@@ -0,0 +1,1580 @@
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import dagger
+ "alpine-sdk",
+ "autoconf",
+ "automake",
+ "bash",
+ "binutils",
+ "bison",
+ "cmake",
+ "curl",
+ "curl-static",
+ "elfutils-dev",
+ "flex",
+ "gcc",
+ "git",
+ "gnutls-dev",
+ "gzip",
+ "jq",
+ "libelf-static",
+ "libmnl-dev",
+ "libmnl-static",
+ "libtool",
+ "libuv-dev",
+ "libuv-static",
+ "lz4-dev",
+ "lz4-static",
+ "make",
+ "mongo-c-driver-dev",
+ "mongo-c-driver-static",
+ "musl-fts-dev",
+ "ncurses",
+ "ncurses-static",
+ "netcat-openbsd",
+ "ninja",
+ "openssh",
+ "pcre2-dev",
+ "pkgconfig",
+ "protobuf-dev",
+ "snappy-dev",
+ "snappy-static",
+ "util-linux-dev",
+ "wget",
+ "xz",
+ "yaml-dev",
+ "yaml-static",
+ "zlib-dev",
+ "zlib-static",
+ "zstd-dev",
+ "zstd-static",
+def build_alpine_3_18(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("alpine:3.18")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _ALPINE_COMMON_PACKAGES]
+ ctr = ctr.with_exec(["apk", "add", "--no-cache"] + pkgs)
+ return ctr
+def build_alpine_3_19(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("alpine:3.19")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _ALPINE_COMMON_PACKAGES]
+ ctr = ctr.with_exec(["apk", "add", "--no-cache"] + pkgs)
+ return ctr
+def static_build_openssl(
+ client: dagger.Client, ctr: dagger.Container
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ tree = (
+ client.git(url="https://github.com/openssl/openssl", keep_git_dir=True)
+ .tag("openssl-3.1.4")
+ .tree()
+ )
+ #
+ # TODO: verify 32-bit builds
+ #
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_directory("/openssl", tree)
+ .with_workdir("/openssl")
+ .with_env_variable("CFLAGS", "-fno-lto -pipe")
+ .with_env_variable("LDFLAGS", "-static")
+ .with_env_variable("PKG_CONFIG", "pkg-config --static")
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "sed",
+ "-i",
+ "s/disable('static', 'pic', 'threads');/disable('static', 'pic');/",
+ "Configure",
+ ]
+ )
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "./config",
+ "-static",
+ "threads",
+ "no-tests",
+ "--prefix=/openssl-static",
+ "--openssldir=/opt/netdata/etc/ssl",
+ ]
+ )
+ .with_exec(["make", "V=1", "-j", str(os.cpu_count())])
+ .with_exec(["make", "V=1", "-j", str(os.cpu_count()), "install_sw"])
+ .with_exec(["ln", "-s", "/openssl-static/lib", "/openssl-static/lib64"])
+ .with_exec(["perl", "configdata.pm", "--dump"])
+ )
+ return ctr
+def static_build_bash(client: dagger.Client, ctr: dagger.Container) -> dagger.Container:
+ tree = (
+ client.git(url="https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/bash.git", keep_git_dir=True)
+ .tag("bash-5.1")
+ .tree()
+ )
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_directory("/bash", tree)
+ .with_workdir("/bash")
+ .with_env_variable("CFLAGS", "-pipe")
+ .with_env_variable("LDFLAGS", "")
+ .with_env_variable("PKG_CONFIG", "pkg-config --static")
+ .with_env_variable("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "/openssl-static/lib64/pkgconfig")
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "./configure",
+ "--prefix",
+ "/opt/netdata",
+ "--without-bash-malloc",
+ "--enable-static-link",
+ "--enable-net-redirections",
+ "--enable-array-variables",
+ "--disable-progcomp",
+ "--disable-profiling",
+ "--disable-nls",
+ "--disable-dependency-tracking",
+ ]
+ )
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "echo",
+ "-e",
+ "all:\nclean:\ninstall:\n",
+ ">",
+ "examples/loadables/Makefile",
+ ]
+ )
+ .with_exec(["make", "clean"])
+ # see: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/tree/app-shells/bash/files/bash-5.1-parallel_make.patch?id=4c2ebbf4b8bc660beb98cc2d845c73375d6e4f50
+ .with_exec(["make", "V=1", "-j", "2", "install"])
+ .with_exec(["strip", "/opt/netdata/bin/bash"])
+ )
+ return ctr
+def static_build_curl(client: dagger.Client, ctr: dagger.Container) -> dagger.Container:
+ tree = (
+ client.git(url="https://github.com/curl/curl", keep_git_dir=True)
+ .tag("curl-8_4_0")
+ .tree()
+ )
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_directory("/curl", tree)
+ .with_workdir("/curl")
+ .with_env_variable("CFLAGS", "-I/openssl-static/include -pipe")
+ .with_env_variable("LDFLAGS", "-static -L/openssl-static/lib64")
+ .with_env_variable("PKG_CONFIG", "pkg-config --static")
+ .with_env_variable("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "/openssl-static/lib64/pkgconfig")
+ .with_exec(["autoreconf", "-ifv"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "./configure",
+ "--prefix=/curl-static",
+ "--enable-optimize",
+ "--disable-shared",
+ "--enable-static",
+ "--enable-http",
+ "--disable-ldap",
+ "--disable-ldaps",
+ "--enable-proxy",
+ "--disable-dict",
+ "--disable-telnet",
+ "--disable-tftp",
+ "--disable-pop3",
+ "--disable-imap",
+ "--disable-smb",
+ "--disable-smtp",
+ "--disable-gopher",
+ "--enable-ipv6",
+ "--enable-cookies",
+ "--with-ca-fallback",
+ "--with-openssl",
+ "--disable-dependency-tracking",
+ ]
+ )
+ .with_exec(
+ ["sed", "-i", "-e", "s/LDFLAGS =/LDFLAGS = -all-static/", "src/Makefile"]
+ )
+ .with_exec(["make", "clean"])
+ .with_exec(["make", "V=1", "-j", str(os.cpu_count()), "install"])
+ .with_exec(["cp", "/curl-static/bin/curl", "/opt/netdata/bin/curl"])
+ .with_exec(["strip", "/opt/netdata/bin/curl"])
+ )
+ return ctr
+def static_build_ioping(
+ client: dagger.Client, ctr: dagger.Container
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ tree = (
+ client.git(url="https://github.com/koct9i/ioping", keep_git_dir=True)
+ .tag("v1.3")
+ .tree()
+ )
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_directory("/ioping", tree)
+ .with_workdir("/ioping")
+ .with_env_variable("CFLAGS", "-static -pipe")
+ .with_exec(["mkdir", "-p", "/opt/netdata/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d"])
+ .with_exec(["make", "V=1"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "install",
+ "-o",
+ "root",
+ "-g",
+ "root",
+ "-m",
+ "4750",
+ "ioping",
+ "/opt/netdata/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d",
+ ]
+ )
+ .with_exec(["strip", "/opt/netdata/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/ioping"])
+ )
+ return ctr
+def static_build_libnetfilter_acct(
+ client: dagger.Client, ctr: dagger.Container
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ tree = (
+ client.git(url="git://git.netfilter.org/libnetfilter_acct", keep_git_dir=True)
+ .tag("libnetfilter_acct-1.0.3")
+ .tree()
+ )
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_directory("/libnetfilter_acct", tree)
+ .with_workdir("/libnetfilter_acct")
+ .with_env_variable("CFLAGS", "-static -I/usr/include/libmnl -pipe")
+ .with_env_variable("LDFLAGS", "-static -L/usr/lib -lmnl")
+ .with_env_variable("PKG_CONFIG", "pkg-config --static")
+ .with_env_variable("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "/usr/lib/pkgconfig")
+ .with_exec(["autoreconf", "-ifv"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "./configure",
+ "--prefix=/libnetfilter_acct-static",
+ "--exec-prefix=/libnetfilter_acct-static",
+ ]
+ )
+ .with_exec(["make", "clean"])
+ .with_exec(["make", "V=1", "-j", str(os.cpu_count()), "install"])
+ )
+ return ctr
+def static_build_netdata(
+ client: dagger.Client, ctr: dagger.Container
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ CFLAGS = [
+ "-ffunction-sections",
+ "-fdata-sections",
+ "-static",
+ "-O2",
+ "-funroll-loops",
+ "-I/openssl-static/include",
+ "-I/libnetfilter_acct-static/include/libnetfilter_acct",
+ "-I/curl-local/include/curl",
+ "-I/usr/include/libmnl",
+ "-pipe",
+ ]
+ "-Wl,--gc-sections",
+ "-static",
+ "-L/openssl-static/lib64",
+ "-L/libnetfilter_acct-static/lib",
+ "-lnetfilter_acct",
+ "-L/usr/lib",
+ "-lmnl",
+ "-L/usr/lib",
+ "-lzstd",
+ "-L/curl-local/lib",
+ ]
+ "pkg-config",
+ "--static",
+ ]
+ "/openssl-static/lib64/pkgconfig",
+ "/libnetfilter_acct-static/lib/pkgconfig",
+ "/usr/lib/pkgconfig",
+ "/curl-local/lib/pkgconfig",
+ ]
+ "-DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/openssl-static",
+ "-DOPENSSL_LIBRARIES=/openssl-static/lib64",
+ "-DLWS_OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIRS=/openssl-static/include",
+ "-DLWS_OPENSSL_LIBRARIES=/openssl-static/lib64/libssl.a;/openssl-static/lib64/libcrypto.a",
+ ]
+ "./netdata-installer.sh",
+ "--install-prefix",
+ "/opt",
+ "--dont-wait",
+ "--dont-start-it",
+ "--disable-exporting-mongodb",
+ "--require-cloud",
+ "--use-system-protobuf",
+ "--dont-scrub-cflags-even-though-it-may-break-things",
+ "--one-time-build",
+ "--enable-lto",
+ ]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_workdir("/netdata")
+ .with_env_variable("NETDATA_CMAKE_OPTIONS", "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug")
+ .with_env_variable("CFLAGS", " ".join(CFLAGS))
+ .with_env_variable("LDFLAGS", " ".join(LDFLAGS))
+ .with_env_variable("PKG_CONFIG", " ".join(PKG_CONFIG))
+ .with_env_variable("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", ":".join(PKG_CONFIG_PATH))
+ .with_env_variable("CMAKE_FLAGS", " ".join(CMAKE_FLAGS))
+ .with_env_variable("EBPF_LIBC", "static")
+ .with_env_variable("IS_NETDATA_STATIC_BINARY", "yes")
+ )
+ return ctr
+def static_build(client, repo_path):
+ cmake_build_release_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "cmake-build-release")
+ ctr = build_alpine_3_18(client, dagger.Platform("linux/x86_64"))
+ ctr = static_build_openssl(client, ctr)
+ ctr = static_build_bash(client, ctr)
+ ctr = static_build_curl(client, ctr)
+ ctr = static_build_ioping(client, ctr)
+ ctr = static_build_libnetfilter_acct(client, ctr)
+ ctr = ctr.with_directory(
+ "/netdata",
+ client.host().directory(repo_path),
+ exclude=[
+ f"{cmake_build_release_path}/*",
+ "fluent-bit/build",
+ ],
+ )
+ # TODO: link bin/sbin
+ ctr = static_build_netdata(client, ctr)
+ build_dir = ctr.directory("/opt/netdata")
+ artifact_dir = os.path.join(Path.home(), "ci/netdata-static")
+ output_task = build_dir.export(artifact_dir)
+ return output_task
+ "autoconf",
+ "autoconf-archive",
+ "autogen",
+ "automake",
+ "bison",
+ "bison-devel",
+ "cmake",
+ "cups-devel",
+ "curl",
+ "diffutils",
+ "elfutils-libelf-devel",
+ "findutils",
+ "flex",
+ "flex-devel",
+ "freeipmi-devel",
+ "gcc",
+ "gcc-c++",
+ "git-core",
+ "golang",
+ "json-c-devel",
+ "libyaml-devel",
+ "libatomic",
+ "libcurl-devel",
+ "libmnl-devel",
+ "libnetfilter_acct-devel",
+ "libtool",
+ "libuuid-devel",
+ "libuv-devel",
+ "libzstd-devel",
+ "lm_sensors",
+ "lz4-devel",
+ "make",
+ "ninja-build",
+ "openssl-devel",
+ "openssl-perl",
+ "patch",
+ "pcre2-devel",
+ "pkgconfig",
+ "pkgconfig(libmongoc-1.0)",
+ "procps",
+ "protobuf-c-devel",
+ "protobuf-compiler",
+ "protobuf-devel",
+ "rpm-build",
+ "rpm-devel",
+ "rpmdevtools",
+ "snappy-devel",
+ "systemd-devel",
+ "wget",
+ "zlib-devel",
+def build_amazon_linux_2(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("amazonlinux:2")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _CENTOS_COMMON_PACKAGES]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_exec(["yum", "update", "-y"])
+ .with_exec(["yum", "install", "-y"] + pkgs)
+ .with_exec(["yum", "clean", "all"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/BUILD",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/RPMS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SPECS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if platform == "linux/x86_64":
+ machine = "x86_64"
+ elif platform == "linux/arm64":
+ machine = "aarch64"
+ else:
+ raise Exception(
+ "Amaxon Linux 2 supports only linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 platforms."
+ )
+ checksum_path = Path(__file__).parent / f"files/cmake-{machine}.sha256"
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_file(
+ f"cmake-{machine}.sha256",
+ client.host().file(checksum_path.as_posix()),
+ )
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "curl",
+ "--fail",
+ "-sSL",
+ "--connect-timeout",
+ "20",
+ "--retry",
+ "3",
+ "--output",
+ f"cmake-{machine}.sh",
+ f"https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v3.27.6/cmake-3.27.6-linux-{machine}.sh",
+ ]
+ )
+ .with_exec(["sha256sum", "-c", f"cmake-{machine}.sha256"])
+ .with_exec(["chmod", "u+x", f"./cmake-{machine}.sh"])
+ .with_exec([f"./cmake-{machine}.sh", "--skip-license", "--prefix=/usr/local"])
+ )
+ return ctr
+def build_centos_7(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("centos:7")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _CENTOS_COMMON_PACKAGES] + ["bash"]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_exec(["yum", "install", "-y", "epel-release"])
+ .with_exec(["yum", "update", "-y"])
+ .with_exec(["yum", "install", "-y"] + pkgs)
+ .with_exec(["yum", "clean", "all"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/BUILD",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/RPMS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SPECS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if platform == "linux/x86_64":
+ machine = "x86_64"
+ elif platform == "linux/arm64":
+ machine = "aarch64"
+ else:
+ raise Exception("CentOS 7 supports only linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 platforms.")
+ checksum_path = Path(__file__).parent / f"files/cmake-{machine}.sha256"
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_file(
+ f"cmake-{machine}.sha256",
+ client.host().file(checksum_path.as_posix()),
+ )
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "curl",
+ "--fail",
+ "-sSL",
+ "--connect-timeout",
+ "20",
+ "--retry",
+ "3",
+ "--output",
+ f"cmake-{machine}.sh",
+ f"https://github.com/Kitware/CMake/releases/download/v3.27.6/cmake-3.27.6-linux-{machine}.sh",
+ ]
+ )
+ .with_exec(["sha256sum", "-c", f"cmake-{machine}.sha256"])
+ .with_exec(["chmod", "u+x", f"./cmake-{machine}.sh"])
+ .with_exec([f"./cmake-{machine}.sh", "--skip-license", "--prefix=/usr/local"])
+ )
+ return ctr
+ "autoconf",
+ "autoconf-archive",
+ "automake",
+ "bash",
+ "bison",
+ "cmake",
+ "cups-devel",
+ "curl",
+ "libcurl-devel",
+ "diffutils",
+ "elfutils-libelf-devel",
+ "findutils",
+ "flex",
+ "freeipmi-devel",
+ "gcc",
+ "gcc-c++",
+ "git",
+ "golang",
+ "json-c-devel",
+ "libatomic",
+ "libmnl-devel",
+ "libtool",
+ "libuuid-devel",
+ "libuv-devel",
+ "libyaml-devel",
+ "libzstd-devel",
+ "lm_sensors",
+ "lz4-devel",
+ "make",
+ "ninja-build",
+ "nc",
+ "openssl-devel",
+ "openssl-perl",
+ "patch",
+ "pcre2-devel",
+ "pkgconfig",
+ "pkgconfig(libmongoc-1.0)",
+ "procps",
+ "protobuf-c-devel",
+ "protobuf-compiler",
+ "protobuf-devel",
+ "python3",
+ "python3-pyyaml",
+ "rpm-build",
+ "rpm-devel",
+ "rpmdevtools",
+ "snappy-devel",
+ "systemd-devel",
+ "wget",
+ "zlib-devel",
+def build_rocky_linux_8(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("rockylinux:8")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _ROCKY_LINUX_COMMON_PACKAGES] + ["autogen"]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_exec(["dnf", "distro-sync", "-y", "--nodocs"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "dnf",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--nodocs",
+ "dnf-command(config-manager)",
+ "epel-release",
+ ]
+ )
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "config-manager", "--set-enabled", "powertools"])
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "clean", "packages"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "dnf",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--nodocs",
+ "--setopt=install_weak_deps=False",
+ "--setopt=diskspacecheck=False",
+ ]
+ + pkgs
+ )
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/cache/dnf"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/BUILD",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/RPMS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SPECS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ return ctr
+def build_rocky_linux_9(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("rockylinux:9")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _ROCKY_LINUX_COMMON_PACKAGES]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_exec(["dnf", "distro-sync", "-y", "--nodocs"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "dnf",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--nodocs",
+ "dnf-command(config-manager)",
+ "epel-release",
+ ]
+ )
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "config-manager", "--set-enabled", "crb"])
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "clean", "packages"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "dnf",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--allowerasing",
+ "--nodocs",
+ "--setopt=install_weak_deps=False",
+ "--setopt=diskspacecheck=False",
+ ]
+ + pkgs
+ )
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/cache/dnf"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/BUILD",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/RPMS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SPECS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ return ctr
+ "autoconf",
+ "autoconf-archive",
+ "automake",
+ "bash",
+ "bison",
+ "cmake",
+ "cups-devel",
+ "curl",
+ "libcurl-devel",
+ "libyaml-devel",
+ "diffutils",
+ "elfutils-libelf-devel",
+ "findutils",
+ "flex",
+ "freeipmi-devel",
+ "gcc",
+ "gcc-c++",
+ "git",
+ "golang",
+ "json-c-devel",
+ "libatomic",
+ "libmnl-devel",
+ "libtool",
+ "libuuid-devel",
+ "libuv-devel",
+ # "libzstd-devel",
+ "lm_sensors",
+ "lz4-devel",
+ "make",
+ "ninja-build",
+ "nc",
+ "openssl-devel",
+ "openssl-perl",
+ "patch",
+ "pcre2-devel",
+ "pkgconfig",
+ "pkgconfig(libmongoc-1.0)",
+ "procps",
+ "protobuf-c-devel",
+ "protobuf-compiler",
+ "protobuf-devel",
+ "python3",
+ "python3-pyyaml",
+ "rpm-build",
+ "rpm-devel",
+ "rpmdevtools",
+ "snappy-devel",
+ "systemd-devel",
+ "wget",
+ "zlib-devel",
+def build_centos_stream_8(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("quay.io/centos/centos:stream8")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _CENTOS_STREAM_COMMON_PACKAGES] + ["autogen"]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_exec(["dnf", "distro-sync", "-y", "--nodocs"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "dnf",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--nodocs",
+ "dnf-command(config-manager)",
+ "epel-release",
+ ]
+ )
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "config-manager", "--set-enabled", "powertools"])
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "clean", "packages"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "dnf",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--nodocs",
+ "--setopt=install_weak_deps=False",
+ "--setopt=diskspacecheck=False",
+ ]
+ + pkgs
+ )
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/cache/dnf"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/BUILD",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/RPMS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SPECS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ return ctr
+def build_centos_stream_9(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("quay.io/centos/centos:stream9")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _CENTOS_STREAM_COMMON_PACKAGES]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_exec(["dnf", "distro-sync", "-y", "--nodocs"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "dnf",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--nodocs",
+ "dnf-command(config-manager)",
+ "epel-release",
+ ]
+ )
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "config-manager", "--set-enabled", "crb"])
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "clean", "packages"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "dnf",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--allowerasing",
+ "--nodocs",
+ "--setopt=install_weak_deps=False",
+ "--setopt=diskspacecheck=False",
+ ]
+ + pkgs
+ )
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/cache/dnf"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/BUILD",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/RPMS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SPECS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ return ctr
+def build_oracle_linux_9(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("oraclelinux:9")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _ORACLE_LINUX_COMMON_PACKAGES]
+ repo_path = str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent)
+ this_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "packaging/dag")
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_file(
+ "/etc/yum.repos.d/ol9-epel.repo",
+ client.host().file(f"{this_path}/ol9-epel.repo"),
+ )
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "config-manager", "--set-enabled", "ol9_codeready_builder"])
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "config-manager", "--set-enabled", "ol9_developer_EPEL"])
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "distro-sync", "-y", "--nodocs"])
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "clean", "-y", "packages"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "dnf",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--nodocs",
+ "--setopt=install_weak_deps=False",
+ "--setopt=diskspacecheck=False",
+ ]
+ + pkgs
+ )
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/cache/dnf"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/BUILD",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/RPMS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SPECS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ return ctr
+def build_oracle_linux_8(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("oraclelinux:8")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _ORACLE_LINUX_COMMON_PACKAGES] + ["autogen"]
+ repo_path = str(Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent)
+ this_path = os.path.join(repo_path, "packaging/dag")
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_file(
+ "/etc/yum.repos.d/ol8-epel.repo",
+ client.host().file(f"{this_path}/ol8-epel.repo"),
+ )
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "config-manager", "--set-enabled", "ol8_codeready_builder"])
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "distro-sync", "-y", "--nodocs"])
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "clean", "-y", "packages"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "dnf",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--nodocs",
+ "--setopt=install_weak_deps=False",
+ "--setopt=diskspacecheck=False",
+ ]
+ + pkgs
+ )
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/cache/dnf"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/BUILD",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/RPMS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SPECS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ return ctr
+ "autoconf",
+ "autoconf-archive",
+ "autogen",
+ "automake",
+ "bison",
+ "cmake",
+ "cups",
+ "cups-devel",
+ "curl",
+ "diffutils",
+ "flex",
+ "freeipmi-devel",
+ "gcc",
+ "gcc-c++",
+ "git-core",
+ "go",
+ "json-glib-devel",
+ "judy-devel",
+ "libatomic1",
+ "libcurl-devel",
+ "libelf-devel",
+ "liblz4-devel",
+ "libjson-c-devel",
+ "libyaml-devel",
+ "libmnl0",
+ "libmnl-devel",
+ "libnetfilter_acct1",
+ "libnetfilter_acct-devel",
+ "libpcre2-8-0",
+ "libopenssl-devel",
+ "libtool",
+ "libuv-devel",
+ "libuuid-devel",
+ "libzstd-devel",
+ "make",
+ "ninja",
+ "patch",
+ "pkg-config",
+ "protobuf-devel",
+ "rpm-build",
+ "rpm-devel",
+ "rpmdevtools",
+ "snappy-devel",
+ "systemd-devel",
+ "tar",
+ "wget",
+ "xen-devel",
+def build_opensuse_tumbleweed(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("opensuse/tumbleweed:latest")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _OPENSUSE_COMMON_PACKAGES] + ["protobuf-c"]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_exec(["zypper", "update", "-y"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "zypper",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--allow-downgrade",
+ ]
+ + pkgs
+ )
+ .with_exec(["zypper", "clean"])
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/cache/zypp/*/*"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/usr/src/packages/BUILD",
+ "/usr/src/packages/RPMS",
+ "/usr/src/packages/SOURCES",
+ "/usr/src/packages/SPECS",
+ "/usr/src/packages/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ return ctr
+def build_opensuse_15_5(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("opensuse/leap:15.5")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _OPENSUSE_COMMON_PACKAGES] + ["libprotobuf-c-devel"]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_exec(["zypper", "update", "-y"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "zypper",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--allow-downgrade",
+ ]
+ + pkgs
+ )
+ .with_exec(["zypper", "clean"])
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/cache/zypp/*/*"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/usr/src/packages/BUILD",
+ "/usr/src/packages/RPMS",
+ "/usr/src/packages/SOURCES",
+ "/usr/src/packages/SPECS",
+ "/usr/src/packages/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ return ctr
+def build_opensuse_15_4(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ crt = client.container(platform=platform).from_("opensuse/leap:15.4")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _OPENSUSE_COMMON_PACKAGES] + ["libprotobuf-c-devel"]
+ crt = (
+ crt.with_exec(["zypper", "update", "-y"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "zypper",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--allow-downgrade",
+ ]
+ + pkgs
+ )
+ .with_exec(["zypper", "clean"])
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/cache/zypp/*/*"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/usr/src/packages/BUILD",
+ "/usr/src/packages/RPMS",
+ "/usr/src/packages/SOURCES",
+ "/usr/src/packages/SPECS",
+ "/usr/src/packages/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ return crt
+ "autoconf",
+ "autoconf-archive",
+ "autogen",
+ "automake",
+ "bash",
+ "bison",
+ "cmake",
+ "cups-devel",
+ "curl",
+ "diffutils",
+ "elfutils-libelf-devel",
+ "findutils",
+ "flex",
+ "freeipmi-devel",
+ "gcc",
+ "gcc-c++",
+ "git-core",
+ "golang",
+ "json-c-devel",
+ "libcurl-devel",
+ "libyaml-devel",
+ "Judy-devel",
+ "libatomic",
+ "libmnl-devel",
+ "libnetfilter_acct-devel",
+ "libtool",
+ "libuuid-devel",
+ "libuv-devel",
+ "libzstd-devel",
+ "lz4-devel",
+ "make",
+ "ninja-build",
+ "openssl-devel",
+ "openssl-perl",
+ "patch",
+ "pcre2-devel",
+ "pkgconfig",
+def build_fedora_37(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("fedora:37")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _FEDORA_COMMON_PACKAGES]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_exec(["dnf", "distro-sync", "-y", "--nodocs"])
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "clean", "-y", "packages"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "dnf",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--nodocs",
+ "--setopt=install_weak_deps=False",
+ "--setopt=diskspacecheck=False",
+ ]
+ + pkgs
+ )
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/cache/dnf"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/BUILD",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/RPMS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SPECS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ return ctr
+def build_fedora_38(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("fedora:38")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _FEDORA_COMMON_PACKAGES]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_exec(["dnf", "distro-sync", "-y", "--nodocs"])
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "clean", "-y", "packages"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "dnf",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--nodocs",
+ "--setopt=install_weak_deps=False",
+ "--setopt=diskspacecheck=False",
+ ]
+ + pkgs
+ )
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/cache/dnf"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/BUILD",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/RPMS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SPECS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ return ctr
+def build_fedora_39(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("fedora:39")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _FEDORA_COMMON_PACKAGES]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_exec(["dnf", "distro-sync", "-y", "--nodocs"])
+ .with_exec(["dnf", "clean", "-y", "packages"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "dnf",
+ "install",
+ "-y",
+ "--nodocs",
+ "--setopt=install_weak_deps=False",
+ "--setopt=diskspacecheck=False",
+ ]
+ + pkgs
+ )
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/cache/dnf"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(
+ [
+ "mkdir",
+ "-p",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/BUILD",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/RPMS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SPECS",
+ "/root/rpmbuild/SRPMS",
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ return ctr
+ "autoconf",
+ "autoconf-archive",
+ "autogen",
+ "automake",
+ "bison",
+ "build-essential",
+ "ca-certificates",
+ "cmake",
+ "curl",
+ "dh-autoreconf",
+ "dh-make",
+ "dpkg-dev",
+ "flex",
+ "g++",
+ "gcc",
+ "git-buildpackage",
+ "git-core",
+ "golang",
+ "libatomic1",
+ "libcurl4-openssl-dev",
+ "libcups2-dev",
+ "libdistro-info-perl",
+ "libelf-dev",
+ "libipmimonitoring-dev",
+ "libjson-c-dev",
+ "libyaml-dev",
+ "libjudy-dev",
+ "liblz4-dev",
+ "libmnl-dev",
+ "libmongoc-dev",
+ "libnetfilter-acct-dev",
+ "libpcre2-dev",
+ "libprotobuf-dev",
+ "libprotoc-dev",
+ "libsnappy-dev",
+ "libsystemd-dev",
+ "libssl-dev",
+ "libtool",
+ "libuv1-dev",
+ "libzstd-dev",
+ "make",
+ "ninja-build",
+ "pkg-config",
+ "protobuf-compiler",
+ "systemd",
+ "uuid-dev",
+ "wget",
+ "zlib1g-dev",
+def build_debian_10(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("debian:buster")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _DEBIAN_COMMON_PACKAGES] + ["dh-systemd", "libxen-dev"]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_env_variable("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive")
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "update"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "upgrade", "-y"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "install", "-y", "--no-install-recommends"] + pkgs)
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "clean"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/lib/apt/lists/*"])
+ )
+ return ctr
+def build_debian_11(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("debian:bullseye")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _DEBIAN_COMMON_PACKAGES] + ["libxen-dev"]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_env_variable("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive")
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "update"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "upgrade", "-y"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "install", "-y", "--no-install-recommends"] + pkgs)
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "clean"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/lib/apt/lists/*"])
+ )
+ return ctr
+def build_debian_12(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("debian:bookworm")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _DEBIAN_COMMON_PACKAGES]
+ if platform != dagger.Platform("linux/i386"):
+ pkgs.append("libxen-dev")
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_env_variable("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive")
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "update"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "upgrade", "-y"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "install", "-y", "--no-install-recommends"] + pkgs)
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "clean"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/lib/apt/lists/*"])
+ )
+ return ctr
+ "autoconf",
+ "autoconf-archive",
+ "autogen",
+ "automake",
+ "bison",
+ "build-essential",
+ "ca-certificates",
+ "cmake",
+ "curl",
+ "dh-autoreconf",
+ "dh-make",
+ "dpkg-dev",
+ "flex",
+ "g++",
+ "gcc",
+ "git-buildpackage",
+ "git-core",
+ "golang",
+ "libatomic1",
+ "libcurl4-openssl-dev",
+ "libcups2-dev",
+ "libdistro-info-perl",
+ "libelf-dev",
+ "libipmimonitoring-dev",
+ "libjson-c-dev",
+ "libyaml-dev",
+ "libjudy-dev",
+ "liblz4-dev",
+ "libmnl-dev",
+ "libmongoc-dev",
+ "libnetfilter-acct-dev",
+ "libpcre2-dev",
+ "libprotobuf-dev",
+ "libprotoc-dev",
+ "libsnappy-dev",
+ "libsystemd-dev",
+ "libssl-dev",
+ "libtool",
+ "libuv1-dev",
+ "libxen-dev",
+ "libzstd-dev",
+ "make",
+ "ninja-build",
+ "pkg-config",
+ "protobuf-compiler",
+ "systemd",
+ "uuid-dev",
+ "wget",
+ "zlib1g-dev",
+def build_ubuntu_20_04(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("ubuntu:20.04")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _UBUNTU_COMMON_PACKAGES] + ["dh-systemd"]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_env_variable("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive")
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "update"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "upgrade", "-y"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "install", "-y", "--no-install-recommends"] + pkgs)
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "clean"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/lib/apt/lists/*"])
+ )
+ #
+ # FIXME: add kitware for cmake on arm-hf
+ #
+ return ctr
+def build_ubuntu_22_04(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("ubuntu:22.04")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _UBUNTU_COMMON_PACKAGES]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_env_variable("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive")
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "update"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "upgrade", "-y"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "install", "-y", "--no-install-recommends"] + pkgs)
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "clean"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/lib/apt/lists/*"])
+ )
+ return ctr
+def build_ubuntu_23_04(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("ubuntu:23.04")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _UBUNTU_COMMON_PACKAGES]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_env_variable("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive")
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "update"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "upgrade", "-y"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "install", "-y", "--no-install-recommends"] + pkgs)
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "clean"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/lib/apt/lists/*"])
+ )
+ return ctr
+def build_ubuntu_23_10(
+ client: dagger.Client, platform: dagger.Platform
+) -> dagger.Container:
+ ctr = client.container(platform=platform).from_("ubuntu:23.10")
+ pkgs = [pkg for pkg in _UBUNTU_COMMON_PACKAGES]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_env_variable("DEBIAN_FRONTEND", "noninteractive")
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "update"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "upgrade", "-y"])
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "install", "-y", "--no-install-recommends"] + pkgs)
+ .with_exec(["apt-get", "clean"])
+ .with_exec(["c_rehash"])
+ .with_exec(["rm", "-rf", "/var/lib/apt/lists/*"])
+ )
+ return ctr
+def install_cargo(ctr: dagger.Container) -> dagger.Container:
+ bin_paths = [
+ "/root/.cargo/bin",
+ "/usr/local/sbin",
+ "/usr/local/bin",
+ "/usr/sbin",
+ "/usr/bin",
+ "/sbin",
+ "/bin",
+ ]
+ ctr = (
+ ctr.with_workdir("/")
+ .with_exec(["sh", "-c", "curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh -s -- -y"])
+ .with_env_variable("PATH", ":".join(bin_paths))
+ .with_exec(["cargo", "new", "--bin", "hello"])
+ .with_workdir("/hello")
+ .with_exec(["cargo", "run", "-v", "-v"])
+ )
+ return ctr