@@ -29,10 +29,12 @@ DUMP_CMDS=0
-LINUX_INIT_TYPES="wsl systemd openrc lsb initd runit"
+LINUX_INIT_TYPES="systemd openrc lsb initd runit"
PLATFORM="$(uname -s)"
+WSL_ERROR_MSG="We appear to be running in WSL and were unable to find a usable service manager. We currently support systemd, LSB init scripts, and traditional init.d style init scripts when running under WSL."
# =====================================================================
# Utility functions
@@ -157,6 +159,7 @@ USAGE: install-service.sh [options]
--source Specify where to find the service files to install (default ${SVC_SOURCE}).
--type Specify the type of service file to install. Specify a type of 'help' to get a list of valid types for your platform.
+ --show-type Display information about what service managers are detected.
--cmds Additionally print a list of commands for starting and stopping the agent with the detected service type.
--export-cmds Export the variables that would be printed by the --cmds option.
--cmds-only Don't install, just handle the --cmds or --export-cmds option.
@@ -176,30 +179,27 @@ HEREDOC
# =====================================================================
# systemd support functions
-issystemd() {
+_check_systemd() {
- systemctl=''
# if the directory /lib/systemd/system OR /usr/lib/systemd/system (SLES 12.x) does not exit, it is not systemd
if [ ! -d /lib/systemd/system ] && [ ! -d /usr/lib/systemd/system ]; then
- return 1
+ echo "NO" && return 0
# if there is no systemctl command, it is not systemd
- systemctl=$(command -v systemctl 2> /dev/null)
- if [ -z "${systemctl}" ] || [ ! -x "${systemctl}" ]; then
- return 1
- fi
+ [ -z "$(command -v systemctl 2>/dev/null || true)" ] && echo "NO" && return 0
# if pid 1 is systemd, it is systemd
- [ "$(basename "$(readlink /proc/1/exe)" 2> /dev/null)" = "systemd" ] && return 0
+ [ "$(basename "$(readlink /proc/1/exe)" 2> /dev/null)" = "systemd" ] && echo "YES" && return 0
- # if systemd is not running, it is not systemd
+ # it ‘is’ systemd at this point, but systemd might not be running
+ # if not, return 2 to indicate ‘systemd, but not running’
pids=$(safe_pidof systemd 2> /dev/null)
- [ -z "${pids}" ] && return 1
+ [ -z "${pids}" ] && echo "OFFLINE" && return 0
# check if the running systemd processes are not in our namespace
myns="$(readlink /proc/self/ns/pid 2> /dev/null)"
@@ -207,20 +207,19 @@ issystemd() {
ns="$(readlink "/proc/${p}/ns/pid" 2> /dev/null)"
# if pid of systemd is in our namespace, it is systemd
- [ -n "${myns}" ] && [ "${myns}" = "${ns}" ] && return 0
+ [ -n "${myns}" ] && [ "${myns}" = "${ns}" ] && echo "YES" && return 0
# else, it is not systemd
- return 1
+ echo "NO"
check_systemd() {
if [ -z "${IS_SYSTEMD}" ]; then
- issystemd
+ IS_SYSTEMD="$(_check_systemd)"
- return "${IS_SYSTEMD}"
+ echo "${IS_SYSTEMD}"
get_systemd_service_dir() {
@@ -259,50 +258,61 @@ install_systemd_service() {
exit 4
- if ! systemctl daemon-reload; then
- warning "Failed to reload systemd unit files."
- fi
+ if check_systemd; then
+ if ! systemctl daemon-reload; then
+ warning "Failed to reload systemd unit files."
+ fi
- if ! systemctl ${ENABLE} netdata; then
- warning "Failed to ${ENABLE} Netdata service."
+ if ! systemctl ${ENABLE} netdata; then
+ warning "Failed to ${ENABLE} Netdata service."
+ fi
systemd_cmds() {
- NETDATA_START_CMD='systemctl start netdata'
- NETDATA_STOP_CMD='systemctl stop netdata'
+ if check_systemd; then
+ NETDATA_START_CMD='systemctl start netdata'
+ NETDATA_STOP_CMD='systemctl stop netdata'
+ else # systemd is not running, use external defaults by providing no commands
+ warning "Detected systemd, but not booted using systemd. Unable to provide commands to start or stop Netdata using the service manager."
+ fi
# =====================================================================
# OpenRC support functions
-isopenrc() {
+_check_openrc() {
# if /lib/rc/sh/functions.sh does not exist, it's not OpenRC
- [ ! -f /lib/rc/sh/functions.sh ] && return 1
+ [ ! -f /lib/rc/sh/functions.sh ] && echo "NO" && return 0
# if there is no /etc/init.d, it's not OpenRC
- [ ! -d /etc/init.d ] && return 1
+ [ ! -d /etc/init.d ] && echo "NO" && return 0
- # if PID 1 is openrc-init, it's OpenRC
- [ "$(basename "$(readlink /proc/1/exe)" 2> /dev/null)" = "openrc-init" ] && return 0
+ # if there is no rc-update command, it's not OpenRC
+ [ -z "$(command -v rc-update 2>/dev/null || true)" ] && echo "NO" && return 0
# If /run/openrc/softlevel exists, it's OpenRC
- [ -f /run/openrc/softlevel ] && return 0
+ [ -f /run/openrc/softlevel ] && echo "YES" && return 0
+ # if PID 1 is openrc-init, it's OpenRC
+ [ "$(basename "$(readlink /proc/1/exe)" 2> /dev/null)" = "openrc-init" ] && echo "YES" && return 0
- # if there is an openrc command, it's OpenRC
- command -v openrc > /dev/null 2>&1 && return 0
+ # if there is an openrc command, it's OpenRC, but not booted as such
+ [ -n "$(command -v openrc 2>/dev/null || true)" ] && echo "OFFLINE" && return 0
+ # if /etc/init.d/local exists and has `openrc-run` in it's shebang line, it’s OpenRC, but not booted as such
+ [ -r /etc/init.d/local ] && head -n 1 /etc/init.d/local | grep -q openrc-run && echo "OFFLINE" && return 0
# Otherwise, it’s not OpenRC
- return 1
+ echo "NO" && return 0
check_openrc() {
if [ -z "${IS_OPENRC}" ]; then
- isopenrc
- IS_OPENRC="$?"
+ IS_OPENRC="$(_check_openrc)"
- return "${IS_OPENRC}"
+ echo "${IS_OPENRC}"
enable_openrc() {
@@ -329,39 +339,49 @@ install_openrc_service() {
openrc_cmds() {
- NETDATA_START_CMD='rc-service netdata start'
- NETDATA_STOP_CMD='rc-service netdata stop'
+ if check_openrc; then
+ NETDATA_START_CMD='rc-service netdata start'
+ NETDATA_STOP_CMD='rc-service netdata stop'
+ else # Not booted using OpenRC, use external defaults by not providing commands.
+ warning "Detected OpenRC, but the system is not booted using OpenRC. Unable to provide commands to start or stop Netdata using the service manager."
+ fi
# =====================================================================
# LSB init script support functions
-islsb() {
+_check_lsb_ignore_systemd() {
# if there is no /etc/init.d directory, it’s not an LSB system
- [ ! -d /etc/init.d ] && return 1
+ [ ! -d /etc/init.d ] && echo "NO" && return 0
# If it's an OpenRC system, then it's not an LSB system
- check_openrc && return 1
+ [ "$(check_openrc)" != "NO" ] && echo "NO" && return 0
# If /lib/lsb/init-functions exists, it’s an LSB system
- [ -f /lib/lsb/init-functions ] && return 0
+ [ -f /lib/lsb/init-functions ] && echo "YES" && return 0
+ echo "NO" && return 0
- return 1
+_check_lsb() {
+ # if there is _any_ systemd, it’s not an LSB system
+ [ "$(check_systemd)" != "NO" ] && echo "NO" && return 0
+ _check_lsb_ignore_systemd
check_lsb() {
if [ -z "${IS_LSB}" ]; then
- islsb
- IS_LSB="$?"
+ IS_LSB="$(_check_lsb)"
- return "${IS_LSB}"
+ echo "${IS_LSB}"
enable_lsb() {
if ! update-rc.d netdata defaults; then
warning "Failed to enable Netdata service."
- elif ! update-rc.d netdata defaults-disable; then
+ elif ! update-rc.d netdata defaults-disabled; then
warning "Failed to fully enable Netdata service."
@@ -377,38 +397,42 @@ install_lsb_service() {
lsb_cmds() {
- if command -v service >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- NETDATA_START_CMD='service netdata start'
- NETDATA_STOP_CMD='service netdata stop'
- else
- NETDATA_START_CMD='/etc/init.d/netdata start'
- NETDATA_STOP_CMD='/etc/init.d/netdata stop'
- fi
+ NETDATA_START_CMD='/etc/init.d/netdata start'
+ NETDATA_STOP_CMD='/etc/init.d/netdata stop'
# =====================================================================
# init.d init script support functions
-isinitd() {
+_check_initd_ignore_systemd() {
# if there is no /etc/init.d directory, it’s not an init.d system
- [ ! -d /etc/init.d ] && return 1
+ [ ! -d /etc/init.d ] && echo "NO" && return 1
# if there is no chkconfig command, it's not a (usable) init.d system
- command -v chkconfig >/dev/null 2>&1 || return 1
+ [ -z "$(command -v chkconfig 2>/dev/null || true)" ] && echo "NO" && return 0
+ # if there is _any_ openrc, it’s not init.d
+ [ "$(check_openrc)" != "NO" ] && echo "NO" && return 0
# if it's not an LSB setup, it’s init.d
- check_initd || return 0
+ [ "$(check_lsb)" != "NO" ] && echo "NO" && return 0
- return 1
+ echo "YES" && return 0
+_check_initd() {
+ # if there is _any_ systemd, it’s not init.d
+ [ "$(check_systemd)" != "NO" ] && echo "NO" && return 0
+ _check_initd_ignore_systemd
check_initd() {
if [ -z "${IS_INITD}" ]; then
- isinitd
- IS_INITD="$?"
+ IS_INITD="$(_check_initd)"
- return "${IS_INITD}"
+ echo "${IS_INITD}"
enable_initd() {
@@ -428,13 +452,8 @@ install_initd_service() {
initd_cmds() {
- if command -v service >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- NETDATA_START_CMD='service netdata start'
- NETDATA_STOP_CMD='service netdata stop'
- else
- NETDATA_START_CMD='/etc/init.d/netdata start'
- NETDATA_STOP_CMD='/etc/init.d/netdata stop'
- fi
+ NETDATA_START_CMD='/etc/init.d/netdata start'
+ NETDATA_STOP_CMD='/etc/init.d/netdata stop'
# =====================================================================
@@ -442,29 +461,28 @@ initd_cmds() {
# Currently not supported, this exists to provide useful error messages.
-isrunit() {
- # if there is no /lib/rc/sv.d, then it's not runit
- [ ! -d /lib/rc/sv.d ] && return 1
+_check_runit() {
+ # if there is no runsvdir command, then it's not runit
+ [ -z "$(command -v runsvdir 2>/dev/null || true)" ] && echo "NO" && return 0
# if there is no runit command, then it's not runit
- command -v runit >/dev/null 2>&1 || return 1
+ [ -z "$(command -v runit 2>/dev/null || true)" ] && echo "NO" && return 0
# if /run/runit exists, then it's runit
- [ -d /run/runit ] && return 0
+ [ -d /run/runit ] && echo "YES" && return 0
# if /etc/runit/1 exists and is executable, then it's runit
- [ -x /etc/runit/1 ] && return 0
+ [ -x /etc/runit/1 ] && echo "YES" && return 0
- return 1
+ echo "NO" && return 0
check_runit() {
if [ -z "${IS_RUNIT}" ]; then
- isrunit
- IS_RUNIT="$?"
+ IS_RUNIT="$(_check_runit)"
- return "${IS_RUNIT}"
+ echo "${IS_RUNIT}"
install_runit_service() {
@@ -482,34 +500,33 @@ runit_cmds() {
# Cannot be supported, this exists to provide useful error messages.
-iswsl() {
+_check_wsl() {
# If uname -r contains the string WSL, then it's WSL.
- uname -r | grep -q 'WSL' && return 0
+ uname -r | grep -q 'WSL' && echo "YES" && return 0
# If uname -r contains the string Microsoft, then it's WSL.
# This probably throws a false positive on CBL-Mariner, but it's part of what MS officially recommends for
# detecting if you're running under WSL.
- uname -r | grep -q "Microsoft" && return 0
+ uname -r | grep -q "Microsoft" && echo "YES" && return 0
- return 1
+ echo "NO" && return 0
check_wsl() {
if [ -z "${IS_WSL}" ]; then
- iswsl
- IS_WSL="$?"
+ IS_WSL="$(_check_wsl)"
- return "${IS_WSL}"
+ echo "${IS_WSL}"
install_wsl_service() {
- error "We appear to be running in WSL. Netdata cannot be automatically installed as a service under WSL."
+ error "${WSL_ERROR_MSG}"
exit 3
wsl_cmds() {
- error "We appear to be running in WSL. Netdata cannot be automatically installed as a service under WSL."
+ error "${WSL_ERROR_MSG}"
exit 3
@@ -564,21 +581,47 @@ darwin_cmds() {
detect_linux_svc_type() {
if [ "${SVC_TYPE}" = "detect" ]; then
- for t in ${LINUX_INIT_TYPES}; do
- if "check_${t}"; then
- SVC_TYPE="${t}"
- break
- fi
+ found_types=''
+ for t in wsl ${LINUX_INIT_TYPES}; do
+ case "$("check_${t}")" in
+ YES)
+ SVC_TYPE="${t}"
+ break
+ ;;
+ NO) continue ;;
+ if [ -z "${found_types}" ]; then
+ found_types="${t}"
+ else
+ found_types="${found_types} ${t}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
if [ "${SVC_TYPE}" = "detect" ]; then
- error "Failed to detect what type of service manager is in use."
- else
- echo "${SVC_TYPE}"
+ if [ -z "${found_types}" ]; then
+ error "Failed to detect what type of service manager is in use."
+ else
+ SVC_TYPE="$(echo "${found_types}" | cut -f 1 -d ' ')"
+ warning "Failed to detect a running service manager, using detected (but not running) ${SVC_TYPE}."
+ fi
+ elif [ "${SVC_TYPE}" = "wsl" ]; then
+ if [ "$(check_systemd)" = "YES" ]; then
+ # Support for systemd in WSL.
+ SVC_TYPE="systemd"
+ elif [ "$(_check_lsb_ignore_systemd)" = "YES" ]; then
+ # Support for LSB init.d in WSL.
+ SVC_TYPE="lsb"
+ elif [ "$(_check_initd_ignore_systemd)" = "YES" ]; then
+ # Support for ‘generic’ init.d in WSL.
+ SVC_TYPE="initd"
+ fi
- else
- echo "${SVC_TYPE}"
+ echo "${SVC_TYPE}"
install_linux_service() {
@@ -601,6 +644,38 @@ linux_cmds() {
+# =====================================================================
+# Service type display function
+show_service_type() {
+ info "Detected platform: ${PLATFORM}"
+ case "${PLATFORM}" in
+ FreeBSD)
+ info "Detected service managers:"
+ info " - freebsd: YES"
+ info "Would use freebsd service management."
+ ;;
+ Darwin)
+ info "Detected service managers:"
+ info " - launchd: YES"
+ info "Would use launchd service management."
+ ;;
+ Linux)
+ [ "$(check_wsl)" = "YES" ] && info "Detected WSL environment."
+ info "Detected service managers:"
+ for t in ${LINUX_INIT_TYPES}; do
+ info " - ${t}: $("check_${t}")"
+ done
+ info "Would use $(detect_linux_svc_type) service management."
+ ;;
+ *)
+ info "${PLATFORM} is not supported by this script. No service file would be installed."
+ esac
+ exit 0
# =====================================================================
# Argument handling
@@ -620,6 +695,7 @@ parse_args() {
shift 1
+ "--show-type") SHOW_SVC_TYPE=1 ; INSTALL=0 ;;
if [ -z "${2}" ]; then
info "No path specified to save command variables."
@@ -671,28 +747,33 @@ main() {
parse_args "${@}"
- case "${PLATFORM}" in
- FreeBSD)
- [ "${INSTALL}" -eq 1 ] && install_freebsd_service
- freebsd_cmds
- ;;
- Darwin)
- [ "${INSTALL}" -eq 1 ] && install_darwin_service
- darwin_cmds
- ;;
- Linux)
- [ "${INSTALL}" -eq 1 ] && install_linux_service
- linux_cmds
- ;;
- *)
- error "${PLATFORM} is not supported by this script."
- exit 5
- ;;
- esac
+ if [ "${SHOW_SVC_TYPE}" -eq 1 ]; then
+ show_service_type
+ else
+ case "${PLATFORM}" in
+ FreeBSD)
+ [ "${INSTALL}" -eq 1 ] && install_freebsd_service
+ freebsd_cmds
+ ;;
+ Darwin)
+ [ "${INSTALL}" -eq 1 ] && install_darwin_service
+ darwin_cmds
+ ;;
+ Linux)
+ [ "${INSTALL}" -eq 1 ] && install_linux_service
+ linux_cmds
+ ;;
+ *)
+ error "${PLATFORM} is not supported by this script."
+ exit 5
+ ;;
+ esac
+ [ "${DUMP_CMDS}" -eq 1 ] && dump_cmds
+ [ "${EXPORT_CMDS}" -eq 1 ] && export_cmds
+ [ -n "${SAVE_CMDS_PATH}" ] && save_cmds
+ fi
- [ "${DUMP_CMDS}" -eq 1 ] && dump_cmds
- [ "${EXPORT_CMDS}" -eq 1 ] && export_cmds
- [ -n "${SAVE_CMDS_PATH}" ] && save_cmds
exit 0