# PushBullet Will look like this on your browser: ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4300670/19109636/278b1c0c-8aee-11e6-8a09-7fc94fdbfec8.png) And like this on your Android device: ![image](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4300670/19109635/278a1dde-8aee-11e6-9984-0bc87a13312d.png) You will need: 1. Signup and Login to pushbullet.com 2. Get your Access Token, go to https://www.pushbullet.com/#settings/account and create a new one 3. Fill in the PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN with that value 4. Add the recipient emails to DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_PUSHBULLET !!PLEASE NOTE THAT IF THE RECIPIENT DOES NOT HAVE A PUSHBULLET ACCOUNT, PUSHBULLET SERVICE WILL SEND AN EMAIL!! Set them in `/etc/netdata/health_alarm_notify.conf` (to edit it on your system run `/etc/netdata/edit-config health_alarm_notify.conf`), like this: ``` ############################################################################### # pushbullet (pushbullet.com) push notification options # multiple recipients can be given like this: # "user1@email.com user2@mail.com" # enable/disable sending pushbullet notifications SEND_PUSHBULLET="YES" # Signup and Login to pushbullet.com # To get your Access Token, go to https://www.pushbullet.com/#settings/account # And create a new access token # Then just set the recipients emails # Please note that the if the email in the DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_PUSHBULLET does # not have a pushbullet account, the pushbullet service will send an email # to that address instead # Without an access token, netdata cannot send pushbullet notifications. PUSHBULLET_ACCESS_TOKEN="o.Sometokenhere" DEFAULT_RECIPIENT_PUSHBULLET="admin1@example.com admin3@somemail.com" ```