@@ -1,113 +1,275 @@
-dist: trusty
sudo: true
language: c
- docker
+# This is a hook to help us introduce "soft" errors on our process
+ allow_failures:
+# Install dependencies for all, once
+- sudo apt-get install -y libcap2-bin zlib1g-dev uuid-dev fakeroot libipmimonitoring-dev libmnl-dev libnetfilter-acct-dev gnupg python-pip
+- sudo apt install -y --only-upgrade docker-ce
+- sudo pip install git-semver
+- docker info
+- source tests/installer/slack.sh
+# Setup notification system
+ webhooks: https://app.fossa.io/hooks/travisci
+# Define the stage sequence and conditionals
-- test
-- build
-- name: packaging
- if: branch = master AND type != pull_request AND type != cron
-- name: nightlies
+# Mandatory runs, we always want these executed
+- name: Code quality, linting, syntax, code style
+- name: Build process
+- name: Artifacts validation
+ # Nightly operations
+- name: Nightly operations
if: branch = master AND type = cron
-- name: Integrity testing
+- name: Nightly release
if: branch = master AND type = cron
+ # Scheduled releases
+- name: Packaging for release
+ if: branch = master AND type != pull_request AND type != cron
+- name: Publish for release
+ if: branch = master AND type != pull_request AND type != cron AND commit_message =~ /(\[netdata release candidate\]|\[netdata major release\]|\[netdata minor release\]|\[netdata patch release\])/
+# Define stage implementation details
- - stage: test
- name: C
- install: sudo apt-get install -y libcap2-bin zlib1g-dev uuid-dev fakeroot libipmimonitoring-dev libmnl-dev libnetfilter-acct-dev
- script: fakeroot ./netdata-installer.sh --install $HOME --dont-wait --dont-start-it --enable-plugin-nfacct --enable-plugin-freeipmi --disable-lto && $HOME/netdata/usr/sbin/netdata -W unittest
- - name: dashboard.js
- script: cp web/gui/dashboard.js /tmp/dashboard.js && ./build/build.sh && diff /tmp/dashboard.js web/gui/dashboard.js
- - name: lint .sh.in files
+ # Do code quality, syntax checking and other pre-build activities
+ - stage: Code quality, linting, syntax, code style
+ name: Run shellchecking on BASH
script: shellcheck --format=gcc $(find . -name '*.sh.in' -not -iwholename '*.git*')
- - name: check checksums for kickstart files
+ # This falls under same stage defined earlier
+ - name: Run checksum checks on kickstart files
script: ./tests/installer/checksums.sh
env: LOCAL_ONLY="true"
- - name: Kickstart Script execution integrity
- script: docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos7" packaging/installer/kickstart.sh --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install /tmp
- - name: Kickstart-static64 Script execution integrity
- before_script: rm -rf /tmp/kickstart-static64-temp && mkdir -p /tmp/kickstart-static64-temp
- script: docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/kickstart-static64-temp:/opt" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos7" packaging/installer/kickstart-static64.sh --dont-wait --dont-start-it
- after_script: rm -rf /tmp/kickstart-static64-temp
- - name: coverity
- install: sudo apt-get install -y zlib1g-dev uuid-dev libipmimonitoring-dev libmnl-dev libnetfilter-acct-dev
- script: ./coverity-install.sh && ./coverity-scan.sh || echo "Coverity failed :("
- if: type = cron
- - stage: build
-# TODO: enable when travis OSX become stable. Probably after 12.01.2019
-# name: OSX
-# install: brew install fakeroot ossp-uuid
-# script: fakeroot ./netdata-installer.sh --install $HOME --dont-wait --dont-start-it
-# os: osx
-# - name: ubuntu 14.04 (not containerized)
- name: ubuntu 14.04 (not containerized)
- install: sudo apt-get install -y libcap2-bin zlib1g-dev uuid-dev fakeroot
- script: fakeroot ./netdata-installer.sh --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install $HOME
- - name: build container (alpine installation)
- script: ./packaging/docker/build.sh
+ # This falls under same stage defined earlier
+ - name: Web Dashboard pre-generated file consistency checks (dashboard.js)
+ script: cp web/gui/dashboard.js /tmp/dashboard.js && ./build/build.sh && diff /tmp/dashboard.js web/gui/dashboard.js
+ # Ensure netdata code builds successfully
+ - stage: Build process
+ name: Standard netdata build
+ script: fakeroot ./netdata-installer.sh --install $HOME --dont-wait --dont-start-it --enable-plugin-nfacct --enable-plugin-freeipmi --disable-lto
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> standard netdata build is failing (Still dont know which one, will improve soon)"
+ - name: Docker container build process (alpine installation)
+ script: packaging/docker/build.sh
env: DEVEL="true"
- - name: ubuntu 18.04 + lifecycle
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Docker build process failed"
+ - name: Run 'make dist' validation
+ before_script: mkdir /tmp/netdata-makedist-test
+ script:
+ - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch
+ - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1
+ - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe
+ - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version
+ - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/netdata-makedist-test:/netdata_install:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" make clean || echo "Nothing to clean"
+ - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/netdata-makedist-test:/netdata_install:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" make distclean || echo "Nothing to distclean"
+ - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/netdata-makedist-test:/netdata_install:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" autoreconf -ivf && ./configure --prefix=/netdata_install/usr --sysconfdir=/netdata_install/etc --localstatedir=/netdata_install/var --with-zlib --with-math --with-user=netdata CFLAGS=-O2
+ - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/netdata-makedist-test:/netdata_install:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" make dist
+ - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/netdata-makedist-test:/netdata_install:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" ls -ltr ./netdata-$(git describe).tar.gz || ls -ltr ./netdata-$(cat packaging/version | tr -d '\n').tar.gz
+ - .travis/run_install_with_dist_file.sh
+ - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/netdata-makedist-test:/netdata_install:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" make distclean
+ git:
+ depth: false
+ after_script: rm -rf /tmp/netdata-makedist-test
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "'make dist' failed"
+ - stage: Artifacts validation
+ name: Unit Testing
+ script:
+ - fakeroot ./netdata-installer.sh --install $HOME --dont-wait --dont-start-it --enable-plugin-nfacct --enable-plugin-freeipmi --disable-lto
+ - $HOME/netdata/usr/sbin/netdata -W unittest
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Unit testing failed"
+ - name: Build/install on ubuntu 14.04 (not containerized)
+ script: fakeroot ./netdata-installer.sh --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install $HOME
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Build/Install failed on ubuntu 14.04"
+ - name: Build/Install for ubuntu 18.04 (not containerized)
+ script: fakeroot ./netdata-installer.sh --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install $HOME
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Build/Install failed on ubuntu 18.04"
+ - name: Run netdata lifecycle, on ubuntu 18.04 (Containerized)
script: docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:ubuntu1804" bats --tap tests/lifecycle.bats
- - name: CentOS 7
- script: docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos7" ./netdata-installer.sh --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install /tmp
- - name: CentOS 6
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Netdata lifecycle test script failed on ubuntu 18.04"
+ - name: Build/install for CentOS 6 (Containerized)
script: docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos6" ./netdata-installer.sh --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install /tmp
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Build/Install failed on CentOS 6"
- - stage: packaging
- name: Create release (only on special commit msg)
- install:
- - sudo apt-get install -y gnupg libcap2-bin zlib1g-dev uuid-dev fakeroot python-pip
- - sudo apt install -y --only-upgrade docker-ce
- - docker info
- before_script: sudo pip install git-semver
- script: ".travis/releaser.sh && .travis/labeler.sh" # labeler should be replaced with GitHub Actions when they hit GA
+ - name: Build/install for CentOS 7 (Containerized)
+ script: docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos7" ./netdata-installer.sh --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install /tmp
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Build/Install failed on CentOS 7"
+ - stage: Packaging for release
+ name: Generate changelog and TAG the release (only on special commit msg)
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Packaging step for release initiated"
+ script: .travis/generate_changelog_and_tag_release.sh
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Packaging for release failed"
depth: false
- - stage: nightlies
- name: Nightly build
- before_install: openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_8daf19481253_key -iv $encrypted_8daf19481253_iv -in .travis/gcs-credentials.json.enc -out .travis/gcs-credentials.json -d
- install:
- - sudo apt-get install -y gnupg libcap2-bin zlib1g-dev uuid-dev fakeroot
- - sudo apt install -y --only-upgrade docker-ce
- - docker info
- script: ".travis/nightlies.sh"
+ - name: Run labeler on github issues
+ script: .travis/labeler.sh # labeler should be replaced with GitHub Actions when they hit GA
+ # We only publish if a TAG has been set during packaging
+ - stage: Publish for release
+ name: Build & Publish docker images
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Publishing docker images"
+ script:
+ - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch
+ - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1
+ - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe
+ - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version
+ - packaging/docker/build.sh
+ - packaging/docker/publish.sh
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Docker image publishing failed"
depth: false
- deploy:
- provider: gcs
- edge:
- branch: gcs-ng
- project_id: netdata-storage
- credentials: .travis/gcs-credentials.json
- bucket: "netdata-nightlies"
- skip_cleanup: true
- local_dir: "artifacts"
- on:
- # Only deploy on netdata/netdata, master branch, when artifacts directory is created
- repo: netdata/netdata
- branch: master
- condition: -d "artifacts"
- after_deploy: rm -f .travis/gcs-credentials.json
+ # We don't run on release candidates
+ if: tag !~ /(-rc)/
+ - name: Generate release artifacts
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Starting artifacts generation for release"
+ script: .travis/create_artifacts.sh
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Release artifacts generation failed"
+ git:
+ depth: false
+ # We don't run on release candidates
+ if: tag !~ /(-rc)/
+ - name: Create release draft
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Drafting release on github"
+ script:
+ - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch
+ - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1
+ - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe
+ - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version
+ - .travis/draft_release.sh
+ git:
+ depth: false
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Draft release submission failed"
+ # We don't run on release candidates
+ if: tag !~ /(-rc)/
+ # This is the nightly pre-execution step (Jobs, preparatory steps for nightly, etc)
+ - stage: Nightly operations
+ name: Run coverity scan
+ # Just notify people that Nightly ops triggered, use the first step as a hook to do that
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Starting nightly operations"
+ script: ./coverity-install.sh && ./coverity-scan.sh || echo "Coverity failed :("
- - stage: Integrity testing
- name: Kickstart Files integrity testing
+ - name: Kickstart files integrity testing (extended)
script: ./tests/installer/checksums.sh
- - name: Kickstart Execution integrity
- before_script: rm -rf /tmp/kickstart-static64-temp && mkdir -p /tmp/kickstart-static64-temp
+ - name: Run labeler on github issues
+ script: .travis/labeler.sh # labeler should be replaced with GitHub Actions when they hit GA
+ # This is generating the changelog for nightly release and publish it
+ - name: Generate nightly changelog
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Starting changelog generation for nightlies"
+ script: ".travis/nightlies.sh"
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Nightly changelog generation failed"
+ git:
+ depth: false
+ # This is the nightly execution step
+ #
+ - stage: Nightly release
+ name: Build & Publish docker images
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Publishing docker images for nightlies"
- - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos7" packaging/installer/kickstart.sh --dont-wait --dont-start-it --install /tmp
- - docker run -it -v "${PWD}:/code:rw" -v "/tmp/kickstart-static64-temp:/opt" -w /code "netdata/os-test:centos7" packaging/installer/kickstart-static64.sh --dont-wait --dont-start-it
- after_script: rm -rf /tmp/kickstart-static64-temp
+ - docker info
+ - packaging/docker/build.sh
+ - packaging/docker/publish.sh
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Nightly docker image publish failed"
- webhooks: https://app.fossa.io/hooks/travisci
- slack:
- rooms:
- - secure: "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"
+ - name: Create nightly release artifacts, publish to GCS
+ before_script: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Starting artifacts generation for nightlies"
+ script:
+ - echo "GIT Branch:" && git branch
+ - echo "Last commit:" && git log -1
+ - echo "GIT Describe:" && git describe
+ - echo "packaging/version:" && cat packaging/version
+ - .travis/create_artifacts.sh
+ after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Nightly artifacts generation failed"
+ before_deploy:
+ echo "Preparing creds under ${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}";
+ if [ "${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}" == "netdata/netdata" ]; then
+ openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_8daf19481253_key -iv $encrypted_8daf19481253_iv -in .travis/gcs-credentials.json.enc -out .travis/gcs-credentials.json -d;
+ else
+ echo "Beta deployment stage in progress";
+ openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_8daf19481253_key -iv $encrypted_8daf19481253_iv -in .travis/gcs-credentials.json.enc -out .travis/gcs-credentials.json -d;
+ fi;
+ deploy:
+ # Beta storage, used for testing purposes
+ - provider: gcs
+ edge:
+ branch: gcs-ng
+ project_id: netdata-storage
+ credentials: .travis/gcs-credentials.json
+ bucket: "netdata-dev-nightlies"
+ skip_cleanup: true
+ local_dir: "artifacts"
+ on:
+ # Only deploy on netdata/netdata, master branch, when artifacts directory is created
+ branch: master
+ condition: -d "artifacts"
+ # Production storage
+ - provider: gcs
+ edge:
+ branch: gcs-ng
+ project_id: netdata-storage
+ credentials: .travis/gcs-credentials.json
+ bucket: "netdata-nightlies"
+ skip_cleanup: true
+ local_dir: "artifacts"
+ on:
+ # Only deploy on netdata/netdata, master branch, when artifacts directory is created
+ repo: netdata/netdata
+ branch: master
+ condition: -d "artifacts"
+ after_deploy: rm -f .travis/gcs-credentials.json