@@ -774,10 +774,9 @@ static void statsd_process_metric(const char *name, const char *value, const cha
statsd_parse_field_trim(tagkey, tagkey_end);
statsd_parse_field_trim(tagvalue, tagvalue_end);
- if(tagkey && tagkey && tagvalue && *tagvalue) {
- if (!m->units && strcmp(tagkey, "units") == 0) {
+ if(tagkey && *tagkey && tagvalue && *tagvalue) {
+ if (!m->units && strcmp(tagkey, "units") == 0)
m->units = strdupz(tagvalue);
- }
if (!m->dimname && strcmp(tagkey, "name") == 0)
m->dimname = strdupz(tagvalue);
@@ -1546,23 +1545,46 @@ static inline void statsd_readdir(const char *user_path, const char *stock_path,
// extract chart type and chart id from metric name
static inline void statsd_get_metric_type_and_id(STATSD_METRIC *m, char *type, char *id, char *context, const char *metrictype, size_t len) {
- char *s = NULL;
- snprintfz(type, len, "%s_%s", STATSD_CHART_PREFIX, m->name);
- if(sizeof(STATSD_CHART_PREFIX) + 2 < len)
- for(s = &type[sizeof(STATSD_CHART_PREFIX) + 2]; *s ;s++)
- if(unlikely(*s == '.' || *s == '_')) break;
+ // The full chart type.id looks like this:
+ //
+ // where:
+ // STATSD_CHART_PREFIX = "statsd" as defined above
+ // METRIC_NAME = whatever the user gave to statsd
+ // METRIC_TYPE = "gauge", "counter", "meter", "timer", "histogram", "set", "dictionary"
+ // for chart type, we want:
+ // ${STATSD_CHART_PREFIX} + "_" + the first word of ${METRIC_NAME}
+ // find the first word of ${METRIC_NAME}
+ char firstword[len + 1], *s = "";
+ strncpyz(firstword, m->name, len);
+ for (s = firstword; *s ; s++) {
+ if (unlikely(*s == '.' || *s == '_')) {
+ *s = '\0';
+ s++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // firstword has the first word of ${METRIC_NAME}
+ // s has the remaining, if any
+ // create the chart type:
+ snprintfz(type, len, STATSD_CHART_PREFIX "_%s", firstword);
- if(s && (*s == '.' || *s == '_')) {
- *s++ = '\0';
+ // for chart id, we want:
+ // the remaining of the words of ${METRIC_NAME} + "_" + ${METRIC_TYPE}
+ // or the ${METRIC_NAME} has no remaining words, the ${METRIC_TYPE} alone
+ if(*s)
snprintfz(id, len, "%s_%s", s, metrictype);
- }
- else {
+ else
snprintfz(id, len, "%s", metrictype);
- }
- snprintfz(context, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "statsd_%s.%s", metrictype, m->name);
+ // for the context, we want the full of both the above, separated with a dot (type.id):
+ snprintfz(context, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX, "%s.%s", type, id);
+ // make sure they don't have illegal characters