@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ configure any of these collectors according to your setup and infrastructure.
- [ISC DHCP (Go)](https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/agent/collectors/go.d.plugin/modules/isc_dhcpd): Reads a
`dhcpd.leases` file and collects metrics on total active leases, pool active leases, and pool utilization.
- [ISC DHCP (Python)](/collectors/python.d.plugin/isc_dhcpd/README.md): Reads `dhcpd.leases` file and reports DHCP
- pools utiliation and leases statistics (total number, leases per pool).
+ pools utilization and leases statistics (total number, leases per pool).
- [OpenLDAP](/collectors/python.d.plugin/openldap/README.md): Provides statistics information from the OpenLDAP
(`slapd`) server.
- [NSD](/collectors/python.d.plugin/nsd/README.md): Monitor nameserver performance metrics using the `nsd-control`
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ The Netdata Agent can collect these system- and hardware-level metrics using a v
- [BCACHE](/collectors/proc.plugin/README.md): Monitor BCACHE statistics with the the `proc.plugin` collector.
- [Block devices](/collectors/proc.plugin/README.md): Gather metrics about the health and performance of block
devices using the the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [Btrfs](/collectors/proc.plugin/README.md): Montiors Btrfs filesystems with the the `proc.plugin` collector.
+- [Btrfs](/collectors/proc.plugin/README.md): Monitors Btrfs filesystems with the the `proc.plugin` collector.
- [Device mapper](/collectors/proc.plugin/README.md): Gather metrics about the Linux device mapper with the proc
- [Disk space](/collectors/diskspace.plugin/README.md): Collect disk space usage metrics on Linux mount points.
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ The Netdata Agent can collect these system- and hardware-level metrics using a v
- [systemd](/collectors/cgroups.plugin/README.md): Monitor the CPU and memory usage of systemd services using the
`cgroups.plugin` collector.
- [systemd unit states](https://learn.netdata.cloud/docs/agent/collectors/go.d.plugin/modules/systemdunits): See the
- state (active, inactive, activating, deactiviating, failed) of various systemd unit types.
+ state (active, inactive, activating, deactivating, failed) of various systemd unit types.
- [System processes](/collectors/proc.plugin/README.md): Collect metrics on system load and total processes running
using `/proc/loadavg` and the `proc.plugin` collector.
- [Uptime](/collectors/proc.plugin/README.md): Monitor the uptime of a system using the `proc.plugin` collector.
@@ -511,10 +511,10 @@ the `go.d.plugin`.
## Third-party collectors
-These collectors are developed and maintined by third parties and, unlike the other collectors, are not installed by
+These collectors are developed and maintained by third parties and, unlike the other collectors, are not installed by
default. To use a third-party collector, visit their GitHub/documentation page and follow their installation procedures.
-- [CyberPower UPS](https://github.com/HawtDogFlvrWtr/netdata_cyberpwrups_plugin): Polls Cyberpower UPS data using
+- [CyberPower UPS](https://github.com/HawtDogFlvrWtr/netdata_cyberpwrups_plugin): Polls CyberPower UPS data using
PowerPanel® Personal Linux.
- [Logged-in users](https://github.com/veksh/netdata-numsessions): Collect the number of currently logged-on users.
- [nim-netdata-plugin](https://github.com/FedericoCeratto/nim-netdata-plugin): A helper to create native Netdata