@@ -8,7 +8,9 @@ stages:
- test
- build
- name: packaging
- if: branch = master AND type != pull_request
+ if: branch = master AND type != pull_request AND type != cron
+- name: nightlies
+ if: branch = master AND type = cron
@@ -47,22 +49,19 @@ jobs:
script: ".travis/releaser.sh"
depth: false
- if: type != cron
- - name: Nightly tarball and self-extractor build
+ - stage: nightlies
+ name: tarball and self-extractor build
install: sudo apt-get install -y gnupg libcap2-bin zlib1g-dev uuid-dev fakeroot
script: ".travis/firehol_create_artifacts.sh"
- if: type = cron
- - name: Nightly docker images
+ - name: docker images
install: sudo apt update -y && sudo apt install -y --only-upgrade docker-ce && docker info
script: "docker/build.sh"
env: REPOSITORY="netdata/netdata"
- if: type = cron
- - name: Nightly changelog generation
+ - name: changelog generation
script: ".travis/generate_changelog.sh"
- if: type = cron
- name: labeler # This job should be replaced with GitHub Actions when they hit GA
script: ".travis/labeler.sh"
- if: type = cron
webhooks: https://app.fossa.io/hooks/travisci