@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
extern void *cgroups_main(void *ptr);
+char *central_netdata_to_push_data = NULL;
void netdata_cleanup_and_exit(int ret) {
netdata_exit = 1;
@@ -55,21 +57,39 @@ struct netdata_static_thread static_threads[] = {
{"plugins.d", NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, pluginsd_main},
{"web", NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL, socket_listen_main_multi_threaded},
{"web-single-threaded", NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, socket_listen_main_single_threaded},
+ {"central-netdata-push",NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, central_netdata_push_thread},
void web_server_threading_selection(void) {
- int threaded = config_get_boolean("global", "multi threaded web server", 1);
+ int multi_threaded = 0;
+ int single_threaded = 0;
+ int central_thread = 0;
+ if(!central_netdata_to_push_data) {
+ multi_threaded = config_get_boolean("global", "multi threaded web server", 1);
+ single_threaded = !multi_threaded;
+ }
+ else {
+ central_thread = 1;
+ info("Web servers are disabled - use the central netdata.");
+ }
int i;
for(i = 0; static_threads[i].name ; i++) {
if(static_threads[i].start_routine == socket_listen_main_multi_threaded)
- static_threads[i].enabled = threaded?1:0;
+ static_threads[i].enabled = multi_threaded;
if(static_threads[i].start_routine == socket_listen_main_single_threaded)
- static_threads[i].enabled = threaded?0:1;
+ static_threads[i].enabled = single_threaded;
+ if(static_threads[i].start_routine == central_netdata_push_thread)
+ static_threads[i].enabled = central_thread;
+ if(central_netdata_to_push_data)
+ return;
web_client_timeout = (int) config_get_number("global", "disconnect idle web clients after seconds", DEFAULT_DISCONNECT_IDLE_WEB_CLIENTS_AFTER_SECONDS);
respect_web_browser_do_not_track_policy = config_get_boolean("global", "respect web browser do not track policy", respect_web_browser_do_not_track_policy);
@@ -443,7 +463,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char* stacksize_string = "stacksize=";
char* debug_flags_string = "debug_flags=";
if(strcmp(optarg, "unittest") == 0) {
- default_localhost_rrd_update_every = 1;
+ default_rrd_update_every = 1;
if(run_all_mockup_tests()) exit(1);
if(unit_test_storage()) exit(1);
fprintf(stderr, "\n\nALL TESTS PASSED\n\n");
@@ -528,7 +548,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
setenv("MALLOC_ARENA_MAX", pmax, 1);
#if defined(HAVE_C_MALLOPT)
- int i = config_get_number("global", "glibc malloc arena max for netdata", 1);
+ i = (int)config_get_number("global", "glibc malloc arena max for netdata", 1);
if(i > 0)
mallopt(M_ARENA_MAX, 1);
@@ -578,7 +598,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char *user = NULL;
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get the debugging flags from the configuration file
char *flags = config_get("global", "debug flags", "0x0000000000000000");
setenv("NETDATA_DEBUG_FLAGS", flags, 1);
@@ -595,21 +619,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- enable_ksm = config_get_boolean("global", "memory deduplication (ksm)", enable_ksm);
-#warning "Kernel memory deduplication (KSM) is not available"
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- get_system_HZ();
- get_system_cpus();
- get_system_pid_max();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get log filenames and settings
char filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
@@ -624,11 +636,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
error_log_throttle_period_backup =
- error_log_throttle_period = config_get_number("global", "errors flood protection period", error_log_throttle_period);
+ error_log_throttle_period = config_get_number("global", "errors flood protection period", error_log_throttle_period);
setenv("NETDATA_ERRORS_THROTTLE_PERIOD", config_get("global", "errors flood protection period" , ""), 1);
- error_log_errors_per_period = (unsigned long)config_get_number("global", "errors to trigger flood protection", error_log_errors_per_period);
- setenv("NETDATA_ERRORS_PER_PERIOD" , config_get("global", "errors to trigger flood protection", ""), 1);
+ error_log_errors_per_period = (unsigned long)config_get_number("global", "errors to trigger flood protection", (long long int)error_log_errors_per_period);
+ setenv("NETDATA_ERRORS_PER_PERIOD", config_get("global", "errors to trigger flood protection", ""), 1);
if(check_config) {
stdout_filename = stderr_filename = stdaccess_filename = "system";
@@ -637,49 +650,102 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get KSM settings
+ enable_ksm = config_get_boolean("global", "memory deduplication (ksm)", enable_ksm);
+#warning "Kernel memory deduplication (KSM) is not available"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get various system parameters
+ get_system_HZ();
+ get_system_cpus();
+ get_system_pid_max();
- default_localhost_rrd_memory_mode = rrd_memory_mode_id(config_get("global", "memory mode", rrd_memory_mode_name(default_localhost_rrd_memory_mode)));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // find the system hostname
char hostnamebuf[HOSTNAME_MAX + 1];
if(gethostname(hostnamebuf, HOSTNAME_MAX) == -1)
error("WARNING: Cannot get machine hostname.");
hostname = config_get("global", "hostname", hostnamebuf);
debug(D_OPTIONS, "hostname set to '%s'", hostname);
setenv("NETDATA_HOSTNAME", hostname, 1);
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // find we need to send data to a central netdata
+ central_netdata_to_push_data = config_get("global", "central netdata to send all data", "");
+ if(central_netdata_to_push_data && !*central_netdata_to_push_data)
+ central_netdata_to_push_data = NULL;
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get default memory mode for the database
+ if(central_netdata_to_push_data) {
+ default_rrd_memory_mode = RRD_MEMORY_MODE_RAM;
+ config_set("global", "memory mode", rrd_memory_mode_name(default_rrd_memory_mode));
+ }
+ else
+ default_rrd_memory_mode = rrd_memory_mode_id(config_get("global", "memory mode", rrd_memory_mode_name(default_rrd_memory_mode)));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get default database size
- default_localhost_rrd_history_entries = (int) config_get_number("global", "history", RRD_DEFAULT_HISTORY_ENTRIES);
- if(default_localhost_rrd_history_entries < 5 || default_localhost_rrd_history_entries > RRD_HISTORY_ENTRIES_MAX) {
- error("Invalid history entries %d given. Defaulting to %d.", default_localhost_rrd_history_entries, RRD_DEFAULT_HISTORY_ENTRIES);
- default_localhost_rrd_history_entries = RRD_DEFAULT_HISTORY_ENTRIES;
+ if(central_netdata_to_push_data) {
+ default_rrd_history_entries = 10;
+ config_set_number("global", "history", default_rrd_history_entries);
- else {
- debug(D_OPTIONS, "save lines set to %d.", default_localhost_rrd_history_entries);
+ else
+ default_rrd_history_entries = (int) config_get_number("global", "history", align_entries_to_pagesize(RRD_DEFAULT_HISTORY_ENTRIES));
+ long h = align_entries_to_pagesize(default_rrd_history_entries);
+ if(h != default_rrd_history_entries) {
+ config_set_number("global", "history", h);
+ default_rrd_history_entries = (int)h;
+ }
+ if(default_rrd_history_entries < 5 || default_rrd_history_entries > RRD_HISTORY_ENTRIES_MAX) {
+ error("Invalid history entries %d given. Defaulting to %d.", default_rrd_history_entries, RRD_DEFAULT_HISTORY_ENTRIES);
+ default_rrd_history_entries = RRD_DEFAULT_HISTORY_ENTRIES;
+ else
+ debug(D_OPTIONS, "save lines set to %d.", default_rrd_history_entries);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get default database update frequency
- default_localhost_rrd_update_every = (int) config_get_number("global", "update every", UPDATE_EVERY);
- if(default_localhost_rrd_update_every < 1 || default_localhost_rrd_update_every > 600) {
- error("Invalid data collection frequency (update every) %d given. Defaulting to %d.", default_localhost_rrd_update_every, UPDATE_EVERY_MAX);
- default_localhost_rrd_update_every = UPDATE_EVERY;
+ default_rrd_update_every = (int) config_get_number("global", "update every", UPDATE_EVERY);
+ if(default_rrd_update_every < 1 || default_rrd_update_every > 600) {
+ error("Invalid data collection frequency (update every) %d given. Defaulting to %d.", default_rrd_update_every, UPDATE_EVERY_MAX);
+ default_rrd_update_every = UPDATE_EVERY;
- else debug(D_OPTIONS, "update timer set to %d.", default_localhost_rrd_update_every);
+ else debug(D_OPTIONS, "update timer set to %d.", default_rrd_update_every);
// let the plugins know the min update_every
char buf[16];
- snprintfz(buf, 15, "%d", default_localhost_rrd_update_every);
+ snprintfz(buf, 15, "%d", default_rrd_update_every);
setenv("NETDATA_UPDATE_EVERY", buf, 1);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // setup process signals
// block signals while initializing threads.
// this causes the threads to block signals.
@@ -725,7 +791,9 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if(sigaction(SIGUSR2, &sa, NULL) == -1)
error("Failed to change signal handler for SIGUSR2");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // get the required stack size of the threads of netdata
i = pthread_attr_init(&attr);
if(i != 0)
@@ -739,18 +807,24 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
wanted_stacksize = (size_t)config_get_number("global", "pthread stack size", (long)stacksize);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // check which threads are enabled and initialize them
for (i = 0; static_threads[i].name != NULL ; i++) {
struct netdata_static_thread *st = &static_threads[i];
- if(st->config_name) st->enabled = config_get_boolean(st->config_section, st->config_name, st->enabled);
- if(st->enabled && st->init_routine) st->init_routine();
+ if(st->config_name)
+ st->enabled = config_get_boolean(st->config_section, st->config_name, st->enabled);
+ if(st->enabled && st->init_routine)
+ st->init_routine();
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------
// get the user we should run
// IMPORTANT: this is required before web_files_uid()
user = config_get("global", "run as user" , (getuid() == 0)?NETDATA_USER:"");
@@ -758,9 +832,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
web_files_uid(); // IMPORTANT: web_files_uid() before web_files_gid()
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // create the listening sockets
- if(!check_config)
+ if(!check_config && !central_netdata_to_push_data)
@@ -778,14 +854,16 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// fork, switch user, create pid file, set process priority
if(become_daemon(dont_fork, user) == -1)
fatal("Cannot daemonize myself.");
info("netdata started on pid %d.", getpid());
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // get default pthread stack size
+ // set default pthread stack size - after we have forked
if(stacksize < wanted_stacksize) {
i = pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, wanted_stacksize);
@@ -795,29 +873,35 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
debug(D_SYSTEM, "Successfully set pthread stacksize to %zu bytes", wanted_stacksize);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initialize health monitoring
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initialize the registry
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initialize rrd host
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// enable log flood protection
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// spawn the threads
@@ -842,6 +926,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
info("netdata initialization completed. Enjoy real-time performance monitoring!");
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// block signals while initializing threads.
sigset_t sigset;