# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later # CMake module to handle fetching and installing the dashboard code include(NetdataUtil) function(handle_braindead_versioning_insanity prefix) if(IS_DIRECTORY "${prefix}/v2" AND NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${prefix}/v3") message(STATUS " Fixing incorrectly versioned paths generated by poorly written CI") file(RENAME "${prefix}/v2" "${prefix}/v3") if(IS_DIRECTORY "${prefix}/v3" AND NOT IS_DIRECTORY "${prefix}/v2") message(STATUS " Fixing incorrectly versioned paths generated by poorly written CI -- Done") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to fix incorrectly versioned paths") endif() endif() endfunction() # Bundle the dashboard code for inclusion during install. # # This is unfortunately complicated due to how we need to handle the # generation of the CMakeLists file for the dashboard code. function(bundle_dashboard) include(ExternalProject) set(dashboard_src_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/dashboard-src") set(dashboard_src_prefix "${dashboard_src_dir}/dist/agent") set(dashboard_bin_dir "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/dashboard-bin") set(DASHBOARD_URL "https://app.netdata.cloud/agent.tar.gz" CACHE STRING "URL used to fetch the local agent dashboard code") message(STATUS "Preparing local agent dashboard code") message(STATUS " Fetching ${DASHBOARD_URL}") file(DOWNLOAD "${DASHBOARD_URL}" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/dashboard.tar.gz" TIMEOUT 180 STATUS fetch_status) list(GET fetch_status 0 result) if(result) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to fetch dashboard code") else() message(STATUS " Fetching ${DASHBOARD_URL} -- Done") endif() message(STATUS " Extracting dashboard code") extract_gzipped_tarball( "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/dashboard.tar.gz" "${dashboard_src_dir}" ) message(STATUS " Extracting dashboard code -- Done") handle_braindead_versioning_insanity("${dashboard_src_prefix}") message(STATUS " Generating CMakeLists.txt file for dashboard code") set(rules "") subdirlist(dash_dirs "${dashboard_src_prefix}") foreach(dir IN LISTS dash_dirs) file(GLOB files LIST_DIRECTORIES FALSE RELATIVE "${dashboard_src_dir}" "${dashboard_src_prefix}/${dir}/*") set(rules "${rules}install(FILES ${files} COMPONENT dashboard DESTINATION ${WEB_DEST}/${dir})\n") endforeach() file(GLOB files LIST_DIRECTORIES FALSE RELATIVE "${dashboard_src_dir}" "${dashboard_src_prefix}/*") set(rules "${rules}install(FILES ${files} COMPONENT dashboard DESTINATION ${WEB_DEST})\n") file(WRITE "${dashboard_src_dir}/CMakeLists.txt" "${rules}") message(STATUS " Generating CMakeLists.txt file for dashboard code -- Done") add_subdirectory("${dashboard_src_dir}" "${dashboard_bin_dir}") message(STATUS "Preparing local agent dashboard code -- Done") endfunction()