@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Description: litespeed netdata python.d module
+# Author: Ilya Maschenko (l2isbad)
+import glob
+import re
+import os
+from collections import namedtuple
+from bases.FrameworkServices.SimpleService import SimpleService
+update_every = 10
+# charts order (can be overridden if you want less charts, or different order)
+ORDER = [
+ 'net_throughput_http', 'net_throughput_https', # net throughput
+ 'connections_http', 'connections_https', # connections
+ 'requests', 'requests_processing', # requests
+ 'pub_cache_hits', 'private_cache_hits', # cache
+ 'static_hits' # static
+ 'net_throughput_http': {
+ 'options': [
+ None, 'Network Throughput HTTP', 'kilobits/s', 'net throughput', 'litespeed.net_throughput', 'area'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ["bps_in", "in", "absolute"],
+ ["bps_out", "out", "absolute", -1]
+ ]},
+ 'net_throughput_https': {
+ 'options': [
+ None, 'Network Throughput HTTPS', 'kilobits/s', 'net throughput', 'litespeed.net_throughput', 'area'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ["ssl_bps_in", "in", "absolute"],
+ ["ssl_bps_out", "out", "absolute", -1]
+ ]},
+ 'connections_http': {
+ 'options': [
+ None, 'Connections HTTP', 'conns', 'connections', 'litespeed.connections', 'stacked'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ["conn_free", "free", "absolute"],
+ ["conn_used", "used", "absolute"]
+ ]},
+ 'connections_https': {
+ 'options': [
+ None, 'Connections HTTPS', 'conns', 'connections', 'litespeed.connections', 'stacked'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ["ssl_conn_free", "free", "absolute"],
+ ["ssl_conn_used", "used", "absolute"]
+ ]},
+ 'requests': {
+ 'options': [None, 'Requests', 'requests/s', 'requests', 'litespeed.requests', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ["requests", None, "absolute", 1, 100]
+ ]},
+ 'requests_processing': {
+ 'options': [None, 'Requests In Processing', 'requests', 'requests', 'litespeed.requests_processing', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ["requests_processing", "processing", "absolute"]
+ ]},
+ 'pub_cache_hits': {
+ 'options': [None, 'Public Cache Hits', 'hits/s', 'cache', 'litespeed.cache', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ["pub_cache_hits", "hits", "absolute", 1, 100]
+ ]},
+ 'private_cache_hits': {
+ 'options': [None, 'Private Cache Hits', 'hits/s', 'cache', 'litespeed.cache', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ["private_cache_hits", "hits", "absolute", 1, 100]
+ ]},
+ 'static_hits': {
+ 'options': [None, 'Static Hits', 'hits/s', 'static', 'litespeed.static', 'line'],
+ 'lines': [
+ ["static_hits", "hits", "absolute", 1, 100]
+ ]},
+t = namedtuple("T", ["key", "id", "mul"])
+T = [
+ t("BPS_IN", "bps_in", 8),
+ t("BPS_OUT", "bps_out", 8),
+ t("SSL_BPS_IN", "ssl_bps_in", 8),
+ t("SSL_BPS_OUT", "ssl_bps_out", 8),
+ t("REQ_PER_SEC", "requests", 100),
+ t("REQ_PROCESSING", "requests_processing", 1),
+ t("PUB_CACHE_HITS_PER_SEC", "pub_cache_hits", 100),
+ t("PRIVATE_CACHE_HITS_PER_SEC", "private_cache_hits", 100),
+ t("STATIC_HITS_PER_SEC", "static_hits", 100),
+ t("PLAINCONN", "conn_used", 1),
+ t("AVAILCONN", "conn_free", 1),
+ t("SSLCONN", "ssl_conn_used", 1),
+ t("AVAILSSL", "ssl_conn_free", 1),
+RE = re.compile(r'([A-Z_]+): ([0-9.]+)')
+ "bps_in": 0,
+ "bps_out": 0,
+ "ssl_bps_in": 0,
+ "ssl_bps_out": 0,
+ "requests": 0,
+ "requests_processing": 0,
+ "pub_cache_hits": 0,
+ "private_cache_hits": 0,
+ "static_hits": 0,
+ "conn_used": 0,
+ "conn_free": 0,
+ "ssl_conn_used": 0,
+ "ssl_conn_free": 0,
+ }
+class Service(SimpleService):
+ def __init__(self, configuration=None, name=None):
+ SimpleService.__init__(self, configuration=configuration, name=name)
+ self.order = ORDER
+ self.definitions = CHARTS
+ self.path = self.configuration.get('path', "/tmp/lshttpd/")
+ self.files = list()
+ def check(self):
+ if not self.path:
+ self.error('"path" not specified')
+ return False
+ fs = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.path, ".rtreport*"))
+ if not fs:
+ self.error('"{0}" has no "rtreport" files or dir is not readable'.format(self.path))
+ return None
+ self.debug("stats files:", fs)
+ for f in fs:
+ if not is_readable_file(f):
+ self.error("{0} is not readable".format(f))
+ continue
+ self.files.append(f)
+ return bool(self.files)
+ def get_data(self):
+ """
+ Format data received from http request
+ :return: dict
+ """
+ data = dict(ZERO_DATA)
+ for f in self.files:
+ try:
+ with open(f) as b:
+ lines = b.readlines()
+ except (OSError, IOError) as err:
+ self.error(err)
+ return None
+ else:
+ parse_file(data, lines)
+ return data
+def parse_file(data, lines):
+ for line in lines:
+ if not line.startswith(("BPS_IN:", "MAXCONN:", "REQ_RATE []:")):
+ continue
+ m = dict(RE.findall(line))
+ for v in T:
+ if v.key in m:
+ data[v.id] += float(m[v.key]) * v.mul
+def is_readable_file(v):
+ return os.path.isfile(v) and os.access(v, os.R_OK)