@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ jsmntok_t *json_tokenise(char *js, size_t len, size_t *count)
* Callback Print
- * Set callback print case necesary and wrinte an information inside a buffer to write in the log.
+ * Set callback print case necessary and wrinte an information inside a buffer to write in the log.
* @param e a pointer for a structure that has the complete information about json structure.
@@ -518,8 +518,8 @@ size_t json_walk_tree(char *js, jsmntok_t *t, void *callback_data, int (*callbac
* @param callback_data additional data to be used together the callback function
* @param callback_function function used to create a silencer.
- * @return JSON_OK case everything happend as expected, JSON_CANNOT_PARSE case there were errors in the
- * parsing procces and JSON_CANNOT_DOWNLOAD case the string given(js) is NULL.
+ * @return JSON_OK case everything happened as expected, JSON_CANNOT_PARSE case there were errors in the
+ * parsing process and JSON_CANNOT_DOWNLOAD case the string given(js) is NULL.
int json_parse(char *js, void *callback_data, int (*callback_function)(JSON_ENTRY *))