@@ -2,9 +2,14 @@
Netdata offers a convenient Windows installer for easy setup. This executable provides two distinct installation modes, outlined below.
+> **Note**
+> This feature is currently only available for Nightly releases, and the installer can be found in our [nightlies repo](https://github.com/netdata/netdata-nightlies)
## Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Double-clicking the installer initiates the setup process. Since Netdata adds a service to your system, you'll need to provide administrator privileges.
The installer will then guide you through these steps:
1. **Welcome**: This screen provides a summary of the actions the installer will perform.
@@ -13,18 +18,23 @@ The installer will then guide you through these steps:
- [GPLv3 License](/LICENSE): Read the GNU General Public License v3, which governs the Netdata software.
3. **Destination**: Choose the installation directory. By default, Netdata installs in `C:\Program Files\Netdata`.
4. **Installation**: The installer will copy the necessary files to the chosen directory.
-5. **Claiming**: [Connecting](/src/claim/README.md) your Netdata Agent to your Netdata Cloud Space. Here's what you can configure:
- - **Token**: The claiming token for your Netdata Cloud Space.
- - **Rooms**: Specify the Room IDs where you want your node to appear (comma-separated list).
- - **Proxy**: Enter the address of a proxy server if required for communication with Netdata Cloud.
+5. **Connect to Netdata Cloud**: To [connect](/src/claim/README.md) your Agent to your Netdata Cloud Space you need to provide the following:
+ - **Claim Token**: The Claim Token that securely authenticates and links your Agent to your Space.
+ - **Room IDs**: A comma-separated list of Room IDs where you want to add your Agent.
+ - **Proxy address**: The address of a proxy server, if one is required for communication with Netdata Cloud.
- **Insecure connection**: By default, Netdata verifies the server's certificate. Enabling this option bypasses verification (use only if necessary).
- **Open Terminal**: Select this option to launch the `MSYS2` terminal after installation completes.
6. **Finish**: The installation process is complete!
-## Silent Mode
+## Silent Mode (Command line)
This section provides instructions for installing Netdata in silent mode, which is ideal for automated deployments.
-Silent mode skips displaying license agreements, but requires explicitly accepting them using the `/A` option.
+> **Info**
+> Run the installer as admin to avoid the Windows prompt.
+> Silent mode skips displaying license agreements, but requires explicitly accepting them using the `/A` option.
### Available Options
@@ -35,7 +45,7 @@ Silent mode skips displaying license agreements, but requires explicitly accepti
| `/D` | Specifies the desired installation directory (defaults to `C:\Program Files\Netdata`). |
| `/T` | Opens the `MSYS2` terminal after installation. |
| `/I` | Forces insecure connections, bypassing hostname verification (use only if absolutely necessary). |
-| `/TOKEN=` | Sets the claiming token for your Netdata Cloud Space. |
+| `/TOKEN=` | Sets the Claim Token for your Netdata Cloud Space. |
| `/ROOMS=` | Comma-separated list of Room IDs where you want your node to appear. |
| `/PROXY=` | Sets the proxy server address if your network requires one. |
@@ -48,3 +58,7 @@ netdata-installer.exe /S /A /TOKEN=<YOUR_TOKEN> /ROOMS=<YOUR_ROOM>
Replace `<YOUR_TOKEN>` and `<YOUR_ROOM>` with your actual Netdata Cloud Space claim token and room ID, respectively.
+## Uninstalling
+To uninstall Netdata, run the `uninstall.exe` file in your Netdata installation directory, typically `<YOUR_INSTALL_LOCATION>\Netdata`.