# netdata [](https://travis-ci.com/netdata/netdata) [](https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/projects/2231) [](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0)
[](https://codeclimate.com/github/netdata/netdata) [](https://www.codacy.com/app/netdata/netdata?utm_source=github.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=netdata/netdata&utm_campaign=Badge_Grade) [](https://lgtm.com/projects/g/netdata/netdata/context:cpp) [](https://lgtm.com/projects/g/netdata/netdata/context:javascript) [](https://lgtm.com/projects/g/netdata/netdata/context:python)
> *New to Netdata? Here is a live demo: [http://my-netdata.io](http://my-netdata.io)*
**Netdata** is a system for **distributed real-time performance and health monitoring**.
It provides **unparalleled insights**, **in real-time**, of everything happening on the systems it runs (including containers and applications such as web and database servers), using **modern interactive web dashboards**.
_Netdata is **fast** and **efficient**, designed to permanently run on all systems (**physical** & **virtual** servers, **containers**, **IoT** devices), without disrupting their core function._
Netdata currently runs on **Linux**, **FreeBSD**, and **MacOS**.
[](https://twitter.com/linuxnetdata) []()
## Why use Netdata?
Netdata is a monitoring agent you install on all your systems.
It is:
- a **metrics collector** - for system and application metrics (including web servers, databases, containers, etc)
- a **time-series database** - all stored in memory (does not touch the disks while it runs)
- a **metrics visualizer** - super fast, interactive, modern, optimized for anomaly detection
- an **alarms notification engine** - an advanced watchdog for detecting performance and availability issues
All packaged together in a very flexible, extremely modular, distributed application.
This is how netdata compares to other monitoring solutions:
netdata|others (open-source and commercial)
**High resolution metrics** (1s granularity)|Low resolution metrics (10s granularity at best)
Monitors everything, **thousands of metrics per node**|Monitor just a few metrics
UI is super fast, optimized for **anomaly detection**|UI is good for just an abstract view
**Meaningful presentation** for all metrics (educational)|You have to know the metrics before you start
Install and get results **immediately**|A long preparation is required to get any useful results
Use it to **troubleshooting** performance problems|Use them to get statistics of past performance
**Kills the console** for tracing performance issues|The console is required for troubleshooting
Requires **zero dedicated resources**|Require dedicated resources
Netdata is **free**, super **fast**, very **easy**, completely **open**, **flexible** and integrate-able.
It has been designed by **SysAdmins**, **DevOps** and **Developers** for troubleshooting performance problems, not just
visualizing metrics.
## Quick Start
> **WARNING**:
> People get adicted to **netdata**!
> Once you install it and use it for a few minutes, **there is no going back**!
You can quickly install netdata on a Linux server with the following:
# make sure you run `bash` for your shell
# install netdata, directly from github source
bash <(curl -Ss https://my-netdata.io/kickstart.sh)
More installation methods can be found at the [installation page](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/wiki/Installation).
Once the installation is complete, use your web browser to navigate to: `http://IP:19999/`, where `IP` is the IP of the server you installed Netdata.
> There is no need to bookmark your servers at your browser.
> Check the `my-netdata` menu at the top left of the dashboard.
> **It learns your servers automatically**, so that all your netdata become **one distributed application**!
## User base
*Docker pulls*
[](https://hub.docker.com/r/netdata/netdata/) [](https://hub.docker.com/r/firehol/netdata/) [](https://hub.docker.com/r/titpetric/netdata/)
*Since May 16th 2016 (the date the [global public netdata registry](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/wiki/mynetdata-menu-item) was released):*
[](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry) [](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry) [](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry)
*in the last 24 hours:*
[](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry) [](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry) [](https://registry.my-netdata.io/#menu_netdata_submenu_registry)
## News
`Nov 6th, 2018` - **[netdata v1.11.0 released!](https://github.com/netdata/netdata/releases)**
- New query engine, supporting statistical functions.
- Fixed security issues identified by Red4Sec.com and Synacktiv.
- New Data Collection Modules: `rethinkdbs`, `proxysql`, `litespeed`, `uwsgi`, `unbound`, `powerdns`, `dockerd`, `puppet`, `logind`, `adaptec_raid`, `megacli`, `spigotmc`, `boinc`, `w1sensor`, `monit`, `linux_power_supplies`.
- Improved Data Collection Modules: `statsd.plugin`, `apps.plugin`, `freeipmi.plugin`, `proc.plugin`, `diskspace.plugin`, `freebsd.plugin`, `python.d.plugin`, `web_log`, `nginx_plus`, `ipfs`, `fail2ban`, `ceph`, `elasticsearch`, `nginx_plus`, `redis`,
`beanstalk`, `mysql`, `varnish`, `couchdb`, `phpfpm`, `apache`, `icecast`, `mongodb`, `postgress`, `elasticsearch`, `mdstat`, `openvpn_log`, `snmp`, `nut`.
- Added alarms for detecting abnormally high load average, `TCP` `SYN` and `TCP` accept queue overflows, network interfaces congestion and alarms for `bcache`, `mdstat`, `apcupsd`, `mysql`.
- system alarms are now enabled on FreeBSD.
- New notification methods: **rocket.chat**, **Microsoft Teams**, **syslog**, **fleep.io**, **Amazon SNS**.
- and dozens more improvements, enhancements, features and compatibility fixes
`Sep 18, 2018` - **netdata has its own organization**
Netdata used to be a [firehol.org](https://firehol.org) project, accessible as `firehol/netdata`.
Netdata now has its own github organization `netdata`, so all github URLs are now `netdata/netdata`. The old github URLs, repo clones, forks, etc redirect automatically to the new repo.

`Jun 16, 2018` - **netdata in CNCF**
Netdata is now at the [Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) landscape](https://landscape.cncf.io/grouping=no&sort=stars).
Read the [netdata presentation](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18C8bCTbtgKDWqPa57GXIjB2PbjjpjsUNkLtZEz6YK8s/edit?usp=sharing) we gave at CNCF TOC on Sep 18, 2018.
## Features