@@ -45,34 +45,34 @@ fatal() {
exit 1
-function docker_get_name_classic() {
- local id="${1}"
- info "Running command: docker ps --filter=id=\"${id}\" --format=\"{{.Names}}\""
- NAME="$(docker ps --filter=id="${id}" --format="{{.Names}}")"
+function docker_like_get_name_command() {
+ local command="${1}"
+ local id="${2}"
+ info "Running command: ${command} ps --filter=id=\"${id}\" --format=\"{{.Names}}\""
+ NAME="$(${command} ps --filter=id="${id}" --format="{{.Names}}")"
return 0
-function docker_get_name_api() {
- local path="/containers/${1}/json"
- if [ -z "${DOCKER_HOST}" ]; then
- warning "No DOCKER_HOST is set"
+function docker_like_get_name_api() {
+ local host_var="${1}"
+ local host="${!host_var}"
+ local path="/containers/${2}/json"
+ if [ -z "${host}" ]; then
+ warning "No ${host_var} is set"
return 1
if ! command -v jq >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- warning "Can't find jq command line tool. jq is required for netdata to retrieve docker container name using ${DOCKER_HOST} API, falling back to docker ps"
+ warning "Can't find jq command line tool. jq is required for netdata to retrieve container name using ${host} API, falling back to docker ps"
return 1
- if [ -S "${DOCKER_HOST}" ]; then
- info "Running API command: curl --unix-socket ${DOCKER_HOST} http://localhost${path}"
- JSON=$(curl -sS --unix-socket "${DOCKER_HOST}" "http://localhost${path}")
- elif [ "${DOCKER_HOST}" == "/var/run/docker.sock" ]; then
- warning "Docker socket was not found at ${DOCKER_HOST}"
- return 1
+ if [ -S "${host}" ]; then
+ info "Running API command: curl --unix-socket \"${host}\" http://localhost${path}"
+ JSON=$(curl -sS --unix-socket "${host}" "http://localhost${path}")
- info "Running API command: curl ${DOCKER_HOST}${path}"
- JSON=$(curl -sS "${DOCKER_HOST}${path}")
+ info "Running API command: curl \"${host}${path}\""
+ JSON=$(curl -sS "${host}${path}")
- NAME=$(echo "$JSON" | jq -r .Name,.Config.Hostname | grep -v null | head -n1 | sed 's|^/||')
+ NAME=$(echo "${JSON}" | jq -r .Name,.Config.Hostname | grep -v null | head -n1 | sed 's|^/||')
return 0
@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ function k8s_get_name() {
function docker_get_name() {
local id="${1}"
if hash docker 2>/dev/null; then
- docker_get_name_classic "${id}"
+ docker_like_get_name_command docker "${id}"
- docker_get_name_api "${id}" || docker_get_name_classic "${id}"
+ docker_like_get_name_api DOCKER_HOST "${id}" || docker_like_get_name_command podman "${id}"
if [ -z "${NAME}" ]; then
warning "cannot find the name of docker container '${id}'"
@@ -148,6 +148,30 @@ function docker_validate_id() {
+function podman_get_name() {
+ local id="${1}"
+ # for Podman, prefer using the API if we can, as netdata will not normally have access
+ # to other users' containers, so they will not be visible when running `podman ps`
+ docker_like_get_name_api PODMAN_HOST "${id}" || docker_like_get_name_command podman "${id}"
+ if [ -z "${NAME}" ]; then
+ warning "cannot find the name of podman container '${id}'"
+ NAME="${id:0:12}"
+ else
+ info "podman container '${id}' is named '${NAME}'"
+ fi
+function podman_validate_id() {
+ local id="${1}"
+ if [ -n "${id}" ] && [ ${#id} -eq 64 ]; then
+ podman_get_name "${id}"
+ else
+ error "a podman id cannot be extracted from docker cgroup '${CGROUP}'."
+ fi
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -155,6 +179,7 @@ function docker_validate_id() {
@@ -195,6 +220,10 @@ if [ -z "${NAME}" ]; then
#shellcheck disable=SC1117
DOCKERID="$(echo "${CGROUP}" | sed "s|^.*ecs[-_/].*[-_/]\([a-fA-F0-9]\+\)[-_\.]\?.*$|\1|")"
docker_validate_id "${DOCKERID}"
+ elif [[ ${CGROUP} =~ ^.*libpod-[a-fA-F0-9]+.*$ ]]; then
+ # Podman
+ PODMANID="$(echo "${CGROUP}" | sed "s|^.*libpod-\([a-fA-F0-9]\+\).*$|\1|")"
+ podman_validate_id "${PODMANID}"
elif [[ ${CGROUP} =~ machine.slice[_/].*\.service ]]; then
# systemd-nspawn