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remove python.d/sambsa (#18413)

Ilya Mashchenko 6 months ago

+ 0 - 2

@@ -2834,7 +2834,6 @@ install(FILES
-        src/collectors/python.d.plugin/samba/samba.conf
@@ -2851,7 +2850,6 @@ install(FILES
-        src/collectors/python.d.plugin/samba/

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-custom_edit_url: ""
-meta_yaml: ""
-sidebar_label: "Samba"
-learn_status: "Published"
-learn_rel_path: "Collecting Metrics/Storage, Mount Points and Filesystems"
-most_popular: False
-# Samba
-<img src="" width="150"/>
-Plugin: python.d.plugin
-Module: samba
-<img src="" />
-## Overview
-This collector monitors the performance metrics of Samba file sharing.
-It is using the `smbstatus` command-line tool.
-Executed commands:
-- `sudo -n smbstatus -P`
-This collector is supported on all platforms.
-This collector only supports collecting metrics from a single instance of this integration.
-`smbstatus` is used, which can only be executed by `root`. It uses `sudo` and assumes that it is configured such that the `netdata` user can execute `smbstatus` as root without a password.
-### Default Behavior
-#### Auto-Detection
-After all the permissions are satisfied, the `smbstatus -P` binary is executed.
-#### Limits
-The default configuration for this integration does not impose any limits on data collection.
-#### Performance Impact
-The default configuration for this integration is not expected to impose a significant performance impact on the system.
-## Metrics
-Metrics grouped by *scope*.
-The scope defines the instance that the metric belongs to. An instance is uniquely identified by a set of labels.
-### Per Samba instance
-These metrics refer to the entire monitored application.
-This scope has no labels.
-| Metric | Dimensions | Unit |
-| | sendfile, recvfile | KiB/s |
-| | readout, writein, readin, writeout | KiB/s |
-| smb2.create_close | create, close | operations/s |
-| smb2.get_set_info | getinfo, setinfo | operations/s |
-| smb2.find | find | operations/s |
-| smb2.notify | notify | operations/s |
-| smb2.sm_counters | tcon, negprot, tdis, cancel, logoff, flush, lock, keepalive, break, sessetup | count |
-## Alerts
-There are no alerts configured by default for this integration.
-## Setup
-### Prerequisites
-#### Enable the samba collector
-The `samba` collector is disabled by default. To enable it, use `edit-config` from the Netdata [config directory](/docs/netdata-agent/configuration/, which is typically at `/etc/netdata`, to edit the `python.d.conf` file.
-cd /etc/netdata   # Replace this path with your Netdata config directory, if different
-sudo ./edit-config python.d.conf
-Change the value of the `samba` setting to `yes`. Save the file and restart the Netdata Agent with `sudo systemctl restart netdata`, or the [appropriate method](/packaging/installer/ for your system.
-#### Permissions and programs
-To run the collector you need:
-- `smbstatus` program
-- `sudo` program
-- `smbd` must be compiled with profiling enabled
-- `smbd` must be started either with the `-P 1` option or inside `smb.conf` using `smbd profiling level`
-The module uses `smbstatus`, which can only be executed by `root`. It uses `sudo` and assumes that it is configured such that the `netdata` user can execute `smbstatus` as root without a password.
-- add to your `/etc/sudoers` file:
-  `which smbstatus` shows the full path to the binary.
-  ```bash
-  netdata ALL=(root)       NOPASSWD: /path/to/smbstatus
-  ```
-- Reset Netdata's systemd unit [CapabilityBoundingSet]( (Linux distributions with systemd)
-  The default CapabilityBoundingSet doesn't allow using `sudo`, and is quite strict in general. Resetting is not optimal, but a next-best solution given the inability to execute `smbstatus` using `sudo`.
-  As the `root` user, do the following:
-  ```cmd
-  mkdir /etc/systemd/system/netdata.service.d
-  echo -e '[Service]\nCapabilityBoundingSet=~' | tee /etc/systemd/system/netdata.service.d/unset-capability-bounding-set.conf
-  systemctl daemon-reload
-  systemctl restart netdata.service
-  ```
-### Configuration
-#### File
-The configuration file name for this integration is `python.d/samba.conf`.
-You can edit the configuration file using the `edit-config` script from the
-Netdata [config directory](/docs/netdata-agent/configuration/
-cd /etc/netdata 2>/dev/null || cd /opt/netdata/etc/netdata
-sudo ./edit-config python.d/samba.conf
-#### Options
-There are 2 sections:
-* Global variables
-* One or more JOBS that can define multiple different instances to monitor.
-The following options can be defined globally: priority, penalty, autodetection_retry, update_every, but can also be defined per JOB to override the global values.
-Additionally, the following collapsed table contains all the options that can be configured inside a JOB definition.
-Every configuration JOB starts with a `job_name` value which will appear in the dashboard, unless a `name` parameter is specified.
-<details open><summary>Config options</summary>
-| Name | Description | Default | Required |
-| update_every | Sets the default data collection frequency. | 5 | no |
-| priority | Controls the order of charts at the netdata dashboard. | 60000 | no |
-| autodetection_retry | Sets the job re-check interval in seconds. | 0 | no |
-| penalty | Indicates whether to apply penalty to update_every in case of failures. | yes | no |
-#### Examples
-##### Basic
-A basic example configuration.
-<details open><summary>Config</summary>
-  name: my_name
-  update_every: 1
-## Troubleshooting
-### Debug Mode
-To troubleshoot issues with the `samba` collector, run the `python.d.plugin` with the debug option enabled. The output
-should give you clues as to why the collector isn't working.
-- Navigate to the `plugins.d` directory, usually at `/usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/`. If that's not the case on
-  your system, open `netdata.conf` and look for the `plugins` setting under `[directories]`.
-  ```bash
-  cd /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/
-  ```
-- Switch to the `netdata` user.
-  ```bash
-  sudo -u netdata -s
-  ```
-- Run the `python.d.plugin` to debug the collector:
-  ```bash
-  ./python.d.plugin samba debug trace
-  ```
-### Getting Logs
-If you're encountering problems with the `samba` collector, follow these steps to retrieve logs and identify potential issues:
-- **Run the command** specific to your system (systemd, non-systemd, or Docker container).
-- **Examine the output** for any warnings or error messages that might indicate issues.  These messages should provide clues about the root cause of the problem.
-#### System with systemd
-Use the following command to view logs generated since the last Netdata service restart:
-journalctl _SYSTEMD_INVOCATION_ID="$(systemctl show --value --property=InvocationID netdata)" --namespace=netdata --grep samba
-#### System without systemd
-Locate the collector log file, typically at `/var/log/netdata/collector.log`, and use `grep` to filter for collector's name:
-grep samba /var/log/netdata/collector.log
-**Note**: This method shows logs from all restarts. Focus on the **latest entries** for troubleshooting current issues.
-#### Docker Container
-If your Netdata runs in a Docker container named "netdata" (replace if different), use this command:
-docker logs netdata 2>&1 | grep samba

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@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-plugin_name: python.d.plugin
-  - meta:
-      plugin_name: python.d.plugin
-      module_name: samba
-      monitored_instance:
-        name: Samba
-        link:
-        categories:
-          -
-        icon_filename: "samba.svg"
-      related_resources:
-        integrations:
-          list: []
-      info_provided_to_referring_integrations:
-        description: ""
-      keywords:
-        - samba
-        - file sharing
-      most_popular: false
-    overview:
-      data_collection:
-        metrics_description: "This collector monitors the performance metrics of Samba file sharing."
-        method_description: |
-          It is using the `smbstatus` command-line tool.
-          Executed commands:
-          - `sudo -n smbstatus -P`
-      supported_platforms:
-        include: []
-        exclude: []
-      multi_instance: false
-      additional_permissions:
-        description: |
-          `smbstatus` is used, which can only be executed by `root`. It uses `sudo` and assumes that it is configured such that the `netdata` user can execute `smbstatus` as root without a password.
-      default_behavior:
-        auto_detection:
-          description: "After all the permissions are satisfied, the `smbstatus -P` binary is executed."
-        limits:
-          description: ""
-        performance_impact:
-          description: ""
-    setup:
-      prerequisites:
-        list:
-          - title: Enable the samba collector
-            description: |
-              The `samba` collector is disabled by default. To enable it, use `edit-config` from the Netdata [config directory](/docs/netdata-agent/configuration/, which is typically at `/etc/netdata`, to edit the `python.d.conf` file.
-              ```bash
-              cd /etc/netdata   # Replace this path with your Netdata config directory, if different
-              sudo ./edit-config python.d.conf
-              ```
-              Change the value of the `samba` setting to `yes`. Save the file and restart the Netdata Agent with `sudo systemctl restart netdata`, or the [appropriate method](/packaging/installer/ for your system.
-          - title: Permissions and programs
-            description: |
-              To run the collector you need:
-              - `smbstatus` program
-              - `sudo` program
-              - `smbd` must be compiled with profiling enabled
-              - `smbd` must be started either with the `-P 1` option or inside `smb.conf` using `smbd profiling level`
-              The module uses `smbstatus`, which can only be executed by `root`. It uses `sudo` and assumes that it is configured such that the `netdata` user can execute `smbstatus` as root without a password.
-              - add to your `/etc/sudoers` file:
-                `which smbstatus` shows the full path to the binary.
-                ```bash
-                netdata ALL=(root)       NOPASSWD: /path/to/smbstatus
-                ```
-              - Reset Netdata's systemd unit [CapabilityBoundingSet]( (Linux distributions with systemd)
-                The default CapabilityBoundingSet doesn't allow using `sudo`, and is quite strict in general. Resetting is not optimal, but a next-best solution given the inability to execute `smbstatus` using `sudo`.
-                As the `root` user, do the following:
-                ```cmd
-                mkdir /etc/systemd/system/netdata.service.d
-                echo -e '[Service]\nCapabilityBoundingSet=~' | tee /etc/systemd/system/netdata.service.d/unset-capability-bounding-set.conf
-                systemctl daemon-reload
-                systemctl restart netdata.service
-                ```
-      configuration:
-        file:
-          name: python.d/samba.conf
-        options:
-          description: |
-            There are 2 sections:
-            * Global variables
-            * One or more JOBS that can define multiple different instances to monitor.
-            The following options can be defined globally: priority, penalty, autodetection_retry, update_every, but can also be defined per JOB to override the global values.
-            Additionally, the following collapsed table contains all the options that can be configured inside a JOB definition.
-            Every configuration JOB starts with a `job_name` value which will appear in the dashboard, unless a `name` parameter is specified.
-          folding:
-            title: "Config options"
-            enabled: true
-          list:
-            - name: update_every
-              description: Sets the default data collection frequency.
-              default_value: 5
-              required: false
-            - name: priority
-              description: Controls the order of charts at the netdata dashboard.
-              default_value: 60000
-              required: false
-            - name: autodetection_retry
-              description: Sets the job re-check interval in seconds.
-              default_value: 0
-              required: false
-            - name: penalty
-              description: Indicates whether to apply penalty to update_every in case of failures.
-              default_value: yes
-              required: false
-        examples:
-          folding:
-            enabled: true
-            title: "Config"
-          list:
-            - name: Basic
-              description: A basic example configuration.
-              config: |
-                my_job_name:
-                  name: my_name
-                  update_every: 1
-    troubleshooting:
-      problems:
-        list: []
-    alerts: []
-    metrics:
-      folding:
-        title: Metrics
-        enabled: false
-      description: ""
-      availability: []
-      scopes:
-        - name: global
-          description: "These metrics refer to the entire monitored application."
-          labels: []
-          metrics:
-            - name:
-              description: R/Ws
-              unit: "KiB/s"
-              chart_type: area
-              dimensions:
-                - name: sendfile
-                - name: recvfile
-            - name:
-              description: R/Ws
-              unit: "KiB/s"
-              chart_type: area
-              dimensions:
-                - name: readout
-                - name: writein
-                - name: readin
-                - name: writeout
-            - name: smb2.create_close
-              description: Create/Close
-              unit: "operations/s"
-              chart_type: line
-              dimensions:
-                - name: create
-                - name: close
-            - name: smb2.get_set_info
-              description: Info
-              unit: "operations/s"
-              chart_type: line
-              dimensions:
-                - name: getinfo
-                - name: setinfo
-            - name: smb2.find
-              description: Find
-              unit: "operations/s"
-              chart_type: line
-              dimensions:
-                - name: find
-            - name: smb2.notify
-              description: Notify
-              unit: "operations/s"
-              chart_type: line
-              dimensions:
-                - name: notify
-            - name: smb2.sm_counters
-              description: Lesser Ops
-              unit: "count"
-              chart_type: stacked
-              dimensions:
-                - name: tcon
-                - name: negprot
-                - name: tdis
-                - name: cancel
-                - name: logoff
-                - name: flush
-                - name: lock
-                - name: keepalive
-                - name: break
-                - name: sessetup

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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Description:  samba netdata python.d module
-# Author: Christopher Cox <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-# The netdata user needs to be able to be able to sudo the smbstatus program
-# without password:
-# netdata ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/smbstatus -P
-# This makes calls to smbstatus -P
-# This just looks at a couple of values out of syscall, and some from smb2.
-# The Lesser Ops chart is merely a display of current counter values.  They
-# didn't seem to change much to me.  However, if you notice something changing
-# a lot there, bring one or more out into its own chart and make it incremental
-# (like find and notify... good examples).
-import re
-import os
-from bases.FrameworkServices.ExecutableService import ExecutableService
-from bases.collection import find_binary
-disabled_by_default = True
-update_every = 5
-ORDER = [
-    'syscall_rw',
-    'smb2_rw',
-    'smb2_create_close',
-    'smb2_info',
-    'smb2_find',
-    'smb2_notify',
-    'smb2_sm_count'
-    'syscall_rw': {
-        'options': [None, 'R/Ws', 'KiB/s', 'syscall', '', 'area'],
-        'lines': [
-            ['syscall_sendfile_bytes', 'sendfile', 'incremental', 1, 1024],
-            ['syscall_recvfile_bytes', 'recvfile', 'incremental', -1, 1024]
-        ]
-    },
-    'smb2_rw': {
-        'options': [None, 'R/Ws', 'KiB/s', 'smb2', '', 'area'],
-        'lines': [
-            ['smb2_read_outbytes', 'readout', 'incremental', 1, 1024],
-            ['smb2_write_inbytes', 'writein', 'incremental', -1, 1024],
-            ['smb2_read_inbytes', 'readin', 'incremental', 1, 1024],
-            ['smb2_write_outbytes', 'writeout', 'incremental', -1, 1024]
-        ]
-    },
-    'smb2_create_close': {
-        'options': [None, 'Create/Close', 'operations/s', 'smb2', 'smb2.create_close', 'line'],
-        'lines': [
-            ['smb2_create_count', 'create', 'incremental', 1, 1],
-            ['smb2_close_count', 'close', 'incremental', -1, 1]
-        ]
-    },
-    'smb2_info': {
-        'options': [None, 'Info', 'operations/s', 'smb2', 'smb2.get_set_info', 'line'],
-        'lines': [
-            ['smb2_getinfo_count', 'getinfo', 'incremental', 1, 1],
-            ['smb2_setinfo_count', 'setinfo', 'incremental', -1, 1]
-        ]
-    },
-    'smb2_find': {
-        'options': [None, 'Find', 'operations/s', 'smb2', 'smb2.find', 'line'],
-        'lines': [
-            ['smb2_find_count', 'find', 'incremental', 1, 1]
-        ]
-    },
-    'smb2_notify': {
-        'options': [None, 'Notify', 'operations/s', 'smb2', 'smb2.notify', 'line'],
-        'lines': [
-            ['smb2_notify_count', 'notify', 'incremental', 1, 1]
-        ]
-    },
-    'smb2_sm_count': {
-        'options': [None, 'Lesser Ops', 'count', 'smb2', 'smb2.sm_counters', 'stacked'],
-        'lines': [
-            ['smb2_tcon_count', 'tcon', 'absolute', 1, 1],
-            ['smb2_negprot_count', 'negprot', 'absolute', 1, 1],
-            ['smb2_tdis_count', 'tdis', 'absolute', 1, 1],
-            ['smb2_cancel_count', 'cancel', 'absolute', 1, 1],
-            ['smb2_logoff_count', 'logoff', 'absolute', 1, 1],
-            ['smb2_flush_count', 'flush', 'absolute', 1, 1],
-            ['smb2_lock_count', 'lock', 'absolute', 1, 1],
-            ['smb2_keepalive_count', 'keepalive', 'absolute', 1, 1],
-            ['smb2_break_count', 'break', 'absolute', 1, 1],
-            ['smb2_sessetup_count', 'sessetup', 'absolute', 1, 1]
-        ]
-    }
-SUDO = 'sudo'
-SMBSTATUS = 'smbstatus'
-class Service(ExecutableService):
-    def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None):
-        ExecutableService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name)
-        self.order = ORDER
-        self.definitions = CHARTS
-        self.rgx_smb2 = re.compile(r'(smb2_[^:]+|syscall_.*file_bytes):\s+(\d+)')
-    def check(self):
-        smbstatus_binary = find_binary(SMBSTATUS)
-        if not smbstatus_binary:
-            self.error("can't locate '{0}' binary".format(SMBSTATUS))
-            return False
-        if os.getuid() == 0:
-            self.command = ' '.join([smbstatus_binary, '-P'])
-            return ExecutableService.check(self)
-        sudo_binary = find_binary(SUDO)
-        if not sudo_binary:
-            self.error("can't locate '{0}' binary".format(SUDO))
-            return False
-        command = [sudo_binary, '-n', '-l', smbstatus_binary, '-P']
-        smbstatus = '{0} -P'.format(smbstatus_binary)
-        allowed = self._get_raw_data(command=command)
-        if not (allowed and allowed[0].strip() == smbstatus):
-            self.error("not allowed to run sudo for command '{0}'".format(smbstatus))
-            return False
-        self.command = ' '.join([sudo_binary, '-n', smbstatus_binary, '-P'])
-        return ExecutableService.check(self)
-    def _get_data(self):
-        """
-        Format data received from shell command
-        :return: dict
-        """
-        raw_data = self._get_raw_data()
-        if not raw_data:
-            return None
-        parsed = self.rgx_smb2.findall(' '.join(raw_data))
-        return dict(parsed) or None

+ 0 - 60

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-# netdata python.d.plugin configuration for samba
-# This file is in YaML format. Generally the format is:
-# name: value
-# There are 2 sections:
-#  - global variables
-#  - one or more JOBS
-# JOBS allow you to collect values from multiple sources.
-# Each source will have its own set of charts.
-# JOB parameters have to be indented (using spaces only, example below).
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Global Variables
-# These variables set the defaults for all JOBs, however each JOB
-# may define its own, overriding the defaults.
-# update_every sets the default data collection frequency.
-# If unset, the python.d.plugin default is used.
-update_every: 5
-# priority controls the order of charts at the netdata dashboard.
-# Lower numbers move the charts towards the top of the page.
-# If unset, the default for python.d.plugin is used.
-# priority: 60000
-# penalty indicates whether to apply penalty to update_every in case of failures.
-# Penalty will increase every 5 failed updates in a row. Maximum penalty is 10 minutes.
-# penalty: yes
-# autodetection_retry sets the job re-check interval in seconds.
-# The job is not deleted if check fails.
-# Attempts to start the job are made once every autodetection_retry.
-# This feature is disabled by default.
-# autodetection_retry: 0
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# JOBS (data collection sources)
-# The default JOBS share the same *name*. JOBS with the same name
-# are mutually exclusive. Only one of them will be allowed running at
-# any time. This allows autodetection to try several alternatives and
-# pick the one that works.
-# Any number of jobs is supported.
-# All python.d.plugin JOBS (for all its modules) support a set of
-# predefined parameters. These are:
-# job_name:
-#     name: myname            # the JOB's name as it will appear at the
-#                             # dashboard (by default is the job_name)
-#                             # JOBs sharing a name are mutually exclusive
-#     update_every: 1         # the JOB's data collection frequency
-#     priority: 60000         # the JOB's order on the dashboard
-#     penalty: yes            # the JOB's penalty
-#     autodetection_retry: 0  # the JOB's re-check interval in seconds