@@ -112,6 +112,13 @@
# postpone alarms for a short period after the sender is connected
default postpone alarms on connect seconds = 60
+ # allow or deny multiple connections for the same host?
+ # If you are sure all your netdata have their own machine GUID,
+ # set this to 'allow', since it allows faster reconnects.
+ # When set to 'deny', new connections for a host will not be
+ # accepted until an existing connection is cleared.
+ multiple connections = allow
# need to route metrics differently? set these.
# the defaults are the ones at the [stream] section
#default proxy enabled = yes | no
@@ -159,6 +166,13 @@
# postpone alarms when the sender connects
postpone alarms on connect seconds = 60
+ # allow or deny multiple connections for the same host?
+ # If you are sure all your netdata have their own machine GUID,
+ # set this to 'allow', since it allows faster reconnects.
+ # When set to 'deny', new connections for a host will not be
+ # accepted until an existing connection is cleared.
+ multiple connections = allow
# need to route metrics differently?
#proxy enabled = yes | no
#proxy destination = IP:PORT IP:PORT ...