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netdata/ci: second batch of fixes for coverity scan script and others (#6804)

* netdata/ci: fine grain coverity scan toolkit

1) Deprecate
2) add set -e to raise errors more aggressively when something is wrong
3) refactor some variable definitions for temp and install paths, use mktemp and clean up temp dir when all ok

* netdata/ci: reduce the scope

* netdata/ci: require curl

* netdata/ci: go soft on functions loading

* netdata/ci: allow override of build version without touching the script

* netdata/ci: handle shellcheck errors, some were silenced because we dont handle them

* netdata/ci: coverity scan, parse any extra options other than --with-install and pass them to configure

1) add default configure arguments if no extras are given
2) parse all possible arguments individually, handle --with-install and pass the rest to scanit

* netdata/ci: focus, argument parsing in one place a bit more consistently

* netdata/ci: prepare for using

* netdata/ci: coverity - add more flags, adjust deps list

1) Add with math and with zlib flags on the script
2) add xenstat dependencies
3) run in coverity with custom flags, so that we add xenstat (no need to be by default for the users of the script)

* netdata/packaging: add xen-utils also

* test the flow

* netdata/ci: dont forget to go back to the original directory

* netdata/ci: please, travis, stop it

* netdata/ci: how about this then

* netdata/ci: silence that, we cant call it otherwise

* netdata/packaging: update documentation around xenstat on centos

* netdata/packaging: dont enable xenstat at this stage

* netdata/ci: add += instead of variable reusage
Paul Emm. Katsoulakis 5 years ago
6 changed files with 83 additions and 50 deletions
  1. 3 2
  2. 0 1
  3. 1 0
  4. 0 8
  5. 77 38
  6. 2 1

+ 3 - 2

@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ stages:
     # Nightly operations
   - name: Nightly operations
-    if: branch = master AND type = cron
+    #if: branch = master AND type = cron
+    if: branch =fix-coverity-toolkit
   - name: Nightly release
     if: branch = master AND type = cron
@@ -536,7 +537,7 @@ jobs:
         - post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "Starting nightly operations" "${NOTIF_CHANNEL}"
         - bash <(curl -sS --dont-wait --non-interactive netdata
         - sudo apt-get install -y libjson-c-dev libipmimonitoring-dev libcups2-dev libsnappy-dev libprotobuf-dev libprotoc-dev libssl-dev protobuf-compiler
-      script: ./ && ./
+      script: ./ --with-install
       after_failure: post_message "TRAVIS_MESSAGE" "<!here> Coverity nightly run has failed" "${NOTIF_CHANNEL}"

+ 0 - 1

@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ dist_noinst_DATA= \
 # should be proper init.d/openrc/systemd usable
 dist_noinst_SCRIPTS= \ \
- \
 	packaging/installer/ \
 	packaging/installer/ \
 	packaging/installer/ \

+ 1 - 0

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 ## Prerequisites
 1.  install `xen-dom0-libs-devel` and `yajl-devel` using the package manager of your system.
+    Note: On Cent-OS systems you will need `centos-release-xen` repository and the required package for xen is `xen-devel`
 2.  re-install Netdata from source. The installer will detect that the required libraries are now available and will also build xenstat.plugin.

+ 0 - 8

@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Coverity installation script
-# Copyright: SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# Author: Pavlos Emm. Katsoulakis (
-exec ./ install "${@}"

+ 77 - 38

@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env bash
 # Coverity scan script
 # Copyright: SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
@@ -6,6 +7,7 @@
 # Author  : Costa Tsaousis (
 # Author  : Pawel Krupa (paulfantom)
 # Author  : Pavlos Emm. Katsoulakis (
+# shellcheck disable=SC1091,SC2230,SC2086
 # To run manually, save configuration to .coverity-scan.conf like this:
@@ -25,22 +27,30 @@
 # this includes the token, so the default is not to print it.
+# Override the standard coverity build version we know is supported
+# COVERITY_BUILD_VERSION="cov-analysis-linux64-2019.03"
 # All these variables can also be exported before running this script.
 # If the first parameter of this script is "install",
 # coverity build tools will be downloaded and installed in /opt/coverity
+set -e
 # the version of coverity to use
-source packaging/installer/ || exit 1
+# TODO: For some reasons this does not fully load on Debian 10 (Haven't checked if it happens on other distros yet), it breaks
+source packaging/installer/ || echo "Failed to fully load the functions library"
 [ -z "${cpus}" ] && cpus=1
 if [ -f ".coverity-scan.conf" ]
-	source ".coverity-scan.conf" || exit 1
+	source ".coverity-scan.conf"
@@ -59,6 +69,10 @@ if [ -z "${token}" ]; then
 	fatal "export variable COVERITY_SCAN_TOKEN or set it in .coverity-scan.conf"
+if ! command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+	fatal "CURL is required for coverity scan to work"
 # only print the output of a command
 # when debugging is enabled
 # used to hide the token when debugging is not enabled
@@ -74,9 +88,11 @@ debugrun() {
 scanit() {
-  export PATH="${PATH}:/opt/${COVERITY_BUILD_VERSION}/bin/"
+  progress "Scanning using coverity"
   [ -z "${covbuild}" ] && covbuild="$(which cov-build 2>/dev/null || command -v cov-build 2>/dev/null)"
   if [ -z "${covbuild}" ]; then
     fatal "Cannot find 'cov-build' binary in \$PATH. Export variable COVERITY_BUILD_PATH or set it in .coverity-scan.conf"
   elif [ ! -x "${covbuild}" ]; then
@@ -94,54 +110,45 @@ scanit() {
   [ -f netdata-coverity-analysis.tgz ] && run rm netdata-coverity-analysis.tgz
   progress "Configuring netdata source..."
   run autoreconf -ivf
-  run ./configure --disable-lto \
-    --enable-https \
-    --enable-jsonc \
-    --enable-plugin-nfacct \
-    --enable-plugin-freeipmi \
-    --enable-plugin-cups \
-    --enable-backend-prometheus-remote-write \
-    ${NULL}
-  # TODO: enable these plugins too
-  #	--enable-plugin-xenstat \
-  #	--enable-backend-kinesis \
-  #	--enable-backend-mongodb \
+  run ./configure ${OTHER_OPTIONS}
   progress "Analyzing netdata..."
-  run "${covbuild}" --dir cov-int make -j${cpus} || exit 1
+  run "${covbuild}" --dir cov-int make -j${cpus}
   echo >&2 "Compressing analysis..."
-  run tar czvf netdata-coverity-analysis.tgz cov-int || exit 1
+  run tar czvf netdata-coverity-analysis.tgz cov-int
   echo >&2 "Sending analysis to coverity for netdata version ${version} ..."
   COVERITY_SUBMIT_RESULT=$(debugrun curl --progress-bar \
     --form token="${token}" \
-    --form email=${email} \
+    --form email="${email}" \
     --form file=@netdata-coverity-analysis.tgz \
     --form version="${version}" \
     --form description="netdata, monitor everything, in real-time." \
-  echo ${COVERITY_SUBMIT_RESULT} | grep -q -e 'Build successfully submitted' || echo >&2 "scan results were not pushed to coverity. Message was: ${COVERITY_SUBMIT_RESULT}"
+  echo "${COVERITY_SUBMIT_RESULT}" | grep -q -e 'Build successfully submitted' || echo >&2 "scan results were not pushed to coverity. Message was: ${COVERITY_SUBMIT_RESULT}"
   progress "Coverity scan completed"
 installit() {
-  progress "Downloading coverity..."
-  cd /tmp || exit 1
+  TMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d /tmp/netdata-coverity-scan-XXXXX)"
+  progress "Downloading coverity in ${TMP_DIR}..."
+  cd "${TMP_DIR}"
-  [ -f "${COVERITY_BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz" ] && run rm -f "${COVERITY_BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz"
   debugrun curl --remote-name --remote-header-name --show-error --location --data "token=${token}&project=${repo}"
   if [ -f "${COVERITY_BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz" ]; then
     progress "Installing coverity..."
-    cd /opt || exit 1
-    run sudo tar -z -x -f  "/tmp/${COVERITY_BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz" || exit 1
-    rm "/tmp/${COVERITY_BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz"
-    export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/${COVERITY_BUILD_VERSION}/bin/
+    cd "${INSTALL_DIR}"
+    run sudo tar -z -x -f  "${TMP_DIR}/${COVERITY_BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz" || exit 1
+    rm "${TMP_DIR}/${COVERITY_BUILD_VERSION}.tar.gz"
     fatal "Failed to download coverity tool tarball!"
@@ -152,16 +159,48 @@ installit() {
     fatal "Failed to install coverity."
+  # Clean temp directory
+  [ -n "${TMP_DIR}" ] && rm -rf "${TMP_DIR}"
   progress "Coverity scan tools are installed."
   return 0
-if [ "${1}" = "install" ]
-  shift 1
-  installit "${@}"
-  exit $?
-  scanit "${@}"
-  exit $?
+OTHER_OPTIONS+=" --with-zlib"
+OTHER_OPTIONS+=" --with-math"
+OTHER_OPTIONS+=" --enable-https"
+OTHER_OPTIONS+=" --enable-jsonc"
+OTHER_OPTIONS+=" --enable-plugin-nfacct"
+OTHER_OPTIONS+=" --enable-plugin-freeipmi"
+OTHER_OPTIONS+=" --enable-plugin-cups"
+OTHER_OPTIONS+=" --enable-backend-prometheus-remote-write"
+# TODO: enable these plugins too
+#OTHER_OPTIONS+=" --enable-plugin-xenstat"
+#OTHER_OPTIONS+=" --enable-backend-kinesis"
+#OTHER_OPTIONS+=" --enable-backend-mongodb"
+while [ -n "${1}" ]; do
+	if [ "${1}" = "--with-install" ]; then
+		progress "Running coverity install"
+		installit
+		shift 1
+	elif [ -n "${1}" ]; then
+		# Clear the default arguments, once you bump into the first argument
+		if [ "${FOUND_OPTS}" = "NO" ]; then
+			OTHER_OPTIONS="${1}"
+		else
+			OTHER_OPTIONS+=" ${1}"
+		fi
+		shift 1
+	else
+		break
+	fi
+echo "Running coverity scan with extra options ${OTHER_OPTIONS}"
+scanit "${OTHER_OPTIONS}"

+ 2 - 1

@@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ This is Netdata's TLS capability that incorporates encryption on the web server
 -   **Flags/instructions to enable**: None
 -   **Flags to disable from source**: --disable-plugin-xenstat
--   **What packages required for auto-detect?**: `xen-dom0-libs-devel`, `yajl-dev`
+-   **What packages required for auto-detect?**: `xen-dom0-libs-devel or xen-devel`, `yajl-dev or yajl-devel`
+    Note: for cent-OS based systems you will need `centos-release-xen` repository to get xen-devel
 #### CUPS