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Make collectors/ have its list autogenerated from integrations.js (#15995)

Fotis Voutsas 1 year ago

+ 0 - 63

@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# CI workflow used to generate documentation from integrations/integrations.js.
-name: Generate Integrations Documentation
-  push:
-    branches:
-      - master
-    paths:
-      - 'integrations/integrations.js'
-  workflow_dispatch: null
-concurrency: # This keeps multiple instances of the job from running concurrently for the same ref.
-  group: generate-integrations-docs-${{ github.ref }}
-  cancel-in-progress: true
-  generate-integrations-documentation:
-    name: Generate Integrations Documentation
-    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
-    if: github.repository == 'netdata/netdata'
-    steps:
-      - name: Checkout Agent
-        id: checkout-agent
-        uses: actions/checkout@v4
-        with:
-          fetch-depth: 1
-          submodules: recursive
-      - name: Generate Integrations Documentation
-        id: generate
-        run: |
-          python3 integrations/
-      - name: Create PR
-        id: create-pr
-        uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v5
-        with:
-          token: ${{ secrets.NETDATABOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }}
-          commit-message: Generate Integrations Documentation
-          branch: integrations-docs
-          title: Integrations Documentation
-          body: |
-            Generate Documentation from `integrations/integrations.js` based on the latest code.
-            This PR was auto-generated by
-            `.github/workflows/generate-integrations-docs.yml`.
-      - name: Failure Notification
-        uses: rtCamp/action-slack-notify@v2
-        env:
-          SLACK_COLOR: 'danger'
-          SLACK_FOOTER: ''
-          SLACK_ICON_EMOJI: ':github-actions:'
-          SLACK_TITLE: 'Integrations Documentation generation failed:'
-          SLACK_USERNAME: 'GitHub Actions'
-          SLACK_MESSAGE: |-
-              ${{ github.repository }}: Failed to create PR generating documentation from integrations.js
-              Checkout Agent: ${{ steps.checkout-agent.outcome }}
-              Generate Integrations: ${{ steps.generate.outcome }}
-              Create PR: ${{ steps.create-pr.outcome }}
-          SLACK_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}
-        if: >-
-          ${{
-            failure()
-            && startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/heads/master')
-            && github.repository == 'netdata/netdata'
-          }}

+ 12 - 3

@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-# CI workflow used to regenerate `integrations/integrations.js` when
-# relevant source files are changed.
+# CI workflow used to regenerate `integrations/integrations.js` and accompanying documentation when relevant source files are changed.
 name: Generate Integrations
@@ -55,6 +54,14 @@ jobs:
         run: |
           source ./virtualenv/bin/activate
           python3 integrations/
+      - name: Generate Integrations Documentation
+        id: generate-integrations-documentation
+        run: |
+          python3 integrations/
+      - name: Generate collectors/
+        id: generate-collectors-md
+        run: |
+          python3 integrations/
       - name: Clean Up Temporary Data
         id: clean
         run: rm -rf go.d.plugin virtualenv
@@ -67,7 +74,7 @@ jobs:
           branch: integrations-regen
           title: Regenerate integrations.js
           body: |
-            Regenerate `integrations/integrations.js` based on the
+            Regenerate `integrations/integrations.js`, and documentation based on the
             latest code.
             This PR was auto-generated by
@@ -87,6 +94,8 @@ jobs:
               Checkout Go: ${{ steps.checkout-go.outcome }}
               Prepare Dependencies: ${{ steps.prep-deps.outcome }}
               Generate Integrations: ${{ steps.generate.outcome }}
+              Generate Integrations Documentation: ${{ steps.generate-integrations-documentation.outcome }}
+              Generate collectors/ ${{ steps.generate-collectors-md.outcome }}
               Clean Up Temporary Data: ${{ steps.clean.outcome }}
               Create PR: ${{ steps.create-pr.outcome }}
           SLACK_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL }}

+ 1157 - 630

@@ -41,641 +41,1168 @@ If you don't see the app/service you'd like to monitor in this list:
   in [Go](
   or [Python](
-## Available Collectors
-- [Monitor anything with Netdata](#monitor-anything-with-netdata)
-  - [Add your application to Netdata](#add-your-application-to-netdata)
-  - [Available Collectors](#available-collectors)
-  - [Service and application collectors](#service-and-application-collectors)
-    - [Generic](#generic)
-    - [APM (application performance monitoring)](#apm-application-performance-monitoring)
-    - [Containers and VMs](#containers-and-vms)
-    - [Data stores](#data-stores)
-    - [Distributed computing](#distributed-computing)
-    - [Email](#email)
-    - [Kubernetes](#kubernetes)
-    - [Logs](#logs)
-    - [Messaging](#messaging)
-    - [Network](#network)
-    - [Provisioning](#provisioning)
-    - [Remote devices](#remote-devices)
-    - [Search](#search)
-    - [Storage](#storage)
-    - [Web](#web)
-  - [System collectors](#system-collectors)
-    - [Applications](#applications)
-    - [Disks and filesystems](#disks-and-filesystems)
-    - [eBPF](#ebpf)
-    - [Hardware](#hardware)
-    - [Memory](#memory)
-    - [Networks](#networks)
-    - [Operating systems](#operating-systems)
-    - [Processes](#processes)
-    - [Resources](#resources)
-    - [Users](#users)
-  - [Netdata collectors](#netdata-collectors)
-  - [Orchestrators](#orchestrators)
-  - [Third-party collectors](#third-party-collectors)
-  - [Etc](#etc)
-## Service and application collectors
-The Netdata Agent auto-detects and collects metrics from all of the services and applications below. You can also
-configure any of these collectors according to your setup and infrastructure.
-### Generic
-- [Prometheus endpoints]( Gathers
-  metrics from any number of Prometheus endpoints, with support to autodetect more than 600 services and applications.
-- [Pandas]( A Python
-  collector that gathers
-  metrics from a [pandas]( dataframe. Pandas is a high level data processing library in
-  Python that can read various formats of data from local files or web endpoints. Custom processing and transformation
-  logic can also be expressed as part of the collector configuration.
-### APM (application performance monitoring)
-- [Go applications](
-  Monitor any Go application that exposes its
-  metrics with the  `expvar` package from the Go standard library.
-- [Java Spring Boot 2 applications](
-  Monitor running Java Spring Boot 2 applications that expose their metrics with the use of the Spring Boot Actuator.
-- [statsd]( Implement a high
-  performance `statsd` server for Netdata.
-- [phpDaemon]( Collect worker
-  statistics (total, active, idle), and uptime for web and network applications.
-- [uWSGI]( Monitor
-  performance metrics exposed by the uWSGI Stats
-  Server.
+## Available Data Collection Integrations
+### APM
+- [Alamos FE2 server](
+- [Apache Airflow](
+- [Apache Flink](
+- [Audisto](
+- [Dependency-Track](
+- [Dynatrace](
+- [Go applications (EXPVAR)](
+- [Google Pagespeed](
+- [IBM AIX systems Njmon](
+- [JMX](
+- [Java Spring-boot 2 applications](
+- [NRPE daemon](
+- [Prometheus endpoint](
+- [Sentry](
+- [Sysload](
+- [VSCode](
+- [YOURLS URL Shortener](
+- [bpftrace variables](
+- [gpsd](
+- [jolokia](
+- [phpDaemon](
+### Authentication and Authorization
+- [Fail2ban](
+- [FreeRADIUS](
+- [HashiCorp Vault secrets](
+- [LDAP](
+- [OpenLDAP](
+- [OpenLDAP](
+- [RADIUS](
+- [SSH](
+- [TACACS](
+### Blockchain Servers
+- [Chia](
+- [Crypto exchanges](
+- [Cryptowatch](
+- [Energi Core Wallet](
+- [Go-ethereum](
+- [Helium miner (validator)](
+- [IOTA full node](
+- [Sia](
+### CI/CD Platforms
+- [Concourse](
+- [GitLab Runner](
+- [Jenkins](
+- [Puppet](
+### Cloud Provider Managed
+- [AWS EC2 Compute instances](
+- [AWS EC2 Spot Instance](
+- [AWS ECS](
+- [AWS Health events](
+- [AWS Quota](
+- [AWS S3 buckets](
+- [AWS SQS](
+- [AWS instance health](
+- [Akamai Global Traffic Management](
+- [Akami Cloudmonitor](
+- [Alibaba Cloud](
+- [ArvanCloud CDN](
+- [Azure AD App passwords](
+- [Azure Elastic Pool SQL](
+- [Azure Resources](
+- [Azure SQL](
+- [Azure Service Bus](
+- [Azure application](
+- [BigQuery](
+- [CloudWatch](
+- [Dell EMC ECS cluster](
+- [DigitalOcean](
+- [GCP GCE](
+- [GCP Quota](
+- [Google Cloud Platform](
+- [Google Stackdriver](
+- [Linode](
+- [Lustre metadata](
+- [Nextcloud servers](
+- [OpenStack](
+- [Zerto](
 ### Containers and VMs
-- [Docker containers]( Monitor the
-  health and performance of individual Docker containers using the cgroups collector plugin.
-- [DockerD]( Collect container health
-  statistics.
-- [Docker Engine]( Collect
-  runtime statistics from the `docker` daemon using the `metrics-address` feature.
-- [Docker Hub]( Collect statistics
-  about Docker repositories, such as pulls, starts, status, time since last update, and more.
-- [Libvirt]( Monitor the health and
-  performance of individual Libvirt containers
-  using the cgroups collector plugin.
-- [LXC]( Monitor the health and
-  performance of individual LXC containers using
-  the cgroups collector plugin.
-- [LXD]( Monitor the health and
-  performance of individual LXD containers using
-  the cgroups collector plugin.
-- [systemd-nspawn]( Monitor the
-  health and performance of individual
-  systemd-nspawn containers using the cgroups collector plugin.
-- [vCenter Server Appliance]( Monitor
-  appliance system, components, and software update health statuses via the Health API.
-- [vSphere]( Collect host and virtual
-  machine performance metrics.
-- [Xen/XCP-ng]( Collect XenServer
-  and XCP-ng metrics using `libxenstat`.
-### Data stores
-- [CockroachDB]( Monitor various
-  database components using `_status/vars` endpoint.
-- [Consul]( Capture service and unbound
-  checks status (passing, warning, critical, maintenance).
-- [Couchbase]( Gather per-bucket
-  metrics from any number of instances of the distributed JSON document database.
-- [CouchDB]( Monitor database health and
-  performance metrics
-  (reads/writes, HTTP traffic, replication status, etc).
-- [MongoDB]( Collect server, database,
-  replication and sharding performance and health metrics.
-- [MySQL]( Collect database global,
-  replication and per user statistics.
-- [OracleDB]( Monitor
-  database performance and health metrics.
-- [Pika]( Gather metric, such as clients,
-  memory usage, queries, and more from the Redis interface-compatible database.
-- [Postgres]( Collect database health
-  and performance metrics.
-- [ProxySQL]( Monitor database backend
-  and frontend performance metrics.
-- [Redis]( Monitor status from any
-  number of database instances by reading the server's response to the `INFO ALL` command.
-- [RethinkDB]( Collect
-  database server and cluster statistics.
-- [Riak KV]( Collect
-  database stats from the `/stats` endpoint.
-- [Zookeeper]( Monitor application
-  health metrics reading the server's response to the `mntr` command.
-- [Memcached]( Collect
-  memory-caching system performance metrics.
-### Distributed computing
-- [BOINC]( Monitor the total
-  number of tasks, open tasks, and task
-  states for the distributed computing client.
-- [Gearman]( Collect
-  application summary (queued, running) and per-job
-  worker statistics (queued, idle, running).
-### Email
-- [Dovecot]( Collect email
-  server performance metrics by reading the
-  server's response to the `EXPORT global` command.
-- [EXIM]( Uses the `exim` tool
-  to monitor the queue length of a
-  mail/message transfer agent (MTA).
-- [Postfix]( Uses
-  the `postqueue` tool to monitor the queue length of a
-  mail/message transfer agent (MTA).
+- [Containers](
-### Kubernetes
+- [Docker Engine](
+- [Docker Hub repository](
+- [Docker](
+- [Kubernetes Containers](
+- [LXC Containers](
+- [Libvirt Containers](
+- [NSX-T](
+- [Podman](
+- [Proxmox Containers](
+- [Proxmox VE](
+- [VMWare](
+- [VMware vCenter Server](
+- [Virtual Machines](
+- [Xen/XCP-ng](
+- [cAdvisor](
+- [oVirt Containers](
+- [vCenter Server Appliance](
+### Databases
+- [4D Server](
+- [AWS RDS](
+- [Cassandra](
+- [ClickHouse](
+- [ClusterControl CMON](
+- [CockroachDB](
+- [CouchDB](
+- [Couchbase](
+- [HANA](
+- [Hasura GraphQL Server](
+- [InfluxDB](
+- [Machbase](
+- [MariaDB](
+- [Memcached](
+- [Memcached](
+- [MongoDB](
+- [MySQL](
+- [ODBC](
+- [Oracle DB](
+- [Oracle DB](
+- [Patroni](
+- [Percona MySQL](
+- [PgBouncer](
+- [Pgpool-II](
+- [Pika](
+- [PostgreSQL](
+- [ProxySQL](
+- [Redis](
+- [RethinkDB](
+- [RiakKV](
+- [SQL Database agnostic](
+- [Vertica](
+- [Warp10](
-- [Kubelet]( Monitor one or more
-  instances of the Kubelet agent and collects metrics on number of pods/containers running, volume of Docker
-  operations, and more.
-- [kube-proxy]( Collect
-  metrics, such as syncing proxy rules and REST client requests, from one or more instances of `kube-proxy`.
-- [Service discovery]( Find what services are running on a
-  cluster's pods, converts that into configuration files, and exports them so they can be monitored by Netdata.
-### Logs
-- [Fluentd]( Gather application
-  plugins metrics from an endpoint provided by `in_monitor plugin`.
-- [Logstash]( Monitor JVM threads,
-  memory usage, garbage collection statistics, and more.
-- [OpenVPN status logs]( Parse
-  server log files and provide summary (client, traffic) metrics.
-- [Squid web server logs]( Tail Squid
-  access logs to return the volume of requests, types of requests, bandwidth, and much more.
-- [Web server logs (Go version for Apache, NGINX)]( Tail access logs and provide
-  very detailed web server performance statistics. This module is able to parse 200k+ rows in less than half a second.
-- [Web server logs (Apache, NGINX)]( Tail
-  access log
-  file and collect web server/caching proxy metrics.
-### Messaging
-- [ActiveMQ]( Collect message broker
-  queues and topics statistics using the ActiveMQ Console API.
-- [Beanstalk]( Collect
-  server and tube-level statistics, such as CPU
-  usage, jobs rates, commands, and more.
-- [Pulsar]( Collect summary,
-  namespaces, and topics performance statistics.
-- [RabbitMQ]( Collect message
-  broker overview, system and per virtual host metrics.
-- [VerneMQ]( Monitor MQTT broker
-  health and performance metrics. It collects all available info for both MQTTv3 and v5 communication
-### Network
-- [Bind 9]( Collect nameserver summary
-  performance statistics via a web interface (`statistics-channels` feature).
-- [Chrony]( Monitor the precision and
-  statistics of a local `chronyd` server.
-- [CoreDNS]( Measure DNS query round
-  trip time.
-- [Dnsmasq]( Automatically
-  detects all configured `Dnsmasq` DHCP ranges and Monitor their utilization.
-- [DNSdist]( Collect
-  load-balancer performance and health metrics.
-- [Dnsmasq DNS Forwarder]( Gather
-  queries, entries, operations, and events for the lightweight DNS forwarder.
-- [DNS Query Time]( Monitor the round
-  trip time for DNS queries in milliseconds.
-- [Freeradius]( Collect
-  server authentication and accounting statistics from the `status server`.
-- [Libreswan]( Collect
-  bytes-in, bytes-out, and uptime metrics.
-- [Icecast]( Monitor the
-  number of listeners for active sources.
-- [ISC Bind (RDNC)](
-  Collect nameserver summary performance
-  statistics using the `rndc` tool.
-- [ISC DHCP]( Reads a
-  `dhcpd.leases` file and collects metrics on total active leases, pool active leases, and pool utilization.
-- [OpenLDAP]( Provides
-  statistics information from the OpenLDAP
-  (`slapd`) server.
-- [NSD]( Monitor nameserver
-  performance metrics using the `nsd-control`
-  tool.
-- [NTP daemon]( Monitor the system variables
-  of the local `ntpd` daemon (optionally including variables of the polled peers) using the NTP Control Message Protocol
-  via a UDP socket.
-- [OpenSIPS]( Collect
-  server health and performance metrics using the
-  `opensipsctl` tool.
-- [OpenVPN]( Gather server summary
-  (client, traffic) and per user metrics (traffic, connection time) stats using `management-interface`.
-- [Pi-hole]( Monitor basic (DNS
-  queries, clients, blocklist) and extended (top clients, top permitted, and blocked domains) statistics using the PHP
-  API.
-- [PowerDNS Authoritative Server](
-  Monitor one or more instances of the nameserver software to collect questions, events, and latency metrics.
-- [PowerDNS Recursor](
-  Gather incoming/outgoing questions, drops, timeouts, and cache usage from any number of DNS recursor instances.
-- [RetroShare]( Monitor
-  application bandwidth, peers, and DHT
-  metrics.
-- [Tor]( Capture traffic usage
-  statistics using the Tor control port.
-- [Unbound]( Collect DNS resolver
-  summary and extended system and per thread metrics via the `remote-control` interface.
-### Provisioning
-- [Puppet]( Monitor the
-  status of Puppet Server and Puppet DB.
-### Remote devices
-- [AM2320]( Monitor sensor
-  temperature and humidity.
-- [Access point]( Monitor
-  client, traffic and signal metrics using the `aw`
-  tool.
-- [APC UPS]( Capture status
-  information using the `apcaccess` tool.
-- [Energi Core]( Monitor
-  blockchain indexes, memory usage, network usage, and transactions of wallet instances.
-- [UPS/PDU]( Read the status of
-  UPS/PDU devices using the `upsc` tool.
-- [SNMP devices]( Gather data using the SNMP
-  protocol.
-- [1-Wire sensors](
-  Monitor sensor temperature.
-### Search
-- [Elasticsearch]( Collect
-  dozens of metrics on search engine performance from local nodes and local indices. Includes cluster health and
-  statistics.
-- [Solr]( Collect application search
-  requests, search errors, update requests, and update errors statistics.
-### Storage
-- [Ceph]( Monitor the Ceph
-  cluster usage and server data consumption.
-- [HDFS]( Monitor health and performance
-  metrics for filesystem datanodes and namenodes.
-- [IPFS]( Collect file system
-  bandwidth, peers, and repo metrics.
-- [Scaleio]( Monitor storage system,
-  storage pools, and SDCS health and performance metrics via VxFlex OS Gateway API.
-- [Samba]( Collect file
-  sharing metrics using the `smbstatus` tool.
-### Web
-- [Apache]( Collect Apache web
-  server performance metrics via the `server-status?auto` endpoint.
-- [HAProxy]( Collect
-  frontend, backend, and health metrics.
-- [HTTP endpoints]( Monitor
-  any HTTP endpoint's availability and response time.
-- [Lighttpd]( Collect web server
-  performance metrics using the `server-status?auto` endpoint.
-- [Litespeed]( Collect
-  web server data (network, connection,
-  requests, cache) by reading `.rtreport*` files.
-- [Nginx]( Monitor web server
-  status information by gathering metrics via `ngx_http_stub_status_module`.
-- [Nginx VTS]( Gathers metrics from
-  any Nginx deployment with the _virtual host traffic status module_ enabled, including metrics on uptime, memory
-  usage, and cache, and more.
-- [PHP-FPM]( Collect application
-  summary and processes health metrics by scraping the status page (`/status?full`).
-- [TCP endpoints]( Monitor any
-  TCP endpoint's availability and response time.
-- [Spigot Minecraft servers](
-  Monitor average ticket rate and number
-  of users.
-- [Squid]( Monitor client and
-  server bandwidth/requests by gathering
-  data from the Cache Manager component.
-- [Tengine]( Monitor web server
-  statistics using information provided by `ngx_http_reqstat_module`.
-- [Tomcat]( Collect web
-  server performance metrics from the Manager App
-  (`/manager/status?XML=true`).
-- [Traefik]( Uses Traefik's
-  Health API to provide statistics.
-- [Varnish]( Provides HTTP
-  accelerator global, backends (VBE), and
-  disks (SMF) statistics using the `varnishstat` tool.
-- [x509 check]( Monitor certificate
-  expiration time.
-- [Whois domain expiry]( Checks the
-  remaining time until a given domain is expired.
-## System collectors
-The Netdata Agent can collect these system- and hardware-level metrics using a variety of collectors, some of which
-(such as `proc.plugin`) collect multiple types of metrics simultaneously.
-### Applications
-- [Fail2ban]( Parses
-  configuration files to detect all jails, then
-  uses log files to report ban rates and volume of banned IPs.
-- [Monit]( Monitor statuses
-  of targets (service-checks) using the XML
-  stats interface.
-- [Windows]( Collect CPU, memory,
-  network, disk, OS, system, and log-in metrics scraping [windows_exporter](
-### Disks and filesystems
-- [BCACHE]( Monitor BCACHE statistics
-  with the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [Block devices]( Gather metrics about
-  the health and performance of block
-  devices using the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [Btrfs]( Monitors Btrfs filesystems
-  with the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [Device mapper]( Gather metrics about
-  the Linux device mapper with the proc
-  collector.
-- [Disk space]( Collect disk space
-  usage metrics on Linux mount points.
-- [Clock synchronization]( Collect the
-  system clock synchronization status on Linux.
-- [Files and directories]( Gather
-  metrics about the existence, modification time, and size of files or directories.
-- [ioping.plugin]( Measure disk
-  read/write latency.
-- [NFS file servers and clients](
-  Gather operations, utilization, and space usage
-  using the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [RAID arrays]( Collect health, disk
-  status, operation status, and more with the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [Veritas Volume Manager]( Gather
-  metrics about the Veritas Volume Manager (VVM).
-- [ZFS]( Monitor bandwidth and
-  utilization of ZFS disks/partitions using the proc
-  collector.
+- [pgBackRest](
+### Distributed Computing Systems
+- [BOINC](
+- [Gearman](
+### DNS and DHCP Servers
+- [Akamai Edge DNS Traffic](
+- [CoreDNS](
+- [DNS query](
+- [DNSBL](
+- [DNSdist](
+- [Dnsmasq DHCP](
+- [Dnsmasq](
+- [ISC Bind (RNDC)](
+- [ISC DHCP](
+- [Name Server Daemon](
+- [NextDNS](
+- [Pi-hole](
+- [PowerDNS Authoritative Server](
+- [PowerDNS Recursor](
+- [Unbound](
 ### eBPF
-- [Files]( Provides information about
-  how often a system calls kernel
-  functions related to file descriptors using the eBPF collector.
-- [Virtual file system (VFS)]( Monitor
-  IO, errors, deleted objects, and
-  more for kernel virtual file systems (VFS) using the eBPF collector.
-- [Processes]( Monitor threads, task
-  exits, and errors using the eBPF collector.
-### Hardware
-- [Adaptec RAID](
-  Monitor logical and physical devices health
-  metrics using the `arcconf` tool.
-- [CUPS]( Monitor CUPS.
-- [FreeIPMI](
-  Uses `libipmimonitoring-dev` or `libipmimonitoring-devel` to
-  monitor the number of sensors, temperatures, voltages, currents, and more.
-- [Hard drive temperature](
-  Monitor the temperature of storage
-  devices.
-- [HP Smart Storage Arrays](
-  Monitor controller, cache module, logical
-  and physical drive state, and temperature using the `ssacli` tool.
-- [MegaRAID controllers](
-  Collect adapter, physical drives, and
-  battery stats using the `megacli` tool.
-- [NVIDIA GPU]( Monitor
-  performance metrics (memory usage, fan
-  speed, pcie bandwidth utilization, temperature, and more) using the `nvidia-smi` tool.
-- [Sensors]( Reads system
-  sensors information (temperature, voltage,
-  electric current, power, and more) from `/sys/devices/`.
-- [S.M.A.R.T]( Reads
-  SMART Disk Monitoring daemon logs.
-### Memory
-- [Available memory]( Tracks changes in
-  available RAM using the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [Committed memory]( Monitor committed
-  memory using the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [Huge pages]( Gather metrics about
-  huge pages in Linux and FreeBSD with the
-  `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [KSM]( Measure the amount of merging,
-  savings, and effectiveness using the
-  `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [Numa]( Gather metrics on the number
-  of non-uniform memory access (NUMA) events
-  every second using the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [Page faults]( Collect the number of
-  memory page faults per second using the
-  `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [RAM]( Collect metrics on system RAM,
-  available RAM, and more using the
-  `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [SLAB]( Collect kernel SLAB
-  details on Linux systems.
-- [swap]( Monitor the amount of free
-  and used swap at every second using the
-  `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [Writeback memory]( Collect how much
-  memory is actively being written to disk at
-  every second using the `proc.plugin` collector.
-### Networks
-- [Access points]( Visualizes
-  data related to access points.
-- [Ping]( Measure network latency, jitter and
-  packet loss between the monitored node
-  and any number of remote network end points.
-- [Netfilter]( Collect netfilter
-  firewall, connection tracker, and accounting
-  metrics using `libmnl` and `libnetfilter_acct`.
-- [Network stack]( Monitor the
-  networking stack for errors, TCP connection aborts,
-  bandwidth, and more.
-- [Network QoS]( Collect traffic QoS
-  metrics (`tc`) of Linux network interfaces.
-- [SYNPROXY]( Monitor entries uses, SYN
-  packets received, TCP cookies, and more.
-### Operating systems
-- [freebsd.plugin]( Collect resource
-  usage and performance data on FreeBSD systems.
-- [macOS]( Collect resource usage and
-  performance data on macOS systems.
-### Processes
-- [Applications]( Gather CPU, disk,
-  memory, network, eBPF, and other metrics per
-  application using the `apps.plugin` collector.
-- [systemd]( Monitor the CPU and
-  memory usage of systemd services using the
-  `cgroups.plugin` collector.
-- [systemd unit states]( See the
-  state (active, inactive, activating, deactivating, failed) of various systemd unit types.
-- [System processes]( Collect metrics
-  on system load and total processes running
-  using `/proc/loadavg` and the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [Uptime]( Monitor the uptime of a
-  system using the `proc.plugin` collector.
-### Resources
-- [CPU frequency]( Monitor CPU
-  frequency, as set by the `cpufreq` kernel module,
-  using the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [CPU idle]( Measure CPU idle every
-  second using the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [CPU performance]( Collect CPU
-  performance metrics using performance monitoring
-  units (PMU).
-- [CPU throttling]( Gather metrics
-  about thermal throttling using the `/proc/stat`
-  module and the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [CPU utilization]( Capture CPU
-  utilization, both system-wide and per-core, using
-  the `/proc/stat` module and the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [Entropy]( Monitor the available
-  entropy on a system using the `proc.plugin`
-  collector.
-- [Interprocess Communication (IPC)](
-  Monitor IPC semaphores and shared memory
-  using the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [Interrupts]( Monitor interrupts per
-  second using the `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [IdleJitter]( Measure CPU
-  latency and jitter on all operating systems.
-- [SoftIRQs]( Collect metrics on
-  SoftIRQs, both system-wide and per-core, using the
-  `proc.plugin` collector.
-- [SoftNet]( Capture SoftNet events per
-  second, both system-wide and per-core,
-  using the `proc.plugin` collector.
-### Users
-- [systemd-logind]( Monitor active
-  sessions, users, and seats tracked
-  by `systemd-logind` or `elogind`.
-- [User/group usage]( Gather CPU, disk,
-  memory, network, and other metrics per user
-  and user group using the `apps.plugin` collector.
-## Netdata collectors
-These collectors are recursive in nature, in that they monitor some function of the Netdata Agent itself. Some
-collectors are described only in code and associated charts in Netdata dashboards.
-- [ACLK (code only)]( View whether a Netdata
-  Agent is connected to Netdata Cloud via the [ACLK](, the
-  volume of queries, process times, and more.
-- [Alerts]( This collector
-  creates an
-  **Alerts** menu with one line plot showing the alert states of a Netdata Agent over time.
-- [Anomalies]( This
-  collector uses the
-  Python PyOD library to perform unsupervised anomaly detection on your Netdata charts and/or dimensions.
-- [Exporting (code only)]( Gather
-  metrics on CPU utilization for
-  the [exporting engine](, and specific metrics for
-  each enabled
-  exporting connector.
-- [Global statistics (code only)]( See
-  metrics on the CPU utilization, network traffic, volume of web clients, API responses, database engine usage, and
-  more.
-## Orchestrators
-Plugin orchestrators organize and run many of the above collectors.
-If you're interested in developing a new collector that you'd like to contribute to Netdata, we highly recommend using
-the `go.d.plugin`.
-- [go.d.plugin]( An orchestrator for data collection modules written in `go`.
-- [python.d.plugin]( An
-  orchestrator for data collection modules written in `python` v2/v3.
-- [charts.d.plugin]( An
-  orchestrator for data collection modules written in `bash` v4+.
-## Third-party collectors
-These collectors are developed and maintained by third parties and, unlike the other collectors, are not installed by
-default. To use a third-party collector, visit their GitHub/documentation page and follow their installation procedures.
-<summary>Typical third party Python collector installation instructions</summary>
-In general the below steps should be sufficient to use a third party collector.
-1. Download collector code file
-   into [folder expected by Netdata](
-2. Download default collector configuration file
-   into [folder expected by Netdata](
-3. [Edit configuration file](
-   from step 2 if required.
-4. [Enable collector](
-5. [Restart Netdata](
-For example below are the steps to enable
-the [Python ClickHouse collector](
-# download python collector script to /usr/libexec/netdata/python.d/
-$ sudo wget -O /usr/libexec/netdata/python.d/
-# (optional) download default .conf to /etc/netdata/python.d/
-$ sudo wget -O /etc/netdata/python.d/clickhouse.conf
-# enable collector by adding line a new line with "clickhouse: yes" to /etc/netdata/python.d.conf file
-# this will append to the file if it already exists or create it if not
-$ sudo echo "clickhouse: yes" >> /etc/netdata/python.d.conf
-# (optional) edit clickhouse.conf if needed
-$ sudo vi /etc/netdata/python.d/clickhouse.conf
-# restart netdata 
-# see docs for more information:
-$ sudo systemctl restart netdata
-- [CyberPower UPS]( Polls CyberPower UPS data using
-  PowerPanel® Personal Linux.
-- [Logged-in users]( Collect the number of currently logged-on users.
-- [nextcloud]( Monitor Nextcloud servers.
-- [nim-netdata-plugin]( A helper to create native Netdata
-  plugins using Nim.
-- [Nvidia GPUs]( Monitor Nvidia GPUs.
-- [Teamspeak 3]( Pulls active users and bandwidth from TeamSpeak 3
-  servers.
-- [SSH]( Monitor failed authentication requests of an SSH server.
-- [ClickHouse](
-  Monitor [ClickHouse]( database.
-- [Ethtool]( Monitor network interfaces with ethtool.
-- [netdata-needrestart]( - Check/graph the number of processes/services/kernels that should be restarted after upgrading packages.
-- [netdata-debsecan]( - Check/graph the number of CVEs in currently installed packages.
-- [netdata-logcount]( - Check/graph the number of syslog messages, by level over time.
-- [netdata-apt]( - Check/graph and alert on the number of upgradeable packages, and available distribution upgrades.
-- [diskquota]( - Monitors the defined quotas on one or more filesystems depending on configuration.
-## Etc
-- [charts.d example]( An
-  example `charts.d` collector.
-- [python.d example]( An
-  example `python.d` collector.
-- [go.d example]( An
-  example `go.d` collector.
+- [eBPF Cachestat](
+- [eBPF DCstat](
+- [eBPF Disk](
+- [eBPF Filedescriptor](
+- [eBPF Filesystem](
+- [eBPF Hardirq](
+- [eBPF MDflush](
+- [eBPF Mount](
+- [eBPF OOMkill](
+- [eBPF Process](
+- [eBPF Processes](
+- [eBPF SHM](
+- [eBPF SWAP](
+- [eBPF Socket](
+- [eBPF SoftIRQ](
+- [eBPF Sync](
+- [eBPF VFS](
+### FreeBSD
+- [FreeBSD NFS](
+- [dev.cpu.0.freq](
+- [dev.cpu.temperature](
+- [devstat](
+- [getifaddrs](
+- [getmntinfo](
+- [hw.intrcnt](
+- [ipfw](
+- [kern.cp_time](
+- [kern.ipc.msq](
+- [kern.ipc.sem](
+- [kern.ipc.shm](
+- [net.inet.icmp.stats](
+- [net.inet.ip.stats](
+- [net.inet.tcp.states](
+- [net.inet.tcp.stats](
+- [net.inet.udp.stats](
+- [net.inet6.icmp6.stats](
+- [net.inet6.ip6.stats](
+- [net.isr](
+- [system.ram](
+- [uptime](
+- [vm.loadavg](
+- [vm.stats.sys.v_intr](
+- [vm.stats.sys.v_soft](
+- [vm.stats.sys.v_swtch](
+- [vm.stats.vm.v_pgfaults](
+- [vm.stats.vm.v_swappgs](
+- [vm.swap_info](
+- [vm.vmtotal](
+- [zfs](
+### FTP Servers
+- [ProFTPD](
+### Gaming
+- [BungeeCord](
+- [CS:GO](
+- [Minecraft](
+- [OpenRCT2](
+- [SpigotMC](
+- [Steam](
+### Generic Data Collection
+- [Custom Exporter](
+- [Excel spreadsheet](
+- [Generic Command Line Output](
+- [JetBrains Floating License Server](
+- [OpenWeatherMap](
+- [Pandas](
+- [Prometheus endpoint](
+- [SNMP devices](
+- [Shell command](
+- [Tankerkoenig API](
+- [TwinCAT ADS Web Service](
+### Hardware Devices and Sensors
+- [1-Wire Sensors](
+- [AM2320](
+- [AMD CPU & GPU](
+- [AMD GPU](
+- [ARM HWCPipe](
+- [CUPS](
+- [HDD temperature](
+- [HP iLO](
+- [IBM CryptoExpress (CEX) cards](
+- [IBM Z Hardware Management Console](
+- [IPMI (By SoundCloud)](
+- [Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)](
+- [Linux Sensors (lm-sensors)](
+- [Linux Sensors (sysfs)](
+- [NVML](
+- [Nvidia GPU](
+- [Raritan PDU](
+- [S.M.A.R.T.](
+- [ServerTech](
+- [Siemens S7 PLC](
+- [T-Rex NVIDIA GPU Miner](
+### IoT Devices
+- [Airthings Waveplus air sensor](
+- [Bobcat Miner 300](
+- [Christ Elektronik CLM5IP power panel](
+- [CraftBeerPi](
+- [Dutch Electricity Smart Meter](
+- [Elgato Key Light devices.](
+- [Energomera smart power meters](
+- [Helium hotspot](
+- [Homebridge](
+- [Homey](
+- [Jarvis Standing Desk](
+- [MP707 USB thermometer](
+- [Modbus protocol](
+- [Monnit Sensors MQTT](
+- [Nature Remo E lite devices](
+- [Netatmo sensors](
+- [OpenHAB](
+- [Personal Weather Station](
+- [Philips Hue](
+- [Pimoroni Enviro+](
+- [Powerpal devices](
+- [Radio Thermostat](
+- [SMA Inverters](
+- [Salicru EQX inverter](
+- [Sense Energy](
+- [Shelly humidity sensor](
+- [Smart meters SML](
+- [Solar logging stick](
+- [SolarEdge inverters](
+- [Solis Ginlong 5G inverters](
+- [Sunspec Solar Energy](
+- [TP-Link P110](
+- [Tado smart heating solution](
+- [Tesla Powerwall](
+- [Tesla Wall Connector](
+- [Tesla vehicle](
+- [Xiaomi Mi Flora](
+- [iqAir AirVisual air quality monitors](
+### Kubernetes
+- [Cilium Agent](
+- [Cilium Operator](
+- [Cilium Proxy](
+- [Kubelet](
+- [Kubeproxy](
+- [Kubernetes Cluster Cloud Cost](
+- [Kubernetes Cluster State](
+- [Kubernetes Containers](
+- [Rancher](
+### Linux Systems
+- [CPU performance](
+- [Disk space](
+- [Files and directories](
+- [OpenRC](
+#### CPU
+- [Interrupts](
+- [SoftIRQ statistics](
+#### Disk
+- [Disk Statistics](
+- [MD RAID](
+##### BTRFS
+- [BTRFS](
+##### NFS
+- [NFS Client](
+- [NFS Server](
+##### ZFS
+- [ZFS Adaptive Replacement Cache](
+- [ZFS Pools](
+#### Firewall
+- [Conntrack](
+- [Netfilter](
+- [Synproxy](
+- [nftables](
+#### IPC
+- [Inter Process Communication](
+#### Kernel
+- [Linux kernel SLAB allocator statistics](
+- [Power Capping](
+#### Memory
+- [Kernel Same-Page Merging](
+- [Linux ZSwap](
+- [Memory Statistics](
+- [Memory Usage](
+- [Memory modules (DIMMs)](
+- [Non-Uniform Memory Access](
+- [Page types](
+- [System Memory Fragmentation](
+- [ZRAM](
+#### Network
+- [Access Points](
+- [IP Virtual Server](
+- [IPv6 Socket Statistics](
+- [InfiniBand](
+- [Network interfaces](
+- [Network statistics](
+- [SCTP Statistics](
+- [Socket statistics](
+- [Softnet Statistics](
+- [Wireless network interfaces](
+- [tc QoS classes](
+#### Power Supply
+- [Power Supply](
+#### Pressure
+- [Pressure Stall Information](
+#### System
+- [Entropy](
+- [System Load Average](
+- [System Uptime](
+- [System statistics](
+### Logs Servers
+- [AuthLog](
+- [Fluentd](
+- [Graylog Server](
+- [Logstash](
+- [journald](
+- [loki](
+- [mtail](
+### macOS Systems
+- [Apple Time Machine](
+- [macOS](
+### Mail Servers
+- [DMARC](
+- [Dovecot](
+- [Exim](
+- [Halon](
+- [Maildir](
+- [Postfix](
+### Media Services
+- [Discourse](
+- [Icecast](
+- [OBS Studio](
+- [RetroShare](
+- [SABnzbd](
+- [Stream](
+- [Twitch](
+- [Zulip](
+### Message Brokers
+- [ActiveMQ](
+- [Apache Pulsar](
+- [Beanstalk](
+- [IBM MQ](
+- [Kafka Connect](
+- [Kafka ZooKeeper](
+- [Kafka](
+- [MQTT Blackbox](
+- [RabbitMQ](
+- [Redis Queue](
+- [VerneMQ](
+- [XMPP Server](
+- [mosquitto](
+### Networking Stack and Network Interfaces
+- [8430FT modem](
+- [A10 ACOS network devices](
+- [Andrews & Arnold line status](
+- [Aruba devices](
+- [Bird Routing Daemon](
+- [Checkpoint device](
+- [Cisco ACI](
+- [Citrix NetScaler](
+- [DDWRT Routers](
+- [FRRouting](
+- [Fortigate firewall](
+- [Freifunk network](
+- [Fritzbox network devices](
+- [Hitron CGN series CPE](
+- [Hitron CODA Cable Modem](
+- [Huawei devices](
+- [Keepalived](
+- [Meraki dashboard](
+- [MikroTik devices](
+- [Mikrotik RouterOS devices](
+- [NetFlow](
+- [NetMeter](
+- [Open vSwitch](
+- [OpenROADM devices](
+- [RIPE Atlas](
+- [SONiC NOS](
+- [SmartRG 808AC Cable Modem](
+- [Starlink (SpaceX)](
+- [Traceroute](
+- [Ubiquiti UFiber OLT](
+- [Zyxel GS1200-8](
+### Incident Management
+- [OTRS](
+- [StatusPage](
+### Observability
+- [Collectd](
+- [Grafana](
+- [Hubble](
+- [Naemon](
+- [Nagios](
+- [New Relic](
+### Other
+- [Example collector](
+- [GitHub API rate limit](
+- [GitHub repository](
+- [Netdata Agent alarms](
+- [python.d changefinder](
+- [python.d zscores](
+### Processes and System Services
+- [Applications](
+- [Supervisor](
+- [User Groups](
+- [Users](
+### Provisioning Systems
+- [BOSH](
+- [Cloud Foundry Firehose](
+- [Cloud Foundry](
+- [Mesos](
+- [Slurm](
+- [Spacelift](
+### Search Engines
+- [Elasticsearch](
+- [Meilisearch](
+- [OpenSearch](
+- [Solr](
+- [Sphinx](
+### Security Systems
+- [Certificate Transparency](
+- [ClamAV daemon](
+- [Clamscan results](
+- [Crowdsec](
+- [Honeypot](
+- [Lynis audit reports](
+- [OpenVAS](
+- [SSL Certificate](
+- [Suricata](
+- [Vault PKI](
+### Service Discovery / Registry
+- [Consul](
+- [Kafka Consumer Lag](
+- [ZooKeeper](
+- [etcd](
+### Storage, Mount Points and Filesystems
+- [AdaptecRAID](
+- [Altaro Backup](
+- [Borg backup](
+- [CVMFS clients](
+- [Ceph](
+- [Dell EMC Isilon cluster](
+- [Dell EMC ScaleIO](
+- [Dell EMC XtremIO cluster](
+- [Dell PowerMax](
+- [EOS](
+- [Generic storage enclosure tool](
+- [HDSentinel](
+- [HP Smart Storage Arrays](
+- [Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)](
+- [IBM Spectrum Virtualize](
+- [IBM Spectrum](
+- [IPFS](
+- [Lagerist Disk latency](
+- [MegaCLI](
+- [MogileFS](
+- [NVMe devices](
+- [NetApp Solidfire](
+- [Netapp ONTAP API](
+- [Samba](
+- [Starwind VSAN VSphere Edition](
+- [Storidge](
+- [Synology ActiveBackup](
+### Synthetic Checks
+- [Blackbox](
+- [Domain expiration date](
+- [HTTP Endpoints](
+- [IOPing](
+- [Idle OS Jitter](
+- [Monit](
+- [Ping](
+- [Pingdom](
+- [Site 24x7](
+- [TCP Endpoints](
+- [Uptimerobot](
+- [X.509 certificate](
+### System Clock and NTP
+- [Chrony](
+- [NTPd](
+- [Timex](
+### Systemd
+- [Systemd Services](
+- [Systemd Units](
+- [systemd-logind users](
+### Task Queues
+- [Beanstalk](
+- [Celery](
+- [Mesos](
+- [Slurm](
+### Telephony Servers
+- [GTP](
+- [Kannel](
+- [OpenSIPS](
+### UPS
+- [APC UPS](
+- [Eaton UPS](
+- [Network UPS Tools (NUT)](
+- [Network UPS Tools](
+### VPNs
+- [Fastd](
+- [Libreswan](
+- [OpenVPN status log](
+- [OpenVPN](
+- [SoftEther VPN Server](
+- [Speedify CLI](
+- [Tor](
+- [WireGuard](
+- [strongSwan](
+### Web Servers and Web Proxies
+- [APIcast](
+- [Apache](
+- [Clash](
+- [Cloudflare PCAP](
+- [Envoy](
+- [Gobetween](
+- [HAProxy](
+- [HHVM](
+- [HTTPD](
+- [Lighttpd](
+- [Litespeed](
+- [NGINX Plus](
+- [NGINX](
+- [PHP-FPM](
+- [Squid log files](
+- [Squid](
+- [Tengine](
+- [Tomcat](
+- [Traefik](
+- [Varnish](
+- [Web server log files](
+- [uWSGI](
+### Windows Systems
+- [Active Directory](
+- [HyperV](
+- [MS Exchange](
+- [MS SQL Server](
+- [NET Framework](
+- [Windows](

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+This script reads the integrations/integrations.js file and generates the list of data collection integrations inside collectors/, with proper links that Learn can replace into Learn links.
+import json
+import pathlib
+# Open integrations/integrations.js and extract the dictionaries
+with open('integrations/integrations.js') as dataFile:
+    data =
+    categories_str = data.split("export const categories = ")[1].split("export const integrations = ")[0]
+    integrations_str = data.split("export const categories = ")[1].split("export const integrations = ")[1]
+    categories = json.loads(categories_str)
+    integrations = json.loads(integrations_str)
+cat_dict = {}
+data_col_cat = {}
+def recursive(categories):
+    for category in categories:
+        data_col_cat[category['id']] = category['name']
+        if category['children']:
+            recursive(category['children'])
+def construct_dict(array, integration):
+    for element in array:
+        if element not in cat_dict:
+            cat_dict[element] = list()
+        cat_dict[element].append(integration)
+md = ""
+for integration in integrations:
+    if integration['integration_type'] == "collector":
+        construct_dict(integration['meta']['monitored_instance']['categories'], integration)
+for category_id, integrations in sorted(cat_dict.items()):
+    heading = '#' * len(category_id.split('.'))
+    for cat in data_col_cat:
+        if cat == category_id:
+            name = data_col_cat[cat]
+    md += f'#{heading} {name}\n\n'
+    names = []
+    for integration in integrations:
+        name = integration['meta']['monitored_instance']['name']
+        link = integration['edit_link'].replace("metadata.yaml", "") + \
+            "integrations/" + name.lower().replace(" ", "_").replace("/", "-").replace("(", "").replace(")", "")+".md"
+        names.append(f"[{name}]({link})")
+    for integration_name in sorted(names):
+        md += "- " + integration_name + "\n\n"
+outfile = pathlib.Path("./collectors/")
+output = outfile.read_text().split("## Available Data Collection Integrations")[0]
+output += "## Available Data Collection Integrations\n<!-- AUTOGENERATED PART BY integrations/ SCRIPT, DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY -->\n" + md