@@ -1718,8 +1718,7 @@ void rrdset_timed_done(RRDSET *st, struct timeval now, bool pending_rrdset_next)
// check if we will re-write the entire data set
if(unlikely(dt_usec(&st->last_collected_time, &st->last_updated) > st->db.entries * update_every_ut &&
st->rrd_memory_mode != RRD_MEMORY_MODE_DBENGINE)) {
- netdata_log_info(
- "'%s': too old data (last updated at %"PRId64".%"PRId64", last collected at %"PRId64".%"PRId64"). "
+ nd_log_daemon(NDLP_DEBUG, "'%s': too old data (last updated at %" PRId64 ".%" PRId64 ", last collected at %" PRId64 ".%" PRId64 "). "
"Resetting it. Will not store the next entry.",