@@ -79,10 +79,15 @@ From the Netdata Cloud UI, you can manage your space's notification settings and
For reachability notifications, the JSON object will contain the following properties:
- | field | type | description |
- | :-- | :-- | :-- |
- | message | string | A summary message of the reachability alert. |
- | url | string | Netdata Cloud URL for the host experiencing the reachability alert. |
+ | field | type | description |
+ | :-- | :-- | :-- |
+ | message | string | A summary message of the reachability alert. |
+ | url | string | Netdata Cloud URL for the host experiencing the reachability alert. |
+ | host | string | the host experiencing the reachability alert. |
+ | severity | string | severity for this notification. If host is reachable, severity will be 'info', if host is unreachable, it will be 'critical'. |
+ | status | object | an object with the status information. |
+ | status.reachable | boolean | true if host is reachable, false otherwise |
+ | status.text | string | can be 'reachable' or 'unreachable' |
#### Extra headers