@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ bash <(curl -Ss https://my-netdata.io/kickstart.sh)
Starting with v1.12, Netdata collects anonymous usage information by default and sends it to Google Analytics. Read
about the information collected, and learn how to-opt, on our [anonymous statistics](docs/anonymous-statistics.md) page.
-The usage statistics are _vital_ for us, as we use them to discover bugs and priortize new features. We thank you for
+The usage statistics are _vital_ for us, as we use them to discover bugs and prioritize new features. We thank you for
_actively_ contributing to Netdata's future.
To learn more about the pros and cons of using _nightly_ vs. _stable_ releases, see our [notice about the two options](packaging/installer/README.md#nightly-vs-stable-releases).