// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "ebpf.h" #include "ebpf_softirq.h" struct config softirq_config = { .first_section = NULL, .last_section = NULL, .mutex = NETDATA_MUTEX_INITIALIZER, .index = { .avl_tree = { .root = NULL, .compar = appconfig_section_compare }, .rwlock = AVL_LOCK_INITIALIZER } }; #define SOFTIRQ_MAP_LATENCY 0 static ebpf_local_maps_t softirq_maps[] = { { .name = "tbl_softirq", .internal_input = NETDATA_SOFTIRQ_MAX_IRQS, .user_input = 0, .type = NETDATA_EBPF_MAP_STATIC, .map_fd = ND_EBPF_MAP_FD_NOT_INITIALIZED }, /* end */ { .name = NULL, .internal_input = 0, .user_input = 0, .type = NETDATA_EBPF_MAP_CONTROLLER, .map_fd = ND_EBPF_MAP_FD_NOT_INITIALIZED } }; #define SOFTIRQ_TP_CLASS_IRQ "irq" static ebpf_tracepoint_t softirq_tracepoints[] = { {.enabled = false, .class = SOFTIRQ_TP_CLASS_IRQ, .event = "softirq_entry"}, {.enabled = false, .class = SOFTIRQ_TP_CLASS_IRQ, .event = "softirq_exit"}, /* end */ {.enabled = false, .class = NULL, .event = NULL} }; // these must be in the order defined by the kernel: // https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v5.12.19/source/include/trace/events/irq.h#L13 static softirq_val_t softirq_vals[] = { {.name = "HI", .latency = 0}, {.name = "TIMER", .latency = 0}, {.name = "NET_TX", .latency = 0}, {.name = "NET_RX", .latency = 0}, {.name = "BLOCK", .latency = 0}, {.name = "IRQ_POLL", .latency = 0}, {.name = "TASKLET", .latency = 0}, {.name = "SCHED", .latency = 0}, {.name = "HRTIMER", .latency = 0}, {.name = "RCU", .latency = 0}, }; // tmp store for soft IRQ values we get from a per-CPU eBPF map. static softirq_ebpf_val_t *softirq_ebpf_vals = NULL; static struct bpf_link **probe_links = NULL; static struct bpf_object *objects = NULL; static int read_thread_closed = 1; static struct netdata_static_thread softirq_threads = {"SOFTIRQ KERNEL", NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL }; /** * Clean up the main thread. * * @param ptr thread data. */ static void softirq_cleanup(void *ptr) { for (int i = 0; softirq_tracepoints[i].class != NULL; i++) { ebpf_disable_tracepoint(&softirq_tracepoints[i]); } ebpf_module_t *em = (ebpf_module_t *)ptr; if (!em->enabled) { return; } heartbeat_t hb; heartbeat_init(&hb); uint32_t tick = 1 * USEC_PER_MS; while (!read_thread_closed) { usec_t dt = heartbeat_next(&hb, tick); UNUSED(dt); } freez(softirq_ebpf_vals); freez(softirq_threads.thread); if (probe_links) { struct bpf_program *prog; size_t i = 0 ; bpf_object__for_each_program(prog, objects) { bpf_link__destroy(probe_links[i]); i++; } if (objects) bpf_object__close(objects); } } /***************************************************************** * MAIN LOOP *****************************************************************/ static void softirq_read_latency_map() { int fd = softirq_maps[SOFTIRQ_MAP_LATENCY].map_fd; int i; for (i = 0; i < NETDATA_SOFTIRQ_MAX_IRQS; i++) { int test = bpf_map_lookup_elem(fd, &i, softirq_ebpf_vals); if (unlikely(test < 0)) { continue; } uint64_t total_latency = 0; int cpu_i; int end = ebpf_nprocs; for (cpu_i = 0; cpu_i < end; cpu_i++) { total_latency += softirq_ebpf_vals[cpu_i].latency/1000; } softirq_vals[i].latency = total_latency; } } /** * Read eBPF maps for soft IRQ. */ static void *softirq_reader(void *ptr) { read_thread_closed = 0; heartbeat_t hb; heartbeat_init(&hb); ebpf_module_t *em = (ebpf_module_t *)ptr; usec_t step = NETDATA_SOFTIRQ_SLEEP_MS * em->update_every; while (!close_ebpf_plugin) { usec_t dt = heartbeat_next(&hb, step); UNUSED(dt); softirq_read_latency_map(); } read_thread_closed = 1; return NULL; } static void softirq_create_charts(int update_every) { ebpf_create_chart( NETDATA_EBPF_SYSTEM_GROUP, "softirq_latency", "Software IRQ latency", EBPF_COMMON_DIMENSION_MILLISECONDS, "softirqs", NULL, NETDATA_EBPF_CHART_TYPE_STACKED, NETDATA_CHART_PRIO_SYSTEM_SOFTIRQS+1, NULL, NULL, 0, update_every, NETDATA_EBPF_MODULE_NAME_SOFTIRQ ); fflush(stdout); } static void softirq_create_dims() { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < NETDATA_SOFTIRQ_MAX_IRQS; i++) { ebpf_write_global_dimension( softirq_vals[i].name, softirq_vals[i].name, ebpf_algorithms[NETDATA_EBPF_INCREMENTAL_IDX] ); } } static inline void softirq_write_dims() { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < NETDATA_SOFTIRQ_MAX_IRQS; i++) { write_chart_dimension(softirq_vals[i].name, softirq_vals[i].latency); } } /** * Main loop for this collector. */ static void softirq_collector(ebpf_module_t *em) { softirq_ebpf_vals = callocz(ebpf_nprocs, sizeof(softirq_ebpf_val_t)); // create reader thread. softirq_threads.thread = mallocz(sizeof(netdata_thread_t)); softirq_threads.start_routine = softirq_reader; netdata_thread_create( softirq_threads.thread, softirq_threads.name, NETDATA_THREAD_OPTION_JOINABLE, softirq_reader, em ); // create chart and static dims. pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); softirq_create_charts(em->update_every); softirq_create_dims(); ebpf_update_stats(&plugin_statistics, em); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); // loop and read from published data until ebpf plugin is closed. int update_every = em->update_every; int counter = update_every - 1; while (!close_ebpf_plugin) { pthread_mutex_lock(&collect_data_mutex); pthread_cond_wait(&collect_data_cond_var, &collect_data_mutex); if (++counter == update_every) { counter = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&lock); // write dims now for all hitherto discovered IRQs. write_begin_chart(NETDATA_EBPF_SYSTEM_GROUP, "softirq_latency"); softirq_write_dims(); write_end_chart(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&collect_data_mutex); } } /***************************************************************** * EBPF SOFTIRQ THREAD *****************************************************************/ /** * Soft IRQ latency thread. * * @param ptr a `ebpf_module_t *`. * @return always NULL. */ void *ebpf_softirq_thread(void *ptr) { netdata_thread_cleanup_push(softirq_cleanup, ptr); ebpf_module_t *em = (ebpf_module_t *)ptr; em->maps = softirq_maps; if (!em->enabled) { goto endsoftirq; } if (ebpf_enable_tracepoints(softirq_tracepoints) == 0) { em->enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; goto endsoftirq; } probe_links = ebpf_load_program(ebpf_plugin_dir, em, running_on_kernel, isrh, &objects); if (!probe_links) { em->enabled = CONFIG_BOOLEAN_NO; goto endsoftirq; } softirq_collector(em); endsoftirq: if (!em->enabled) ebpf_update_disabled_plugin_stats(em); netdata_thread_cleanup_pop(1); return NULL; }