# This configures label matching for PR's. # # The keys are labels, and the values are lists of minimatch patterns # to which those labels apply. # # NOTE: This can only add labels, not remove them. # NOTE: Due to YAML syntax limitations, patterns or labels which start # with a character that is part of the standard YAML syntax must be # quoted. # # Please keep the labels sorted and deduplicated. area/ACLK: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - aclk/** - database/sqlite/sqlite_aclk* - mqtt_websockets area/claim: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - claim/* area/exporting: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - exporting/** area/build: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - build/** - build_external/** - CMakeLists.txt - configure.ac - Makefile.am - "**/Makefile.am" area/ci: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - .github/** area/daemon: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - daemon/** area/database: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - database/** area/docs: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - "*.md" - "**/*.md" - "**/*.mdx" - diagrams/** # -----------------collectors---------------------- area/collectors: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/** collectors/plugins.d: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/plugins.d/** collectors/apps: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/apps.plugin/** collectors/cgroups: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/cgroups.plugin/** collectors/charts.d: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/charts.d.plugin/** collectors/cups: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/cups.plugin/** collectors/debugfs: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/debugfs.plugin/** collectors/diskspace: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/diskspace.plugin/** collectors/ebpf: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/ebpf.plugin/** collectors/freebsd: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/freebsd.plugin/** collectors/freeipmi: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/freeipmi.plugin/** collectors/idlejitter: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/idlejitter.plugin/** collectors/ioping: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/ioping.plugin/** collectors/macos: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/macos.plugin/** collectors/nfacct: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/nfacct.plugin/** collectors/perf: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/perf.plugin/** collectors/proc: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/proc.plugin/** collectors/python.d: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/python.d.plugin/** collectors/slabinfo: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/slabinfo.plugin/** collectors/statsd: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/statsd.plugin/** collectors/systemd-journal: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/systemd-journal.plugin/** collectors/tc: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/tc.plugin/** collectors/timex: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/timex.plugin/** collectors/xenstat: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - collectors/xenstat.plugin/** # ----------------/collectors---------------------- area/health: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - health/** area/metadata: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - "**/*metadata.yaml" - integrations/** area/ml: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - ml/** area/packaging: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - contrib/** - packaging/** - system/** - Dockerfile* - netdata-installer.sh - netdata.spec.in area/registry: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - registry/** area/streaming: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - streaming/** area/tests: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - tests/** - daemon/unit_test* - coverity-scan.sh - cppcheck.sh - netdata.cppcheck area/web: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - web/** area/logs-management: - any: - changed-files: - any-glob-to-any-file: - logsmanagement/**