = action_data; if(key) dictionary_del(parser->inflight.functions, string2str(key)); string_freez(key); parser->user.data_collections_count++; } static inline struct inflight_function *inflight_function_find(PARSER *parser, const char *transaction) { struct inflight_function *pf = NULL; if(transaction && *transaction) pf = (struct inflight_function *)dictionary_get(parser->inflight.functions, transaction); if(!pf) netdata_log_error("got a " PLUGINSD_KEYWORD_FUNCTION_RESULT_BEGIN " for transaction '%s', but the transaction is not found.", transaction ? transaction : "(unset)"); return pf; } PARSER_RC pluginsd_function_result_begin(char **words, size_t num_words, PARSER *parser) { char *transaction = get_word(words, num_words, 1); char *status = get_word(words, num_words, 2); char *format = get_word(words, num_words, 3); char *expires = get_word(words, num_words, 4); if (unlikely(!transaction || !*transaction || !status || !*status || !format || !*format || !expires || !*expires)) { netdata_log_error("got a " PLUGINSD_KEYWORD_FUNCTION_RESULT_BEGIN " without providing the required data (key = '%s', status = '%s', format = '%s', expires = '%s')." , transaction ? transaction : "(unset)" , status ? status : "(unset)" , format ? format : "(unset)" , expires ? expires : "(unset)" ); } int code = (status && *status) ? str2i(status) : 0; if (code <= 0) code = HTTP_RESP_BACKEND_RESPONSE_INVALID; time_t expiration = (expires && *expires) ? str2l(expires) : 0; struct inflight_function *pf = inflight_function_find(parser, transaction); if(pf) { if(format && *format) pf->result_body_wb->content_type = content_type_string2id(format); pf->code = code; pf->result_body_wb->expires = expiration; if(expiration <= now_realtime_sec()) buffer_no_cacheable(pf->result_body_wb); else buffer_cacheable(pf->result_body_wb); } parser->defer.response = (pf) ? pf->result_body_wb : NULL; parser->defer.end_keyword = PLUGINSD_KEYWORD_FUNCTION_RESULT_END; parser->defer.action = pluginsd_function_result_end; parser->defer.action_data = string_strdupz(transaction); // it is ok is key is NULL parser->flags |= PARSER_DEFER_UNTIL_KEYWORD; return PARSER_RC_OK; } PARSER_RC pluginsd_function_progress(char **words, size_t num_words, PARSER *parser) { size_t i = 1; char *transaction = get_word(words, num_words, i++); char *done_str = get_word(words, num_words, i++); char *all_str = get_word(words, num_words, i++); struct inflight_function *pf = inflight_function_find(parser, transaction); if(pf) { size_t done = done_str && *done_str ? str2u(done_str) : 0; size_t all = all_str && *all_str ? str2u(all_str) : 0; if(pf->progress.cb) pf->progress.cb(pf->progress.data, done, all); } return PARSER_RC_OK; }