@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ jobs:
- {distro: debian, version: "9", pkgclouddistro: debian/stretch, format: deb, base_image: debian, platform: linux/i386, arch: i386}
- {distro: debian, version: "10", pkgclouddistro: debian/buster, format: deb, base_image: debian, platform: linux/amd64, arch: amd64}
- {distro: debian, version: "10", pkgclouddistro: debian/buster, format: deb, base_image: debian, platform: linux/i386, arch: i386}
+ - {distro: debian, version: "11", pkgclouddistro: debian/bullseye, format: deb, base_image: debian, platform: linux/amd64, arch: amd64, alias: bullseye}
+ - {distro: debian, version: "11", pkgclouddistro: debian/bullseye, format: deb, base_image: debian, platform: linux/i386, arch: i386, alias: bullseye}
- {distro: ubuntu, version: "16.04", pkgclouddistro: ubuntu/xenial, format: deb, base_image: ubuntu, platform: linux/amd64, arch: amd64}
- {distro: ubuntu, version: "16.04", pkgclouddistro: ubuntu/xenial, format: deb, base_image: ubuntu, platform: linux/i386, arch: i386}
- {distro: ubuntu, version: "18.04", pkgclouddistro: ubuntu/bionic, format: deb, base_image: ubuntu, platform: linux/amd64, arch: amd64}
@@ -53,14 +55,14 @@ jobs:
uses: actions/checkout@v2
fetch-depth: 0 # We need full history for versioning
- submodules: true
+ submodules: recursive
- name: Checkout Tag # Otherwise check out the tag that triggered this.
if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
uses: actions/checkout@v2
ref: ${{ github.event.ref }}
fetch-depth: 0 # We need full history for versioning
- submodules: true
+ submodules: recursive
- name: Check Base Branch
run: |
if [ "${{ github.event_name }}" == "workflow_dispatch" ]; then
@@ -89,32 +91,27 @@ jobs:
- name: Setup QEMU
if: matrix.platform != 'linux/amd64'
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v1
- - name: Setup Buildx
- uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v1
- name: Prepare Docker Environment
shell: bash
run: |
echo '{"cgroup-parent": "/actions_job", "experimental": true}' | sudo tee /etc/docker/daemon.json 2>/dev/null
sudo service docker restart
+ - name: Set Base Image Version
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ if [ -z "${{ matrix.alias }}" ] ; then
+ echo "version=${{ matrix.version }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ else
+ echo "version=${{ matrix.alias }}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ fi
- name: Build Packages
- uses: docker/build-push-action@v2
- with:
- platforms: ${{ matrix.platform }}
- file: packaging/Dockerfile.packager
- tags: local/package-builder:${{ matrix.distro}}${{ matrix.version }}
- push: false
- load: true
- build-args: |
- ARCH=${{ matrix.arch }}
- DISTRO=${{ matrix.distro }}
- TEST_BASE=${{ matrix.base_image }}
- DISTRO_VERSION=${{ matrix.version }}
- PKG_VERSION=${{ env.pkg_version }}
- - name: Extract Packages
shell: bash
run: |
- mkdir -p artifacts
- docker run -e DO_NOT_TRACK=1 --platform ${{ matrix.platform }} -v $PWD/artifacts:/artifacts local/package-builder:${{ matrix.distro }}${{ matrix.version }}
+ docker run -e DO_NOT_TRACK=1 -e VERSION=${{ env.pkg_version }} --platform=${{ matrix.platform }} -v $PWD:/netdata netdata/package-builders:${{ matrix.distro }}${{ matrix.version }}
+ - name: Test Packages
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ docker run -e DO_NOT_TRACK=1 -e DISTRO=${{ matrix.distro }} -e VERSION=${{ env.pkg_version }} -e DISTRO_VERSION=${{ env.version }} --platform=${{ matrix.platform }} -v $PWD:/netdata ${{ matrix.base_image }}:${{ env.version }} /netdata/.github/scripts/pkg-test.sh
- name: Upload
if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
shell: bash