@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ component: Network
lookup: average -10s unaligned absolute of OutRsts
units: tcp resets/s
every: 10s
- warn: $this > ((($1m_ipv4_tcp_resets_sent < 5)?(5):($1m_ipv4_tcp_resets_sent)) * (($status >= $WARNING) ? (1) : (10)))
+ warn: $netdata.uptime.uptime > (1 * 60) AND $this > ((($1m_ipv4_tcp_resets_sent < 5)?(5):($1m_ipv4_tcp_resets_sent)) * (($status >= $WARNING) ? (1) : (10)))
delay: up 20s down 60m multiplier 1.2 max 2h
options: no-clear-notification
info: average number of sent TCP RESETS over the last 10 seconds. \
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ component: Network
lookup: average -10s unaligned absolute of AttemptFails
units: tcp resets/s
every: 10s
- warn: $this > ((($1m_ipv4_tcp_resets_received < 5)?(5):($1m_ipv4_tcp_resets_received)) * (($status >= $WARNING) ? (1) : (10)))
+ warn: $netdata.uptime.uptime > (1 * 60) AND $this > ((($1m_ipv4_tcp_resets_received < 5)?(5):($1m_ipv4_tcp_resets_received)) * (($status >= $WARNING) ? (1) : (10)))
delay: up 20s down 60m multiplier 1.2 max 2h
options: no-clear-notification
info: average number of received TCP RESETS over the last 10 seconds. \