@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+skinparam handwritten true
+skinparam monochrome true
+skinparam roundcorner 15
+skinparam sequence {
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+ DividerFontColor Black
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+ DividerFontSize 15
+ DividerFontStyle Italic
+ DelayFontColor Black
+ DelayFontName Comic Sans MS
+ DelayFontSize 15
+ DelayFontStyle Italic
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+ TitleFontName Comic Sans MS
+ TitleFontStyle Italic
+ TitleFontSize 25
+ ArrowColor DeepSkyBlue
+ ArrowFontColor Black
+ ArrowFontName Comic Sans MS
+ ArrowFontStyle Regular
+ ArrowFontSize 19
+ ActorBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
+ LifeLineBorderColor blue
+ LifeLineBackgroundColor #A9DCDF
+ ParticipantBorderColor DeepSkyBlue
+ ParticipantBackgroundColor LightBlue
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+ ParticipantFontSize 20
+ ParticipantFontColor Black
+ ActorBackgroundColor aqua
+ ActorFontColor Black
+ ActorFontSize 20
+ ActorFontName Comic Sans MS
+title netdata registry operation
+actor "web browser" as user
+participant "netdata 1" as n1
+participant "registry 1" as r1
+autonumber "<b>0."
+== standard dashboard communication ==
+user ->n1 : \
+ hi, give me the dashboard
+n1 --> user : \
+ welcome, here it is...
+... a few seconds later ...
+== registry related communication ==
+user -> n1 : \
+ now give me registry information
+n1 --> user: \
+ here it is, talk to <b>registry 1</b>
+note left of r1 #eee: \
+ only your web browser \n\
+ talks to the registry
+user -> r1 : \
+ Hey <b>registry 1</b>, \
+I am accessing <b>netdata 1</b>...
+r1 --> user : \
+ nice!, here are other netdata servers \
+you have accessed in the past