// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later #include "rrdengine.h" #include "../storage_engine.h" /* Default global database instance */ struct rrdengine_instance multidb_ctx_storage_tier0; struct rrdengine_instance multidb_ctx_storage_tier1; struct rrdengine_instance multidb_ctx_storage_tier2; struct rrdengine_instance multidb_ctx_storage_tier3; struct rrdengine_instance multidb_ctx_storage_tier4; #if RRD_STORAGE_TIERS != 5 #error RRD_STORAGE_TIERS is not 5 - you need to add allocations here #endif struct rrdengine_instance *multidb_ctx[RRD_STORAGE_TIERS]; uint8_t tier_page_type[RRD_STORAGE_TIERS] = {PAGE_METRICS, PAGE_TIER, PAGE_TIER, PAGE_TIER, PAGE_TIER}; #if PAGE_TYPE_MAX != 1 #error PAGE_TYPE_MAX is not 1 - you need to add allocations here #endif size_t page_type_size[256] = {sizeof(storage_number), sizeof(storage_number_tier1_t)}; __attribute__((constructor)) void initialize_multidb_ctx(void) { multidb_ctx[0] = &multidb_ctx_storage_tier0; multidb_ctx[1] = &multidb_ctx_storage_tier1; multidb_ctx[2] = &multidb_ctx_storage_tier2; multidb_ctx[3] = &multidb_ctx_storage_tier3; multidb_ctx[4] = &multidb_ctx_storage_tier4; } int db_engine_use_malloc = 0; int default_rrdeng_page_fetch_timeout = 3; int default_rrdeng_page_fetch_retries = 3; int default_rrdeng_page_cache_mb = 32; int default_rrdeng_disk_quota_mb = 256; int default_multidb_disk_quota_mb = 256; /* Default behaviour is to unblock data collection if the page cache is full of dirty pages by dropping metrics */ uint8_t rrdeng_drop_metrics_under_page_cache_pressure = 1; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // metrics groups STORAGE_METRICS_GROUP *rrdeng_metrics_group_get(STORAGE_INSTANCE *db_instance __maybe_unused, uuid_t *uuid __maybe_unused) { return callocz(1, sizeof(struct pg_alignment)); } void rrdeng_metrics_group_release(STORAGE_INSTANCE *db_instance, STORAGE_METRICS_GROUP *smg) { if(!smg) return; struct rrdengine_instance *ctx = (struct rrdengine_instance *)db_instance; struct pg_alignment *pa = (struct pg_alignment *)smg; struct page_cache *pg_cache = &ctx->pg_cache; uv_rwlock_rdlock(&pg_cache->metrics_index.lock); if(pa->refcount == 0) freez(pa); uv_rwlock_rdunlock(&pg_cache->metrics_index.lock); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // metric handle for legacy dbs /* This UUID is not unique across hosts */ void rrdeng_generate_legacy_uuid(const char *dim_id, const char *chart_id, uuid_t *ret_uuid) { EVP_MD_CTX *evpctx; unsigned char hash_value[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int hash_len; evpctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); EVP_DigestInit_ex(evpctx, EVP_sha256(), NULL); EVP_DigestUpdate(evpctx, dim_id, strlen(dim_id)); EVP_DigestUpdate(evpctx, chart_id, strlen(chart_id)); EVP_DigestFinal_ex(evpctx, hash_value, &hash_len); EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(evpctx); fatal_assert(hash_len > sizeof(uuid_t)); memcpy(ret_uuid, hash_value, sizeof(uuid_t)); } /* Transform legacy UUID to be unique across hosts deterministically */ void rrdeng_convert_legacy_uuid_to_multihost(char machine_guid[GUID_LEN + 1], uuid_t *legacy_uuid, uuid_t *ret_uuid) { EVP_MD_CTX *evpctx; unsigned char hash_value[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned int hash_len; evpctx = EVP_MD_CTX_create(); EVP_DigestInit_ex(evpctx, EVP_sha256(), NULL); EVP_DigestUpdate(evpctx, machine_guid, GUID_LEN); EVP_DigestUpdate(evpctx, *legacy_uuid, sizeof(uuid_t)); EVP_DigestFinal_ex(evpctx, hash_value, &hash_len); EVP_MD_CTX_destroy(evpctx); fatal_assert(hash_len > sizeof(uuid_t)); memcpy(ret_uuid, hash_value, sizeof(uuid_t)); } STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *rrdeng_metric_get_legacy(STORAGE_INSTANCE *db_instance, const char *rd_id, const char *st_id, STORAGE_METRICS_GROUP *smg) { uuid_t legacy_uuid; rrdeng_generate_legacy_uuid(rd_id, st_id, &legacy_uuid); return rrdeng_metric_get(db_instance, &legacy_uuid, smg); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // metric handle void rrdeng_metric_release(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *db_metric_handle) { struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = (struct pg_cache_page_index *)db_metric_handle; unsigned short refcount = __atomic_sub_fetch(&page_index->refcount, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); if(refcount == 0 && page_index->alignment) { __atomic_sub_fetch(&page_index->alignment->refcount, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); page_index->alignment = NULL; } } STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *rrdeng_metric_dup(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *db_metric_handle) { struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = (struct pg_cache_page_index *)db_metric_handle; __atomic_add_fetch(&page_index->refcount, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); return db_metric_handle; } STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *rrdeng_metric_get(STORAGE_INSTANCE *db_instance, uuid_t *uuid, STORAGE_METRICS_GROUP *smg) { struct rrdengine_instance *ctx = (struct rrdengine_instance *)db_instance; struct pg_alignment *pa = (struct pg_alignment *)smg; struct page_cache *pg_cache = &ctx->pg_cache; struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = NULL; uv_rwlock_rdlock(&pg_cache->metrics_index.lock); Pvoid_t *PValue = JudyHSGet(pg_cache->metrics_index.JudyHS_array, uuid, sizeof(uuid_t)); if (likely(NULL != PValue)) page_index = *PValue; uv_rwlock_rdunlock(&pg_cache->metrics_index.lock); if (likely(page_index)) { __atomic_add_fetch(&page_index->refcount, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); if(pa) { if(page_index->alignment && page_index->alignment != pa) fatal("DBENGINE: page_index has a different alignment."); if(!page_index->alignment) { page_index->alignment = pa; __atomic_add_fetch(&pa->refcount, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); } } } return (STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *)page_index; } STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *rrdeng_metric_create(STORAGE_INSTANCE *db_instance, uuid_t *uuid, STORAGE_METRICS_GROUP *smg) { internal_fatal(!db_instance, "DBENGINE: db_instance is NULL"); struct rrdengine_instance *ctx = (struct rrdengine_instance *)db_instance; struct pg_alignment *pa = (struct pg_alignment *)smg; struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index; struct page_cache *pg_cache = &ctx->pg_cache; uv_rwlock_wrlock(&pg_cache->metrics_index.lock); Pvoid_t *PValue = JudyHSIns(&pg_cache->metrics_index.JudyHS_array, uuid, sizeof(uuid_t), PJE0); fatal_assert(NULL == *PValue); /* TODO: figure out concurrency model */ *PValue = page_index = create_page_index(uuid, ctx); page_index->prev = pg_cache->metrics_index.last_page_index; pg_cache->metrics_index.last_page_index = page_index; page_index->alignment = pa; page_index->refcount = 1; if(pa) pa->refcount++; uv_rwlock_wrunlock(&pg_cache->metrics_index.lock); return (STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *)page_index; } STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *rrdeng_metric_get_or_create(RRDDIM *rd, STORAGE_INSTANCE *db_instance, STORAGE_METRICS_GROUP *smg) { STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *db_metric_handle; db_metric_handle = rrdeng_metric_get(db_instance, &rd->metric_uuid, smg); if(!db_metric_handle) { db_metric_handle = rrdeng_metric_get_legacy(db_instance, rrddim_id(rd), rrdset_id(rd->rrdset), smg); if(db_metric_handle) { struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = (struct pg_cache_page_index *)db_metric_handle; uuid_copy(rd->metric_uuid, page_index->id); } } if(!db_metric_handle) db_metric_handle = rrdeng_metric_create(db_instance, &rd->metric_uuid, smg); #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = (struct pg_cache_page_index *)db_metric_handle; if(uuid_compare(rd->metric_uuid, page_index->id) != 0) { char uuid1[UUID_STR_LEN + 1]; char uuid2[UUID_STR_LEN + 1]; uuid_unparse(rd->metric_uuid, uuid1); uuid_unparse(page_index->id, uuid2); fatal("DBENGINE: uuids do not match, asked for metric '%s', but got page_index of metric '%s'", uuid1, uuid2); } struct rrdengine_instance *ctx = (struct rrdengine_instance *)db_instance; if(page_index->ctx != ctx) fatal("DBENGINE: mixed up rrdengine instances, asked for metric from %p, got from %p", ctx, page_index->ctx); #endif return db_metric_handle; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // collect ops /* * Gets a handle for storing metrics to the database. * The handle must be released with rrdeng_store_metric_final(). */ STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *rrdeng_store_metric_init(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *db_metric_handle, uint32_t update_every) { struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = (struct pg_cache_page_index *)db_metric_handle; struct rrdeng_collect_handle *handle; if(!page_index->alignment) fatal("DBENGINE: metric group is required for collect operations"); handle = callocz(1, sizeof(struct rrdeng_collect_handle)); handle->page_index = page_index; handle->descr = NULL; handle->unaligned_page = 0; page_index->latest_update_every_s = update_every; uv_rwlock_wrlock(&page_index->lock); ++page_index->writers; uv_rwlock_wrunlock(&page_index->lock); return (STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *)handle; } /* The page must be populated and referenced */ static int page_has_only_empty_metrics(struct rrdeng_page_descr *descr) { switch(descr->type) { case PAGE_METRICS: { size_t slots = descr->page_length / PAGE_POINT_SIZE_BYTES(descr); storage_number *array = (storage_number *)descr->pg_cache_descr->page; for (size_t i = 0 ; i < slots; ++i) { if(does_storage_number_exist(array[i])) return 0; } } break; case PAGE_TIER: { size_t slots = descr->page_length / PAGE_POINT_SIZE_BYTES(descr); storage_number_tier1_t *array = (storage_number_tier1_t *)descr->pg_cache_descr->page; for (size_t i = 0 ; i < slots; ++i) { if(fpclassify(array[i].sum_value) != FP_NAN) return 0; } } break; default: { static bool logged = false; if(!logged) { error("DBENGINE: cannot check page for nulls on unknown page type id %d", descr->type); logged = true; } return 0; } } return 1; } void rrdeng_store_metric_flush_current_page(STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *collection_handle) { struct rrdeng_collect_handle *handle = (struct rrdeng_collect_handle *)collection_handle; // struct rrdeng_metric_handle *metric_handle = (struct rrdeng_metric_handle *)handle->metric_handle; struct rrdengine_instance *ctx = handle->page_index->ctx; struct rrdeng_page_descr *descr = handle->descr; if (unlikely(!ctx)) return; if (unlikely(!descr)) return; if (likely(descr->page_length)) { int page_is_empty; rrd_stat_atomic_add(&ctx->stats.metric_API_producers, -1); page_is_empty = page_has_only_empty_metrics(descr); if (page_is_empty) { print_page_cache_descr(descr, "Page has empty metrics only, deleting", true); pg_cache_put(ctx, descr); pg_cache_punch_hole(ctx, descr, 1, 0, NULL); } else rrdeng_commit_page(ctx, descr, handle->page_correlation_id); } else { dbengine_page_free(descr->pg_cache_descr->page); rrdeng_destroy_pg_cache_descr(ctx, descr->pg_cache_descr); rrdeng_page_descr_freez(descr); } handle->descr = NULL; } static void rrdeng_store_metric_next_internal(STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *collection_handle, usec_t point_in_time_ut, NETDATA_DOUBLE n, NETDATA_DOUBLE min_value, NETDATA_DOUBLE max_value, uint16_t count, uint16_t anomaly_count, SN_FLAGS flags) { struct rrdeng_collect_handle *handle = (struct rrdeng_collect_handle *)collection_handle; struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = handle->page_index; struct rrdengine_instance *ctx = handle->page_index->ctx; struct page_cache *pg_cache = &ctx->pg_cache; struct rrdeng_page_descr *descr = handle->descr; void *page; uint8_t must_flush_unaligned_page = 0, perfect_page_alignment = 0; if (descr) { /* Make alignment decisions */ #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS if(descr->end_time_ut + page_index->latest_update_every_s * USEC_PER_SEC != point_in_time_ut) { char buffer[200 + 1]; snprintfz(buffer, 200, "metrics collected are %s, end_time_ut = %llu, point_in_time_ut = %llu, update_every = %u, delta = %llu", (point_in_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC - descr->end_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC > page_index->latest_update_every_s)?"far apart":"not aligned", descr->end_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC, point_in_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC, page_index->latest_update_every_s, point_in_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC - descr->end_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC); print_page_cache_descr(descr, buffer, false); } #endif if (descr->page_length == page_index->alignment->page_length) { /* this is the leading dimension that defines chart alignment */ perfect_page_alignment = 1; } /* is the metric far enough out of alignment with the others? */ if (unlikely(descr->page_length + PAGE_POINT_SIZE_BYTES(descr) < page_index->alignment->page_length)) { handle->unaligned_page = 1; print_page_cache_descr(descr, "Metric page is not aligned with chart", true); } if (unlikely(handle->unaligned_page && /* did the other metrics change page? */ page_index->alignment->page_length <= PAGE_POINT_SIZE_BYTES(descr))) { print_page_cache_descr(descr, "must_flush_unaligned_page = 1", true); must_flush_unaligned_page = 1; handle->unaligned_page = 0; } } if (unlikely(NULL == descr || descr->page_length + PAGE_POINT_SIZE_BYTES(descr) > RRDENG_BLOCK_SIZE || must_flush_unaligned_page)) { if(descr) { print_page_cache_descr(descr, "flushing metric", true); rrdeng_store_metric_flush_current_page(collection_handle); } page = rrdeng_create_page(ctx, &page_index->id, &descr); fatal_assert(page); descr->update_every_s = page_index->latest_update_every_s; handle->descr = descr; handle->page_correlation_id = rrd_atomic_fetch_add(&pg_cache->committed_page_index.latest_corr_id, 1); if (0 == page_index->alignment->page_length) { /* this is the leading dimension that defines chart alignment */ perfect_page_alignment = 1; } } page = descr->pg_cache_descr->page; switch (descr->type) { case PAGE_METRICS: { ((storage_number *)page)[descr->page_length / PAGE_POINT_SIZE_BYTES(descr)] = pack_storage_number(n, flags); } break; case PAGE_TIER: { storage_number_tier1_t number_tier1; number_tier1.sum_value = (float)n; number_tier1.min_value = (float)min_value; number_tier1.max_value = (float)max_value; number_tier1.anomaly_count = anomaly_count; number_tier1.count = count; ((storage_number_tier1_t *)page)[descr->page_length / PAGE_POINT_SIZE_BYTES(descr)] = number_tier1; } break; default: { static bool logged = false; if(!logged) { error("DBENGINE: cannot store metric on unknown page type id %d", descr->type); logged = true; } } break; } pg_cache_atomic_set_pg_info(descr, point_in_time_ut, descr->page_length + PAGE_POINT_SIZE_BYTES(descr)); if (perfect_page_alignment) page_index->alignment->page_length = descr->page_length; if (unlikely(INVALID_TIME == descr->start_time_ut)) { unsigned long new_metric_API_producers, old_metric_API_max_producers, ret_metric_API_max_producers; descr->start_time_ut = point_in_time_ut; new_metric_API_producers = rrd_atomic_add_fetch(&ctx->stats.metric_API_producers, 1); while (unlikely(new_metric_API_producers > (old_metric_API_max_producers = ctx->metric_API_max_producers))) { /* Increase ctx->metric_API_max_producers */ ret_metric_API_max_producers = ulong_compare_and_swap(&ctx->metric_API_max_producers, old_metric_API_max_producers, new_metric_API_producers); if (old_metric_API_max_producers == ret_metric_API_max_producers) { /* success */ break; } } pg_cache_insert(ctx, page_index, descr); } else { pg_cache_add_new_metric_time(page_index, descr); } // { // unsigned char u[16] = { 0x0C, 0x0A, 0x40, 0xD6, 0x2A, 0x43, 0x4A, 0x7C, 0x95, 0xF7, 0xD1, 0x1E, 0x0C, 0x9E, 0x8A, 0xE7 }; // if(uuid_compare(u, page_index->id) == 0) { // char buffer[100]; // snprintfz(buffer, 100, "store system.cpu, collect:%u, page_index first:%u, last:%u", // (uint32_t)(point_in_time / USEC_PER_SEC), // (uint32_t)(page_index->oldest_time / USEC_PER_SEC), // (uint32_t)(page_index->latest_time / USEC_PER_SEC)); // // print_page_cache_descr(descr, buffer, false); // } // } } void rrdeng_store_metric_next(STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *collection_handle, usec_t point_in_time_ut, NETDATA_DOUBLE n, NETDATA_DOUBLE min_value, NETDATA_DOUBLE max_value, uint16_t count, uint16_t anomaly_count, SN_FLAGS flags) { struct rrdeng_collect_handle *handle = (struct rrdeng_collect_handle *)collection_handle; struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = handle->page_index; struct rrdeng_page_descr *descr = handle->descr; if(likely(descr)) { usec_t last_point_in_time_ut = descr->end_time_ut; usec_t update_every_ut = page_index->latest_update_every_s * USEC_PER_SEC; size_t points_gap = (point_in_time_ut <= last_point_in_time_ut) ? (size_t)0 : (size_t)((point_in_time_ut - last_point_in_time_ut) / update_every_ut); if(unlikely(points_gap != 1)) { if (unlikely(points_gap <= 0)) { time_t now = now_realtime_sec(); static __thread size_t counter = 0; static __thread time_t last_time_logged = 0; counter++; if(now - last_time_logged > 600) { error("DBENGINE: collected point is in the past (repeated %zu times in the last %zu secs). Ignoring these data collection points.", counter, (size_t)(last_time_logged?(now - last_time_logged):0)); last_time_logged = now; counter = 0; } return; } size_t point_size = PAGE_POINT_SIZE_BYTES(descr); size_t page_size_in_points = RRDENG_BLOCK_SIZE / point_size; size_t used_points = descr->page_length / point_size; size_t remaining_points_in_page = page_size_in_points - used_points; bool new_point_is_aligned = true; if(unlikely((point_in_time_ut - last_point_in_time_ut) / points_gap != update_every_ut)) new_point_is_aligned = false; if(unlikely(points_gap > remaining_points_in_page || !new_point_is_aligned)) { // char buffer[200]; // snprintfz(buffer, 200, "data collection skipped %zu points, last stored point %llu, new point %llu, update every %d. Cutting page.", // points_gap, last_point_in_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC, point_in_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC, page_index->latest_update_every_s); // print_page_cache_descr(descr, buffer, false); rrdeng_store_metric_flush_current_page(collection_handle); } else { // char buffer[200]; // snprintfz(buffer, 200, "data collection skipped %zu points, last stored point %llu, new point %llu, update every %d. Filling the gap.", // points_gap, last_point_in_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC, point_in_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC, page_index->latest_update_every_s); // print_page_cache_descr(descr, buffer, false); // loop to fill the gap usec_t step_ut = page_index->latest_update_every_s * USEC_PER_SEC; usec_t last_point_filled_ut = last_point_in_time_ut + step_ut; while (last_point_filled_ut < point_in_time_ut) { rrdeng_store_metric_next_internal( collection_handle, last_point_filled_ut, NAN, NAN, NAN, 1, 0, SN_EMPTY_SLOT); last_point_filled_ut += step_ut; } } } } rrdeng_store_metric_next_internal(collection_handle, point_in_time_ut, n, min_value, max_value, count, anomaly_count, flags); } /* * Releases the database reference from the handle for storing metrics. * Returns 1 if it's safe to delete the dimension. */ int rrdeng_store_metric_finalize(STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *collection_handle) { struct rrdeng_collect_handle *handle = (struct rrdeng_collect_handle *)collection_handle; struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = handle->page_index; uint8_t can_delete_metric = 0; rrdeng_store_metric_flush_current_page(collection_handle); uv_rwlock_wrlock(&page_index->lock); if (!--page_index->writers && !page_index->page_count) { can_delete_metric = 1; } uv_rwlock_wrunlock(&page_index->lock); freez(handle); return can_delete_metric; } void rrdeng_store_metric_change_collection_frequency(STORAGE_COLLECT_HANDLE *collection_handle, int update_every) { struct rrdeng_collect_handle *handle = (struct rrdeng_collect_handle *)collection_handle; struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = handle->page_index; rrdeng_store_metric_flush_current_page(collection_handle); uv_rwlock_rdlock(&page_index->lock); page_index->latest_update_every_s = update_every; uv_rwlock_rdunlock(&page_index->lock); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // query ops //static inline uint32_t *pginfo_to_dt(struct rrdeng_page_info *page_info) //{ // return (uint32_t *)&page_info->scratch[0]; //} // //static inline uint32_t *pginfo_to_points(struct rrdeng_page_info *page_info) //{ // return (uint32_t *)&page_info->scratch[sizeof(uint32_t)]; //} // /* * Gets a handle for loading metrics from the database. * The handle must be released with rrdeng_load_metric_final(). */ void rrdeng_load_metric_init(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *db_metric_handle, struct storage_engine_query_handle *rrdimm_handle, time_t start_time_s, time_t end_time_s) { struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = (struct pg_cache_page_index *)db_metric_handle; struct rrdengine_instance *ctx = page_index->ctx; // fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s/%s start time %ld, end time %ld\n", __FUNCTION__ , rd->rrdset->name, rd->name, start_time, end_time); struct rrdeng_query_handle *handle; unsigned pages_nr; if(!page_index->latest_update_every_s) page_index->latest_update_every_s = default_rrd_update_every; rrdimm_handle->start_time_s = start_time_s; rrdimm_handle->end_time_s = end_time_s; handle = callocz(1, sizeof(struct rrdeng_query_handle)); handle->wanted_start_time_s = start_time_s; handle->now_s = start_time_s; handle->position = 0; handle->ctx = ctx; handle->descr = NULL; handle->dt_s = page_index->latest_update_every_s; rrdimm_handle->handle = (STORAGE_QUERY_HANDLE *)handle; pages_nr = pg_cache_preload(ctx, &page_index->id, start_time_s * USEC_PER_SEC, end_time_s * USEC_PER_SEC, NULL, &handle->page_index); if (unlikely(NULL == handle->page_index || 0 == pages_nr)) // there are no metrics to load handle->wanted_start_time_s = INVALID_TIME; } static int rrdeng_load_page_next(struct storage_engine_query_handle *rrdimm_handle, bool debug_this __maybe_unused) { struct rrdeng_query_handle *handle = (struct rrdeng_query_handle *)rrdimm_handle->handle; struct rrdengine_instance *ctx = handle->ctx; struct rrdeng_page_descr *descr = handle->descr; uint32_t page_length; usec_t page_end_time_ut; unsigned position; if (likely(descr)) { // Drop old page's reference #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS rrd_stat_atomic_add(&ctx->stats.metric_API_consumers, -1); #endif pg_cache_put(ctx, descr); handle->descr = NULL; handle->wanted_start_time_s = (time_t)((handle->page_end_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC) + handle->dt_s); if (unlikely(handle->wanted_start_time_s > rrdimm_handle->end_time_s)) return 1; } usec_t wanted_start_time_ut = handle->wanted_start_time_s * USEC_PER_SEC; descr = pg_cache_lookup_next(ctx, handle->page_index, &handle->page_index->id, wanted_start_time_ut, rrdimm_handle->end_time_s * USEC_PER_SEC); if (NULL == descr) return 1; #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS rrd_stat_atomic_add(&ctx->stats.metric_API_consumers, 1); #endif handle->descr = descr; pg_cache_atomic_get_pg_info(descr, &page_end_time_ut, &page_length); if (unlikely(INVALID_TIME == descr->start_time_ut || INVALID_TIME == page_end_time_ut || 0 == descr->update_every_s)) { error("DBENGINE: discarding invalid page descriptor (start_time = %llu, end_time = %llu, update_every_s = %d)", descr->start_time_ut, page_end_time_ut, descr->update_every_s); return 1; } if (unlikely(descr->start_time_ut != page_end_time_ut && wanted_start_time_ut > descr->start_time_ut)) { // we're in the middle of the page somewhere unsigned entries = page_length / PAGE_POINT_SIZE_BYTES(descr); position = ((uint64_t)(wanted_start_time_ut - descr->start_time_ut)) * (entries - 1) / (page_end_time_ut - descr->start_time_ut); } else position = 0; handle->page_end_time_ut = page_end_time_ut; handle->page_length = page_length; handle->entries = page_length / PAGE_POINT_SIZE_BYTES(descr); handle->page = descr->pg_cache_descr->page; handle->dt_s = descr->update_every_s; handle->position = position; // if(debug_this) // info("DBENGINE: rrdeng_load_page_next(), " // "position:%d, " // "start_time_ut:%llu, " // "page_end_time_ut:%llu, " // "next_page_time_ut:%llu, " // "in_out:%s" // , position // , descr->start_time_ut // , page_end_time_ut // , // wanted_start_time_ut, in_out?"true":"false" // ); return 0; } // Returns the metric and sets its timestamp into current_time // IT IS REQUIRED TO **ALWAYS** SET ALL RETURN VALUES (current_time, end_time, flags) // IT IS REQUIRED TO **ALWAYS** KEEP TRACK OF TIME, EVEN OUTSIDE THE DATABASE BOUNDARIES STORAGE_POINT rrdeng_load_metric_next(struct storage_engine_query_handle *rrddim_handle) { struct rrdeng_query_handle *handle = (struct rrdeng_query_handle *)rrddim_handle->handle; // struct rrdeng_metric_handle *metric_handle = handle->metric_handle; struct rrdeng_page_descr *descr = handle->descr; time_t now = handle->now_s + handle->dt_s; // bool debug_this = false; // { // unsigned char u[16] = { 0x0C, 0x0A, 0x40, 0xD6, 0x2A, 0x43, 0x4A, 0x7C, 0x95, 0xF7, 0xD1, 0x1E, 0x0C, 0x9E, 0x8A, 0xE7 }; // if(uuid_compare(u, handle->page_index->id) == 0) { // char buffer[100]; // snprintfz(buffer, 100, "load system.cpu, now:%u, dt:%u, position:%u page_index first:%u, last:%u", // (uint32_t)(now), // (uint32_t)(handle->dt_s), // (uint32_t)(handle->position), // (uint32_t)(handle->page_index->oldest_time / USEC_PER_SEC), // (uint32_t)(handle->page_index->latest_time / USEC_PER_SEC)); // // print_page_cache_descr(descr, buffer, false); // debug_this = true; // } // } STORAGE_POINT sp; unsigned position = handle->position + 1; storage_number_tier1_t tier1_value; if (unlikely(INVALID_TIME == handle->wanted_start_time_s)) { handle->wanted_start_time_s = INVALID_TIME; handle->now_s = now; storage_point_empty(sp, now - handle->dt_s, now); return sp; } if (unlikely(!descr || position >= handle->entries)) { // We need to get a new page if(rrdeng_load_page_next(rrddim_handle, false)) { // next calls will not load any more metrics handle->wanted_start_time_s = INVALID_TIME; handle->now_s = now; storage_point_empty(sp, now - handle->dt_s, now); return sp; } descr = handle->descr; position = handle->position; now = (time_t)((descr->start_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC) + position * descr->update_every_s); // if(debug_this) { // char buffer[100]; // snprintfz(buffer, 100, "NEW PAGE system.cpu, now:%u, dt:%u, position:%u page_index first:%u, last:%u", // (uint32_t)(now), // (uint32_t)(handle->dt_s), // (uint32_t)(handle->position), // (uint32_t)(handle->page_index->oldest_time / USEC_PER_SEC), // (uint32_t)(handle->page_index->latest_time / USEC_PER_SEC)); // // print_page_cache_descr(descr, buffer, false); // } } sp.start_time = now - handle->dt_s; sp.end_time = now; handle->position = position; handle->now_s = now; switch(descr->type) { case PAGE_METRICS: { storage_number n = handle->page[position]; sp.min = sp.max = sp.sum = unpack_storage_number(n); sp.flags = n & SN_USER_FLAGS; sp.count = 1; sp.anomaly_count = is_storage_number_anomalous(n) ? 1 : 0; } break; case PAGE_TIER: { tier1_value = ((storage_number_tier1_t *)handle->page)[position]; sp.flags = tier1_value.anomaly_count ? SN_FLAG_NONE : SN_FLAG_NOT_ANOMALOUS; sp.count = tier1_value.count; sp.anomaly_count = tier1_value.anomaly_count; sp.min = tier1_value.min_value; sp.max = tier1_value.max_value; sp.sum = tier1_value.sum_value; } break; // we don't know this page type default: { static bool logged = false; if(!logged) { error("DBENGINE: unknown page type %d found. Cannot decode it. Ignoring its metrics.", descr->type); logged = true; } storage_point_empty(sp, sp.start_time, sp.end_time); } break; } if (unlikely(now >= rrddim_handle->end_time_s)) { // next calls will not load any more metrics handle->wanted_start_time_s = INVALID_TIME; } // if(debug_this) // info("DBENGINE: returning point: " // "time from %ld to %ld // query from %ld to %ld // wanted_start_time_s %ld" // , sp.start_time, sp.end_time // , rrddim_handle->start_time_s, rrddim_handle->end_time_s // , handle->wanted_start_time_s // ); return sp; } int rrdeng_load_metric_is_finished(struct storage_engine_query_handle *rrdimm_handle) { struct rrdeng_query_handle *handle = (struct rrdeng_query_handle *)rrdimm_handle->handle; return (INVALID_TIME == handle->wanted_start_time_s); } /* * Releases the database reference from the handle for loading metrics. */ void rrdeng_load_metric_finalize(struct storage_engine_query_handle *rrdimm_handle) { struct rrdeng_query_handle *handle = (struct rrdeng_query_handle *)rrdimm_handle->handle; struct rrdengine_instance *ctx = handle->ctx; struct rrdeng_page_descr *descr = handle->descr; if (descr) { #ifdef NETDATA_INTERNAL_CHECKS rrd_stat_atomic_add(&ctx->stats.metric_API_consumers, -1); #endif pg_cache_put(ctx, descr); } // whatever is allocated at rrdeng_load_metric_init() should be freed here freez(handle); rrdimm_handle->handle = NULL; } time_t rrdeng_metric_latest_time(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *db_metric_handle) { struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = (struct pg_cache_page_index *)db_metric_handle; return (time_t)(page_index->latest_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC); } time_t rrdeng_metric_oldest_time(STORAGE_METRIC_HANDLE *db_metric_handle) { struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = (struct pg_cache_page_index *)db_metric_handle; return (time_t)(page_index->oldest_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC); } int rrdeng_metric_retention_by_uuid(STORAGE_INSTANCE *si, uuid_t *dim_uuid, time_t *first_entry_t, time_t *last_entry_t) { struct page_cache *pg_cache; struct rrdengine_instance *ctx; Pvoid_t *PValue; struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = NULL; ctx = (struct rrdengine_instance *)si; if (unlikely(!ctx)) { error("DBENGINE: invalid STORAGE INSTANCE to %s()", __FUNCTION__); return 1; } pg_cache = &ctx->pg_cache; uv_rwlock_rdlock(&pg_cache->metrics_index.lock); PValue = JudyHSGet(pg_cache->metrics_index.JudyHS_array, dim_uuid, sizeof(uuid_t)); if (likely(NULL != PValue)) { page_index = *PValue; } uv_rwlock_rdunlock(&pg_cache->metrics_index.lock); if (likely(page_index)) { *first_entry_t = page_index->oldest_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC; *last_entry_t = page_index->latest_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC; return 0; } return 1; } /* Also gets a reference for the page */ void *rrdeng_create_page(struct rrdengine_instance *ctx, uuid_t *id, struct rrdeng_page_descr **ret_descr) { struct rrdeng_page_descr *descr; struct page_cache_descr *pg_cache_descr; void *page; /* TODO: check maximum number of pages in page cache limit */ descr = pg_cache_create_descr(); descr->id = id; /* TODO: add page type: metric, log, something? */ descr->type = ctx->page_type; page = dbengine_page_alloc(); /*TODO: add page size */ rrdeng_page_descr_mutex_lock(ctx, descr); pg_cache_descr = descr->pg_cache_descr; pg_cache_descr->page = page; pg_cache_descr->flags = RRD_PAGE_DIRTY /*| RRD_PAGE_LOCKED */ | RRD_PAGE_POPULATED /* | BEING_COLLECTED */; pg_cache_descr->refcnt = 1; debug(D_RRDENGINE, "Created new page:"); if (unlikely(debug_flags & D_RRDENGINE)) print_page_cache_descr(descr, "", true); rrdeng_page_descr_mutex_unlock(ctx, descr); *ret_descr = descr; return page; } /* The page must not be empty */ void rrdeng_commit_page(struct rrdengine_instance *ctx, struct rrdeng_page_descr *descr, Word_t page_correlation_id) { struct page_cache *pg_cache = &ctx->pg_cache; Pvoid_t *PValue; unsigned nr_committed_pages; if (unlikely(NULL == descr)) { debug(D_RRDENGINE, "%s: page descriptor is NULL, page has already been force-committed.", __func__); return; } fatal_assert(descr->page_length); uv_rwlock_wrlock(&pg_cache->committed_page_index.lock); PValue = JudyLIns(&pg_cache->committed_page_index.JudyL_array, page_correlation_id, PJE0); *PValue = descr; nr_committed_pages = ++pg_cache->committed_page_index.nr_committed_pages; uv_rwlock_wrunlock(&pg_cache->committed_page_index.lock); if (nr_committed_pages >= pg_cache_hard_limit(ctx) / 2) { /* over 50% of pages have not been committed yet */ if (ctx->drop_metrics_under_page_cache_pressure && nr_committed_pages >= pg_cache_committed_hard_limit(ctx)) { /* 100% of pages are dirty */ struct rrdeng_cmd cmd; cmd.opcode = RRDENG_INVALIDATE_OLDEST_MEMORY_PAGE; rrdeng_enq_cmd(&ctx->worker_config, &cmd); } else { if (0 == (unsigned long) ctx->stats.pg_cache_over_half_dirty_events) { /* only print the first time */ errno = 0; error("Failed to flush dirty buffers quickly enough in dbengine instance \"%s\". " "Metric data at risk of not being stored in the database, " "please reduce disk load or use a faster disk.", ctx->dbfiles_path); } rrd_stat_atomic_add(&ctx->stats.pg_cache_over_half_dirty_events, 1); rrd_stat_atomic_add(&global_pg_cache_over_half_dirty_events, 1); } } pg_cache_put(ctx, descr); } /* Gets a reference for the page */ void *rrdeng_get_latest_page(struct rrdengine_instance *ctx, uuid_t *id, void **handle) { struct rrdeng_page_descr *descr; struct page_cache_descr *pg_cache_descr; debug(D_RRDENGINE, "Reading existing page:"); descr = pg_cache_lookup(ctx, NULL, id, INVALID_TIME); if (NULL == descr) { *handle = NULL; return NULL; } *handle = descr; pg_cache_descr = descr->pg_cache_descr; return pg_cache_descr->page; } /* Gets a reference for the page */ void *rrdeng_get_page(struct rrdengine_instance *ctx, uuid_t *id, usec_t point_in_time_ut, void **handle) { struct rrdeng_page_descr *descr; struct page_cache_descr *pg_cache_descr; debug(D_RRDENGINE, "Reading existing page:"); descr = pg_cache_lookup(ctx, NULL, id, point_in_time_ut); if (NULL == descr) { *handle = NULL; return NULL; } *handle = descr; pg_cache_descr = descr->pg_cache_descr; return pg_cache_descr->page; } /* * Gathers Database Engine statistics. * Careful when modifying this function. * You must not change the indices of the statistics or user code will break. * You must not exceed RRDENG_NR_STATS or it will crash. */ void rrdeng_get_37_statistics(struct rrdengine_instance *ctx, unsigned long long *array) { if (ctx == NULL) return; struct page_cache *pg_cache = &ctx->pg_cache; array[0] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.metric_API_producers; array[1] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.metric_API_consumers; array[2] = (uint64_t)pg_cache->page_descriptors; array[3] = (uint64_t)pg_cache->populated_pages; array[4] = (uint64_t)pg_cache->committed_page_index.nr_committed_pages; array[5] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.pg_cache_insertions; array[6] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.pg_cache_deletions; array[7] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.pg_cache_hits; array[8] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.pg_cache_misses; array[9] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.pg_cache_backfills; array[10] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.pg_cache_evictions; array[11] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.before_compress_bytes; array[12] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.after_compress_bytes; array[13] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.before_decompress_bytes; array[14] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.after_decompress_bytes; array[15] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.io_write_bytes; array[16] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.io_write_requests; array[17] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.io_read_bytes; array[18] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.io_read_requests; array[19] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.io_write_extent_bytes; array[20] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.io_write_extents; array[21] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.io_read_extent_bytes; array[22] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.io_read_extents; array[23] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.datafile_creations; array[24] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.datafile_deletions; array[25] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.journalfile_creations; array[26] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.journalfile_deletions; array[27] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.page_cache_descriptors; array[28] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.io_errors; array[29] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.fs_errors; array[30] = (uint64_t)global_io_errors; array[31] = (uint64_t)global_fs_errors; array[32] = (uint64_t)rrdeng_reserved_file_descriptors; array[33] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.pg_cache_over_half_dirty_events; array[34] = (uint64_t)global_pg_cache_over_half_dirty_events; array[35] = (uint64_t)ctx->stats.flushing_pressure_page_deletions; array[36] = (uint64_t)global_flushing_pressure_page_deletions; fatal_assert(RRDENG_NR_STATS == 37); } /* Releases reference to page */ void rrdeng_put_page(struct rrdengine_instance *ctx, void *handle) { (void)ctx; pg_cache_put(ctx, (struct rrdeng_page_descr *)handle); } /* * Returns 0 on success, negative on error */ int rrdeng_init(RRDHOST *host, struct rrdengine_instance **ctxp, char *dbfiles_path, unsigned page_cache_mb, unsigned disk_space_mb, size_t tier) { struct rrdengine_instance *ctx; int error; uint32_t max_open_files; max_open_files = rlimit_nofile.rlim_cur / 4; /* reserve RRDENG_FD_BUDGET_PER_INSTANCE file descriptors for this instance */ rrd_stat_atomic_add(&rrdeng_reserved_file_descriptors, RRDENG_FD_BUDGET_PER_INSTANCE); if (rrdeng_reserved_file_descriptors > max_open_files) { error( "Exceeded the budget of available file descriptors (%u/%u), cannot create new dbengine instance.", (unsigned)rrdeng_reserved_file_descriptors, (unsigned)max_open_files); rrd_stat_atomic_add(&global_fs_errors, 1); rrd_stat_atomic_add(&rrdeng_reserved_file_descriptors, -RRDENG_FD_BUDGET_PER_INSTANCE); return UV_EMFILE; } if(NULL == ctxp) { ctx = multidb_ctx[tier]; memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(*ctx)); } else { *ctxp = ctx = callocz(1, sizeof(*ctx)); } ctx->tier = tier; ctx->page_type = tier_page_type[tier]; ctx->global_compress_alg = RRD_LZ4; if (page_cache_mb < RRDENG_MIN_PAGE_CACHE_SIZE_MB) page_cache_mb = RRDENG_MIN_PAGE_CACHE_SIZE_MB; ctx->max_cache_pages = page_cache_mb * (1048576LU / RRDENG_BLOCK_SIZE); /* try to keep 5% of the page cache free */ ctx->cache_pages_low_watermark = (ctx->max_cache_pages * 95LLU) / 100; if (disk_space_mb < RRDENG_MIN_DISK_SPACE_MB) disk_space_mb = RRDENG_MIN_DISK_SPACE_MB; ctx->max_disk_space = disk_space_mb * 1048576LLU; strncpyz(ctx->dbfiles_path, dbfiles_path, sizeof(ctx->dbfiles_path) - 1); ctx->dbfiles_path[sizeof(ctx->dbfiles_path) - 1] = '\0'; if (NULL == host) strncpyz(ctx->machine_guid, registry_get_this_machine_guid(), GUID_LEN); else strncpyz(ctx->machine_guid, host->machine_guid, GUID_LEN); ctx->drop_metrics_under_page_cache_pressure = rrdeng_drop_metrics_under_page_cache_pressure; ctx->metric_API_max_producers = 0; ctx->quiesce = NO_QUIESCE; ctx->host = host; memset(&ctx->worker_config, 0, sizeof(ctx->worker_config)); ctx->worker_config.ctx = ctx; init_page_cache(ctx); init_commit_log(ctx); error = init_rrd_files(ctx); if (error) { goto error_after_init_rrd_files; } completion_init(&ctx->rrdengine_completion); fatal_assert(0 == uv_thread_create(&ctx->worker_config.thread, rrdeng_worker, &ctx->worker_config)); /* wait for worker thread to initialize */ completion_wait_for(&ctx->rrdengine_completion); completion_destroy(&ctx->rrdengine_completion); uv_thread_set_name_np(ctx->worker_config.thread, "LIBUV_WORKER"); if (ctx->worker_config.error) { goto error_after_rrdeng_worker; } // error = metalog_init(ctx); // if (error) { // error("Failed to initialize metadata log file event loop."); // goto error_after_rrdeng_worker; // } return 0; error_after_rrdeng_worker: finalize_rrd_files(ctx); error_after_init_rrd_files: free_page_cache(ctx); if (!is_storage_engine_shared((STORAGE_INSTANCE *)ctx)) { freez(ctx); if (ctxp) *ctxp = NULL; } rrd_stat_atomic_add(&rrdeng_reserved_file_descriptors, -RRDENG_FD_BUDGET_PER_INSTANCE); return UV_EIO; } /* * Returns 0 on success, 1 on error */ int rrdeng_exit(struct rrdengine_instance *ctx) { struct rrdeng_cmd cmd; if (NULL == ctx) { return 1; } /* TODO: add page to page cache */ cmd.opcode = RRDENG_SHUTDOWN; rrdeng_enq_cmd(&ctx->worker_config, &cmd); fatal_assert(0 == uv_thread_join(&ctx->worker_config.thread)); finalize_rrd_files(ctx); //metalog_exit(ctx->metalog_ctx); free_page_cache(ctx); if(!is_storage_engine_shared((STORAGE_INSTANCE *)ctx)) freez(ctx); rrd_stat_atomic_add(&rrdeng_reserved_file_descriptors, -RRDENG_FD_BUDGET_PER_INSTANCE); return 0; } void rrdeng_prepare_exit(struct rrdengine_instance *ctx) { struct rrdeng_cmd cmd; if (NULL == ctx) { return; } completion_init(&ctx->rrdengine_completion); cmd.opcode = RRDENG_QUIESCE; rrdeng_enq_cmd(&ctx->worker_config, &cmd); /* wait for dbengine to quiesce */ completion_wait_for(&ctx->rrdengine_completion); completion_destroy(&ctx->rrdengine_completion); //metalog_prepare_exit(ctx->metalog_ctx); } RRDENG_SIZE_STATS rrdeng_size_statistics(struct rrdengine_instance *ctx) { RRDENG_SIZE_STATS stats = { 0 }; for(struct pg_cache_page_index *page_index = ctx->pg_cache.metrics_index.last_page_index; page_index != NULL ;page_index = page_index->prev) { stats.metrics++; stats.metrics_pages += page_index->page_count; } for(struct rrdengine_datafile *df = ctx->datafiles.first; df ;df = df->next) { stats.datafiles++; for(struct extent_info *ei = df->extents.first; ei ; ei = ei->next) { stats.extents++; stats.extents_compressed_bytes += ei->size; for(int p = 0; p < ei->number_of_pages ;p++) { struct rrdeng_page_descr *descr = ei->pages[p]; usec_t update_every_usec; size_t points = descr->page_length / PAGE_POINT_SIZE_BYTES(descr); if(likely(points > 1)) update_every_usec = (descr->end_time_ut - descr->start_time_ut) / (points - 1); else { update_every_usec = default_rrd_update_every * get_tier_grouping(ctx->tier) * USEC_PER_SEC; stats.single_point_pages++; } time_t duration_secs = (time_t)((descr->end_time_ut - descr->start_time_ut + update_every_usec)/USEC_PER_SEC); stats.extents_pages++; stats.pages_uncompressed_bytes += descr->page_length; stats.pages_duration_secs += duration_secs; stats.points += points; stats.page_types[descr->type].pages++; stats.page_types[descr->type].pages_uncompressed_bytes += descr->page_length; stats.page_types[descr->type].pages_duration_secs += duration_secs; stats.page_types[descr->type].points += points; if(!stats.first_t || (descr->start_time_ut - update_every_usec) < stats.first_t) stats.first_t = (descr->start_time_ut - update_every_usec) / USEC_PER_SEC; if(!stats.last_t || descr->end_time_ut > stats.last_t) stats.last_t = descr->end_time_ut / USEC_PER_SEC; } } } stats.currently_collected_metrics = ctx->stats.metric_API_producers; stats.max_concurrently_collected_metrics = ctx->metric_API_max_producers; internal_error(stats.metrics_pages != stats.extents_pages + stats.currently_collected_metrics, "DBENGINE: metrics pages is %zu, but extents pages is %zu and API consumers is %zu", stats.metrics_pages, stats.extents_pages, stats.currently_collected_metrics); stats.disk_space = ctx->disk_space; stats.max_disk_space = ctx->max_disk_space; stats.database_retention_secs = (time_t)(stats.last_t - stats.first_t); if(stats.extents_pages) stats.average_page_size_bytes = (double)stats.pages_uncompressed_bytes / (double)stats.extents_pages; if(stats.pages_uncompressed_bytes > 0) stats.average_compression_savings = 100.0 - ((double)stats.extents_compressed_bytes * 100.0 / (double)stats.pages_uncompressed_bytes); if(stats.points) stats.average_point_duration_secs = (double)stats.pages_duration_secs / (double)stats.points; if(stats.metrics) { stats.average_metric_retention_secs = (double)stats.pages_duration_secs / (double)stats.metrics; if(stats.database_retention_secs) { double metric_coverage = stats.average_metric_retention_secs / (double)stats.database_retention_secs; double db_retention_days = (double)stats.database_retention_secs / 86400.0; stats.estimated_concurrently_collected_metrics = stats.metrics * metric_coverage; stats.ephemeral_metrics_per_day_percent = ((double)stats.metrics * 100.0 / (double)stats.estimated_concurrently_collected_metrics - 100.0) / (double)db_retention_days; } } stats.sizeof_metric = struct_natural_alignment(sizeof(struct pg_cache_page_index) + sizeof(struct pg_alignment)); stats.sizeof_page = struct_natural_alignment(sizeof(struct rrdeng_page_descr)); stats.sizeof_datafile = struct_natural_alignment(sizeof(struct rrdengine_datafile)) + struct_natural_alignment(sizeof(struct rrdengine_journalfile)); stats.sizeof_page_in_cache = struct_natural_alignment(sizeof(struct page_cache_descr)); stats.sizeof_point_data = page_type_size[ctx->page_type]; stats.sizeof_page_data = RRDENG_BLOCK_SIZE; stats.pages_per_extent = rrdeng_pages_per_extent; stats.sizeof_extent = sizeof(struct extent_info); stats.sizeof_page_in_extent = sizeof(struct rrdeng_page_descr *); stats.sizeof_metric_in_index = 40; stats.sizeof_page_in_index = 24; stats.default_granularity_secs = (size_t)default_rrd_update_every * get_tier_grouping(ctx->tier); return stats; }