# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # Utility functions used by other modules. include_guard() # Fix up CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR to actually match the build target function(netdata_fixup_system_processor) if(OS_WINDOWS) return() endif() if(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE) return() endif() execute_process( COMMAND ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -dumpmachine COMMAND cut -f 1 -d - RESULT_VARIABLE return_code OUTPUT_VARIABLE output_data ) if(return_code EQUAL 0) set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR "${output_data}" PARENT_SCOPE) else() message(WARNING "Failed to detect target processor architecture, using CMake default") endif() endfunction() # Determine the version of the host kernel. # # Only works on UNIX-like systems, stores the version in the cache # variable HOST_KERNEL_VERSION. function(netdata_detect_host_kernel_version) if(DEFINED HOST_KERNEL_VERSION) return() endif() message(CHECK_START "Determining host kernel version") if(NOT CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING) include(CheckIncludeFile) check_include_file("linux/version.h" CAN_USE_VERSION_H) if(CAN_USE_VERSION_H) message(CHECK_START "Checking version using linux/version.h") file(WRITE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/kversion-test.c" " #include #include int main() { printf(\"%i.%i.%i\", LINUX_VERSION_MAJOR, LINUX_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL, LINUX_VERSION_SUBLEVEL); } ") try_run(_run_success _compile_success ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} SOURCES ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/kversion-test.c RUN_OUTPUT_VARIABLE _kversion_output) if(_compile_success AND _run_success EQUAL 0) message(CHECK_PASS "success") set(_kversion_value "${_kversion_output}") else() message(CHECK_FAIL "failed") endif() endif() endif() if(NOT DEFINED _kversion_value) message(CHECK_START "Checking version using uname") execute_process(COMMAND uname -r RESULT_VARIABLE _uname_result OUTPUT_VARIABLE _uname_output) if(NOT _uname_result EQUAL 0) message(CHECK_FAIL "failed") message(CHECK_FAIL "unknown") set(HOST_KERNEL_VERSION "0.0.0" CACHE STRING "Detected host kernel version") return() else() message(CHECK_PASS "success") endif() set(_kversion_value "${_uname_output}") endif() string(REGEX REPLACE "-.+$" "" _kversion "${_kversion_value}") message(CHECK_PASS "${_kversion}") set(HOST_KERNEL_VERSION "${_kversion}" CACHE STRING "Detected host kernel version") endfunction() # Check what libc we're using. # # Sets the specified variable to the name of the libc or "unknown" function(netdata_identify_libc _libc_name) if(NOT DEFINED _ND_DETECTED_LIBC) message(CHECK_START "Detecting libc implementation using ldd") execute_process(COMMAND ldd --version COMMAND grep -q -i -E "glibc|gnu libc" RESULT_VARIABLE LDD_RESULT OUTPUT_VARIABLE LDD_OUTPUT ERROR_VARIABLE LDD_OUTPUT) if(NOT LDD_RESULT) set(${_libc_name} glibc PARENT_SCOPE) set(_ND_DETECTED_LIBC glibc CACHE INTERNAL "") message(CHECK_PASS "glibc") return() endif() execute_process(COMMAND sh -c "ldd --version 2>&1 | grep -q -i 'musl'" RESULT_VARIABLE LDD_RESULT OUTPUT_VARIABLE LDD_OUTPUT ERROR_VARIABLE LDD_OUTPUT) if(NOT LDD_RESULT) set(${_libc_name} musl PARENT_SCOPE) set(_ND_DETECTED_LIBC musl CACHE INTERNAL "") message(CHECK_PASS "musl") return() endif() message(CHECK_FAIL "unknown") message(CHECK_START "Looking for libc.so.6") find_program(LIBC_PATH libc.so.6 PATHS /lib /lib64 /usr/lib /usr/lib64 NO_DEFAULT_PATH NO_PACKAGE_ROOT_PATH NO_CMAKE_PATH NO_CMAKE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH NO_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_PATH NO_CMAKE_SYSTEM_PATH NO_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH) if(NOT "${LIBC_PATH}" EQUAL "LIBC_PATH-NOTFOUND") message(CHECK_PASS "found") message(CHECK_START "Detecting libc implementation using libc.so.6") execute_process(COMMAND "${LIBC_PATH}" COMMAND head -n 1 COMMAND grep -q -i -E "gnu libc|gnu c library" RESULT_VARIABLE LIBC_RESULT OUTPUT_VARIABLE LIBC_OUTPUT ERROR_VARIABLE LIBC_ERROR) if(NOT LIBC_RESULT) set(${_libc_name} glibc PARENT_SCOPE) set(_ND_DETECTED_LIBC glibc CACHE INTERNAL "") message(CHECK_PASS "glibc") return() else() message(CHECK_FAIL "unknown") endif() else() message(CHECK_FAIL "not found") endif() set(${_libc_name} unknown PARENT_SCOPE) set(_ND_DETECTED_LIBC unknown CACHE INTERNAL "") else() set(${_libc_name} ${_ND_DETECTED_LIBC} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Extract a tar archive. # # This will use CMake’s native support if available, but will still # fall back cleanly if CMake is too old. function(extract_gzipped_tarball tarball target) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 3.18) find_program(TAR NAMES tar bsdtar DOC "TAR archive program") if(TAR STREQUAL "TAR-NOTFOUND") message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find tar command") endif() find_program(GZIP NAMES gzip DOC "GZIP compression program") if(GZIP STREQUAL "GZIP-NOTFOUND") message(FATAL_ERROR "Unable to find gzip command") endif() file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${target}") execute_process(COMMAND tar -x -z -f "${tarball}" -C "${target}" RESULT_VARIABLE result) if(result) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to extract ${tarball}") endif() else() file(ARCHIVE_EXTRACT INPUT "${tarball}" DESTINATION "${target}") endif() endfunction() # Get a recursive list of all sub-directories of the specified directory, # relative to that directory. function(subdirlist result curdir) file(GLOB_RECURSE children LIST_DIRECTORIES TRUE RELATIVE ${curdir} ${curdir}/*) set(dirlist "") foreach(child ${children}) if(IS_DIRECTORY ${curdir}/${child}) list(APPEND dirlist ${child}) endif() endforeach() set(${result} ${dirlist} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Precompile python code in the specified directory relative to the # CMake install prefix at install time. # This must be called _after_ the install directive for the python code # in the specified directory function(precompile_python dir component) find_package(Python3) if(NOT ${Python3_Interpreter_FOUND}) message(STATUS "Could not find Python3, skipping precompilation of Python code.") return() endif() set(prefix [=[${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}]=]) install( CODE "message(STATUS \"Precompiling Python3 code in ${prefix}/${dir}\")" COMPONENT ${component} ) install( CODE "execute_process(COMMAND ${Python3_Interpreter} -O -m compileall -j0 -o2 ${prefix}/${dir} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${prefix}/${dir})" COMPONENT ${component} ) endfunction()